قوى الامن تفصل بين مناهضين ومؤيدين للرئيس السوري في بيروت

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تدخلت قوات من الجيش اللبناني وقوى الامن الداخلي الجمعة للفصل بين معتصمين مناهضين للرئيس السوري بشار الاسد في باحة مسجد في وسط بيروت، ومتظاهرين مؤيدين له منعوا من دخول الباحة.

وكان حزب التحرير الاسلامي دعا الى اعتصام بعد الصلاة في الجامع العمري في وسط العاصمة احتجاجا على اعمال العنف والقمع لحركات الاحتجاج الجارية في سوريا. ومنذ الصباح، انتشرت القوى الامنية بكثافة في محيط المسجد، ومنعت الصحافيين والمصورين من دخوله.

وبعد انتهاء الصلاة، خرج المصلون الى الباحة، بحسب ما افادت وكالة "فرانس برس"، وهم يهتفون "الله اكبر"، لكن الجيش منع التقاط الصور، كما منع الصحافيين من الاقتراب.

في هذا الوقت، وصلت مجموعة من حوالى خمسين متظاهرا الى المكان كانوا يهتفون بحياة بشار الاسد وشقيقه ماهر الاسد.

وحاول المتظاهرون الذين حملوا صورا للرئيس السوري دخول باحة المسجد، فمنعتهم القوى الامنية من ذلك، وابعدتهم بالقوة بضعة امتار عن الموجودين في باحة المسجد.

وكان المسؤول الاعلامي في حزب التحرير احمد القصص قال لـ"فرانس برس" ان الحزب قرر الاعتصام داخل الباحة "قطعا للطريق على المشاكل".

واضاف ان "الهدف من الدعوة الاستمرار في مؤازرة السوريين الذين يتعرضون لمجزرة وللظلم، باعتبار ان المسلمين امة واحدة. فكما آزرنا اهل تونس ومصر، نؤازر اليوم اهل سوريا، ونحن منسجمون في ذلك مع أنفسنا".

ونشرت الصحف اللبنانية الجمعة بيانا ل"حزب شبيبة لبنان العربي" غير المعروف، يرد على دعوة حزب التحرير الى الاعتصام جاء فيه "اننا نحذر هذه الزمر من ان يكون لبنان مقرا او ممرا للتآمر على سوريا".

واضاف "من باب الحرص على السلم الاهلي نعلن بالفم الملآن اننا سنتصدى لهذه الزمر التكفيرية بكل الوسائل المتاحة".

ودعا البيان القوى الامنية اللبنانية الى "ان تقوم بواجباتها كاملة في عدم المس بامن الشقيقة سوريا والا سنكون مضطرين الى منع هذا الحراك التآمري بالقوة. وقد أعذر من أنذر".

وقال القصص "نعتبر كلام التهديد رخيصا جدا، وتقف وراءه المخابرات السورية والموالون للنظام السوري الذين قرروا استفزاز شعب كامل دفاعا عن نظام".

التعليقات 17
Missing lebanon 14:38 ,2011 حزيران 03

Those in favor of Assad, should go to Syria and hold their sit-in.

Thumb charbel 14:43 ,2011 حزيران 03

No place for them in Syria neither... maybe Iran?

Default-user-icon Esteban (ضيف) 15:24 ,2011 حزيران 03

If those who now rally against Assad had joined forces with Michel Aoun when rallying against Syria made sense instead of collaborating with the occupier at the height of the occupation, Lebanon would have been in a much better place by now. But it is these same people who always look for their own benefit at the expense of the country's who now find it convenient to rally against the Syrian regime. What is even worse is that these same people who suffer from collective Alzheimer's (among other mental illnesses) have high hopes that Khaddam and the fundamentalists (their newly-found friends) will be in positions of power. Christians, minorities, decent people: REJOICE.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 15:40 ,2011 حزيران 03

Wrong, wrong wrong! Lebanon should get out of the Syria business. Its not Lebanon's problem to say who should come and who should go over there. Lebanese have their hands full with Nasrallah, Aoun, Hariri, Jumblatt .......

and with no government, who are the Lebanese to speak about governments in neighboring countries.

Assad made his bed in Syria and now he has to sleep in it, if he can. He will not be held in place by Lebanese protesting in Beirut, nor be evicted by protests in Beirut.

Default-user-icon ado (ضيف) 16:25 ,2011 حزيران 03

The interesting thing about this is that there were no pro Mubarak, Ben Ali, Khalifa, Qaddafi or Saleh demos anywhere in Lebanon but we've seen many pro Assad demos, it just goes to show servants can't help supporting their master as they don't exist without him.

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 16:52 ,2011 حزيران 03

I do not care if the lousy Assad regime is overthrown, but this is wishful thinking. I do not see the opposition having the power to overthrow. In the 80's, All of the west broke relations with Syria, and back then Syria was not receiving important supplies from Malaysia, Turkey, and China. Also, for some of you, be careful what you wish for. The opposition in Syria hate western puppets more than Assad.

Missing madb 17:40 ,2011 حزيران 03

with the syrian regime's mass killing and oppression, the anti-assad protests are no longer anti-assad, they are anti-inhumanity, anti-murder, anti-thieves, anti-thugs, pro-freedom, pro-peace.

so for anybody who is still pro-assad, even after they showed their ugly face so clearly, you are despicable people who deserve to be stripped of all your basic rights and shot dead in the street randomly, because at this point, that is what your supporting.

Default-user-icon bubba (ضيف) 17:43 ,2011 حزيران 03

Oh look quelle belle surprise qawmi john, this time using his full name (we're honored), comes running to defend the viability of the Assad regime in defending the west and Israel echoing Mr Makhlouf the cousin.
If we follow his logic the West and Israel are morons and are toppling Assad while supporting a less friendly regime. After all Sana and it's lebanese echo chambers keep repeating that the demos are foreign creations not a popular uprising like Tunisia and Egypt.
Ah but wait maybe the KSA's behind it all, right. OK that's possible if the king was not a US slave as Assad himself and his Lebanese blow horns called him, and a slave follows what the master tell him to do right.
But how about the Christians dude you're so smart! Rewind a few year and listen to General Aoun: "I remind you here that the Syrian regime had said that it came to Lebanon to save its Christians from extermination. I want to ask this regime who, apart from it in fact wanted to exterminate us?".. yeah who?

Default-user-icon Muhsin (ضيف) 23:52 ,2011 حزيران 03

Bubba, John is right. The Americans and Israelis support instability on countries they do not like. They do not think of future consequences. Supporting US Iraq's invasion, only has helped Iran. The Israelis do that to defer worldwide pressure on what they are doing to the Palestinians. The Americans do what the Israelis tell them (just about). John makes a good point that if there is a new regime in Syria, it will play a role in Lebanon, just like Israel, America, Iran, KSA, and other countries.

Default-user-icon Nabil (ضيف) 00:09 ,2011 حزيران 04

The only people demonstrating against Assad are pro Al Qaida fanatics who want to make Lebanon into Talibanstan. Those who are attacking Syria do not know what they are talking about. It is all propaganda. If it was not for Syria, ALL of lebanon would have been in PLO and Junblatts controll over 35 years ago.

Thumb anonymouslb 02:00 ,2011 حزيران 04

Calling for massive anti 8.14 rallies all over Lebanon... This March 8 vs March 14 story is just bullshit. They're one. One corrupt political cast, fooling the people to believe that they're foes, while their true objective is just to suck on our blood for ever...

Default-user-icon Salah (ضيف) 02:33 ,2011 حزيران 04

To Nabil, thanks for proving that Syria is the defender of israel interests, and the spear of anti-Palestinians

Default-user-icon bubba (ضيف) 02:49 ,2011 حزيران 04

General Aoun: "I remind you here that the Syrian regime had said that it came to Lebanon to save its Christians from extermination. I want to ask this regime who, apart from it in fact wanted to exterminate us?" ... thank you for you statement General now back to you nabil and muhsin in Damascus..

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 03:34 ,2011 حزيران 04

It is after 3:00 in the morning, and even though I do not respond to dumb statements to my comments, your words are helping me put me to sleep. First of all no person who is a Qawmi calls Assad a lousy leader. This is like Gaegae calling his ally King of KSA a "lousy regime". If you (or others) think by calling me a Qawmi you are calling me a bad name, please continue to do so just as long you do not call me a Kateab or Qowete. Have you ever heard of a Lebanese leftist? Do you know what Lebanese leftists belive in? Ever heard of Ziad Rahbani?

I do not believe that the Americans or Israelis are briliant or Superior. The Americans have failed in Iraq, Afghanistan, NOW LIBYA, AND SO ON. aS FAR AS THE iSRAELIS THEY KIDNAPPED A PERSON IN THE BEKAA VALLEY BECAUSE HIS NAME WAS HASSAN NASRALLAH LIKE ONLY HE IN LEBANON HAS THAT NAME. The Israeli Army could not defeat a force of several thousands lebanese guerillas for over 1 months fearing for their lives like cowards.... continued.

Thumb shab 03:50 ,2011 حزيران 04

Non Lebanese demonstrations should be banned.

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 04:33 ,2011 حزيران 04

Continued. As far as Aoun, I never supported him in the past and not now. The Syrians came to lebanon in 1976 to support the Lebanese Facists who you call "Christians" when I was a very young person supporting the "peoples brigade" (no that is not a qawmi militia and if everyone was a qawmi from Koura we would not have 3 M14 representatives). Unlike the fascists and other groups, We did not massacre men women and children. We did not kill people based on what their religion showed on their ID. (and you people are shocked by Assad's brutality?)

Default-user-icon bubba (ضيف) 05:31 ,2011 حزيران 04

Qawmi John my mate down under you just outed yourself as someone who's never been to Lebanon but regurgitates what his moronic expat parents tell him about it. Really, Ziad Rahbani the best leftist you could come up with, it's like naming Pauly Shore when talking about an actor. You think calling yourself a leftist make you a intellectual. You are a leftist like those leftists who followed Arafat to Jounieh because they believed it was on the way to Jerusalem.
One look at the names of the leaders arrested by Assad io notice they're the REAL leftists not Islamists as his media claims and REAL intellectuals who opposed his father before him and belong to every sects and confession but idiot ideologues like you believe everything SANA tells them.
Assad's media is repeating what Ben Ali's, Mubarak's and Qaddafi's called their demonstrators verbatim, you're so dumb you think that only SANA is telling the truth and all other medias including the once revered Al-Jazeera are liars.