تقارير: لقاء بين نصرالله وميقاتي أفضى الى اطلاق مبادرة الحوار

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كشفت مصادر صحافية، الأربعاء، أن الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله، التقى منذ مدة رئيس حكومة تصريف الأعمال نجيب ميقاتي، الأمر الذي أفضى الى أن يقوم الأخير الى اطلاق مبادرة للحوار.

وأوضحت المصادر البارزة لصحيفة "الحياة" أن اللقاء الذي حصل منذ ثلاثة أسابيع كان فرصة لـ"استعادة حرارة العلاقة بينهما بعد جفاء حصل بعد استقالة حكومة ميقاتي في 22 آذار الفائت".

ولفتت الى أن هذا اللقاء "شجع ميقاتي على العودة الى التحرك واقتراح مبادرة للحوار الوطني".

والاربعاء الفائت، طرح ميقاتي مبادرة تقضي بأن يقوم رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان، بالدعوة "للقاء حواري يحضره كافة الأفرقاء دون أحكام مسبقة".

وأضاف أنه على الأفرقاء أن يكونوا مستعدين لتقديم التنازلات "وسأسعى لتحديد الأطر وسأبدأ مع فريق عمل بلورة الأفكار مع كل فريق على حدة للوصول إلى نتائج تحمي الوطن وتحصينه".

التعليقات 10
Missing baba_oreily 08:24 ,2013 حزيران 02

Useless meeting.

Thumb geha 08:31 ,2013 حزيران 02

without pre conditions? what does it mean?
does it mean that hizbushaitan is willing to discuss their weapons? does it mean that hizbushaitan is willing to discuss their involvement in Syria?? ....... so many other things.....
but NO they are not willing to do that! so there are pre conditions!
furthermore, are they willing to abide by the agreements out of this meeting? NO as usual.
so what is the use of such a meeting?

Missing 11-11 08:38 ,2013 حزيران 02

Again with the national dialogue BS, did the Iranian militia have a national dialog before sending its fighters to lead an a assault on a Syrian city on behalf of the benevolent Assad regime? No it got its marching orders from the ayatollah and gave no thought to Lebanon.

Missing samiam 08:46 ,2013 حزيران 02

so was it face to face or over big screen tv's? inquiring minds want to know.

anyhow, this was before hizb iran's admitted escalation of its role in syria, so it means nothing.

Thumb turmos 09:01 ,2013 حزيران 02

Miqati was used and abused by this sectarian terrorist. He is back for some more.... He is lobbying for an initiative that will name him prime minister once again!

Thumb LebDinosaur 09:31 ,2013 حزيران 02

When the "humans" that are meeting are ethical, straightforward and honest, then that's great, because more meetings = more solutions. But in this case & otherwise elsewhere in Lebanon, more meetings = more manipulations, more controls & more plots to stay backward.

Thumb Lebanon4life 12:58 ,2013 حزيران 02

Khalas !!!! To hell with all those useless guys !! To hell with the resistence !! To hell with the zionist enemy !! To hell with wahbist terrorists and salafists !! To hell with anyone who is harming Lebanon . I don't care for neighbouring countries these are not our problems . Every politican who is not with Lebanon should be hanged !! It has been for to long that we live in such circumstances . You either support Lebanon and it's Army or you should leave immediatly. Y3ich Baladna Lebnen

Thumb primesuspect 17:16 ,2013 حزيران 02

Miqati should give us his location so we can pay the israelis to take him down. Yes, pay the Israelis to remove surgically this cancer from Lebanon. Not the other way around...

Thumb primesuspect 17:17 ,2013 حزيران 02

That's why he must go.... Hitler, Tito, Franco are waiting for him.

Thumb primesuspect 17:18 ,2013 حزيران 02

Perhaps G.I. Joes would do the trick? Or a G.I. Joe drone.