Hizbullah Fears Possible Attacks on Ashura as it Maintains Contacts with Jumblat

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Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah expressed his concern that the party may be the target of terrorist attacks on the occasion of Ashura in mid November, reported al-Joumhouria newspaper on Thursday.

The party is carrying out all measures in order to thwart such assaults, Nasrallah told a number of party and religious figures on Wednesday

He also stressed that the party is cooperating with the security forces to prevent any attack on the religious occasion of Ashura.

Meanwhile, Hizbullah sources revealed to the daily that contacts are ongoing between the party and Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat over a number of issues.

The contacts are being held between caretaker Ministers Wael Abou Faour and Ghazi al-Aridi and MP Akram Shehayeb, representing Jumblat, and caretaker Ministers Hussein al-Hajj Hassan and Mohammed Fneish, MP Hassan Fadlallah, and Hizbullah Liaison and Coordination Officer Wafiq Safa, representing the party.

The contacts between Jumblat and Nasrallah are therefore ongoing through these two channels, said al-Joumhouria.

At least 22 people were killed and 325 wounded in a car bombing in Hizbullah's stronghold of Dahieh in Beirut's southern suburbs on August 15.

In September, Nasrallah blamed Sunni takfiris linked to the Syrian opposition to the August 15 attack.

"It is a takfiri group working within the framework of the Syrian opposition and located on Syrian soil," he added, saying both Lebanese and Syrian nationals were involved in the attack.

On July 9, a booby-trapped car exploded at a parking lot in Bir al-Abed, leaving 53 people wounded and causing extensive material damage.

In May, two rockets slammed into the Beirut southern suburb of Shiyyah, wounding four people.

Comments 17
Thumb lebanon_first 31 October 2013, 08:28

Let us hope the wave of bombing is over, whether caused by Qaeda or assadists.

Thumb Elemental 31 October 2013, 08:36

Thank you.

Thumb _mowaten_ 31 October 2013, 19:07

lebanon_first: two people voted you down.... how could anyone downvote such statement unless they are enemies of lebanon?

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 31 October 2013, 08:29

God bless Sayyed Hasanallah and his sixth sense as he feels what these KSA takfiris are up to. The Great Satan, the K S of A is funding these terrorists to spoil our Ashura, an occasion of forgiveness, peace, and compassion. Ashura unlike Halloween is intended to cleanse the soul from sins and evil. Alona and I cannot wait for Ashura this year. We have prepared razor blades, chains, and kitchen knives to celebrate this holy occasion. God Bless the Shia holy warriors who are fighting in Syria and executing wounded Syrian terrorists who otherwise would be amassing at the borders in their millions ready to invade our beloved country.

Thumb lebanon_first 31 October 2013, 13:50

funny. but racist.

Thumb cedre 31 October 2013, 16:27

RFT rulzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Thumb Elemental 31 October 2013, 08:31

If anything happens? Don't be surprised given the continuous, primitive religious blood-feud.

Thumb profile 31 October 2013, 12:36

Hala Hala bil Mouhktar:) You forgot your "Love" letters to Sayyid Hassan showing your love and admiration for him and his resistance. Now, you want to live alone and are calling for partition? hehehehe.....! You deserve to live next to your idol.... and share heroics that destroyed the country you claim you love and are ready to die for. Fake Fake Fake

Missing peace 31 October 2013, 12:47

good thing that hezbi feel the same others felt when they were at the origin of car bombs to kill opponents to syria....

Thumb primesuspect 31 October 2013, 15:53

they r feeling wat any1 opposing their terror is feeling.... which is insecurity.

Default-user-icon dddd (Guest) 31 October 2013, 13:30

the terrorist is fearing terrorist attack.... how Ironic!!

Thumb cityboy 31 October 2013, 13:43

Fair enough the1phoenix, if you truly believe that HA is not looking out for the interest of this country and are infact impeding it from moving forward then i commend you in your call for partition. Why not start a petition, ask those living around you to establish their own federation. Dont just talk about it, do it if you truly believe your version of the geopolitical situation that lebanon is faced with.

Thumb cityboy 31 October 2013, 15:05

Full respects to you as well the1phoenix, though I am often in opposition to your views, I can say that you are one of the few m14 on here who provides logical arguments instead of the usual ranting we get from a number of posters on this site. Your call for partition is something worth looking into, perhaps it will be equally beneficial to Shias and the Sunnis as well, though I still think the practicalities of it are next to impossible for the obvious reasons. How partition is handled would also probably give even more reasons for animosity and violence. What a nightmare that would be. Can you imagine the complications of water sharing, road management and so on. We cant agree when we are one country how do you agree with several federations, just something to ponder.

Thumb cityboy 31 October 2013, 15:25

Also the1phoenix in your criticisms of HA you use the term "we" to represent the Lebanese population as a whole. You cannot speak of those that represent the m14 camp as if they are the majority or we the people as you say. Though the irony in what I am going to say is that I will agree that deep down all Lebanese people including the shias would like HA to integrate into the army in one form or another. Many HA members have brothers or relatives in the army, even if you go back some years ago, Nasrallah encouraged the shia population to join the army. I just think we differ in when the right time will be to join ranks with the army and come under the armies control.

Thumb primesuspect 31 October 2013, 15:52

jajajaja beautiful!

Thumb mr.black 31 October 2013, 21:47

Mr. Nasrallah's organization has every right to shed light to the possibility that they might be attacked during the month of Muharam.
They have the grounds to be concerned.

Thumb mr.black 01 November 2013, 02:07

It would be nice to read something intelligent from our friends at the March 14th camp.
Mr. Lebforever, is that the only conclusion you can come up with after reading this article? No wonder the country is in the state its in.