Army Arrests Syrian Who Threatened to Blow Himself up at Lebanese University in Zahle

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The Lebanese army arrested on Wednesday a Syrian who threatened to blow himself up at the Lebanese University in Zahle, reported the National News Agency.

It said that Youssef Ali Mubarak was threatening to blow himself up with an explosive belt he was wearing.

The security forces revealed that they had received a telephone call from the university's Humanities Faculty, saying that Mubarak had threatened the students that he was going to blow himself up.

This created a panic among the students, but the army soon intervened and arrested Mubarak.

The reasons behind his threats were not disclosed.

Comments 15
Thumb FlameCatcher 27 November 2013, 15:21

This is the product of HA intervention in Syria creating a wave of desperate refugees in Lebanon who will go to extremes for attention and survival.

All this is on HA !

Thumb _mowaten_ 27 November 2013, 16:23

all this and the water shortage, dont forget to mention it.

Thumb FlameCatcher 27 November 2013, 15:30

Because they prefer to promote Iranian and Syrian democratic Ideals.

Where candidates are handpicked by Ayatoutous based on Iranian Sharia and get 99% votes ...

Thumb FlameCatcher 27 November 2013, 16:16

Unlike you FT, I don't need to go to Madrassahs or listen to Aoun and Nasrallah's sermons and end up like a brainwashed parrot.

And instead of saying irrelevant statements like this, how about you contradict me.

Tell me that political candidates in Iran can run for elections without Ayatollah dog poop 's blessing.

Tell me that Bashar was no elected with 99% vote ...

After that, you can say what you want ! Until then ... just stop it with your pride and admit you're wrong rather than trying to appear like an irrelevant idiot !

Thumb _mowaten_ 27 November 2013, 16:26

well then maybe you should go to a madrassa or do something. antyhing is better than this hysterical and irrational systematic finger pointing.

Thumb FlameCatcher 27 November 2013, 16:32

Maybe you should go to a madrassah and learn a thing or 2 about argumentation.

I'm not finger pointing. I'm exposing facts and arguing against your stupidity and lies.

All you can do is (yet again) post irrelevant comments which make you appear all the more stupid.

You and I can insult each other all day but won't achieve anything in proving each other wrong.

If you cannot accept the truth or prove your point, simply shut up... you are parasites in the conversation...

Thumb FlameCatcher 27 November 2013, 16:33

And if you want to keep on insulting your opponents and posting childish comments and post irrelevant things, please go open a blog somewhere and stop polluting this site with nonsense.

Thumb benzona 28 November 2013, 01:36

yummy, the best curry is the madrass!

Missing sanctify 27 November 2013, 15:40

Is there a way to convince these people to go to remote places away from humans, preferably other living creatures as well, and blow themselves up there?

Thumb cedre 27 November 2013, 16:23

we can all see his beard...

Thumb _mowaten_ 27 November 2013, 16:25

inspecteur clouseau cracked the case.

Thumb _mowaten_ 27 November 2013, 19:33

take the hint ice-boy, i'm not going to waste my time with you, you can stop trying so hard it makes you look desperate.

Default-user-icon obviously (Guest) 27 November 2013, 16:26

he wanted to be arrested otherwise he would've used the belt

Thumb cedre 27 November 2013, 16:40

Man, u're a genius, u should be working with ISF/Interpol...

first the guy had a belt with explosives, now he just threatened, later we'll hear that there was a misunderstanding and that he was released...

Thumb zahle1 27 November 2013, 17:02

I cannot speak of behalf of zahlawis, but in my opinion, they don't want any type of takfiri like this, they know better, but they definitely do not want Syrian Regime/HA there either. They just want to be left alone, do dabke and drink arak wa kibbie niyyeh. At the same time, I don't see how anyone from HA can joke about extremism in Zahle, while our village has been attached for its religion and political stance without cause how many times the last 200 years. We have had Druze, Palisitians, and more recently under siege by the Syrian regime, surrounded and attempted starvation. We don't want anyone there but "normal" Lebanese.