تقارير: نجلا رعد وفنيش أصيبا خلال المعارك في سوريا
Read this story in Englishادت الاشتباكات داخل الاراضي السورية الى اصابة نجلي رئيس كتلة "حزب الله" النائب محمد رعد ووزير التنمية الادارية في حكومة تصريف الاعمال محمد فنيش، وفق ما كشفته معلومات صحافية.
ونقلت صحيفة "السياسة" الكويتية، الخميس، معلومات مفادها أن نجلي رعد وفنيش أصيبا خلال المعارك في سوريا، مشيرة الى أن نجل فنيش أصيب بجروح بليغة في وجهه.
ولفتت الى أنه يخضع في مستشفى جامعي في بيروت لعملية جراحية.
يُذكر ان الجيش السوري والمعارضة السورية، أعلنا الاربعاء أن القوات السورية النظامية سيطرت على مدينة القصير، بمساندة من مقاتلين من "حزب الله"، بعد اشتباكات كانت قد بدأت في ايار الفائت.
ويُشار الى أن "حزب الله"، اعلن في وقت سابق عن تشييع عدد من مقاتليه، جراء القتال داخل الاراضي السورية.
Wow, what a biased picture. Only the FSA actually sends children to battle, this is just crude propaganda.
if i can help in any way i will gladly give out the address of any hizbilterror irani operative in lebanon.
Unfortunately the battle will go on until Bashar is toppled or he wins and the whole country goes into remission. assad will not be able to govern if he wins because the only party who will help him would be iran and Russia. Iran is already bankrupt and Russia would sell its father for a penny. When russia sees bashar penniless, then it will try to topple him forever. What I can't tell is if bashar succeeds in carving Alawit partion of Syria with the blessing of Israel. This will help him side with israel in return for an American blessing for Bashar and forgiveness to his crimes. Like this, bashar would survive the aftermath of the war in Syria. IMHO. he's working towards this end.
Now that's a reason to hand ou sweets and celebrate - I get it now.)) rot in hell with hadi - excellent idea ;)
Naharnet, whatever happened to my comment re. cheikh Saad al-Haribi Teltayn al-Marajil getting wounded while fighting the occupation on PLAYSTATION when his father, Rafic Syria, Syria's best Rafic was fighting them in his own special way and insulting them by calling their presence: DAROURI, CHAR3I AND MOU2AQAT? Is it the Rafic Syria part that you are so sensitive about or is it Syria's best Rafic?
A li li li li li. That's what they do when they get married and fall martyrs for killing fellow Muslims. Gosh, another stock of virgins is about to get delivered.
If you die, you get 70 virgins. What if you are injured? How does it work? Do you get say, 30 virgins? or do you get to only flirt and make out with 70 virgins?
Anyone has the exact procedure?
lebanon_first, what if women were killed there.
How does that work.
Do the women get 72 male virgins.
"The cabinet has disassociated itself from Syria's events and we urge all Lebanese to follow the same approach." said charbel...
aren't hezbi part of the cabinet? see how HYPOCRIT they are together with those sheep followers... is he going to ask hezbi to withdraw? LOL