إخلاء مبنى متصدع في طريق الجديدة بعد مخاوف من انهياره

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أفادت معلومات صحافية أنه "تم إخلاء مبنى "الاهرام" المتصدع في الطريق الجديدة بعد مخاوف من انهياره، فضلاً عن إخلاء مبنى ملاصق للبناية المتصدعة خوفا من حصول تداعيات".

وفي هذا السياق، أفادت الوكالة الوطنية الجمعة، أنه "تم ليل الخميس اخلاء مبنى "الاهرام" المتصدع في الطريق الجديدة بعد مخاوف من انهياره"، مردفة أن "هناك ورشة بناء بالقرب منه".

وأفادت الوكالة أنه "قد حضر الى المكان رئيس بلدية بيروت بلال حمد، الذي اعطى توجيهاته لفرق الهندسة التابعة للبلدية اجراء كشف عليه".

وأردفت أنه "لاحقا، تم إخلاء مبنى ملاصق للبناية المتصدعة خوفا من حصول تداعيات"، لافتة الانتباه الى أن " المبنى مؤلف من 11 طبقة و22 شقة".

وشهد لبنان في الآونة الأخيرة تصدع وانهيار لأبنية في عدة مناطق لبنانية ما خلّف عدداً من القتلى والجرحى والأضرار المادية.

التعليقات 8
Missing mohammad_ca 13:34 ,2013 نيسان 05

except i am pretty sure that these guys at least pay their electricity bills...

Thumb primesuspect 16:11 ,2013 نيسان 05

What did you drink Flamey? you're wize.... it's weird!

Missing mohammad_ca 16:46 ,2013 نيسان 05

and they build on their own land and not occupied land like in Ouzai.

Thumb primesuspect 16:10 ,2013 نيسان 05

I am sorry, but I have to agree with you. Repairing the fundations can fix everything if it isn't done too late.... but each apartment owner would have to pay around $20.000, that's a lot of dinero to consider.
Maybe some are rented under old laws an pay rent to the landlord $2 per month. I know a lot of people in this situation. users and abusers ! ! ! !

Missing mohammad_ca 16:49 ,2013 نيسان 05

when a building fell in a Christian area people were collecting money for them now that it is in a Muslim area we have people blaming them for it.

Thumb benzona 16:52 ,2013 نيسان 05

You're 200% right hammoudi, IF i remember the state gave them $$$. Double standards as usual. But I actually also have to agree with PS and FT.... which is rather odd.

Missing lappeaudecouille 18:44 ,2013 نيسان 05

Why is Mohammad making this issue about Christians vs Muslims. FT is right in what he is saying. It has nothing to do with paying your bills or not or wether the building is in ouzai,tariq el jdideh or Ashrafieh. It has to do with the fact that you are living in LEBANON and there isn't a slight intention on residents' part to pay monthly maintenance for their building. If you live on GF you will never lift a finger to pay for elevator maintenance. That's the mentality.

Missing lappeaudecouille 18:49 ,2013 نيسان 05

And prime suspect is right in one thing he has mentioned above. If you are paying the owner of the apartment 500 000LBP per year how do you expect the owner to pitch in for repairments however, this is not an excuse. When you live in a building there should be a book of laws and for those of you who live abroad, you know what i am talking about. There are no excuses it comes down to wether you abide by the law otherwise you will find yourself in court dealing with it.