عباس بعد لقائه ميقاتي: لسنا بحاجة للسلاح في المخيمات لاننا محميون من الدولة اللبنانية

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أكد الرئيس الفلسطيني محمود عباس أننا "لسنا بحاجة للسلاح في المخيمات لاننا محميون من الدولة اللبنانية"، مردفاً أننا "لا نريد أي عمل من شأنه أن يعبث بأمن لبنان".

وأشار عباس عقب لقائه رئيس حكومة تصريف الأعمال نجيب ميقاتي، الخميس، الى أن" الوضع العربي يعيش مخاضا عسيرا صعبا ونحن لا نتدخل بالشؤون الداخلية ولا نريد اي عمل من شأنه ان يعبث بامن لبنان".

وشدد على أننا " لسنا بحاجة الى السلاح في المخيمات في لبنان لاننا نحن محميون من الدولة اللبنانية"، مردفاً "نحن ضيوف في هذا البلد، وما يقرر بخصوص السلاح في الحكومة اللبنانية نوافق عليه".

وأكد عباس في سياق منفصل، الى أننا "لسنا مع أي طرف إزاء الأحداث المصرية"، معتبراً أننا " لا نتدخل بشؤون الدول العربية".

وزار عباس عين التينة حيث التقى بري الذي اقام له وللوفد المرافق مأدبة عشاء، حيث شدد على أن "ما يهمنا هو وحدة واستقرار لبنان ولذلك قمنا بما يجب علينا ان نقوم به".

وأوضح أن الفلسطينيين في لبنان "ضيوف مؤقتون في لبنان وسيأتي يوم علينا ان نعود فيه الى بلدنا"، وشدد على أنهم ما داموا في لبنان فهم تحت القانون اللبناني.

ولفت الى أن "لبنان ضحى ومازال من اجل القضية الفلسطينية ويحمل هذا العبء ويستمر في ذلك".

وفي سياق منفصل، هنأ الرئيس الفلسطيني محمود عباس الخميس المستشار عدلي منصور بعد ادائه اليمين الدستورية كرئيس انتقالي لمصر، واشاد بدور جيش وشعب مصر في الاطاحة بالرئيس محمد مرسي المنتمي الى الاخوان المسلمين الذين كانت تربطهم علاقات قوية بحركة حماس التي تسيطر على قطاع غزة.

واشاد عباس في رسالة التهنئة التي بثتها وكالة الانباء الفلسطينية "بالدور الذي قامت به القوات المسلحة المصرية بقيادة الفريق أول أحمد عبد الفتاح السيسي، في الحفاظ على أمن مصر ومنع انزلاقها إلى مصير مجهول".

وقال عباس انه يثمن "الدور الذي قام به الشعب المصري بفئاته المختلفة التي هبت لإنقاذ مصر وإقرار خريطة طريق لمستقبلها في هذه اللحظات الحاسمة"، مؤكدا "وقوف شعبنا إلى جانب الشعب المصري الذي احتضن القضية الفلسطينية، وضحى من أجلها وحنا على شعبها في مختلف مراحل نضاله".

وكان عباس قد وصل عصر الأربعاء الى لبنان في زيارة رسمية حيث التقى رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان.

التعليقات 20
Thumb mckinl 13:31 ,2013 تموز 04

Disarming the Palestinian refugee camps would be a great idea ... This could be the start of demilitarising all of Lebanon ... Only with confidence measures like this will the HA ever concede to merging with the LAF.

Thumb lebanon_first 17:29 ,2013 تموز 04

Mc. 100%. start with palestinians then HA and other lebanese.

I wonder why you got so many downthumbs!

Missing helicopter 22:10 ,2013 تموز 04

I think partly readers did not think he was sincere in meaning that HA will then surrender its arms.
If you look at the big picture, Sunnis look at the Palestinian arms as their defense against HA. So, if there is an honest desire to disarm all, then my proposal would be proportional disarming of all groups (based on their size and disarmament level). Also do not look at the armed Palestinians as a homogeneous group, we know that the two big ones PLLO and Hamas do not trust each other, hence the proportionnal disarming. Also do not think all the Palestinians are against HA, in fact the most lethat ones are armed by Asaad and they make one front with HA.
So proportional disarming will reach all without exposing one group to the dangers of another. Eventually they all become toothless and the LAF can do its job of protecting the borders and the ISF can do its job of maintaining internal security without being outgunned.

Missing greatpierro 20:58 ,2013 تموز 04

Habibi HA does not want to disarm as those weapons are there to defend the Iranian islamic revolution. Was it not for the havoc Iran is creating in Lebanon, Syria and to a less extent in Iraq (thanks to the US intervention) the Islamic Revolution would have been toppled in Iran similarly to what happened yesterday in Egypt.

HA has said to the army that Nahr el Bared is a red line. It has said that the palestinian weapons outside the camps are the first defense line of the resistance weapons. During the reconciliation conferences that were being held the past few years a decision was taken to disarm the palestinians camps. HA has always refused to implement this decision as the Palestinians holding weapons outside the camps are the FPLP i.e. a proxy militia for the Syrian regime.

Missing helicopter 22:03 ,2013 تموز 04

Now everyone should understand why HA is against disarming Palestinians and against demarcating the borders. Because they both give it justification to hold on to its arms. Even with both happening, HA will never give up its arms (it only gets exposed by removing the fig leave, the excuse). HA plans are much much bigger, an Islamic State that is an arm to Welayat Elfaqih and to those who deny it, deny as much as you want- it is as plane as a gull moon on a clear night.

Missing hillsong 22:36 ,2013 تموز 04

Rubbish, it is known fact that according to 12ver shia ideology they are armed cause they are waiting for the mehdi, Hezb & the shia will never give up their arms, its called "Active Waiting" cause they balive the shia mehdi is going to need an army to take on Israel & the sunnis. Research it for yourself

Default-user-icon lama (ضيف) 13:33 ,2013 تموز 04

liar liar liar. every year we receive a palestinian thug who comes and sells us whatever he thinks lebanese would like to hear: "we're here on a temporary basis, we appreciate being hosted by your government". reality is all palestinians care about is getting nationalized just like they are in Jordan, and take over the country. I just wish every lebanese including hariri & co unite to find a solution for these refugees. we've been toerating them for almost 70 years now. it is about time they find another place, such as Lybia, Algeria, Sudan and KSA. These are huge territories with better living conditions. Just leave Lebanon to Lebanese.

Missing VINCENT 01:01 ,2013 تموز 05

Well said.

Thumb phoenician 15:56 ,2013 تموز 04

Phahahahahahahahahaha what a joke and how could there be a convention that doesnt allow the Lebanese state and Army to enter or interfer in any trouble inside the camp whixh is constant and armed to the eyebulls.
Partition please.

Thumb lebanon_first 17:33 ,2013 تموز 04

nice point patriot.

Missing arturo 17:33 ,2013 تموز 04

People born and raised in Lebanon to parents born and raised there are not "foreigners." If Lebanon has a policy of authorizing armed militias there should be a process that groups can follow to get that authorization. It shouldn't be limited to one or two militias.

Thumb lebanon_first 17:34 ,2013 تموز 04

palestinians wont give their weapons because sunni lebanese dont want them to give up their weapons

Missing greatpierro 20:22 ,2013 تموز 04

Lebanon_first 1) you have it completely wrong and 2) you remark is sectarian as ever. No The ones who do not want the disarmement of Palestinians inside and outside the camps are Hiszbullah who have declared that the arms of the palestinians are the first defense line of the resistance weapons.

Remember Saniora in 2007 was trying hard with the palestinian leaders to have them disarm the camps.

I am just bewildered as how realities can be occulted by sectarian thinking.

Thumb lebanon_first 22:03 ,2013 تموز 04

in 2007 sunnis wanted them disarmed. today they dont because today sunnis want to arm themselves against HA

Missing helicopter 22:17 ,2013 تموز 04

This is why I am proposing the proportional disarming of all groups. To eliminate the finger pointing and each saying start with others. I am confident that Sunnis will accept such a formula as they do not need to fear Hezb since their arms will be reduced accordingly.
USA and Russia did this proportional disarmament on Nuclear weapons and Intercontinental missiles. Each reduced their holdings by a proportional amount.

Missing greatpierro 03:05 ,2013 تموز 05

The sunni are suffering from the arms of HA and Co. They have been repeatedly saying in Tripoli and Saida that the cities should be arm free. Mainstream M14 and Mustaqbal have been voicing this on and on. Unfertunately some M14 leaders in Tripoli have called on their zeaaran to hold weapons and not to drop them until the other camp drop them too. But so far there is no indication that the Sunni are calling on the weapons of the palestenians.

Thumb zahle1 20:52 ,2013 تموز 04

I agree and gave you a +1. So if they do this should HA have arms? If the camps don't have weapons can HA then join the LAF and agree to serve Lebanese interests not just sectarian? For the record I would rather have HA armed than Assir and Salafi; But come on, I have been reading your posts for years, you are a smart man, it does not make sense for any country to have a militia for decades like this under sectarian control, fighting in other countries in this manner.

Thumb zahle1 23:02 ,2013 تموز 04

They have had their arms for a very long time already. I would agree not all but most Christian's looked at Shiites as you stated. Shiites are original Lebanese we all know that. They are indigenous. However, for many years Christians actually have been at the mercy of the Assad regime, which Hizb has been aligned with for years. We were at the mercy of Turks for how many hundreds? Lebanese in Syrian jails/MIA in Syria, Syrian occupation, all in the name of Palestinians? Numerous Christian assassinations, please don't say it was all Israel behind these things. It is about Shiite/Alawite power from Lebanon through Syria, Iraq and Iran. Yes, aside from a few murdered protestors recently, turning their guns inward in 2008 over phone lines they have a divine right to, threatening a few liquor store owners, and kicking a few women out of the water in the summer in jnoub for not covering, for the most part, they have been reasonable given their might.

Thumb zahle1 23:02 ,2013 تموز 04

Why demarcation with just Shebaa? Why not Syria too? Shebaa is just a cover to keep arms, I was hoping for a better reason. I live with the biggest HA contingency outside of Lebanon in Detroit. I have many friends from Bint Jebail and Barachit. They all tell me Shebaa is just an excuse to keep their weapons. Most people in Shebaa are happy as is, and the rest consider themselves Syrian. Can we keep just a few Christians left in the Middle East?

Missing VINCENT 01:19 ,2013 تموز 05

Well said. Here, the "original sin" was bringing the Palestinians and their deadly regional problems into Lebanon. At least, people in my family circle knew this will happen and spoke against it even before the alleged civil war erupted. At this point, may be it does not matter if the responsible Lebanese politicians did it willingly, by payment and/or by force. What matters is for purely Lebanese interest, the Palestinians in Lebanon should be disarmed. I would give them a time period to either disarm or relocate their militia to another country who are willing to die for their cause to fight their enemy and leave Lebanon alone. Too many Lebanese have died and suffered in the past 35 years or so.