Calm Prevails in Tripoli after Night-Long Clashes

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Calm was restored on Saturday in the northern city of Tripoli after fierce battles erupted the night before between the rival neighborhoods of Bab al-Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen.

The Lebanese army is carrying out patrols with military vehicles in the streets that separate the two neighborhoods, while Internal Security forces carried out patrols in the city's main streets and routes.

According to the state-run National news agency, the international highway between Akkar and Tripoli is open.

The gunbattles erupted after ISF Intelligence Bureau detained on Friday Youssef Diab, a member of the Arab Democratic Party, the main political and armed group in Jabal Mohsen.

The arrest prompted the residents and supporters of Jabal Mohsen to open fire, provoking Bab al-Tabbaneh residents.

General Security chief Maj. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim toured the checkpoints in the city and instructed the general security members to be on stand-by.

A communique issued by the directorate of general security, “Maj. Gen. Ibrahim ordered general security members to implement the city's security plan in coordination with security agencies to maintain stability in the area.”

Tripoli has witnessed recurrent clashes between the Sunni-majority neighborhood of Bab al-Tabbaneh and the mainly Alawite neighborhood of Jabal Mohsen.

The clashes have become more frequent and deadly since the beginning of the Syrian uprising, which pits the Sunni-led opposition against the regime of President Bashar Assad, who is Alawite.

Caretaker Interior Minister Marwan Charbel had recently said that a two-stage security plan was established to preserve stability in the northern city.

The Tripoli security plan calls for the army to intervene between the rival gunmen and the security forces to protect the city from bomb attacks.

On August 23, 45 people were killed and over 800 wounded in twin explosions in Tripoli.

Later on Saturday, Government Commissioner to the Military Court Judge Sakr Sakr issued arrest warrants against Diab and two other men on suspicions of involvement in the twin bombings that targeted al-Salam and al-Taqwa mosques.

The authorities have implemented a similar plan in the Hizbullah stronghold of Beirut's southern suburbs where several blasts have also left hundreds of casualties.

Charbel briefed caretaker Prime Minister Najib Miqati on the situation in the city during a telephone conversations.

Miqati was also briefed by caretaker Justice Minister Shakib Qortbawi on the ongoing judicial investigations with Diab.

Comments 8
Missing imagine-1979 12 October 2013, 11:32

The only solution is that the states takes full control...
And the states connot take full control because hazbollah has arms and hebollah friends has arms..(saraya el moukawameh; even the few omar karami guys has arms) and the hezbollah and co. control the state so how do you feell the other side is feelling?....

Missing peace 12 October 2013, 14:02

just ask yourself who settled alawites in tripoli and why? ... you ll have the answer to your question.

Missing peace 12 October 2013, 15:19

seems you d prefer to not ask urself questions italkto... good for you, much easier to repeat what your leaders tell you to... so convenient and simple, like your mind....

Missing peace 12 October 2013, 15:46

you don't think enough... that's all i can say... this way of lecturing me proves it.... :)

Missing peace 12 October 2013, 17:04

i just said poor "italkidiot" that you have to ask yourself who brought alawites to live in tripoli... it was not an innocent move...
then you come like a fool treating me of "sectarian lowlife" when i never said something racist against them but you want to read only what suits you to come and vomit your hatred against those who do not share your point of views!!!

then you keep on insulting proving you know better than anyone else...

funny to see how you get nervous alone while i just said "ask yourself who brought alawites to tripoli" as if questionning yourself would make you discover things you do not want to because it would be bad for your certainties!

the fact that you say i am "an enlightened polynary algorithm 2nta rou7" and "pathologically obsessed" person proves you prefer to cut any discussion because you have no counterarguments to offer... so the easy way for simple minds is to bark and insult to look stronger, but it only hides your weaknesses.... LOL

Missing Cloudhopper 12 October 2013, 14:44

Because 90% of the people in Tripoli want to live in peace ya samy, but I know that wouldn't give you and naharnet boys much to read about daily and would make your life more boring.

Thumb chrisrushlau 12 October 2013, 19:15

All this verbal of abuse of each other is proof that Lebanon (I almost said Israel) needs to change its constitution to "one person, one vote" and take race/religion/ethnicity out of the electoral process. Such restrictions as the Taef Accord's fifty-fifty split of Parliament between "Christians" and "Muslims" are only provocations and incitements to avoid working on the real work of government. When the ambulance doesn't come on time, everybody suffers.

Missing peace 12 October 2013, 19:43

nothing sectarian above as far as i am concerned, only politics...

"one person, one vote" can only happen if the country applies the constitution (and TAEF :) ) to move towards secularism... 70 years since the independance and have you found one single politician ready to apply this?
1/ the different religious leaders are the first ones who don't want it: too bad for their businesses and the money they get from their followers.
2/ as long as religious oriented parties are allowed nothing will change. their leaders play on the fear of the other sects to strenghten their power over their sheep.
3/ parties like FPM claim to be "secular" but the first thing they do is ask for "christian" rights!

this won't happen in this generation it'll take another 100 years to change bigoted lebanese!