جعجع: سلام لا يُرهب ولا يخاف
Read this story in Englishرأى رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع أن "رئيس الحكومة المكلف تمام سلام لا يُرهب ولا يخاف وسيشكل حكومة في نهاية المطاف"، مردفاً أن "رئيس الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي النائب وليد جنبلاط يسير على خطى (رئيس الجمهورية) ميشال سليمان في تسمية الاشياء بأسمائها".
وأعرب جعجع في حديث لصحيفة "السفير" نشر الثلاثاء، عن "ارتياحه الى بداية التحول في الموقف الجنبلاطي"، مردفاً أن "جنبلاط يسير على خطى سليمان في تسمية الاشياء بأسمائها".
واتهم "(رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح) النائب ميشال عون بممارسة ارهاب سياسي ضد الرئيس المكلف (تمام سلام)عبر قوله ان الحكومة الحيادية هي مغامرة ستقود البلاد الى الخراب".
وشدد جعجع على ان "حكومة التكنوقراط الحيادية من خارج فريقي 8 و14 آذار هي الخطوة الوحيدة الواقعية والسليمة في هذه المرحلة"، مؤكداً أن "سلام لا يُرهب ولا يخاف، وهو لن يترك ولن يعتذر، وفي نهاية المطاف سيشكل الحكومة".
وأعلن جعجع انه "شخصيا يخالف (رئيس الحكومة السابق) سعد الحريري في ما طرحه في خطابه الأخير لجهة الموافقة على استئناف الحوار بعد تأليف حكومة حيادية"، مضيفاً "لكن في كل الاحوال سأعرض الأمر على الهيئة التنفيذية لاتخاذ القرار النهائي، في حال جرت الدعوة فعلا الى استئناف الحوار".
وكان جنبلاط قد أبلغ وكالة أنباء الشرق الأوسط المصرية، الأربعاء، أنه ربما يميل الى "طرح حكومة تكنوقراط حيادية للخروج من دوامة الفراغ الحالية"، لافتاً الانتباه الى انه "إذا استمرّ الفراغ وتعثر تشكيل الحكومة فإنه سيدرس كل الخيارات بما فيها تشكيل حكومة أمر واقع حيادية".
وأضاف "قد أميل الى هذا التوجّه ولا أريد أن أغامر، وأن أغيّر مواقفي، كنت من أول القائلين بضرورة حكومة وحدة وطنية سماها تمام سلام حكومة مصلحة وطنية".
وكلف سلام تشكيل الحكومة العتيدة، بعد استقالة حكومة نجيب ميقاتي في 22 آذار الفائت، حيث يصرّ على أن تشكيل حكومة "مصلحة وطنية" يكون هو نفسه فيها الضامن الوحيد، واعداً أنه سيستقيل في حال استقال أي مكون من مكونات الحكومة.
من جانبها تطالب قوى 14 آذار بحكومة حيادية لا تمثيل لحزب الله فيها بسبب تدخله في الصراع السوري، في حين أن 8 آذار تطالب بحكومة سياسية وقال رئيس "الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي" النائب وليد جنبلاط أنه لن يصوت على حكومة من لون واحد".
وأشار سلام في تغريدة له عبر تويتر، الى أن "الحكومة باتت طلبا ملحا لا يحتمل التأخير، في ظل قلق اللبنانيين من الاوضاع الحالية، وخوفهم على مستقبل البلاد".
“Those making judgments of its failure before it is even formed demonstrate that they will thwart the formation of a cabinet that they cannot control,” he stressed.
“Given the current tensions and severe internal divide, forming a government devoid of March 8 and 14 elements will be the best solution,” he stressed.
This is true.
Even more realistically though, I think the 8-8-8 model is quite fit in dealing with pressing matters threatening to engulf the stability of the country. Let's just hope the choices for the independents aren't people prone or susceptible to bribery as much as those in the other parties are.
where are you going to find people in lebanon who are neither 8 nor 14? completely unrealistic
my head and every sane realistic head it is clear that there are no neutral leaders in lebanon. but keep leaving in fantasy.
mowaten you are saying that in a country of 4 million, there are not 30 people who can be neutral, meaning there is not one person who can think for himself and differently.
in that case, why are you even still in lebanon. what hope do you have if this is how you see it?
there are 4 million LEADERS? seems like you're not answering with i said, rather having a monologue between you and what you want to think i said.
roar, i dont think you said anything so no need to reply to you.
mowaten, i never said there are 4 million leaders. maybe you should learn how to read. i am saying however out of 4 million, i am sure there are 30 who fit the criteria that you think is unrealistic, which is be qualified and does not blindly follow orders from one of the 2 main political groups in lebanon.
yeh, quite an absurd statement i made there :)
lol roar, i know, i know ;)
rudy: i said "there are no neutral LEADERS in lebanon" you answered saying there must be 30 neutral PEOPLE, which is irrelvant to what i said.
yea sure you could find some neutral people, which would probably be from the few people who dont care about politics and dont follow news (not the best profile for a minister dont you think?)
for the rest, almost everyone has a political opinion and/or religious affiliation, so they can't be considered NEUTRAL.
it's even more the case among people who can be considered potential "leader" material, meaning socially active, prominent successful people, who are all connected one way or another to political figures (unless you think the first looser down your house would be a good minister)
good then let it be people who dont care and dont know. when you're at the bottom, the only way to go is up
that's because in the small narrow minds of m8, anyone not with them is automatically m14. they need their mantras to keep their uneducated interested.
Samir Geagea, i.e. Dr. Arreet 7akeh, of course, the one who trampolined into the arms of Assad, at the height of the Syrian occupation, while scheming against ebn balado, and that of Ariel Sharon (alla yer7amak ya Sharon. alla yer7amak ya Bassel) at the height of the Israeli's deeeeeeeeep involvement with the Israelo-Lebanese Forces and now spends his wasted days perfecting his skills at art 7akeh on his almost-daily BS Show Galore. How else are Ds. Arteena Satleh going to bounce and clap like the retards that they are? takbir.
“Those making judgments of its failure before it is even formed demonstrate that they will thwart the formation of a cabinet that they cannot control,” he stressed.
lol that reminds me of something when miqati was forming his gov...
"dush"? seriously? why do you have to sound so retarded? the content of your comments already goes a long way
We want a government without the mustahbal and M14 western & Saudi/Qatari puppets taking part in it. They destroyed the country since 1990 instead of rebuilding it and making it a habitable nation for its people. They have archived nothing for the people and continue to drown the nation into debt. They have a lot to answer for. We will never vote for them again no matter how much thy pay us next time. Enough is enough. We need people loyal to our National cause and not people loyal to outsiders. Lebanon and Lebanese first, then the rest of the world comes second and if not last.
al akhbar, the mouthpiece of aoun the liar, has a story n its first page about the so called divorce of Geagea and sitrida.
when enough lies are enough?
when is the fpm going to stop acting like filth?
So much talk. Geagea is probably right with what he has said, but talk will not make this happen. Hezbollah wants to have a formal veto of the government, it already has an informal veto on the government. Hezbollah, if it does not get what it wants has the overt threat to go to the street with guns and put the country into crisis until it gets what it wants.
When the rest of the country gets the intestinal fortitude to go down to the street to meet Hezbollah, calling Nasrallah's bluff, then the talk will turn to action.
While Hezbollah is bogged down militarily in Syria, now is the time to call Hezbollah's bluff in Lebanon. Are they ready to open a two front war??
Hakim is a man of truth...we need more leaders like him...may god protect you ya Hakim...