ايران تعلن امتلاكها صورا التقطتها طائرة "حزب الله" الاستطلاعية فوق اسرائيل

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اعلن عضو لجنة الامن القومي والسياسة الخارجية في مجلس الشورى الايراني اسماعيل كوثري ان ايران تمتلك صورا التقطتها طائرة الاستطلاع التابعة لـ"حزب الله"، "ايوب" فوق اسرائيل.

وقال كوثري في تصريح لقناة العالم الحكومية الناطقة بالعربية ان "طائرة ايوب بدون طيار التي اخترقت اجواء الكيان (اسرائيل) مؤخرا تمكنت من تصوير المراكز الحساسة لكيان الاحتلال وارسالها بشكل مباشر"، مؤكدا ان "الصور التي التقطتها الطائرة هي الان بيدنا".

وتابع "بامكان ايران صناعة طائرات بدون طيار قادرة على حمل السلاح". وحذر "لذلك نقول ان اسرائيل اذا ما اقدمت على اقل عمل عدواني ضدنا فان دائرة الرد ستكون على مستوى الاقليم".

وردا على سؤال عما اذا كان "حزب الله" يملك طائرات بلا طيار اكثر تطورا، قال كوثري "بالتأكيد لكن حزب الله لا يعلن ذلك الا عندما يرى ذلك مناسبا"، مشيرا الى ان "دائرة هذه الامكانيات هي اوسع من ذلك بكثير".

واعلن الامين العام لحزب الله حسن نصر الله في 6 تشرين الاول ان حزبه ارسل طائرة بدون طيار متطورة فوق اسرائيل قال انها صنعت في ايران وجرى تجميعها في لبنان.

وقال نصرالله ان "المقاومة ارسلت طائرة استطلاع متطورة من الاراضي اللبنانية باتجاه البحر وسيرتها مئات الكيلومترات فوق البحر ثم اخترقت اجراءات العدو الحديدية ودخلت الى جنوب فلسطين المحتلة وحلقت فوق منشات وقواعد حساسة ومهمة لعشرات الكيلومترات".

ودمرت مقاتلة اسرائيلية طائرة الاستطلاع فوق شمال صحراء النقب حيث تقع المنشآت النووية الاسرائيلية.

واوضحت اذاعة الجيش الاسرائيلي حينها ان الطائرة بدون طيار التي لم تكن تحمل متفجرات حلقت فوق الاراضي الاسرائيلية لمدة نصف ساعة وان محاولة اولى لاسقاطها بواسطة مقاتلة من طراز اف 16 فشلت ولم تدمر الا في محاولة ثانية.

واعلن وزير الدفاع الايراني الجنرال احمد وحيدي الاحد ان "الجمهورية الاسلامية الايرانية تملك حاليا طائرات بدون طيار اكثر تطورا من الطائرة التي ارسلتها قوات حزب الله فوق اراضي النظام الصهيوني".

واكد ان "تحليق هذه الطائرة بدون طيار فوق الاراضي (الاسرائيلية) .. شكل ضربة قوية للكيان الصهيوني".

وتابع ان "هذا النظام قام بالكثير من الدعاية حول قدرات نظام دفاعه الجوي والقبة الحديدية (المضادة للصواريخ) لكن هذه الطائرة بدون طيار اذلتهم".

التعليقات 31
Thumb geha 11:46 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

and who said iran is an ally and not an invador?
oh yes I forgot: traitors consider iran as their ally, same like the vichy government in France considered the Germans as allies.
go to iran illico to your masters as the likes of you are not welcome.

Missing mohammad_ca 12:21 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

so where they wrong when they were on best terms with hizbocrap? I bet you do not have an answer for this :)

Missing mohammad_ca 12:32 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

re-read your comment above...was that supposed to be an insult? Please learn English or don't use the language :)

Thumb geha 12:40 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

the usual mouthpieces of the traiotrs: FT and mowaten seem to be offended!
well let us see this properly: what is a traitor?
a traitor is a person who works with a faoregin power to do what is good for that power against the interest of his country. I hope we agree on that definition :)
OK, so what is hizbushaitan and their allies? they are here to executte the orders of iran for the latter's interests, i.e. reply to israel in case iran is attacked.
so what does this make you? traitors......
taking into account the Lebanese state never approved the actions of iran in Lebanon, unless you can show us something to the contrary :)

Thumb geha 14:44 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

FT is so stupid that he replies besides the point :)
all who support iran and hizbushaitan are simply traitors.

Default-user-icon Lebanese (ضيف) 20:09 ,2012 تشرين الأول 30

So under your OWN definition, what would Rafik Hariri and the entire so-called Al Mutaqbal camp be called when they were working and taking orders from Damascus for those last 30 years? I want an honest answer since you all seem to suffer from dimentia.

Thumb benzona 05:32 ,2012 تشرين الأول 30

قرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية

Missing samiam 12:19 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

talking with yourself now mowaten

Missing mohammad_ca 12:19 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

so who gave Iran the data? hizbocrap or the Lebanese government? does our government have the drone data? Is it the same information that Iran has? OH wait we cannot know for sure any of these answers because no one elected hizbocrap and they are not held responsible by any public! Great logic you sheep...

Missing greatpierro 12:31 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

Mowaten, you condemn the fact that M14 are following a Saudi national supported by Saudi money. Then you should also condemn that M8 are supported by money and weapons of Syria and Iran tyrant regimes.

Maybe we should stop seeking the help and support from outside and start supporting each others in Lebanon.

Missing mohammad_ca 12:34 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

Mooowaten you are not concerned about the answers to these questions? wala khalas if hasoon says it then it's true and you do not have to worry about it...fakker shwy please, hassoun is driving his party to the ground and you are all allowing him to take the shia sect with him...

Missing greatpierro 12:46 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

Quoting Orangitta: Iran is our ally and long live democracy.

Well then democracy has a new definition: arrest all your opponents and call for elections.

Fighting Israel with blood of our children for this cause could be an exciting program for you. Others would like to find peaceful solutions.

You cannot impose this solution on everyone if you say long live democracy. The weapons of HA are exactly doing thing: imposing on all the Lebanese the solution they want.

Iran has nothing to do with Israel. The only thing they are after is the survival of their regime. Same thing with the Syrian regime. What has Assad's regime done to help the Palestinians gain back their land beside killing them in the camps.

Those tyrant regimes cannot survive in an environment where peace and economic prosperity predominate. Weak up to reality.

Missing peace 14:18 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

the credible plan to replace them is the lebanese army weakened by your hezbi friends.... let your hezbos hand their weapons to it and be under their control not under the control of a political leader!! that is what a state is for!!!
but as you do not respect the state and its institutions then lebanon will be a weak country as you wish for and as israel wishes too which makes you a perfect ally to them!

so spare us your BS and hypocrisy that the army cannot replace hezbis as it is exactly what you want.....

Missing peace 17:48 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

LOL mowaten... keep defending your hezbi friends good soldier you are...

why is it weird or bad or treacherous to ask for a political party to obey the state? to give their weapons to the army so they would strengthen it? to ask for the sole gvt to have the deicisons of peace and war like in any civilized country?

see you do not want a state that has the right OVER political parties and not the contrary.
this denial shows how much faith you place in an iranian financed party far more than in your own state!
you dare call yourself patriot? what a farce....

Thumb Elemental 12:58 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

That's hilarious, frankly first off no real Lebanese cares what Iran say, they're just hilariously entertaining. Secondly according to FT, HA "works jointly" with the army? Well it's obvious which one, should have been more clearer. And please HA and M8, don't even think of pulling your M14 card like usual, petty tactic and it's like me saying "I see your M14 card and raise you batman with a battleaxe" Gotta work on that guys...and get a job.

Thumb Elemental 13:57 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

That's even more hilarious! Since you can't use your trump M14 Card, you resort to that? Highschool bro, highschool tactics, very entertaining! :D

Missing peace 14:02 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

yes because M14 supports the idea of a sovereign STATE unlike you FT the traitor...

Where did you see a party acting against the state? ONLY the state has the right to decide what to do in terms of defending the country... but here as M8 are little cowards they said AFTER the launch of the drone that it was ok... proving once more that hezb acts without any state controol... and you are proud of that? hahaha!
aoun before chpoosing hezbos as his pimp always said that hezbollah was a terrorist entity... he was right, wasn t he? or just lying at the time?

but for M8 the state is nothing only iranian hezbollah has the right to do everything..

and you dare call yourself patriot? lol what a BIG farce and hypocrisy....

Missing allouchi 14:19 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

Mowaten farsi, you are really not that bright are you? nothing is worse than an idiot that thinks he's so smart...legal allies are between states not local militia and a foreign country...and thousands of patriotic hardworking Lebanese have dual citizenships...go live in Iran if you're so much in love with Hizballa and It's Iranian ayatollahs...

Missing mohammad_ca 14:20 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

An exclusively shia party supporter is talking against sectarianism...3eesh kteer btshoof kteer. In fact I do care about shias just not idiots who are going down with hizbocrap

Missing mohammad_ca 14:39 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

Have you seen the pictures that it took? Has the Lebanese army and government? who does hizbocrap answer to? Who are its electoral constituents?

Missing mohammad_ca 15:23 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

you have not replied to anything mooowaten THAT is the biggest sign of bankrupt arguments

Missing cedar_revolution 15:52 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

there is something obvious going on in this forum,,,,the way moooooowaten and flame type looks like they are getting nervous,,they cannot even spell well their words,,ya harram!feeling the heat huh,moooowaten and flame?

Thumb geha 16:41 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

for sure, defending murederous traitors with no arguments, other what they have been endoctrined to say....

Thumb bigsami 16:52 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

They are one the same cedar. It's a fact. Schizo Farsi is desperate to make a point (conditioned) that he made several aliases to self satisfy (stimulate) himself. Pathetic is an understatement!

Default-user-icon radwan the headless (ضيف) 15:55 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

mowaten, was that decision to share made by a Lebanese government, parliament or president or anyone elected by the Lebanese people or by some bearded turban dude appointed by an Iranian bearded turbaned dude and subordinate to him?

Thumb bigsami 16:49 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

Yee haw....schizo Farsi motormouth aka BSThrower on a record DOWN votes. Boy you are so lovable! LMAO! Pathetic!

Missing braveheart 17:22 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

come on guys, why do u even argue with FT and mowaten? you expect them to say, oh you guys are right and we are wrong? no! so just leave them alone, ignore them and they will disappear on their own. they feed off your comments. so ignore them, they will not change but times are changing and they will miss the train soon. who cares about what they say? when you see their names just keep scrolling.

Thumb geha 17:42 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

I second that.

Thumb shab 21:13 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

So true, I never understood these log arguing threads. By the way the filthy militia and Israel need each other and are both enemy of Lebanon

Thumb shab 21:13 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

log = long

Thumb shab 22:25 ,2012 تشرين الأول 30

Mehdi in the sky will probably be hit by a drone