Qatar Says Its Mediation 'Led to Release of 9 Lebanese' Pilgrims, Ibrahim Confirms News

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Qatari Foreign Minister Khaled al-Attiya on Friday announced that “the Qatari mediation has led to the release of the nine Lebanese” hostages who were abducted in Syria's Aazaz and Lebanese officials have confirmed his remarks.

Qatari-owned Al-Jazeera television reported the story in a breaking news ticker without elaborating any further.

Meanwhile, caretaker Interior Minister Marwan Charbel told al-Jadeed television that he has been informed by General Security chief Maj. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim that the hostages “have been released and they're on their way to Turkey.”

"The abductees have become in the custody of the Turks and we're awaiting some logistical steps. The hostages will be in Lebanon within 24-48 hours," al-Jadeed quoted Ibrahim as saying.

LBCI television said “Ibrahim is in Turkey and he is waiting for the abductees to cross the (Syrian-Turkish) border.”

Meanwhile, the Beirut-based al-Mayadeen television quoted Lebanese sources as saying that the nine abductees “will arrive in Lebanon within 24-48 hours.”

Future TV quoted Ibrahim as saying that the nine hostages will return to Lebanon within 48 hours.

“The first phase of the release of the abductees is moving them to Turkish territory and they will be released in one batch,” Charbel told al-Jadeed.

Quoting Ibrahim, al-Manar television said the Lebanese pilgrims have become “in safe hands.”

Eleven Lebanese pilgrims were kidnapped in Syria's Aleppo region in May 2012 as they were making their way back to Lebanon by land from pilgrimage in Iran. Two of them were released in late 2012.

The abductors, the rebel Northern Storm Brigade, had demanded the release of 282 women detainees from Syrian prisons in return for the nine men.

Ibrahim arrived in Beirut earlier on Friday after a short visit to Syria where he discussed the issue with Syrian officials, state-run National News Agency reported.

A few hours later, Ibrahim traveled to Turkey to follow up on the issue, NNA said.

On Thursday, Ibrahim interrupted his visit to Belgium and headed to Turkey to meet negotiators over the case.

"Ibrahim ended his trip to Belgium and traveled to Turkey to hold talks on the pilgrims' case,” the state-run National News Agency reported.

On August 9, gunmen abducted two Turkish pilots after ambushing a bus carrying Turkish Airlines crew from Beirut's Rafik Hariri International Airport to a hotel in the city.

The families of the Lebanese abductees accuse Turkey of being behind the kidnapping. They, however, have denied any involvement in the abduction of the Turkish pilots.

A previously unknown group calling itself Zuwwar Imam al-Rida claimed the abduction, and demanded that Turkey use its influence with Syrian rebels it backs to secure the release of the nine pilgrims.

Lebanese authorities have since arrested three suspects and charged them in connection with the pilots' abduction.

Comments 16
Thumb cedre 18 October 2013, 23:15

3ala salama, great days for the families and Lebanon...
I would be very interested to have more infos about the release and kidnappers...

Thumb cedre 18 October 2013, 23:36

we know, u'll never forgive us being sunnis, not bendin to persians or mollahs...
qatar doesnt care about HA, syria or iran reactions, it is a message to the shia people, that its not too late to extinguish the sectarian fire...

Thumb lebanon_first 18 October 2013, 23:49

I hope they release the 2 priests, the turkish pilots, and maybe some of the lebanese in assadist jails.

Default-user-icon Hammerhead (Guest) 19 October 2013, 01:08

Why are you people wasting your time conversing with FT. It has been proven without a doubt that the Tripoli mosque bombings were perpetrated by the Syrian Regime and yet the worshippers of Aoun are still aligned with them and their Lebanese proxies. The cowards have found safety by siding with this murderous regime, in other words they are cowering to this Regime's brutal force and have been subdued into submission. What has become of the proud and brave of our noble land?

Thumb primesuspect 19 October 2013, 01:12

Congrats to Qatar, the only people deserving credit.general Ibrahim didn't play a role, he just travels to collect and enjoy free stays... He,s useless and a traitor for hanging out with mamlook.

Thumb haile.selassie. 19 October 2013, 01:39

March 8 have a new relationship with Qatar after the old guy gave up and his son took place. However the real rivalry is between Qatar and Saudi Arabia as Qatar is steps ahead in influence over Lebanon's politicians...

Thumb primesuspect 19 October 2013, 01:53

¿Wat did u smoke Chico? Qatar'd political ambition went down the drain when the father stepped Dow . It's now focusing on economy rather than politics. 4 the time being at least. It was either this, or a devastating clash with KSA.

Thumb primesuspect 19 October 2013, 01:54

Stop calling them pilgrims! Unless nusra and hizballa r also pilgrims in Syria.

Default-user-icon DrZ (Guest) 19 October 2013, 02:06

Qatar has still much to do before the redeem themselves or even break even.

Missing beirutbastard00 19 October 2013, 04:15

Abbas has a good point tho, Turks got kidnaped n magically it's solved. Anyway it's good news, assuming its true. Finally a real reason to hand out baklawa...

Missing beirutbastard00 19 October 2013, 04:18

Ft, it's kinda hard to weaken ha popularity, it's pretty clear who's with n who's against. Not many independents left in Lebanon.

Missing beirutbastard00 19 October 2013, 04:24

The same side that helps kidnap them helps release them, but whatever, this is the world we live in, those that do live here. Any good news is great news right now. Nshallah this thing is dying down, and we have a prosperous winter. God knows we need it.

Missing helicopter 19 October 2013, 04:56

Maybe Iran now can work for the release of Lebanese prisoners in Syrian jails.
Happy for the release of the pilgrims ...... they are Lebanese citizens too.

Missing lebanese_uae 19 October 2013, 08:09

did you read that he met Ali Mamlouk !! and he didn't bring him to justice !!!

Missing imagine_1979 19 October 2013, 10:16

Choukrann katar :)

Missing -karim_m1-- 19 October 2013, 20:07

Is it just me or are the Al Qaeda sympathizers in Lebanon actually upset that the pilgrims were freed?