رسم تشبيهي لمشتبه به بوضع سيارة مفخخة أمام مسجد التقوى

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عممت المديرية العامة لقوى الأمن الداخلي، بناء لإشارة القضاء المختص، رسما تشبيهيا لشخص مجهول الهوية، يشتبه به بوضع سيارة مفخخة أمام مسجد التقوى في مدينة طرابلس الجمعة الفائت.

وطلبت المديرية "من المواطنين الكرام ممن لديهم أية معلومة عن الشخص الذي تنطبق عليه مواصفات الرسم التشبيهي، المساهمة بتوقيفه من خلال الإبلاغ عن مكان وجوده".

ودعت إلى "الإتصال فورا بشعبة المعلومات على الخط الساخن: 1788 والخط العادي: 624100/01، للادلاء بما لديهم من معلومات".

هذا وذكرت أن "كل مواطن يساهم في إعطاء أية معلومة يبقى اسمه طي الكتمان وفقا لاحكام القانون".

التعليقات 16
Default-user-icon panfush (ضيف) 17:26 ,2013 آب 27

Ossama Bin Laden, Jr.

Thumb geha 17:28 ,2013 آب 27

hope they catch and kill this terrorist slowly but surely

Default-user-icon barjon (ضيف) 17:56 ,2013 آب 27

slowly... like get a few hairs first. then, hold one of his fingers briefly and then let him go. later, untie his shoes so that he might trip and be caught again slowly at a future date. then, spray him with cooking oil so that he can slip when attempting to catch him. finally, dump sand on him so that he can be grabbed tightly. when killing him, do that slowly, too. just as geha how this should be done. salutes

Missing shia_lamb 18:31 ,2013 آب 27

theshiaaussieROAR 100%

Missing coolmec 09:20 ,2013 آب 28

We should hang him by the balls and transmit it on TV so every one will hear him screaming from pain. That will send a strong message to any future bomber knowing what will happen to him. I hope that will serve as deterrent

Thumb lebanon_first 18:45 ,2013 آب 27

Flamethrower is proiranian. This guy is takfiri.

Thumb geha 19:40 ,2013 آب 27

you are kind of correct: there is no pro irani.
but there is an Iranian terrorist. thus .....

Missing shia_lamb 20:33 ,2013 آب 27

Cause i eat the holy shia chocolate & now i see the light

Thumb benzona 22:24 ,2013 آب 27

I would usually joke about such a pic and say he looks Alawite or Chia..... But I'm not in the mood. Him and his Bachari friends are likely to target us more in the upcoming days or weeks.

Thumb insideman101 23:54 ,2013 آب 27

From the Dahyeh to Tripoli. One Criminal...One Goal

Thumb primesuspect 00:28 ,2013 آب 28


Default-user-icon andwev (ضيف) 00:58 ,2013 آب 28

Holly crap it's Cardinal de Richelieu from King Louis XIII's court?

Thumb LebCynic 01:06 ,2013 آب 28

Offspring of Assir, the love child with Fadel Shaker!!

Default-user-icon Illusionist (ضيف) 05:28 ,2013 آب 28

What the hell is this drawing? is it a 5 year old that did this? he looks like any average preacher....

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 08:17 ,2013 آب 28

+1 from me:)

Default-user-icon nyknagi (ضيف) 09:29 ,2013 آب 28

WTF? he looks like a catholic Saint! St. Antoine de Padoue! :)
I think its better if u dont sketch...