القاعدة في المغرب الاسلامي تتهم حزب الله بالوقوف خلف تفجيري طرابلس

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اتهم تنظيم القاعدة في بلاد المغرب الاسلامي حزب الله بالوقوف خلف الهجومين اللذين استهدفا الجمعة مسجدين في مدينة طرابلس واسفرا عن عشرات القتلى، متوعدا الحزب بانه سينال "القصاص العادل".

وجاء في تغريدات عبر تويتر ل"مؤسسة الاندلس"، وهو الحساب الناطق باسم فرع القاعدة عبر تويتر "اننا على يقين أن وراء هذه الفعلة المنكرة في حق أهل السنة ايادي حزب الله الرافضي الحقير الذي يقف جنبا لجنب مع بشار في سوريا".

واذ تقدم التنظيم ب"التعازي من أهل السنة بطرابلس"، قال "ليعلم ذلك الحزب الحقير الذي ظهر على حقيقته وانتهت مسرحيته المضحكة مع أحداث بانياس وغيرها، أن القصاص العادل سيناله قريبا".

وذكر التنظيم في واحدة من التغريدات الاربع التي نشرت ليل الجمعة "أن بالشام رجالا أشاوس لاينامون على الضيم وسيثأرون للمستضعفين في الوقت المناسب وسيعلم الذين ظلموا أي منقلب ينقلبون".

وينشط هذا الفرع من التنظيم المتطرف في شمال وشمال غرب افريقيا وليس له اي نشاط في لبنان.

وقتل 45 شخصا واصيب 500 بجروح الجمعة في انفجارين استهدفا مسجدين في طرابلس وذلك بعد اسبوع من انفجار مماثل اوقع 27 قتيلا في الضاحية الجنوبية.

التعليقات 13
Thumb Senescence 15:02 ,2013 آب 24

It has been a new strategy of Al-Qaida to familiarize themselves to the population not as ruthless proselytizers, but rather, humble and caring individuals only out for the good of the common folk. Like they were distributing teletubbies toys and carrying out choirs and dances in certain Syrian villages to appease the population. They have learned from Iraq, they cannot sustain themselves without the approval of the people.

They're just frustrated HA's fighting with Al-Assad, and have possibly started the appeasement process before they overrun the country in the foreseeable future.

Thumb benzona 15:04 ,2013 آب 24

Al Qaïda or Israel never deny their terrorist or military operations....
Qaida enjoys uploading silly videos to YouTube. Israel is straight in its shoes.

It's either Assad with his Michel Samaha Aoun #2 or Hezbollah itself..

Thumb Senescence 15:09 ,2013 آب 24

"Qaida enjoys uploading silly videos to YouTube"
lol true. I like the songs they sometimes put when recording their training operations, quite soothing sometimes, and catchy, too.

Thumb Senescence 15:40 ,2013 آب 24

benzona, they often take credit for things they did not do, therefor it can be reasoned they being unscrupulous and having newly realized the strategy of appeasement and 'panem et circenses', this isn't really surprising.

Thumb cedre 15:48 ,2013 آب 24

its syria benzona, same for dahieh or rockets on Israel.
Even if assad and HA are on the same side in Syria, they have diverging interests in Lebanon. Assad would like israeli attacks on lebanon or civil war in lebanon between sunni-shia so he can use his CW on sleeping kids and women. HA knows he's too small to stretch between lebanon and syria.

Thumb benzona 23:23 ,2013 آب 24

Of course, Bachar may decide to play with the country without consulting HA. They're a mere tool for him. They wouldn't exist today if it wasn't for him, basically he owns them.

So, HA is automatically guilty by association....

Missing lebanon4ever 16:07 ,2013 آب 24

I think that is a dangerous accusation Benz. I heard a sheik in tripoli basically saying the same thing. Is that incitement or justification for a Christian area to be targeted?

Thumb benzona 23:24 ,2013 آب 24

Nothing justifies attacks.... Never. But it can explain things.

Default-user-icon Guthix (ضيف) 16:09 ,2013 آب 24

You gotta remember that Al-Qaida is a very lose organisation, and there are probably very many different cells with different modes of operations. On the other hand, I don't see how Hezbollah thinks starting a war at its backs is gonna help it when they're busy crusading in Syria.

Missing abraham 17:22 ,2013 آب 24

Mr. phoenix, I think the time has come when, all of us should advocate the youth of Lebanon to rise up, taking to the streets and throw out all the Warlord, mafia kings, and start fresh.
Lebanon is too good of a place to disintegrate infront of our eyes

Missing kamal1 17:59 ,2013 آب 24

So qaida has a twitter account??? ok so last time i checked the nsa can monitor and find anything, y the hell cant they track that account and destroy the infamous al maghrab qaida lol guys seriously, this is all one sad joke of a world we live in with a bunch of gullible people believing in a hollywood style movie...in other words qaida doesnt exist

Missing VINCENT 22:07 ,2013 آب 24

Now this is funny.

Default-user-icon Sir Qulard (ضيف) 09:46 ,2013 آب 25

Thank you minibash, SIR, and also thanks to Sir Abraham! Keep up the good work, Sir Minibash, SIR. Hopefully one day you will become the happiest man in the world! Imagine there's no heaven, it's easy if you try. No hell below us, above us only sky... That's from Sir John Lennon, Sir Minibash.