تجاذبات بين "التقدمي الاشتراكي" و"الوطني الحر" حول حقيبتي الاتصالات والطاقة

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ارتفعت حدة الاختلافات بين الافرقاء السياسيين حول الحكومة العتيدة، خصوصاً بين "الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي" و"التيار الوطني الحر" في ما خص حقيبتي الاتصالات والطاقة، على الرغم من ان الاتفاق على رئيس جديد للحكومة لم يظهر بعد.

ففي ظل رفض رئيس "الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي" النائب وليد جنبلاط، ان تكون حقيبتي الاتصالات (التي يتسلمها حاليا نقولا الصحناوي) والطاقة (التي يتسلمها جبران باسيل) لاحد من "التيار الوطني الحر"، لفتت صحيفة "السفير"، الثلاثاء، الى ان جنبلاط شدد على ان حصة رئيس التيار ميشال عون في الحكومة المستقيلة، لن تتكرر في أي حكومة بعد الآن.

كما اشارت الى أن "عودة وزرائه إلى حقيبتي الطاقة والاتصالات من سابع المستحيلات"، ونقلت معلومات، تتساءل عما اذا كان "هناك ما يمنع وزيراً مثل بهيج أبو حمزة (المحسوب على التقدمي اشتراكي) لتولي الطاقة والمهندس بسام يمين (المحسوب على تيار مردة) للاتصالات".

وكان جنبلاط قد شدد في حديث الى صحيفة "الاخبار"، الجمعة،انه لن يقبل بأن تكون حقيبتي الاتصالات والطاقة لاحد من "التيار الوطني الحر"، قائلاً "لدينا الكثير من الخبرات".

الى ذلك، افادت "السفير" ان عون لن يقبل بإعادة تسمية نجيب ميقاتي رئيساً للحكومة العتيدة "قبل الحصول على ضمانة وزارتي الطاقة والاتصالات من حصة التيار الوطني الحر".

يُشار الى ان "التيار الوطني الحر"، حصل على 10 حقائب في حكومة نجيب ميقاتي التي استقالت في 22 آذار، بعد جلسة حكومية، لم يتم فيها التمديد للمدير العام لقوى الأمن الداخلي اللواء أشرف ريفي وفي تأليف هيئة الإشراف على الإنتخابات، قائلا أنه يجب على جميع القوى تحمل المسؤوليات "من أجل إخراج لبنان من نفق المجهول".

وكانت قد تشكلت حكومة ميقاتي، ذات الاكثرية من قوى 8 آذار، في الـ2011، بعد اسقاط حكومة الوحدة الوطنية برئاسة رئيس "تيار المستقبل" سعد الحريري.

وتجري حالياً مشاورات بين الافرقاء السياسيين في محاولة للتوصل الى اسم لرئيس الحكومة العتيدة، كما ان رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان، سيبدأ استشاراته النيابية في الخامس والسادس من نيسان الجاري.

التعليقات 43
Missing samiam 09:49 ,2013 نيسان 02

Minister Sehnaoui has at least been making progress on the telecom sector, but Bassil has been a miserable failure at his job. Time to find ANYONE else to head that ministry.

Thumb Captain 10:46 ,2013 نيسان 02

Bassil had a laid out plan and it was transparent. It was the Finance Ministry that did not comply on time. Do your research well before you speak.

We all know who robbed the ministries from 1991 till 2005.

On another note, had the other ministers worked in their ministries, they would have been valuable by now and Jumblat would have wanted them all.

Missing samiam 11:08 ,2013 نيسان 02

whatever dude--the problem is that Bassil is inflexible and intolerant of others. Why don't you check out his 'plan'--he still has 350 megawatts or so coming from Syria? When asked a few months ago why we weren't getting electricity from Syria, he said there wasn't enough money. In addition, not a single power plant has been built or even started in his 3+ years as minister--how hard can it be to BUILD A FRICKEN POWER PLANT.

Thumb Captain 14:22 ,2013 نيسان 02

Thank you @FlameThrower.

My answer exactly.

Thumb Captain 14:23 ,2013 نيسان 02

On second thought, Jumblat stole part of my money from the Ministry Of The Displaced.

Thumb Captain 14:50 ,2013 نيسان 02

How many of M14 have not paid their electricity bills? When Bassil was in charge of telecom he raised funds by selling special numbers to the ones who could afford so he could fixed the broken down relay stations.

What did the previous governments do except Solidere and Zaytouna Bay and Marina that don't pay taxes. Siniora gets tons of money from Beirut Duty Free.

Missing samiam 15:19 ,2013 نيسان 02

You guys should name your party the BEE party--Blame Everyone Else. If you going to take credit for something, make sure you also take some blame.

If you guys remember 'the plan', the financing was basically dumping 3/4 of a billion in the ministry's account and he said he would take of it, with no oversight to boot. He was told to wait for financing but he refused citing it would take 18 months or more.

Now here we are almost 4 years later, and still NO POWER PLANT.

Actions speak louder than words--he likes talking, but has little to show for it.

Default-user-icon comisyangeh bassil (ضيف) 15:29 ,2013 نيسان 02

there you have it living proof that you CAN fool some of the people all of the time, aoun is a luck boy.

Thumb Captain 15:34 ,2013 نيسان 02

Let's talk about ministers other than Bassil and Sehnaoui. Can you please enlighten me if they had plans? Are they transparent? Did they achieve anything?

You know it's hard if you have someone opposing you all the time. How can you work? How about many ministers from many effin sects and political groups and the finance ministry not working in the favor of the country.

Thumb Captain 18:16 ,2013 نيسان 02

You are right, FlameThrower.

Missing rudy 19:55 ,2013 نيسان 02

7abbeit kif FT w captain bi tayybo la ba3doun.

First of all, undder these horrible 15 years of previous governments, with all the looting and destruction and everything, we still had more power than now.

FT you keep boasting about how the internet was very expensive and slow under hariri co and how its one of the wonders of the earth now. You must live abroad. I have been wishing to finish my own call for once, and not be disconnected. So not much progress here either.

Other ministries? Well it was a one color government. They were all buddies. So you as their constituents should hold them accountable. M14 didn't want them. M8 picked them and approved them.

Missing samiam 22:59 ,2013 نيسان 02

You can take anyone off of the street and make a plan, but IMPLEMENTING the plan is where the men are separated from the boys. It is obvious that Bassil is an infant in this regard.

Thumb Captain 23:20 ,2013 نيسان 02


I truly admire your patience replying to some of the posters. They just don't get it. Brainwashed by M14 media. May God enlighten them.

You mentioned that you study the psychology of the posters on naharnet for research. I do that on facebook. I am also developing a software for it.

Default-user-icon Zinco (ضيف) 18:31 ,2013 نيسان 02

are you kidding me? the power cuts went from 4 hours to 12 hours during bassil's time as energy minister. He is the worst politician ever, even aoun's allies agree on this. As for senaousi, I am contacting my sunni friends in lebanon and urging them to vote for him even though he is a aounist person because he is the only cabinet member who actually did anything and he is a great man who has brought modern internet to the entire country.

Missing rudy 19:47 ,2013 نيسان 02

Lol what extra hours?

Thumb chucknorris 10:24 ,2013 نيسان 02

Jun blat said to aoun, saudis offerd me $$$, give me an offer $$$$

I loved & admired politicians with high morals, patriotism & flair 4 $$$

Missing lqu7 11:03 ,2013 نيسان 02

I only trust FPM to handle the energy portfolio. Anyone else, especially Haririan, Joumblatti, or Berri, will steal everything and turn Lebanon into a cess pit.

Missing samiam 11:09 ,2013 نيسان 02

I don't trust anyone and would rather see the sector privatized--but that means that the political parties that be couldn't steal as much, so it will never happen.

Missing halaktouna77 14:50 ,2013 نيسان 02

LOL FT ... does Aoun and HA trust the others? killon adrab men ba3ed w none of them care about the country, they just care about their pockets.
I agree with Sam, BOT is the way to go, but then again the private sector needs to see a reason to go into such ventures and when they notice that over 30% of the bills don't get paid I doubt any private company would want to do that.

Missing samiam 15:13 ,2013 نيسان 02

I reflect reality--there is no accountability by anyone in the country from the ordinary citizen to people in government--why don't you ask your buddies in HA why they don't have to turn their in any of their members? Why aren't they paying their electric bills?

Perhaps FT, you should take a line from one of my favorite movies, The Matrix and use it--"Question Everything". Maybe then, this country can move on

Missing samiam 23:00 ,2013 نيسان 02

drink the koolaid FT and wear those rose colored glasses, and then wait for reality to set in and hope they dull the pain.

Default-user-icon please (ضيف) 14:20 ,2013 نيسان 02

can we please...please...throw these clownish old men in jail. back to prison.

Missing allouchi 14:43 ,2013 نيسان 02

M8 proved themselves incompetent and corrupt government...we had more kidnappings, bad security, workers strikes, expired meat, expired medicines, internal fighting between Berri and Aoun, Aoun and Jumblat, Aoun and everyone except his boss Hassoun...what a mess...

Default-user-icon Whiskey (ضيف) 15:12 ,2013 نيسان 02

FYI- whiskey doesn't age after it's bottled ;)

Thumb mckinl 15:45 ,2013 نيسان 02

You are exactly correct about Jumblat ... He wants the two "plum" sectors to be handled by his cronies. Telecoms and Energy are the two portfolios that haven't been looted.

Furthermore he wants bankster Adel Kassar as Prime Minister to make sure that the banks are rescued instead of the government and people in a crisis. Kassar will implement austerity on the people and rescue the banks.

Thumb beiruti 16:00 ,2013 نيسان 02

Before you Aounaphiles jump too hard on Jumblatt, don't forget, it was because he jumped from M14 to M8 that Aoun got his 10 portfolios in the most dysfunctional government that Lebanon has ever seen.
While M14 can stand criticism for its governments, let us not forget that much of the time M8 Speaker Berri refused to call Parliament into session, there was a boycott and camping of M8 in the streets of Beirut and that gem of democracy and pillar of M8 Hezbollah seized West Beirut by force of arms when the M14 government tried to name the security chief at the airport that Nasrallah did not approve and when M14 tried to close the illigitimate telecom system that Hezbollah built with Iranian money.

Thumb Captain 21:25 ,2013 نيسان 02

Who took the Qatari money? It went into some people's pockets and they are not M8.

Missing samiam 23:20 ,2013 نيسان 02

yeah captain, when HA had that bid ceremony for some new hospital or something in the south with all the HA flags showing, they didn't take any money or anything.

Moving on, how many non shia areas have benefited from Iran's money? You want to talk about racists....

Thumb Captain 07:25 ,2013 نيسان 03

It does not matter who sent the money. If it was sent for construction, the 100% of it should be spent in construction.

It also does not matter who or which political group does as long as it's for the country's good. However, history and facts show who is what and it's high time for accountability.

Thumb beiruti 16:04 ,2013 نيسان 02

So the dysfunction in the Lebanese government has many authors, M14 and M8 alike, but mostly it was M8 disruption of the M14 government and then M8 ineptitude and corruption once it seized power in January 2011.
And let us not forget that the Lebanese government, unlike any government in the world, has to compete with the parallel governing structure of Hezbollah under its roof. Hezbollah controls Lebanese territory where ISF cannot go; it controls a telecom system which does not pay fees to the government; it protects a constituency that takes from the gov't and private sector, but does not pay; it has an army; a foreign policy; it makes war on Lebanon's neighbors without the consent or consultation with the "government". What legitimate government can function under such occupation and usurpation of governmental functions?

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 17:59 ,2013 نيسان 02

habibi ft- are all the judges in Lebanon corrupt? ALL OF THEM? not one of them is willing to look at this book (you tout as if it is the bible on exposing corruption) and start a single investigation? Seriously friend, try and be a little bit objective. The book has ONE purpose and it a media campaign for re-election. Not a single letter in the book was written with any other intent. I am actually looking forward to your answer of why no one is willing to pursue these atrocities.

Default-user-icon mustapha o. ghalayini (ضيف) 16:04 ,2013 نيسان 02

so ,in lebanese politics, this is called "marchandage", definitely aoun will not get the two minstries but only one ,and for sure it will be for bassil.....but will the "marchandage include the prime minister's name???????/

Thumb beiruti 16:20 ,2013 نيسان 02

But, the Lebanese have only themselves to blame for this state of affairs. This rogues gallary of political figures. You keep electing them over and over again. It is no wonder that they feel a sense of entitlement to take as much as they can for redistribution to their political sheep who follow in their steps so as not to lose the chance to pick up any scraps that the Bassil may drop.
Of course, when they feel like the people may by regular elections throw them all out on the street, they get together, create a policital crisis and then use that "crisis" to justify putting off elections until they can steal some more money, redistribute more and then hold the election when they feel more secure.
When the Lebanese people stop seeking stolen goods from the ministries, then they will stop electing a class of thieves to office.

Thumb beiruti 16:33 ,2013 نيسان 02

Lebanon is just following the trend of the region. How does the Royal family in Saudi Arabia retain power, they pay high subsidies to Saudi citizens. One by-product of the Arab Spring is permanently higher oil prices charged by the Saudis so as to fund the higher subsidies and to calm the people from ousting them from power.
In Iran, how do the Clerics hold the Islamic Repubic if not by very generous oil subsidies given to the people so that they pay the equivalent of $.18/gal while the rest of the world pays $4.00-$5.00/gallon.

Thumb beiruti 16:33 ,2013 نيسان 02

One is as bad as the other. The velvet glove of subsidies is filled with the iron fist of the Wahabi or the Iranian Revolutionary Guards who act with no mercy on those who would object.
Syria has operated this way passing through subsidies from Iran to the people with the Shahiba in the back ground to crack heads. That whole system is being challenged in Syria.

Thumb beiruti 16:34 ,2013 نيسان 02

And now Lebanon has Hezbollah with its subsidies to its people, but with a standing army to enforce its writ. Others who try to compete, Aoun, Hariri, Jumblatt or the Gemayels, Frangieh or Geagea, have no money other than what can be siphoned from teh government ministries or bartered for from either Iran or Saudi Arabia. The price that is paid, of course, is the selling of bits and pieces of Lebanese sovereignty. Iran now owns quite a bit. So please, as M8 and M14 joust here, it is the whole system that is sick and needs to be replaced by a 21st Century model, not the 7th Century model that we have been saddled with.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 16:48 ,2013 نيسان 02

He also hinted that Bassam Yemmin, who is loyal to the Marada Movement, should be appointed as telecom minister.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 17:52 ,2013 نيسان 02

you crack me up. you stated that jumblat wanted both portfolios. I pointed out that he only wants one. Now you are saying he is throwing a fettayshe between them. which one is it? or did you not actually read the article before you commented the first time?

Missing greatpierro 17:42 ,2013 نيسان 02

Ft but why should those two portfolios be the monopoly of FPM.

Missing greatpierro 22:56 ,2013 نيسان 02

FT I would definetly agree with you that jumbi jumbo is not trustworthy. However it is the insistence of Aoun on having those portfolios on and on that raise the same questions you raise about jumbi jumbo.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 18:13 ,2013 نيسان 02

Agreed and the Lebanese people see that. I see aoun as the biggest loser here and he is franticly trying to save face. I highly doubt he will have nearly as many ministers this time around but we shall wait and see. After all, this is Lebanon we are speaking of. Nothing surprises me anymore.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 20:38 ,2013 نيسان 02

when have Lebanese ever voted different? They do the same thing over and over and expect a different result. Clearly they are insane. are they not?

Default-user-icon fred (ضيف) 22:11 ,2013 نيسان 02

i like the fact that although some hate jumblat some likes him ..like it or not he still the most influential leader not only on the druze but on every lebanese,. ..the guy is cool a real ..what a heavy "teel el dam" him and his bassil guy what a buch of coons..politician who knows how to play this fag.. oun