Al-Mustaqbal Says Nasrallah's 'Arrogant' Statement Part of Psychological War

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Al-Mustaqbal bloc stated on Tuesday that Hizbullah chief's latest televised speech is a part of a “psychological war,” stressing also on their rejection of all armed presence in the northern city of Tripoli.

"Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's speech is arrogant and is a part of a psychological war he is wahing,” the bloc said in a released statement after the MPs' weekly meeting at the Center House.

The statement elaborated: “Through his speech, Nasrallah tried to delude the Lebanese that the Damascus regime will soon emerge victorious against the Syrian people, and that the Persian power will dominate over Lebanon and the region. Nasrallah wanted to say that this fate is inevitable and that the Lebanese, Syrians and Arabs have to cope with it.”

"But this will not be achieved.”

Al-Mustaqbal accused Hizbullah of “contributing to the paralysis in constitutional institutions and obstructing the formation of the new cabinet.”

"Nasrallah is proposing conditions for the cabinet's formation that are unconstitutional,” it said.

"But the Lebanese people that resisted to terrorism and refused to surrender will not give up and give in to the new arrogant scheme applied by Hizbullah and its allies.”

In a televised speech he gave on Monday, Nasrallah commented on the political deadlock in Lebanon and failure to form a new government, accusing the March 14 camp of only prolonging the impasse by imposing various conditions on forming a cabinet.

He noted that the camp was and is still banking on the developments in Syria in order to take any political decision in this matter, saying that such actions will only maintain the deadlock.

The Hizbullah chief therefore suggested that the March 14 camp “exercise some humility” and accept the formation of a cabinet that grants nine ministers to itself and the March 8 camp, while the remaining six be granted to centrists.

The al-Mustaqbal urged Hizbullah again to withdraw its forces from Syria and commit to the Baabda Declaration.

"True partnership will not be secured in the country unless Hizbullah commits to the accords reached at national dialogue sessions and abides by the Baabda Declaration.”

Regarding the ongoing clashes in Tripoli, the bloc stated that it “strictly rejects” the presence of armed men in the northern city and overruling the law.

It also held security forces responsible for preserving the situation in the city and protecting citizens “all over Lebanon.”

"Security in the country cannot be in the hands of several parties and the possession of weapons by one faction will trigger others to get armed and will promote violence.”

In a related matter, the bloc urged adopting “the toughest punishments” against the criminals behind the twin explosions that targeted the mosques in the city.

"Especially after investigation revealed that the are linked to the Syrian regime,” the MPs stressed.

"Strict and practical measures should be adopted against the Syrian regime and those involved in the blasts, as well as those protecting whether individuals or parties, must be persecuted.”

Forty-five people were killed and 800 injured in the car bomb blasts that targeted the Sunni al-Taqwa and al-Salam mosques on August 23.

Since them, several suspects were charged with forming an armed gang for the purpose of carrying out terrorist activities and bombing the Tripoli mosques.

Also, the conferees praised President Michel Suleiman's stances and that “stressed on religious coexistence and on rejecting promoting ideas about the present of minorities in the country.”

Comments 23
Thumb king.of.kings 29 October 2013, 18:23

shut up and do something instead of criticizing everything someone else other than your alliance says.

Thumb liberty 29 October 2013, 18:57

but i thought you were a Sunni?

Thumb EagleDawn 29 October 2013, 19:01

LOL..... don't forget the PHD he has and flaunts:)

Thumb primesuspect 30 October 2013, 01:38

he's a douche.... that's about it.

Thumb _mowaten_ 30 October 2013, 12:39

lol hariri speaking of arrogance. that guy is a joke.

Thumb geha 29 October 2013, 19:08

the Iranian will never succeed whatever they do.
how amazing is this? they accuse m14 of executing the orders of the US and iran tries to make a deal with the US.
who is the traitor to all his principles?
anyway terrorists will never have a say and the only thing they can do is run away to their turbaned masters.

Thumb mckinl 29 October 2013, 19:20

The Iranians ... When Lebanese politicians fly to Riyadh to ask for permission or pick up their checks are they meeting with Iranians?

Thumb mckinl 29 October 2013, 19:54

@ rawr

how do I know these politicians fly to Riyadh to ask for permission or pick up their checks.... ?

It is in all the newspapers, on radio and TV and on the net ... Join the 21st century rawr

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 30 October 2013, 05:43

Mc. If you want to talk about the 21st century. Nobody needs to fly anywhere to receive orders or money. There are secure telephones. Encrypted messages. And bank transfers!!!! How about YOU join the 21st century and stop your worthless pathetic comments. They just show the measure of your intelligence.

Thumb _mowaten_ 30 October 2013, 12:39

you forget that saudis are still in the middle ages ya arzak

Thumb _mowaten_ 30 October 2013, 12:40

i'm sure saadoun get's paid in camels

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 30 October 2013, 18:11

Haha. That's funny. KSA in the Middle Ages? Coming from a Lebanese? Unfortunately that would make us cave men.

Thumb mckinl 29 October 2013, 19:18

Mustaqbal becomes more of a joke with each passing press release. They yammer, stammer and stutter the same old excuses for doing nothing but criticizing those that are trying to move forward.

Thumb mckinl 29 October 2013, 19:35

Your post looks like one of the old Mustaqbal geezers typed it ...

Thumb mckinl 29 October 2013, 19:57

@ ice-man

Hardly ... bad guess my friend ...

Thumb lebanon_first 29 October 2013, 20:17

This room looks better than the one where M14 meet

Thumb mckinl 30 October 2013, 08:55

But there is only one poster of Rafik Hariri instead of the many at the M14 meeting ...

Thumb 29 October 2013, 21:40

Yet again we are bombarded with the same old useless rhetoric from our friends at the March 14 camp.
Could you imagine the positive results if they used all this energy on trying to fix their country instead of their usual finger-pointing child's play.

Missing helicopter 30 October 2013, 04:03,
M8 used all their energy while having the Government for themselves and we saw their results...... Poverty, Crime, kidnappings, corruption, instability, killing of business and tourism. Oh how I wish they used their energy outside Lebanon instead of causing us all this damage.

Missing VINCENT 29 October 2013, 21:49

There is something that needs to be said about "Individual Pluralism". When citizens do not agree religiously, the pluralist society expects them at least to agree amicably to disagree, respecting each other's consciences while maintaining unity in their national loyalty and in the fulfillment of civic duties. For who or what? KSA, Iran, Syria or the "Wattan"?

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 30 October 2013, 05:46

M8 saying 9-9-6 is a solution and not an obstacle. But 8-8-8 is an obstacle. Amazing how EVERYTHING m8 does facilitates. Brainwashed.

Default-user-icon JCWilliams (Guest) 30 October 2013, 16:27

Well, at lest the Bearded Wonder was in Lebanon. Not in some 5 Star hotel in Paris or Tweeting from a Thrown Somewhere.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 30 October 2013, 18:13

How do you know that? At least saad openly says where he is. Where is Hasoon? Lebanon? Syria? Iran? Israel? You don't know. So don't make assumptions.