Safadi: Hariri’s Remarks of Incitement Pose Security Threat to Me and Miqati

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Finance Minister Mohammed Safadi slammed on Wednesday former Prime Minister Saad Hariri’s “inciting remarks” against Premier Najib Miqati and himself on Tuesday, saying they “will provoke people against each other in Tripoli and other areas.”

“We had hoped that Hariri would have attended the parliament sessions to grant cabinet confidence instead of talking about in Paris through statements that don’t reflect his position,” said his press office in a statement.

“Hariri did not have to resort to inciting sectarian instincts in order to wage a campaign against Miqati and Safadi,” it continued.

“Through such practices, he is tarnishing the legacy of his father all for uncovering the truth behind his assassination,” he remarked.

“Hariri did not present an opposition plan to topple the government because he wants to do so through street action and not through parliament,” the minister added.

“It’s unfortunate that Hariri had made such offensive statements against Miqati and Safadi. We can overlook personal insults, but we will not allow Tripoli’s dignity to be attacked,” the statement said.

“Tripoli doesn’t belong to anyone or the Sunni sect,” it declared.

“Just as no one is greater than his country, no one is greater than their sect,” it stressed.

“Despite their security implications, Hariri’s statements of incitement against Miqati and Safadi also incite the residents of Tripoli and other areas against each other,” it noted.

The statement added: “The history of Sunni leaders has never witnessed such remarks of incitement because the Sunnis don’t discriminate against others.”

“Lebanon is in need of asserting its national unity through words and actions and not base rhetoric that takes it several steps back,” it concluded.

Comments 42
Default-user-icon may 7 (Guest) 13 July 2011, 17:04

why are you worried you ae with the thugs doing all the killing!!

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 13 July 2011, 17:21

Thank you minister SAFADI , thank you for these wonderful words full of truth and reality .

Saad Hariri knows by now , that his father's era and his , are over . He also knows that the Sunnis are no longer stupid , like they have been for the last 20 years .

Dont you worry nor PM Mikati about small losers like the Sad Saad , that will never put his feet back in OUR country Lebanon .

WE are with you and behind you , no one can ever touch a single hair from your hair or touch your honor or your personnality .

PM Mikati's government is here to stay , Saad can bark from Paris or Monte Carlo as much as he wants , the only people that will listen to him , are the very small crowd that remains at his service on his boat or at his home in Paris , as long as he can still pay their salaries .

Saad you are finished . , now that you have touched minister Safadi that is the minister of finance , all your suspected files will be in Rabié as from tomoraow .

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 13 July 2011, 17:33

The other party has taught members of 14 th march how to retaliate in kind. It is ironical, that if the case was proven ( highly likely) the assassins, and those whow have bowed to their requests only to reach on to the power levers, display a sense of moral disappointment. I am in total admiration in front of Siniora, Hariri, and many others from 14 th march, who have been able to keep their cool, having lost their dear ones, in the face of scumbags , always ready to insult, to strike under the belt, to blackmail,and who probably have blood on their hands as their behaviour and the first known elements of the accusation document of the STL seem to firmly indicate.

Default-user-icon Big Sami (Guest) 13 July 2011, 17:33

Yes indeed!

Missing startrip 13 July 2011, 18:21

When the next election comes, Safadi and Miqati will need to shower with copious amounts of sanitizer to reverse the disgust Tripoli feels towards them. The majority of Tripoli wants to see justice take its course by STL, and Hariri is extremely popular. No alliance with Jabal Muhsen will save you Mr. Safadi.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 13 July 2011, 18:23

for sure u are not better then who were martyred by ur new frds,ur security is not definitely threatened by march 14 but by ur new allies who already put u in a difficult position.
next time speak for urself,mikaty already lost his tongue????
BILAD EL ARZ ARE PREVAILING,no doubt about it,it's a question of time,not till 2013....timer is already ticking.

Default-user-icon Joe (Guest) 13 July 2011, 18:58

The unfortunate fact that we in Lebanon must face and deal with is the constant existance of betrayal and treason by some "Lebanese" who are willing, ready and able to betray, not only bite the hand which fed them and helped them to be in spotlights, but to betray their own country and the people of Lebanon. Safadi, Miqati and Jumblat are the classical example. I just cannot wait to see their little asses get kicked next election and their real volume exposed.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (Guest) 13 July 2011, 19:30

There's that word "incitement" again. Assad used it to describe Secretary Clinton's comment that the United States had nothing invested in the Assad Regime, a true statement that hit the ears of Assad as being against his interests and therefore making it incitement.

Hariri has called out Safadi and Mikati, both who have risen to political power on Hariri's back by association in the Mustaqbal list, only to have proven to not only be untrustworthy, but to facilitate the coming to power of a political movement whose primary objective is to thwart, obstruct and block the primary political objective of the Mustaqbal which is to investigate, prosecute and convict those who killed Rafiq Hariri. As did Secretary Clinton, Hariri spoke the truth.
As with Assad, Safadi feels the sting of the truth in his ears. If there is any "incitement", Assad and Safadi are incited to question their political futures. Lebanon, Tripoli and Syria will survive Safadi and Assad.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (Guest) 13 July 2011, 19:31

There's that word "incitement" again. Assad used it to describe Secretary Clinton's comment that the United States had nothing invested in the Assad Regime, a true statement that hit the ears of Assad as being against his interests and therefore making it incitement.

Hariri has called out Safadi and Mikati, both who have risen to political power on Hariri's back by association in the Mustaqbal list, only to have proven to not only be untrustworthy, but to facilitate the coming to power of a political movement whose primary objective is to thwart, obstruct and block the primary political objective of the Mustaqbal which is to investigate, prosecute and convict those who killed Rafiq Hariri. As did Secretary Clinton, Hariri spoke the truth.
As with Assad, Safadi feels the sting of the truth in his ears. If there is any "incitement", Assad and Safadi are incited to question their political futures. Lebanon, Tripoli and Syria will survive Safadi and Assad.

Thumb bashir 13 July 2011, 19:45

Does Safadi really thing the people of Tripoli are so stupid as to be incited by an interview with Saad Hariiri?

Way to call your supporters idiots.

Thumb shab 13 July 2011, 20:24

Ok 299 more silly speaches remain

Thumb shab 13 July 2011, 20:24

Ok 299 more silly speaches remain

Default-user-icon The Truth (Guest) 13 July 2011, 20:33

All I can say is good luck to Safadi and Mikati winning re-election to their MP seats running against Hariri in Tripoli in the next parliamentary elections...

Missing peace 13 July 2011, 21:24

""“Hariri did not present an opposition plan to topple the government because he wants to do so through street action and not through parliament,” the minister added.""

HOW HYPOCRIT.... what did M8 do for 1 year and a half when they blocked the city center and closed the parliamant?
is that a good opposition?

what did M8 do in may? didnt they take the streets and killed people?
is that a good opposition?

what did hezbollah do when he sent his black shirts in the streets to terrorize people and threaten the stability of the country?
is that a godd opposition?

so please keep your lessons of democracy for yourself, when one doesn t know its meaning he better shut up....

you betrayed your ally so assume the consequences instead of crying from fear!

Missing mabboud 13 July 2011, 21:38

yes'lam hal tem peace....

"so please keep your lessons of democracy for yourself, when one doesn t know its meaning he better shut up...."

gr8 statement... I'd love to see u post of those statements and respect them for the sake of being consistent. Though I think that u r one of the few to be rather close to such statement...

I wish also u call such statement more often for whomever is concerned, m8 or m14 and yes, young Saad inherited politics from his father as well as money and doesn't know as a Saudi grown-up what democracy means... but this apply to many many people.

Same statement also applies when we talk about Justice and u should remember that as well "peace" and align with my posts and opinions that neither US, nor France or UK representatives should talk about Justice and give lessons to Lebanon Government (who ever is prime minister)

Justice for Rafic but also for HA operatives and Francois Al-Hajj (a non HA non m14 who people forgot about)

No Special(TL) justice.

Missing peace 13 July 2011, 22:38

i m sorry mabboud but even wth their flaws lebanon has a lot to learn from democracies such as the USA france or germany or.... they are far from it!!!

and one of M8 criticizes M14 of wanting to demonstrate in the streets, which is perfectly democratic, when his new camp has done what i posted before, he better refrain from telling the others what to do when what they have done was worse !!!!

Missing mabboud 13 July 2011, 23:15

I answered all your questions, people-power and peace, can I get few answers or are u shifting towards becoming HA supporters and not answer simple questions... even HA and Syria were more cooperative with the IIC to answer questions.Just asking more than Red votes, is that too much... if u think so then u shouldn't attack HN for dismissing the STL because people-power does the same with me and everyone finds it normal.Guess most people here have more in common with HA than what I though... poor Lebanon

Missing mabboud 13 July 2011, 23:21

Here again is a list of questions, I would appreciate people who are for democracy and dialog as a weapon (I am not armed) to make use at it and answer me... I've done my best to answer and think it would be the least to get some answers and not only insults or "u r dismissed" "I'll cut ur hand"

Why the STL, why USrael are so eager about it?

Who killed Francois Al-Hajj?

Why STL is under Chapter 7?

What will happen once HA, Syria, etc. are convicted, what is your best scenario? Who will be hurt most?

Why no Justice for Pakistan like the STL? Is it possible that US had no interest in exploiting it or that they did it?

Why did the US invade Irak and what is the US plan for the region and could the STL be used as a tool?

Is it possible to have HA, Syria and Iran guilty and that the only reason the STL was put in place was that USrael wanted to use that for a hidden agenda (beyond catching the killers???)? Is it possible? or did the US pushed for the STL for Justice sake??

Missing mabboud 13 July 2011, 23:31

Peace, Lebanon has a lot to learn in terms of many things but I guess that we could get a better teacher than countries who massacred millions of innocent people just to gain more power and money.

US: no comment
France: using their military forces for political gains , had many colonies and kills innocent people regularly
Germany: do we need to expand on that one??

We can have better teachers I guess, Switzerland they have a direct democracy and decided to be neutral avoiding to influence or interfere and they just recently started to join International Bodies.

But what the heck, I was more into an argumentation to help nuance things & avoid the bolean logic.. but I am finding it very difficult to do so on this board even with people who praises democracy and dialog.

I have been insulted several times for things I never wrote & started this exercise a week ago to see if dialog was possible and it's not... "il n'est de pire aveugle et sourd que celui qui ne veut ni voir ni entendre

Missing peace 13 July 2011, 23:48

mabboud, we are not talking of foreign policies made by the usa france or germany but the internal system of democracy which is far better than in lebanon! don t mix everything!

then the STL was created by the lebanese gvt and the UN not the usa... francois al hajj who know who killed him? cowards as usaual. but it happened just after sleiman s election maybe as a sign to warn people. al hajj crossed the red lines that hezbollah declared! no entry in the camp and no miltiary actions, remember? it was maybe a warning to the lebanese army and the president as it happens near both baabda and yarze!

everyone knows why bush invaded irak!
the threat for the usa is the growing influence of iran which is trying to impose its power over the muslim countries and the gulf.

the biggest immediate threat to lebanon is hezbollah not the usa!

an UN tribunal is created when a country asks for it, no?

Missing peace 13 July 2011, 23:56

finally everyone uses the STL for its own benefits.
the lebanese to punish killers of lebanese for the first time in its history.
M14 always acknowledged to comply with the verdicts whoever was accused.

the hezbollah as a tool to play the victim as usual and impose itself by the force of its arms, they always play the victim you never noticed that?

the usa and israel , to make pressure over syria and hezbollah.

note that syria s regime is or was in the interest of these two countries because syria safely guarded the golan heights for israel and as a barrier against muslim brotherhood!

if the hezbollah wants to last politically it should comply with giving their arms to the state! they always said they would do it so now isn t it the best moment?
it is NOT acceptable to have a party stronger than the state and imposing its rule, that is not justice isn t it? it s dictatorship.

by disarming, israel wouldn t have any pretext to wage a war against lebanon!

Missing mabboud 14 July 2011, 00:13

Peace, thanks for answering some of the questions, I understand why it's difficult to answer all of them but it's ok, we can talk and it's better than insults I guess.

I am not mixing and what s important is not the political system but what u do with your power, u can have a monarchy but with a king who is good to his people and who serves them to the best he can.. this is rare but happened and I am not comparing, just putting things in perspective

Now, concerning your question, can a country ask for a Tribunal and then we get it, the answer is NO else, Tibet would probably have one, Palestine also (it's not even a country today!!), Chile would ask for one Special with the possibility to reach the US, Guatemala, Haiti, etc.

There are some ad-hoc INternational courts such the one in Belgium (a palestinian girl from Sabra Chatilla tried to use it to sue Sharon) and other initiatives (e.g.

Missing mabboud 14 July 2011, 00:28

In fact, as I already wrote, you had tribunals that could look like the STL but the STL is so unique that it is an agreement between Lebanon and the UN but under Chapter 7... go figure?

It isn't a secret that US and France pushed for it long before the UN-Lebanon agreement (and u certainly know that, you have it everywhere in newspapers and in wikileaks with some chocking details)

If it was solely an agreement between Lebanon and UN, then Lebanon could stop it any time it wants... supposedly, this makes sense and only , no?

You said that HA is a direct threat to Lebnaon and not US, so was Iran a direct threat to Iraq and not the US... guess who did harm Iraq more?

So was Taliban in Afghanistan and not the US... ask Afghan people if they are better now?

me, I would love to get the other answers:

Is it possible that there is a hidden agenda behind the STL, no matter who killed Hariri? Could it be used as a tool by USrael to put pressure and attack Lebanon?

What's the best outcome?

Missing peace 14 July 2011, 00:34

mabboud lebanon is faced with two options:
build a society ruled by the puppets of syria and iran or a society ruled by the puppets of western countries.

if you have a look on the model of society in iran and syria and if you find it ok then vote for M8, if you prefer the other one vote M14. that is the choice.

it is always a choice between the lesser of two evils because no society is perfect, but some societies are better for the citizens than others...

after that you can always try and look for the bad deeds of every country and find things which can be disgusting (like usa and their foreign policy) but if you have a look of how the citizens live in western countries they are way better off than we are! and if you look of how people are under surveillance in syria or iran and moukhbbarat every where i don t want to live in a country ruled by a dictator.

so you cannot talk of justice in this world, no country is just! but some are more than the others...

Missing peace 14 July 2011, 00:42

are you sure that HA is no threat to the stability of lebanon ? they threaten the whole society with their weapons, it s no threat?

do you find it normal to have a party that is the only one to declare or not war and not the state?

do you find it normal that this party is stronger than the state itself?

if that is not a direct threat then what is it? or maybe you prefer to be under the command of this party just to be against the usa?

Missing mabboud 14 July 2011, 00:43

peace... u r comparing and looking to what u would like in an idel world, the problem is not what would be good but what would be very possibly happening or what is very probable.

Israel attacked Lebanon in the past and in fact never needed any pretext to use it's force in bombing us, they bombed the airport in the 50's, bombed some water pomps as well in South Lebanon, Sharon said that if we add water pomps in South it will be a Casus Beli, etc. Just now, look at the Sea/oil/border unfolding!!

So does the arms of the Hezbollah represent a negotiation card to get fair peace with Israel yes.; means: disarm palestinians and find a solution for the, have Israel respect also the right of the palestinians (we certainly don't want to live another 60s-70s in Lebanon), etc

Problem is much more complex that what it seems and it should be seen with a wide angle and not just m14/m8.. bad HA, please give back your arms .. it doesn't work like that

Missing mabboud 14 July 2011, 00:49

Peace... how do u see it being settled with a plausible scenario?

STL does give justice, Hezbo and hezbo friends are guilty of whatever u want... what happens? will it be good for Lebanon as an outcome?

How will we then disarm the HA now that it will be more aggressive than ever... will it create civil strife? will HA supporters trust the tribunals (with Trial in Abstencia.. guilty or not HA is playing it very clever at that level)... think while taking all parameters into account and try to answer...

Will the STL help Lebanon remove the arms of the Palestinians and what will help us avoid a new war Civial or Naher-Al-Bared?

And finally, once you have done, what is the responsible attitude, corning down the HA or do what Mikati has done?

Questions are open, you can answer in one paragraph but it's important to try to answer the right questions, at least, this is what I think is a good way... saying what pleases me won't help, comparison and complaining neither.

Missing peace 14 July 2011, 01:00

"So does the arms of the Hezbollah represent a negotiation card to get fair peace with Israel yes."

this is what the hezb wants you to think while it is slowly taking control over the country (seizing lands to build tunnels or whatever, buying lands in christian areas, what for ?)

israel has been a threat to lebanon since the 50 s why? before the hezb the palestinians had the exact same role as the hezb is having now! now HA replaced the palestinians!

so if you want a strong state which can control the armed militias you have to get rid first of them!
which country has an armed militia stronger than its state? and you find that logic and normal in a civilized country! HA propaganda has taken over you.

so believing HA will bring peace to lebanon you are utopic!

Missing mabboud 14 July 2011, 01:02

peace.. u r getting upset, did I say that Talibans were not ruling and that their arms were not helping them control things??

You are accusing me again instead of trying to understand what I am saying.. read again my post and tell me by what magic you concluded what's in your message?

How could I say that HA is no threat to Lebanon stability or even infer it, am I dumb u think? by the simple fact that USrael lists them as terrorist even if they were Angels will make it a threat to the stability of Lebanon... what do u suggest, we insult them like on this board, we say bhouhou US are better & then what??

I don't buy the good/bad theory and all that crap, it is very simplistic: Iran is much better than Saddam's Irak, Syria, KSA, etc. when it comes at being close to democracy and I would love to see a country where the US forced some into power and that this someone was fair and not a dictator and didn't have his own militia.. someone that doesn't make HA look nice (I know am pushing)

Missing peace 14 July 2011, 01:06

come what may after the STL but you cannot give up justice because a party wants you to! and threatens you with its arsenal!

they think their arms will make people reject the STL, is that democracy?

once again if they are innocent they will have to prove it in front of the international community....

Missing mabboud 14 July 2011, 01:09

Peace... I never said the HA will bring anything and the HA doesn't want me to think anything, I am old enough to think on my own.

You didn't answer the questions, you started again putting words in my mouth, I don't know why u r doing that, read again the message and just answer, don't comment what I say because u end-up with concluding that I said something else and ask me why you are saying that? (more or less that). I never said that HA will bring peace.

How do u do it? what is the ideal scenario? how will it unfold according to you?

As long that you can't answer this question, I think that you are in utopia land peace, not me... u think that HA will disarm naturally? that Israel will stop and sign peace naturally and that this will not be done through negotiations... I, on the contrary am very pragmatic, peace can only be obtained through negotiations and HA will only surrender its arms if we bring fair peace.. maybe u have better... tell me?

Missing mabboud 14 July 2011, 01:18

u say u can't give-up justice (I go with u, STL will bring Justice though I doubt that it's the objective it has) because HA is threatening with his arms... ok, it's the logic of HA, Israel is threatening, I won't giveback my arms or I want Justice for the palestinian, will I accept Usrael justice.. no?

But this was not my question, again, I don't care about what Miss Universe thinks about world peace and what is right or what is wrong, if HA is democratic and love on earth... this is not a subject to discuss.. is it?

"once again if they are innocent they will have to prove it in front of the international community...." we agreed that they are guilty for the sake of doing the exercise of answering questions and moving forward... why are we still circling? I argued a lot but accepted to say ok, STL is good, HA is guilty, etc... what do you want more to move forward... it's certainly not me that is stopping u of answering the simple question: GIVE ME THE BEST OUTCOME

Missing peace 14 July 2011, 01:23

once the regimes of iran and syria collapse HA will collapse too....

Missing mabboud 14 July 2011, 01:25

peace.. is that an answer? how will this happen and why the HA will?

do I hear STL as a tool, accusing Syrians, Iranians and then waging wars? how do u see it?

Is this your best scenario, regimes in Syria and Iran will collapse... because of the STL?

Sorry but I am not getting it!!

Missing peace 14 July 2011, 01:39

i am not talking about the stl! you asked me how can the hezb be disarmed I answered!

you are the one thinking the STL can be used as a tool to disarm the HA not me!
if ever they are accused, what difference will it make for them? they ll go to iran or syria or stay hidden in lebanon.

Missing mabboud 14 July 2011, 01:43

I am asking how would you think that the STL will turn, what will it do to Lebanon? what is the best outcome scenario of the STL?

I asked this questions several times but yet no answers... u brought the conversation to subjects like democracy, HA arms, etc. not me.

I just want a simple answer on what the outcome of the STL could be then we can discuss other subjects

Missing peace 14 July 2011, 01:48

i am not a magician to know the outcome of the STL! it hasn t even started yet!

wait for the trial then you ll have your answer! the rest is only tea room chat!

those guilty will have to be imprisoned that s what i know!

evidence will be shown from both parties then there will be a verdict...

so far no one is accused....!!!!!!!!!!!!

Missing mabboud 14 July 2011, 01:49

once you are finished with the best STL outcome scenario, try to tell me how you see Syria, Iran regime collapsing and it's impact on Iran since this is the best scenarion u have for HA losing its power... though I am still not convinced why and how? nothing tells us that new regimes won't support HA...

Look at Egypt, power to the people and they are normalizing almost their relationship with Iran... Iran boats crossing Suez but their are many other examples..

I think that probability of having negotiation FAIR peace with Israel is a much better option to make sure HA loses power of arms and morphs into political party, marginalized through time (probably like communist party in France but who knows)

Missing mabboud 14 July 2011, 01:57

peace.. u r eluding the question.. why?

we took the hypotheses that they are guilty and that it will be proven, what would be the best outcome?

It's called analyzing and not "tea room chat", besides u love tea room chats, we give opinions and analyses on that boards.. non? why not for a simple question, why no answers?

You know that HA will never let anyone put his boys in prison because the STL ask him to, irrelevant if proof is there or not (and I said that I think that HA is playing it very clever with the in-abstencia push)

HA won't show any evidence in the STL and will only use TV if it decides to do so but its irrelevant for my question

Let's they they are accused....

Do you think that Chapter 7 might be used to pressure or even attack Lebanon?

Do you think that the STL outcome will only help for next elections? what will it do?

Right questions lead to the correct answers... don't u think so?

Missing mabboud 14 July 2011, 02:03

sorry peace... read "assumptions" for Hypotheses.... it's getting late and I am mixing words.... desole (by the way u understand french?)

Default-user-icon may 7 (Guest) 14 July 2011, 14:45

man boobs is really Le Loser (phenicien), both love syria & iran before lebanon.Both will ensure lebanon remains a ZOO

Default-user-icon may 7 (Guest) 14 July 2011, 14:48

man boobs is really Le Loser (phenicien), both love syria & iran before lebanon.Both will ensure lebanon remains a ZOO