Appeals Chamber Rules Sayyed’s Appeal Admissible, Refers File Back to Fransen

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The international tribunal’s Appeals Chamber ruled on Tuesday Jamil al-Sayyed’s latest appeal admissible and referred the case back to the Pre-Trial Judge for further consideration.

The former chief of the General Security Department, who was detained for four years in connection with the February 2005 assassination of ex-Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, has appealed Pre-Trial Judge Daniel Fransen's decision to give him partial access to his case file.

The applicant has asked the Appeals Chamber to cancel the decision in that it denies the rights of the applicant in a general and absolute way to access three categories of documents.

He claims his detention between August 30, 2005, and April 30, 2009, was decided on the basis of libelous denunciations made during an inquiry into Hariri's killing.

On Tuesday, the Appeals Chamber declared the appeal “admissible” and referred the case back to the Pre-Trial Judge “with directions to ensure that the classifications” of the three categories of documents “are made appropriately and expeditiously in the light of this decision.”

Comments 22
Default-user-icon Shiite (Guest) 19 July 2011, 15:09

how come an american-israeli court and judge would accept such an appeal? Very disappointing indeed. Or is the court no longer a zionist plot against the resistance and its mouth pieces?

Default-user-icon Irish (Guest) 19 July 2011, 15:13

Look at those peaceful eyes.....!!! I feel sorry for him.

Thumb thepatriot 19 July 2011, 16:41

The appeal was declared "admissible"... what exactly are you bragging about ya mowaten...???

Missing allouchi 19 July 2011, 17:25

@ mowaten, don’t worry he's going back to prison and his time served will be considered, fair is fair and one more thing; if this crook El Sayed doesn’t believe in the STL then why is he dealing with it? again Hizb motto "it's ok for STL to rule for us but they are traitors if they rule against us"...they truly are NAWAR.

Missing mabboud 19 July 2011, 19:11

no need to try to explain to thepatriot when he even rejects the existence of the Libya arms embargo!! conversation from outer-space:

Mowaten, don't try to have a conversation with patriot, he is delusional.. he needs serious help!!! medications maybe! If he can't cope with facts such as Libya UN resolutions, how do u want him to analyse and think deeper??

That said, Jamil Sayed is a criminal; Lebanese justice or ICC could have done something. The investigation and 4 years in prison did in fact help Sayed I think in the sense that no one will look into his other crimes now that he is presented as a "victim"... and Mehlis was such a failure that he made this happen and now, the STL is further discrediting the institution by mishandling the file in such a way... they can change the rules & procedures in a next step to push the whole thing further... let's wait&see

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 19 July 2011, 19:55

This man will probably on Bellemare' s next call list! The perpetrators of all those awful political crimes (at least since 2005), knew how to bluff from the beginning, side with the STL for a while, send the investigators on the wrong path (double bluff with the false witnesses?), and then start pulling the brakes, until the heat was close enough, then openly fighting back was became an obvious script, even to Walid Joumblatt...

Missing mabboud 19 July 2011, 21:27

BigDig, Dr. Jamil and Mr.Sayyed did great things for the country (he even got prizes for what he did at the Surete Generale) and lousy & ugly things for the Syrian regime and for personal reasons (I don't have proof but reasonable doubt because of few testimonies), he was also a backer of Syria hegemony... does this make him a "criminal" or a felon... is hard to say, as you said, I can't judge but I would support any non special court to examine men who had power in Lebanon in the 75-2011 era; you probably have much worse than Sayyed (I admire many of his facets in fact) but in my opinion, criminal is not an insult in what I said, ICC involvement could be since I have no proof there was a major crime.

I don't think he did crimes against humanity or war crimes but he certainly did abuse a lot of his power & covered Syrian crimes & hegemony, this is also considered legally as a crime (thus criminal) but u r right, I should have been more cautious not to use ICC.

Missing peace 19 July 2011, 22:09

a man that helped secret services and the gvt of another country to enforce their law over lebanon how do you call that?

funny how some people here defend a foreign agent ...but i guess for them some are better than others

Missing mabboud 19 July 2011, 23:49

I agree with your statement peace and that's why I think that Rafic Hariri, Berri, Lahoud AND others shouldn't be supported either!

Lahoud walked on the dead bodies of his peers, army officers and soldiers when Syria defeated Aoun and was serving Syria when serving Lebanon; hard to imagine worse than that!!

Berri has a long list of felony & crimes behind him, likely war crimes and worse... needles to comment further

Hariri (father): he also served Saudi and Syria interest while serving his own as well, he did some positive things for Lebanon but so did Lahoud and Dr. Jamil...

Hariri is dead but that doesn't make him an angel, not more than Hobeika or Bashir Gemayel, he didin't commit war crime but he did bribe Syrian officers, journalists, used syria power to enforce laws that will help his personal agenda, used money to buy votes, etc. he was a criminal but as you said peace, it will be hard for people to admit .... would you?

Missing peace 20 July 2011, 00:20

mabboud, i support more or less M14 because here between two evils i chose the lesser in my opinion.
i don t care to which parties or sides criminals are or those who stole the gvt s money as long as they pay for their bad actions.
if M14 people are to be conviceted of whatever given solid evidence of course i would find it normal that they go to jail.

but what i hate here is to see people who blindly follow a leader or party thinking that only the others are bad and whatever their party does is great!
i.e. M8 supporters want only those from M14 to be accused of corruption while voluntarily forgetting that their leaders are also to be accused...

what i hate is to see this biased view they have and hatred against others thinking they are the best thanks to the great brainwashing job their leaders do to convince them that only the others are responsible!

hitler said it: the bigger the lie the easier people will believe it... he was right on that one!

Missing mabboud 20 July 2011, 00:47

Bigdig... I agree and a criminal shouldn't be a cover for another criminal; some are worse than others and context is important but I was just making it clear that we can dissociate between what Jamil Sayed was, what he did during syrian era and see the STL as biased and fair in dealing with Sayed's case.

I admire the dignity that Sayed has shown in dealing with the Commission and the STL, he is a fighter and a man with a sens of honor but nonetheless, he is a criminal and I would have preferred to see him defending himself for strongly collaborating with Syria and helping Syria better control Lebanon rather than against mercenaries working for the "Special" justice... it seems that I failed to make it clear enough, I hope that now it is better.

Missing mabboud 20 July 2011, 01:18

peace.. it wasn't Hitler but Goebbels... Hitler said "If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed"... frequently enough!! it's important, both quotes are great to expose lies such as:

STL is for justice, it has no hidden agenda (everyone knows that it all started to pressure syria and have them out of Lebanon, that it was a political decision rather than UN security council waking up for Justice!!!). Now, everyone thinks it is for justice.

HA is the only one who could carry such operation and nothing could happen in Lebanon without them knowing it (like Mossad agents??)

Israel is the only democracy in the region (??).

Iran is bigger evil than US (by what metrics?? in which context, for whom?)


I asked you several questions repeatedly and didn't get answers. Did u think about them (although u think it's a waste of time, u should try)... remember, it's when you ask the right questions that u get the correct answers.

I'll keep trying :)

Default-user-icon RealityOfLife (Guest) 20 July 2011, 05:06

Sayyed implemented the Syrian hegemony in Lebanon which consisted of Killing and Assassinating of MANY and MANY high ranking Lebanese politicians which he was supposed to protect as the head of the intelligence, therefore jailing him for failing to do his job and taking money for sleeping on the truth is a Crime by itself.

Missing mabboud 20 July 2011, 15:07

@slash... what is the question I haven't answered; can u please make it simple so I can answer it?

As I stated in several posts, evil is relative, I never said that u have more freedom in Iran than the US and never heard u say anything about KSA which is a bigger evil than Iran per your own definition... I wrote that US attacked, bombed and killed much more civilians than Iran (who didn't attack any country since more than 200 years (Irak attacked Iran, remember)).

So things are more complex than what it seems, I never said that I'd live in Iran but Iran is for most of the people living outside of Iran or the US (which means more than 90% of human population) less of an evil than the US... this is why I asked by which standards.

Now if u are talking civil liberties and rights at home, yes US is a much better democracy than Iran but I never questioned that... the problem is what they do outside of their home...

Missing mabboud 20 July 2011, 15:11

... Stalin was great at home and with his kids, better than JFK was or even DSK but he killed many people... so Stalin was evil outside of his house.

What Iran does at home is not my problem, Iran finances HA and uses it, this is a problem and we have to deal with it but not by saying that Iran is more evil than the US (which by any standard is not except @ home) but face facts and infd solutions... KSA is also backing terrorist groups in Pakistan and elsewhere so does CIA, Mossad... this doesn't increase their evilness for 80% of the world population (sad but probably true)

Concerning Ahmadinejad, he did a much better job at home than others, he is seen outside of Iran as worse but he improved many things at home... he is a nationalist and yes, is seen now by the outside world as being worse than his predecessors... but he didn't impose theocracy and violent laws in Iran and most of your critics r valid also for his predecessors....

Missing mabboud 20 July 2011, 15:17

HA can do everything in Lebanon and knows everything is a pure dogma and I don't think that it's that powerful... they lost many men and do mistakes and don't know everything about everything.. no one does

HA is not better in secret services than CIA, FBI, etc. US was attacked on 9,11 and pentagon was attacked... and no one did stop them... no one is perfect.

STL is a consequence and a logical one following the investigation commission (and it was known that it will be coming but it's ok, u can continue denying the evidence and what was even stated at that time but this doesn't change the fact)... I am glad that u see the US being behind Syria ousted from Lebanon and that the Cedar Revolution didn't achieve that... if u think that US didn't use Hariri killing and UN and investigation of the probe and the coming tribunal, it's ok but don't give lessons to others when u merely see an elephant in a room.

Missing mabboud 20 July 2011, 15:26

Israel is a democracy: I am not that sure, democracy means power for all and is not compatible with an apartheid state and not second zone citizens. You have many vocal Israelis denouncing this, most had their grand parents and before borne in Palestine/Israel, but u think that u know better than them, better than university teachers in Israel it's ok... and in fact u help me make my point that people end up believing lies and making it truth (the same can be said on all other points by the way). If u want some proof, u can google by yourself, I'll give u one name Shlomo Sand to start digging.

u have many friends who fled Iran and I know many Iranians who fled the system as well... it had nothing to do with Ahmadinejad himself? did it? it had to do with the system, a system brought by a popular revolution... let the Iranians fight for their rights, I'll be more than happy if they succeed but it's not my problem... what did Iran do outside Iran?? did it massacre millions of people?

Missing mabboud 20 July 2011, 15:30

Slash... try to mediatet on this:
Lesley Stahl asked her "We have heard that half a million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?" and Albright replied "we think the price is worth it."

In democracies people r responsible for what is being done, u had kids writing messages to Iraqi kids and Afghan kids on US missiles... in a democracy, this is very chocking and makes it look to the rest of the world as Evil I guess.

I am not saying that Iran is good and that the Theocratic system is democratic and did brought a lot to Iran people, I am trying to demonstrate the selfishness of the west and the standards they use to identify evil, I have other standards... do what u want at home, it's not of my business, don't attack and kill others.. and let grown men fight for their rights.

Against all interventions and using nice principles to kill people and steal their lands and wealth is Evil yes...

Missing mabboud 20 July 2011, 15:37

@slash... now, I am not sure that I answered all your questions, I did my best but please list the questions in a simple way and I'll answer them, I never refused to answer anything on those boards but I am still waiting for answers from many.

Also, no need to make a point on Jamil, Canaan or whatever, Syria had nothing to do in Lebanon, US supported its presence and is responsible as well and I think we agree so no need to use it as an argument to push other ideas, let's stay focused.

I have questions:

Do you think that the STL has a hidden agenda or that UN has entered a new cycle to fight for Justice for all? was it used as a tool from the big nations? (when I say STL, it encompasses investigation and the whole thing, it's called evolution of the process)

What would be the best scenario, outcome of the STL in your opinion?

Geagea said that if they were the Gov then the STL indictment would have created "fitna" or something like that... do u agree?

Missing mabboud 20 July 2011, 15:45

Other questions:

M14 won elections 2 times and sided with the HA in their Ministerial Statement (declaration ministerielle), why in your opinion? why did they accept HA arms and votes in 2005 why did they accept HA arms in 2009 and why do u think they became upset once they lost power?

Why Hariri and Gemayel accepted the HA on their side in 2005 and Amine (receiving HA delegation when Pierre his son was killed and was so hard with FPM? do u think that they were not that sir at that time that HA had all the power it wants, can kill anyone and knows everything? why Hariri didn't blame HA for not protecting his dad or help him avoid the killing?

I'll start with those, please answer them and ask me the Qs u want (but please make it clear and stay focused, don't mix things. Thanks Slash.

Missing mabboud 20 July 2011, 15:59

@slash ..sorry, I missed an important questions...

do u think that the US did more harm to Lebanon than Ahmadinejad or Iran per say (since u mix them)?

Who helped Syria take Lebanon because Assad helped them in Iraq after Kuwait invasion?

Was Kissinger plan good or bad (evil) for Lebanon?

Did US harm Lebanon and used it as a tool or no? do u think that they do that often? did they stop suddenly?

would HA be so strong today had the US been fair in dealing with Palestinians, Israel and the res of the region? would it even exist?

who created Qaeda and who is using Islamists fighters again in Libya?

Now, could we find a worse "evil" for Lebanon in recent history, starting in 1970s?

Thumb thepatriot 21 July 2011, 11:07

Retournez en prison, sans passer par la case "Depart" et sans toucher les 20,000.