كندا تعارض مد المعارضة السورية بالسلاح

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قال وزير الخارجية الكندي جون بيرد الثلاثاء ان سوريا قد تشهد "مزيدا من العنف والقتل والدمار" ان زود الاتحاد الاوروبي مقاتلي المعارضة بالاسلحة.

واكد بيرد للصحافيين "ان موقفي حازم وهو ان السبيل الوحيد لانهاء معاناة الشعب السوري يمر عبر حل سياسي".

وشدد على ان "اغراق البلاد والمنطقة بالاسلحة سيؤدي الى مزيد من اعمال العنف ومزيد من القتلى ومزيد من الدمار. لذلك فان كندا لا نية لديها لاتباع هذا الخط".

واضاف الوزير الكندي ان "ما يثير قلقنا بالدرجة الاولى هو عدد الجهاديين الذين انضموا الى اجنحة المعارضة، وفي رأينا ان الوضع ما زال بعيدا عن التحسن بل انه يزداد سوءا".

وقرر الاتحاد الاوروبي المنقسم الى حد كبير ليل الاثنين الثلاثاء رفع الحظر على الاسلحة لمقاتلي المعارضة السورية تحت ضغط لندن وبدرجة اقل باريس.

لكن البيان السياسي الذي ترافق مع هذا الاتفاق يوضح ان الدول لن تسلم اسلحة في هذه المرحلة وان مجلس الوزراء الاوروبي سيراجع هذا الموضوع في الاول من اب المقبل، وذلك لتجنب الحاق الضرر بمبادرة السلام الروسية الاميركية التي تهدف الى عقد مؤتمر دولي في جنيف في حزيران المقبل.

التعليقات 7
Thumb fero 00:02 ,2013 أيار 29

This is exactly my point with al Qaeda and al nusra being so involved its only a matter of time before they get there hands on these weapons, and if they get weapons they will never consider a political soloution . This is only being done becasue the oppostion is losing ground and are starting to panic there will be more destruction more death and no end in sight this is by far the worst decision i have seen

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 01:54 ,2013 أيار 29

Gabby14 - This government is the most pro-Israeli we have ever had in Canada. If they oppose arming the opposition, it is because Israel asked them to. Before some idiots go on a rant, please research the topic and better yet read http://www.timesofisrael.com/canada-pm-slams-world-leaders-for-not-supporting-israel/

Default-user-icon Mumu (ضيف) 02:50 ,2013 أيار 29

From other side, if you would like to understand more , Why Jerusalem Doesn't Want the Assad Regime to Fall read http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/139373/efraim-halevy/israels-man-in-damascus

Ironically , Syrian regime has a trust in the eyes of the "Enemy"

Missing canadianadam 05:37 ,2013 أيار 29

It's because we have one conservative pro Israeli party leading the country and four disunited more liberal parties (not necessarily pro Israeli parties). I would believe that most Canadians support the Syrian opposition.

Put it this way, Arabs are one of the largest ethnic minorities in Canada. I live In a city that has probably 40000 Arabs and I have only met one pro regime.

I support arming the opposition.

Missing canadianadam 05:39 ,2013 أيار 29

Most Canadians realize this gabby. Hopefully our current government will be on its way out. I hate to say this but this probably the first time in the last few centuries that the Americans have had a more progressive government than we do.

Default-user-icon Edy (ضيف) 08:07 ,2013 أيار 29

Canada's decision against arming the opposition is logical and for good reasons: The opposition is not united, weapons could get into the hands of Alquaida liked Jihadi groups, no guarantee that the opposition will return these weapons and work toward a civil society, no quarantees that they will start using the weapons against other countries inthe region, no guarantees that minorities such as Kurds and Alawaits will not be harmed after Asad is gone. Too many unclear variables. Oh and by the way, for those who are attacking Isreal, also make sure you do not clap for Israel when it destroys weapon supply for ASAD anf Hizbollah.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 19:02 ,2013 أيار 29

it is because israel told them to ... end of story.