الادعاء على منقارة والغريب وحوري ونقيب سوري بجرم وضع سيارات مفخخة

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ادعى مفوض الحكومة لدى المحكمة العسكرية القاضي صقر صقر، على الموقوفين الثلاثة على خلفية تفجيري طرابلس، اضافة الى نقيب سوري بجرم تأليف عصابة مسلحة ووضع سيارات مفخخة.

وجاء الادعاء، الجمعة، على رئيس حركة التوحيد الإسلامي الشيخ هاشم منقارة والشيخ احمد الغريب و"المخبر" مصطفى حوري وكل من يظهره التحقيق، في جرم تأليف عصابة مسلحة بقصد ارتكاب الجنايات على الناس والاموال والنيل من سلطة الدولة وهيبتها.

والاتهام هو ايضاً بجرم التعرض لمؤسسات الدولة المدنية والعسكرية وتشكيل خلية ارهابية ووضع عبوات وسيارات مفخخة وتفجيرها امام المسجدين في الشمال.

يُذكر أن الادعاء على منقارة هو بجرم عدم اخبار السلطات بالمعلومات عن التحضير لتفجير السيارتين. الى ذلك، ادعى صقر على النقيب السوري محمد علي وعلى خضر العربان بجرم وضع سيارات مفخخة وقتل الناس.

وأحال القاضي صقر المدعى عليهم الى قاضي التحقيق العسكري الاول.

وقتل 45 شخصا واصيب 500 بجروح في 23 آب الجاري في انفجارين استهدفا مسجدين في طرابلس، وذلك بعد اسبوع (في 15 آب) من انفجار مماثل اوقع 27 قتيلا في الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت، معقل حزب الله.

التعليقات 31
Default-user-icon dddd (ضيف) 13:36 ,2013 آب 30

they only caught the samaha cell so far but let me tell you there are thousands of smaha's among us and they were not caught and they were sent by the same syrian slut to hit us! so every uncovered crime since 1975 that isnt resolved is syria's making!

Default-user-icon dddd (ضيف) 14:12 ,2013 آب 30

U said it all! so true..

Missing -_-wolf-_- 14:18 ,2013 آب 30

For once I agree with you Phil , but you left out the "Israelis" as well !
Signed Wolf .

Missing VINCENT 22:17 ,2013 آب 30

Primarily, the Israelis are Lebanon's enemy/problem because Lebanon allowed, as you agree, the filthy Palestinians thugs to enter Lebanon with weapons, and our government has given them a "carte blanche" that will not and cannot enter their camps to investigate what these filthy Palestinians thugs are up to. So, basically you take a huge number of "victimized" people who have arguable been thrown out of their homes, they get weapons, welcome them into your country with their weapons without supervision or accountability, put them by the boarder where their enemy resides (an enemy who is not a push over, Lebanon can not defeat and fighting for their own survival), and except the enemy of these people you allowed to enter your land with weapons to come and kiss you on the cheeks and give you "Baklavah"? For those of you whose reading comprehension is at kindergarten level, this does not mean that those who see Israel as a fabricated enemy is pro Israel.

Missing VINCENT 22:17 ,2013 آب 30

If you want to identify and locate your enemies, I suggest looking at the Palestinian camps, and the oil rich country who has and till paying certain Lebanese officials millions of dollars to give these filthy Palestinians thugs entry into Lebanon and pose a threat to their enemies. When was the last time, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, Qatar, or any other country is the Middle East had a skirmish with Israel and/or lifted a finger against the Israelis. We the Lebanese are going to fight this illusive wars for them? These thugs and their masters have created a smoking mirror giving us the illusion of fabricated enemies so that they hide the true identity of the enemy and we've fallen for it.

Default-user-icon Antiwar (ضيف) 14:36 ,2013 آب 30

What about lebanese phil? Can you read? Who has polluted our country more than the lebanese? Ignorant racist. How dare you portray christ while being a racist?

Default-user-icon Hammerhead (ضيف) 14:37 ,2013 آب 30

I am going on a hunch, but I believe that Samaha was given the orders and materials to carry out the bombings against his will, the only thing he could do was to inform the Lebanese security forces of his mission. His arrest was staged to protect him from the Syrians. That is why his trial is being postponed. The dog that would have carried out the Syrian orders was the passenger that assumingly was hitching a ride home with him from Syria. I wonder what Lebanon would have been like had this devastating 30 year war not ravaged it. The Syrian ragime and their Lebanese proxies have gotten away with too many things for too long.

Default-user-icon Antiwar (ضيف) 14:38 ,2013 آب 30

I agree with you.

Thumb Minister 14:48 ,2013 آب 30

To be honest what's happening to Syria is Gods way of saying what you put Lebanon through wont go unnoticed.
Either way whether bashar wins or the fsa Lebanon will suffer.

Missing broumanapride 16:29 ,2013 آب 30

My fellow Syrian brother. I'm not in the business of bashing anyone but I'd like to remind you that Lebanon was Lebanon from the beginning of time. Read the Old Testament and it will clear your misconception ... That being said, I pray that Syria and its people recover from this war and that they recognize that their only way for salvation is through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Give your life to Him before its too late. The rest does NOT matter.... Seek the Kingdom of God!!!

Thumb Minister 20:41 ,2013 آب 30


Thumb Minister 20:45 ,2013 آب 30

Your President thinks he is the America of the Middle East controlling politics in Lebanon and destabilising the country he was too busy sticking he's ears in our country to realise what was happening to his. Viva Syria (or what's left of it)

Missing VINCENT 01:17 ,2013 آب 31

I don't know about why you're saying what you're saying. Lebanon was never a significant military power to avoid aggressors and invaders, as such creating that unique relationship with its larger sister, Syria. I would conclude for protection? But Lebanon always had its unique identity as a free standing nation.

Thumb Nade 14:51 ,2013 آب 30

Patriotic Iran/Syria please remove the Lebanese word of your name. you are making me sick

Thumb makhaleh 16:24 ,2013 آب 30

Shes a puppet for those mirderers

Missing coolmec 20:45 ,2013 آب 30

I asked her to change her name because she is neither patriotic nor lebanese

Thumb makhaleh 16:16 ,2013 آب 30

I hope they rott in prison these murderers and lebanon is lebanon and will never be part of syria buddy and ur the racist my friend we open all r doors tothe world but ur master gasses his own pple

Thumb makhaleh 16:24 ,2013 آب 30

Wat goes around comes around

Thumb makhaleh 16:24 ,2013 آب 30

Well my dear my friend houssam el mouri a former resistance member gave names of syrian officails abt bombing tripoli cuz syria and HA asked him to and he refused before HA murdered him last week and now they cought some of them so go and keep following ur murdering masters allah kabeer and

Missing samiam 17:24 ,2013 آب 30

And to those who said syria didn't have a hand in the bombings, guess what:

you were wrong.

Thumb lebnanfirst 17:26 ,2013 آب 30

While we appear to share similar political perspectives, perhaps it behooves us to not antagonize each other in the manner adopted by you for some time now. We can still disagree on some details but what is the point of attacking one another?
If one truly believe in free speech and democracy then it follows that one accepts another's point of view even if does not completely align with theirs. It only weakens us when we attack one another. Is it not sufficient that we have a very wide chasm between Lebanese with opposite political affiliations that we seek another chasm with those who's thinking is more akin to ours? It only serves to weaken us.
I respectfully submit that you cease confronting other commentators on this site directly with a less than polite language especially those who's views tend to support yours.

Missing samiam 17:26 ,2013 آب 30

again, you really don't have a clue on syrian involvement in lebanon the last 30 years do you?

it is fascinating reading, you must try it.

Missing zahle_nights1 17:30 ,2013 آب 30

circassian, shame on you for siding with the murderous regime... Yes Viva Syria, but I think you should say Viva FREE Syria.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 18:29 ,2013 آب 30

Couldn't agree with you more FT. Every foreigner that brought pain to Lebanon, did it with the help of a Lebanese. We have ourselves to blame before anyone else.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 18:31 ,2013 آب 30

Bani- both FT and Lebnanfirst are right. Might I add, Phoenix has shown incredible restraint in not responding to your relentless attack on him personally for quite sometime now.

Missing coolmec 20:44 ,2013 آب 30

hang them and hang then let the Lebanese public watch the hanging

Missing VINCENT 01:05 ,2013 آب 31

I think Syria has "her eyes on Lebanon" for something more:)

Missing VINCENT 01:08 ,2013 آب 31

Yep, divide and concur. Syria wants Lebanon for herself. I am not sure whether their aspiration will change with a regime change.

Thumb lebnanfirst 01:42 ,2013 آب 31

Though I do not post as profusely as some do on Naharnet, I do read Naharnet and follow the comments consistently. I do not recall where @the1phoenix insulted the Druze. Even if we assume for the sake of argument that he did, two wrongs don't make a right.

Thumb Senescence 01:06 ,2013 أيلول 02

lebnanfirst, it was when banima3roof provoked him quite strongly, more intensely than any other time. Needless to say, posts were deleted from both of them.

Thumb bustany 05:41 ,2013 أيلول 02

When someone defend the Saudi culture against Baath culture. hmm Makes me think either paid for. Or he is begging this medium to not delete his account. All the assassination you have talked about has no meaning for Syria. Syria does not care if Rafic Harriri is alive or dead. Syria does not care if Bachir is alive or dead. Think again! God Bless