جنبلاط يشدد على ضرورة العودة الى الحوار: محاوﻻت تشويه صورة الجيش بعد ما حققه من إنجاز نوعي مرفوضة

Read this story in English W460

رأى رئيس "جبهة النضال الوطني" النائب وليد جنبلاط أن " أي محاوﻻت لتشويه صورة الجيش بعد ما حققه من إنجاز نوعي مرفوضة"، مردفاً أنه " ﻻ مفر من العودة إلى الحوار ﻻنتاج تفاهمات الحد اﻷدنى في تنظيم الاختلاف السياسي وتنفيس اﻻحتقان".

وأشار جنبلاط في تصاريح له، السبت، الى أن " اﻷحداث اﻷخيرة قد أثبتت صحة الشعار الذي لطالما رفعناه وهو أن مسألة السلاح ﻻ تعالج بالسلاح، فهذا أمر مرفوض تماماً ﻷن في ذلك ما قد يفضي لدخول اللبنانيين في سباق التسلح"، مردفاً أنه " ﻻ مفر من العودة إلى الحوار ﻻنتاج تفاهمات الحد اﻷدنى في تنظيم الاختلاف السياسي وتنفيس اﻻحتقان الشديد الذي يرتدي طابعاً مذهبياً وطائفياً".

وأضاف أن " أي محاوﻻت لتشويه صورة الجيش بعد ما حققه من إنجاز نوعي مرفوضة بالمطلق وليس لها ما يبررها"، معتبراً أنه "من المحزن أن نشهد ما شهدناه في طرابلس من إحراق صور وإنزال أخرى لرمز من رموز اﻻعتدال السياسي أي الرئيس سعد الحريري في ساحة طرابلس التي هي باﻻساس ساحة رشيد كرامي الذي كان رمزاً من الرموز الوطنية واﻻعتدال اللبناني".

وأكد أن "من مصلحة جميع اللبنانيين تعزيز منطق اﻻعتدال بدل السقوط في أفخاخ التطرف الطائفي الذي إذا ما يتنامى يصبح كالوحش الذي يصعب لجمه، والطريق اﻻسرع واﻻقصر واﻻجدى لتحقيق هذا الهدف تكون عبر دعم مشروع الدولة ومؤسساتها وفي طليعتها الجيش والقوى الأمنية الرسمية ﻷنها الملاذ اﻷخير للبنانيين وأملهم في حماية اﻻستقرار وإستعادة الطمأنينة المفقودة، وعبر مواجهة الفكر المتطرف حتى ولو كان احيانا على حساب الاعتبارات الشعبية".

وأعرب جنبلاط عن "رفضه كل أصوات التشكيك التي يرقى بعضها الى مستوى التحريض"، مردفاً أنه "ﻻ بد من وضع حد للتأويلات حيال معركة صيدا التي ترمي لتشويه اﻻنجاز النوعي الذي حققه الجيش وتكبد في سبيله أثمان باهظة من خلال إستشهاد كوكبة من خيرة ضباطه ورتبائه وجنوده الذين ضحوا بحياتهم في سبيل اﻻستقرار".

وشدد على أنه "ﻻ بد من تحقيق داخلي من ضمن المؤسسة العسكرية في ظروف وفاة السيد نادر البيومي تحت التعذيب ومحاسبة المسؤولين عن ذلك، إنما بعيدا عن الضوضاء الاعلامية"، مؤكداً أن "هذا يصب في مصلحة الجيش ومصداقيته بالدرجة الأولى ويبعده عن أي سلوكيات ﻻ تتناسب مع مسيرته الوطنية وتضحياته اﻻستثنائية".

التعليقات 21
Missing forces 14:37 ,2013 حزيران 29

man Lebanon must be in worse shape than i had imagined. Even Jumblat is making sense :)

Thumb mckinl 14:44 ,2013 حزيران 29

He came back from Riyadh empty handed and worse, empty suitcases.

Thumb mckinl 15:14 ,2013 حزيران 29

Jumblat knows that under Wahhabi law his people are doomed ... And that is just what the KSA wants ... Wahhabism in both Syria and now Lebanon.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Hariri sidelined by the KSA in favor of an all out Salafist intifada in Lebanon ... They will fail but the cost in lives ...

Thumb mckinl 15:37 ,2013 حزيران 29

I do not see how you can reconcile the behavior of Geagea with the good of Lebanon ... He too is in the Saudi's pockets and rumored to be a front for the US therefore Zionist interests. The LF needs new leadership ...

Thumb mckinl 16:18 ,2013 حزيران 29

@ the1phoenix

Thank you for your honesty ... I know these decisions were very painful but when doesn't betrayal bring much pain ...

Thumb geha 16:36 ,2013 حزيران 29

for your information:
Asir is now in Syria.
an army unit was following him into Syria and got caught by the FSA and turned back into Lebanon.

Thumb geha 17:37 ,2013 حزيران 29

yes hizbushaitan is so afraid of the Palestinian camps :)
but that is not what you should be afraid of m8: you should start to feel the grunt of the sunni world as they are preparing for along civil war in Lebanon.
hizbushaitan is no longer acceptable by sunnis all over, and a lot is going to be done about it.
you underestimated what people can do when constantly humiliated!
nasrallah = hitler.

Thumb geha 18:07 ,2013 حزيران 29

go down the path of insuts :) you are proving you are what we know you are: an Iranian agent.
as far as voting down or up: I simply do not do it :) I do not care about that.

Missing peace 19:18 ,2013 حزيران 29

palestinian camps? for years people asked for their disarmement but who opposed it? hezbis... coz if so they know they would be next... hezbis need enemies for their propaganda! israel, assir, palestinians and so on... peace has never been what hezbis wanted ! like parasites they feed on chaos to spread their propaganda to weak minded people... who need a weak lebanon? israel and... hezbis!

Thumb geha 20:39 ,2013 حزيران 29

you talk about sunni extremism while you stay silent about shia extremism! why?
as for taxing me to be sectarian, lots of others before you tried that and finally realized I am not.
now for your friend that you are defending: he is a fake hiding behind a picture of bachir.

Missing VINCENT 01:10 ,2013 حزيران 30

The Palestinian camps are a ticking bomb waiting for the right time to unleash the carefully orchestrated devastation of our "Watan" by the Salafists, the Wahabis, the Jihadists. Therefore, I focus on the following statement of Jumblat: “These security and military forces are the people's last resort in protecting stability through confronting extremist thought even at the expense of popular interests." I would urge those with purely Lebanese interests take this remark to heart and implementation.

Thumb geha 16:55 ,2013 حزيران 29

he is not an LF, nor a Christian.
he is a propaganda for m8 trying to misinform hiding behind the picture of bachir.
he uncovered himself totally a few days ago, and has no respect from anyone.
all he does is misinformation posing as one of us.

Thumb geha 17:38 ,2013 حزيران 29

you are a fake and we know exactly who you are :) when the time is right we will handle you.

Thumb geha 17:40 ,2013 حزيران 29

you are hiding behind the picture of bachir to try to spread your venom.
you are just another Iranian agent, a shia extremist in disguise.
as I said above: we know who you are already.

Thumb cedre 17:48 ,2013 حزيران 29

phoenix, ca fait un petit moment que je te lis et je respecte ton opinion et experience bien que sunni et non FL. Cependant tu sembles pas voir la mainmise du Hizb sur des parties de l'armee et du renseignement, leur persecution systematique des sunnis. On est tous contre Assir, mais ses denoncitations sont exactes. Il a raison sur le fond pas la forme. Et si les libanais ne reagissent pas, le pays va etre mis a feu et a sang...

Missing people-power 19:44 ,2013 حزيران 29

I discovered the true identity of the so-called "the1phoenix" many months ago. He is the worst type of Iranian propagandist, trying to pretend he was former pro-M14, but now switching sides. He is simply a wolf in sheep's clothing. Do not trust this fake person, he is a liar and a hypocrite.

Thumb geha 20:45 ,2013 حزيران 29

no one likes asir! it looks like your hard head does not comprehend that fact.
we hate all extremists starting with hizbushaitan, the source of all evil.
can you find a way to let it through your thick mind?

Missing people-power 21:00 ,2013 حزيران 29

When people like "the_bore" come to defend him, it's a pretty good clue to his true identity

Missing helicopter 22:59 ,2013 حزيران 29

I hope Taymoor will have more credibility, but I doubt it as often the apple does not fall far from the tree. The young get their training from the old before they are released to inherit their rightful place amongst the 40 thieves.
Dialogue or by any other mean: Palestinians armed by Syria and Hezb armed by Iran both are tools to serve the interests of Syria and Iran at the exxpense of Lebanon. This is what M8 posters on this forum say for each of the issues facing Lebanon:
Demarcate the Lebanese/Syrian border (this is a Zionist conspiracy). Disarm Hezb (this is a Zionist conspiracy) or better yet (not now and not ever you Salafist Takfiri,s Wahabis, heart-eater, Asir lover.....).
Poor Lebanon

Missing peace 23:23 ,2013 حزيران 29

don't worry geha... hezbi lovers have only a binary mind... if you dont like hezbis it means you are a sionist (it s been long time since they haven't used that, now the trend being salafi, the new fear they want to spread LOL!) or a salafi (now the new word!)...

their brain is so washed that they cannot understand how you can be against ALL extremisms! fuuny things these hezbis lovers....

as for christians and shia for secularism? BIG LAUGH!!! they are the first ones to keep sectariansim ! they pretend to defend the constitution while it is written in the constitution...

which politician has ever asked to FULLY implement the constitution or TAEF concerning this issue? NO ONE..... so please spare us your defense of secularism by christians or shias! LOL!!!

Missing VINCENT 01:00 ,2013 حزيران 30

Well said Phoenix. There is always a common thread of factual basis and careful/thoughtful explanation in your analyses.