مشاورات مكثفة تسبق الجلسة العامة وجعجع يعلن عن "انتصار كامل بكل جوانبه" على "المختلط"
Read this story in Englishتكثفت الإجتماعات الثلاثاء قبل الجلسة العامة لمجلس النواب الأربعاء لمحاولة الإتفاق على مشروع قانون مختلط من جهة فريق الرابع عشر من آذار وتثبيت الإتفاق على مشروع "اللقاء الأورثذكسي" من جهة التيار "الوطني الحر".
وفي التفاصيل أعلن رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع لقناة الـ"MTV" أن "الاتفاق على "المختلط" انتصار كبير لصحة التمثيل والروح التوافقية معا".
وقال "لو كنا أمنا التمثيل من دون الروح التوافقية كان الأمر نصف انتصار ولو أمنا التوافق من دون صحة التمثيل لكان نصف انكسار أما ما تحقق فهو انتصار كامل بكل جوانبه".
وعلمت القناة عينها أن الإتفاق يقضي باعتماد التصويت وفق النظام الأكثري بنسبة 55% ووفق النسبي 45%.
إلا أنها نقلت عن مصادر حزب "الكتائب اللبنانية" أن الحزب لم يوافق بعد على هذا المشروع.
بدوره أعلن الوزير عن الحزب "التقدمي الإشتراكي" وائل أبو فاعور لقناة الـ"LBCI" أن "الاتفاق بين المستقبل والقوات على القانون المختلط 69 (نائبا) أكثري و59 نسبي وهذا الطرح نال موافقة الاشتراكي".
وكان قد شهد نهار الثلاثاء اجتماعات كثيرة منها زيارة وزير الطاقة في حكومة تصريف الأعمال جبران باسيل إلى معراب.
كذلك عاد عضو كتلة "المستقبل" النائب أحمد فتفت من جدة حيث التقى رئيس تيار "المستقبل" النائب سعد الحريري، وحط في بيت الكتائب المركزي ليستقبل هذا البيت بعده مباشرة باسيل بحضور النائبين سامي الجميّل وسامر سعادة ونائبي رئيس الكتائب سجعان قزي وشاكر عون وغادر باسيل من دون الادلاء بأي تصريح.
وقالت الـ"MTV" أن الإتصالات لم تنقطع منذ ليل الثلاثاء وحتى نهار الأربعاء بين جعجع والحريري.
كذلك كشفت القناة المذكورة أن عضو كتلة "القوات اللبنانية" النائب أنطوان زهرا انضم إلى اجتماع عقد في بيت الوسط بحضور رئيس كتلة "المستقبل" النائب فؤاد السنيورة وعدد من النواب.
يُشار الى رئيس مجلس النواي نبيه بري، قد ادرج "الاورثوذكسي" على جدول اعمال الجلسة العامة الاربعاء، بالرغم من الموقف الرافض لعدد من الافرقاء.
Free spirit. Dont listen to Roar. He doesn't really beleive in lebanon as a country and is convinced that Assad's police state regime is a model state that should be copied by the region. Wouhahahahahaha!!!!
The poor things gloats for each victory of Assad stalinist regime.
Roar. You are very proud that your own prediction that Assad will not loose was right, and the prediction of many people on this site were wishfull thinking.
Unfortunately you are right. (I personally never dreamed that Assad will leave so easily- too good to be true).
It is a fact that the assad family is the worst thing that happened to lebanon since its independance. And you obviously are not lebanese. Probably syrian... Do you honestly think assad is good for syria?
Roar. I dont know why you are imagining idols and crocodile tears. Probably projecting a stereotype of someone you know. I wont get you into the nuances of my political opinions. Just answer my question:
You agree that Assad is bad for lebanon. But why do u think it is good for syria? Why are u happy he is still here? Why would syria benefit from a neostalinist criminal?
Roar. I dont agree that the biggest problem is with the lebanese with each other. The biggest problem of Lebanon is the assad's syria who is the BULLY of lebanon.
It is like you are saying if Petain and de gaulle talk together, they will eliminate the nazi threat, or if the polish talk together, they will elimnate the soviet threat and prevent invasion of poland.
True, Lebanese should talk together and look inside to solve their problem. But whatever they do, as long as ASSad is in power in syria, a stable strong lebanon is impossible.
Geagea made us loose 15 deputies and he dares to be proud of it! Judas strikes again, but the question is how much does 30 coins of silver worth these days?? Wlak tfeh
amn al moujtama3 al massi7i tole3 art 7akeh bi art 7akeh. No wonder his name is Dr. Arreet 7akeh. Once a servant, always a servant.
Is this man for real!?? And he claims to be the leader of a Christian party. it's the right of the Sunnis to elect their own MPs as well as it's the right of the maronites the orthodox the druze... and in a real historic moment that will probably not come again, the Shiaa leaders decide to back the christian rights and help them attain real representation, Geagea comes make us miss the momentum against some Saudia Ryal!! again TFEHHHH
BJ you think you're being the moral, good example here? Maybe you should mention that the secular party you vote f
So if all vote for Orthodox and the sunnis feel sidelined and abandoned, what would you think the consequence would be? Have you thought of that?
Let me remind you what happened when the gouvernement was formed without HA. Remember?
It is not that difficult to understand my point. You can unite as much as you want, but what is the benefit if that pits you against the Sunnis? you want to give advantage to Sunni extremist and push moderates to that?
This country is shared among the 3 religions. And as long as this is the case no entity should be sidelined or feel so. Dialogue should be the norm and all parties should put their concerns on the table and those concerns are addressed by everyone.
they are amazing!
once there is consensual news, you see them popping up attacking everybody :)
all they want is void, or to the least increase sectarian feelings.
If you really understand how this man's brain and process of thoughts function you would be surprised with the decision he made to overlook the orthodox law. It must have been something big that loomed over him to back off. On the other hand, if you understand how Aoun's brain and process of thoughts function you would also be surprised with the decision he took to back up such a law. It also must have been something of great intensity and power that toppled his mindset. You feel me?
magic? point me to any point that he talked about that you consider magic. Are you capable of analysing what people say? Read again.
Stop poising yourself as the Einstien of morality and politics. Get to the ground and understand the complexity of politics in Lebanon.
It is either you have hard heads that whatever they say is decended from God or people that think with their head and give arguments.
So either counter their arguments or just stop those negative attacks that only show the hatred towards Geagea.