دمشق: ما يحصل في صيدا هو "إرهاب من إرهاصات" مؤتمر الدوحة

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قالت دمشق الإثنين أن الإشتباكات في صيدا بين الجيش ومسلحي إمام مسجد بلال بن رباح في صيدا الشيخ أحمد الأسير هو من نتائج مؤتمر الدوحة الذي قرر السبت تليح المعارضة السورية.

وأعلن وزير الخارجية السوري وليد المعلم في مؤتمر صحفي الإثنين بحسب ما نقلت عنه وكالة الأنباء الرسمية "سانا" أن "ما يحدث في صيدا من إرهاب وجرائم إنما هو من إرهاصات مؤتمر الدوحة وتسليح المعارضة".

أضاف "مهما تآمروا لن ينتصروا علينا لأن التآمر على سورية له مسارات عديدة ونحن واثقون بقدرة شعبنا والقوات المسلحة على التغلب على هذا الإرهاب".

وتابع وزير الخارجية السوري بالقول إنه "لقد نبهنا من بداية الأزمة إلى أن انعكاسات ما يجري في سورية على دول الجوار خطير".

وشرح "أننا لا نريد أن نتدخل في الشأن اللبناني لأن قادة لبنان أقدر على تقدير الموقف ونتمنى أن ينتصر الجيش اللبناني".

كما لفت إلى "أننا نتطلع إلى علاقة حسن جوار مع الأردن ومن يتربصون بسورية ويريدون إقامة "دولة الخلافة الإسلامية" لن يتوقفوا عند حدود سورية وما نقوم به هو دفاع عن لبنان والأردن والعراق".

وتجري اشتباكات في صيدا منذ الأحد في صيدا وقد ذهب ضحيتها أكثر من 15 شهيدا من الجيش و100 جريح. كما سقط قتلى تابعين للأسير.

وقرر ممثلو 11 دولة تشكل نواة "مجموعة اصدقاء سوريا" في قطر السبت زيادة تسليح المعارضة السورية من اجل استعادة "التوازن" على الارض مع النظام.

التعليقات 15
Thumb EagleDawn 14:29 ,2013 حزيران 24

“What's happening in Sidon is one of the results of the secret decisions taken in Doha,” al-Muallem told a press conference in Damascus.

How did you know this was the result if the decisions were "secret"?

Missing antibiotic 14:34 ,2013 حزيران 24

Secret discussions from bashar their iranian gods & hezbal swine

Thumb benzona 14:39 ,2013 حزيران 24

LOL eagle. It's true, how would hé know?

Missing samiam 14:43 ,2013 حزيران 24

and I thought M8 were the ones that always used conspiracies as an excuse...

Missing samiam 14:44 ,2013 حزيران 24

missed adding <sarcasm> in case you missed it

Default-user-icon leb (ضيف) 14:48 ,2013 حزيران 24

May Syria and Qatar burn down to the ground, and may they take all of these bearded animals with them.

Thumb eli-g 15:03 ,2013 حزيران 24

there is nothing secretive about the Doha meetings. they decided, and openly to supply the Syrian free army with more advanced weapons.

Thumb geha 15:24 ,2013 حزيران 24

hizbushaitan has awakened something we never had in Lebanon through their actions: sunni extremism.
now we are officially in civil war, once more, especially they gave these extremists their martyrs today.

Thumb LebCynic 16:54 ,2013 حزيران 24

Never had sunni extremism in Lebanon? We talking about the same Lebanon? As I recall my time in LAF in the late 70s-80s there were taw7id el islam in Tripoli trying to take jabal mohsen (unsuccessful I must add). Go read up on your history as most of your posts are nothing more than baseless propaganda.

Thumb benzona 15:16 ,2013 حزيران 24

If he did as you claim, then lebanon was very affordable. A bargain I may say!

You should look up the definition of terrorism. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism

You'll notice that terrorists target civilians, al Qaïda, Hezbollah etc... Al Assir attacks the army. Not that it's any better or honourable, but he isn't a terrorist, he's resisting the terrorists controlling Lebanon today. Not the poor soldiers, but their commanders.

Default-user-icon leb (ضيف) 15:23 ,2013 حزيران 24

You realize that numerous civilians were put in harms way and a civilian was killed yesterday too? What about his boys in Tripoli who are going around and intimidating shop owners and people with their Kalashnikovs? Dont bullshit yourself, they are terrorists. Hezbollah aren't any good either, but if we replace them with Salafis things wont get any better.

Thumb LebCynic 16:50 ,2013 حزيران 24

Yeah sure thing - he is a pillar among honorable men, thats the exact reason his hiding among civilians and using them as a shield or escaped like a coward. And I agree with you, he isnt a terrorist, his a terrorists puppet that does as his told by his KSA masters. Hopefully soon the families of the martyrs will soon celebrate Asir and his goons death I hope they will find comfort in knowing the blood of their sons wasn't spilled for nothing

Missing peace 15:28 ,2013 حزيران 24

waw! how can he know as it was "secret"? LOL!!!

Thumb lebanon_first 15:49 ,2013 حزيران 24

Moallem, I wouldnt be surprised if your boss assad the dog is financing assir to create strife in lebanon.

Default-user-icon Hadis (ضيف) 17:01 ,2013 حزيران 24

The number of retarded commentators on here is off the charts haha
Like people who blame hezbollah who didn't and never fired of the army or civilians, and who didn't also fight assir knowing he can beat him easily. But see, diffrence is that hezbollah works upon tactics and actually gives a damn about lebanon.
Assir is targeting commanders? Then why is he shooting at regular soldiers and calling for defections?geha u fool, hezbollah never did similar actions that assir is doing, thus maintaining civil peace.
Assad is fighting the same gang in syria, are you telling me he is secretly friends and leader of salafi sunnis in lebanon? The same ones who want him out of power? Proves how retarded y'all are