المستقبل يدعو من طرابلس للتنازل لاجل الوطن: لا بديل عن الدولة وامنها

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شدد تيار المستقبل، الاحد، على أن "لا بديل عن الدولة والامن الذي توفره"، داعياً السياسيين الى تقديم التنازلات من أجل لبنان ولتشكيل حكومة تحكم.

وعقد نواب ومنسقيات تيار المستقبل في طرابلس اجتماعاً الاحد، تلا على اثره النائب سمير الجسر بيانا باسم المجتمعين، موجهاً الدعوة الى القوى الامنية من أجل التعاون "والاخذ بلا هداوة على يد العابثين بالامن".

وطالب المجتمعون بوضع خطة امنية تأخذ في الاعتبار خارطة الطريق واتخاذ الاجراءات الامنية امام دور العبادة وزيادة عديد قوى الامن وزرع الات التصوير في شوارع طرابلس.

ودعوا "القوى السياسية الى تقديم التنازلات للوطن وتقديم مصلحة الوطن على اي اعتبار"، مشددين على ضرورة الاسراع في مسح الاضرار والتعويض على المتضررين.

وقتل 45 شخصا واصيب 500 بجروح الجمعة في انفجارين استهدفا مسجدين في طرابلس، وذلك بعد اسبوع من انفجار مماثل اوقع 27 قتيلا في الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت، معقل حزب الله.

ثم تحدث النائب السابق مصطفى علوش محييا المدنيين، والاعلاميين الذين نقلوا الاحداث بامانة، ودعا الى المشاركة بمسيرة صامتة في اتجاه مسجد السلام، عصر الاحد.

بدورها تحدثت النائبة بهية الحريري مشيرة الى انها اعلنت "الاول من ايلول يوم المواطن الكبير، لان الذي يحصل هو محاولة تفكيك لبنان والمرحلة تتطلب تضافر الجهود".

التعليقات 6
Thumb benzona 14:09 ,2013 آب 25

There is a Syrian hand behind the past tragic events. But not any Syrian hand, we have another Samaha on our soil. And most likely a backup to the second one as well.(if I were Bachar, I'd have learned from my previous mistake). But m14 isn't accusing M8 of being behind the attacks, but a composant of the m8 alliance: Hezbollah. They are Bachar's tool in Syria and Lebanon although they serve two masters. One in damascus, and another one in Tehran. I keep repeating the same thing, if we want to move on and to forgive the followers, we need to judge the leaders for their crimes. We've been waiting since 2005.... And those laws of amnesty won't do it. Imagine, even Pakistan is more democratic than Lebanon. They arrested Musharraf for the assassination of Bhutto.

We need the same here with Nasrallah and his accomplices.

Thumb benzona 14:24 ,2013 آب 26

You're naive if you trust our «authorities» to come up with clear conclusions. There's no way we can trust their judgement.

Missing cleanleb 15:13 ,2013 آب 25

...well at least in Musharraf's case, there was an investigation.
Benzoza, is the judge + jury + executioner.

Anyone here that accuses one side and not the other is biased and as such has little credibility.

Thumb benzona 15:39 ,2013 آب 25

And you claim to be clean? LoL ;-)

Missing coolmec 16:33 ,2013 آب 25

God bless you
I seriously doubt we can ever take out Lebanon's enemies as long as the butcher of Damascus is still in power. He has too many agents in Lebanon in addition to several of our corrupt politicians who support him

Thumb benzona 16:45 ,2013 آب 25

Merci coolmec, God bless you too. i Totally agree with you. The butcher is a big problem for all his neighbours and a thriving middle east. He's forcing the near east on standby whilst GCC and others in the middle east thrive economically. What disturbs me most, is how some Christian leaders manipulate their followers be inciting fear by using of egypt's ongoing revolution. Those leaders (I'm not going to name them because it would honour them) forget to mention that regular Muslim citizens of Cairo and Alexandria are now guarding and protect or Copt brothers. The same applies to Syria, Nosra and cie will be crushed when Assad is outsted. And as Christian I would be ashamed of trading other people's life and keep Assad in power just to be spared. This isn't Jesus christ's teachings.