تظاهرة لحزب الله وأخرى للأسير تنديدا بالإساءة للإسلام: من يرفع صور الأسد في المظاهرات يسيء للرسول

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شهدت مدينة بعلبك اليوم الجمعة تظاهرات واعتصامات منددة بفيلم "براءة المسلمين" والرسوم الكاريكاتوريةالمسيئة للرسول التي نشرت في مجلة فرنسية، تلبية لدعوة الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله الذي وصف ما حصل بأنه "أخطر الإساءات" الى الإسلام في العقود الأخيرة، فيما تظاهر العديد في ساحة الشهداء تلبية لدعوة الشيخ أحمد الأسير، الذي شدد على أن من يحمل صور "المجرم بشار الأسد في هكذا تظاهرات يسيىء الرسول".

وسار الاف المتظاهرين حاملين اعلاما لبنانية واعلام حزب الله، على وقع اناشيد "لبيك محمد لبيك". وهتفوا "امريكا امريكا انت الشيطان الاكبر"، و"اسرائيل اسرائيل عدوة المسلمين". ولقد تخلل التظاهرة إحراقا لأعلام إسرائيلية وأميركية.

وشارك فلسطينيون من مخيمات منطقة بعلبك في التظاهرة، بحسب مراسل لوكالة "فرانس برس".

وفي وسط بيروت،رأى الأسير أمام المتظاهرين أن "من يرفع صور المجرم بشار الأسد في مثل هذه المظاهرات، ومن يقف الى جانب الظالم هو المسييء الى الإسلام"، وأن من "تاجر دم الشيخ عبد الواحد ومن يستغل هكذا مناسبات لغايات سياسية يسيء للإسلام"، منتقدا "ردود الفعل مثل التي حصلت في طرابلس والنبطية واستهدفت مطعم kFC وغيره".

وأضاف:"من يسمح لمثل هؤلاء المتطرفين بهذا التطاول على الأديان، هي دول متطرفة وتصنع التطرف في العالم وتدعي اننا نحن المتطرفون".

وعما قاله الرئيس الفرنسي فرنسوا هولاند عن أن "ما نشر في مجلة "شارلي أبيدو" هو حرية تعبير، قال الأسير:"هذه الدول التي لا تحاسب المسؤولين عن الفيلم المسيء، انما هي التي ترعى التطرف".

وأردف:"هذا الفعل ليس الفعل الأول من جرائم أميركا، لقد إجتمع المشروع الأميركي والمشروع الإيراني في العراق وفي افغانستان على ذبحنا، واليوم في سوريا".

وأوضح "النظام السوري يذبح برعاية من إيران، والنظام الأميركي يستنكر ويشجب ويمنع التدخل...كفى كذبا وكفى دجلا، لعنة الله على هكذا مشاريع".

كما شدد على أنه "لا علاقة للمسيحيين بهذه الرسالة فهم أرقى من ذلك"، شاكرا المسيحيين في لبنان وعلى رأسهم البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي ورئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان.

وتابع: "من يسيء إلى نبينا ليس مسلما وعلينا أن نسارع للتوبة عن كل إساءة تصدر منا كمسلمين ولو بغير قصد، فالرئيس السوري يتعدى على رسول الله بقتله الأبرياء".

ولقد رفع المتظاهرون لافتات كتب عليها "الصهيونية عدوة الانسانية"، و "نفديك بارواحنا يا رسول الله" و "كفى اساءة لنبي الاسلام ولا نرفض الاساءة بالاساءة".

كما رفعت اعلام سوداء كتب عليها "لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله".ولوحظ رفع علم للثورة السورية

وفي صيدا، ناشد امام مسجد القدس الشيخ ماهر حمود المملكة العربية السعودية وجامع الازهر "اصدار فتوى بهدر دم كل من شارك في الفيلم" المسيء الى المسلمين.

وقال حمود في خطبة الجمعة امام حوالى 300 شخص اموا الصلاة في مسجده: "من تجرأ على الاسلام وعلى نبي الاسلام محمد لا يجوز ان يبقى على قيد الحياة (...)، كل انسان من هؤلاء يجب ان يقتل".

وأعلن أن "كل ما يحصل في العالم من ردود فعل استنكارا للفيلم، لا يوازي اصدار فتوى بقتل كل من تجرأ على التطاول على الاسلام وعلى محمد".

وحمل على الدول الغربية قائلا "كل حجتهم حرية التعبير (...) لماذا يمنع في اوروبا الحديث عن الصهيونية بسوء او المحرقة اليهودية؟".

واعرب عن اسفه لان "تصبح الاستنكارات في العالم العربي بمقتل السفير الاميركي في ليبيا واحراق السفارات وليس الاستنكار على الفيلم الاميركي".

واكد حمود ان فرنسا "التي دخلت على خط الاساءة اقفلت سفاراتها في بعض دول العالم ومراكزها ومؤسساتها التربوية الجمعة لتجنب اي اعتداء. كان الافضل لهم (الفرنسيون) ان يقولوا للحمار المشرف على المجلة لا تنشر رسوما مسيئة لنبي المسلمين".

وكانت المدارس والمراكز الثقافية الفرنسية أقفلت في عدد من المناطق اليوم تخوفا من حصول تجاوزات حيث أبلغت إدارات المدارس الفرنسية في بيروت وجبل لبنان والشمال والجنوب تلامذتها بالتزام منازلهم اليوم بسبب الاقفال، بينما اتخذ الجيش والقوى الامنية تدابير امنية مشددة في محيط هذه المؤسسات وفي محيط بعض المساجد.

ولقد شاهد مراسلو "فرانس برس" في طرابلس وصيدا وبيروت تعزيزات عسكرية بالآليات والجنود وعناصر قوى الامن في محيط المراكز الثقافية وغيرها من المؤسسات الفرنسية.

كما احرق متظاهرون قرب مسجد ذي النورين في منطقة راس النبع في بيروت العلمين الاميركي والاسرائيلي بعد دوسهما.

وقتل حوالى ثلاثين شخصا في مناطق مختلفة في العالم في الاحتجاجات التي جرت منذ نشر فيلم "براءة المسلمين" على موقع "يوتيوب" على الانترنت والذي يتعرض للرسول.

واقدمت صحيفة "شارلي ايبدو" الاسبوعية الفرنسية هذا الاسبوع على نشر رسوم كاريكاتورية تتعرض ايضا للنبي محمد.

ويثير ذلك توترات في عدد من الدول العربية والاسلامية.

التعليقات 40
Thumb phoenician 16:57 ,2012 أيلول 21

And you want us to coexist.

Missing feekahraba 03:56 ,2012 أيلول 22

Never, as long as people like you exist.

Missing forces 16:51 ,2012 أيلول 22

I'm a Christian, and I have seen many mockings of Jesus Christ and my religion on tv, movies, even south park :)... I am however very secure in my faith and know what my religion is about, this makes me a stronger person and I know the Lord will judge those who sin, not me. The Koran talks about how Mohamed was mocked and ridiculed and that he did not retaliate but pray for them. unfortunately it seems that a lot of offended people are not so secure in their own faith or perhaps don't understand it fully.

Missing thatisit 17:40 ,2012 أيلول 21

go on a picnic - take your kids to a library - sit home and relax - don't these people get tired of protesting on things science sooner or later will prove to be all hoax. enjoy- life is short

Missing gabby4 17:43 ,2012 أيلول 21

Oh deos that mean they have sensitivity toward religion now?? When the Shia were building on church land and the Christians were angry Nasrallah didn't do anything but keep up the pressure. Nasrallah is the biggest hipocrite of them all. He is a thug in a turban.

Where are M14 to remind him about taking church land? Or doesn't that count as an insult to religion committed by the Hezz?

Missing gcb1 18:05 ,2012 أيلول 21

The Quran doesn't insult Christians and categorizes them as the "People of the Book".

Go read it correctly by looking at the whole passage and context and language of that particular time.


Thumb Chupachups 03:37 ,2012 أيلول 22

proove it

Thumb eli-g 18:50 ,2012 أيلول 21

this is a way to exert control over the masses.They are given something so unimportant to go vent about so people can feel important in thier daily life.They pump them and send them to the streets.as if thier protest will change anything.The west that these people are targeting and protesting is looking at this and saying what a bunch of backward silly people.They are not running to change thier laws to accomodate moslems because an idiot made a stupid mivie.Cut the crap out and go home.Read a book, make a good deed,think, don't go burning KFC's.

Thumb ado.australia 18:56 ,2012 أيلول 21

They have mocked Christ in too many movies... "the last temptation of Christ", "Jesus Christ superstar", "the davinci code", "the life of Brian" etc. all are blashomes, all are offensive to christains. We christains have experienced what Muslims are experiencing now with these atheist animals! But we have accepted the right of others to believe... Just as we accept Muslims and Jews... We accept atheist and devil followers. This does not mean we submit to them, we have faith and belief that they are wrong and evil, and we are righteous! We have faith that the righteous will prevail and "God"'s will is too high to worry about these damned.

It took christains 1900 years to understand and accept this. How long will our Muslim brethren take? We are all believers in the one almighty god... Let us not kill innocents to prove our love to him... What would our lord GOD think if he saw us killing because of his name ?

Thumb phoenician 19:17 ,2012 أيلول 21


The Quran also refer to us as mushrikun and in verses 5 and 29 of surah tubah it says to find the mushrikun wherever they are and kill them.
Verse 51 of surah maidah states that Jews and Christians are unjust unproud and wrong doers.

So Sir i suggest you read your Quran and not rely on what your parents uncles aunties and mullahs tell you,ignorant.

Default-user-icon Darwish (ضيف) 20:00 ,2012 أيلول 21

Phoenician, in the gospels there are controversial verses that contradict the Church dogmas. One example, Mathiew 12:46 "While Jesus was still talking to the crowd, his mother and brothers stood outside, wanting to speak to him. Someone told him, “your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you”. He replied to him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” Don't tell me this is a symbolic verse or taken out of context, it is not! Its a simple situation where a rebel does not agree with his conservative family. Thus this passage contradicts in the funniest way, the Virgin Mary, immaculate conception, mother of god whatever idea... Before digging in other religious books look at yours first, its full of embarrassing things... I can give you more examples if you wish... (An atheist, ex-maronite)

Missing gcb1 20:38 ,2012 أيلول 21

Ah, you assume I'm Muslim? In fact, I'm Christian. Jesus is the most quoted prophet in the Quran, so it makes no sense that the Quran would advocate violence against his followers.

And allow me to quote the Prophet Muhammed himself: “Beware! Whoever is cruel and hard on a non-Muslim minority, or curtails their rights, or burdens them with more than they can bear, or takes anything from them against their free will; I (Prophet Muhammad) will complain against the person on the Day of Judgment.” (Sunnan Abu Dawud)

Missing gcb1 20:42 ,2012 أيلول 21

References to infidels are dominated towards the Quraysh tribe, the Prophet Muhammed's own tribe that is, because they tried to kill him, and the same goes for any other tribe in which some were non-Muslims.

You should learn that any holy book has passages that could be interpreted violently. Allow me to quote the Bible:

"We completely destroyed the kingdom of Bashan, just as we had destroyed King Sihon of Heshbon. We destroyed all the people in every town we conquered--men, women, and children alike." Deuteronomy 3:6

Missing feekahraba 03:58 ,2012 أيلول 22

You are right, so can i have your home address.

Missing forces 16:57 ,2012 أيلول 22

halal or hurom? what do these refer to?

Thumb phoenician 19:21 ,2012 أيلول 21

And how about building the Aqsa Mosque on top of the Temple of Jerusalem,HOW VERY RESPECTFUL.

Default-user-icon ml (ضيف) 20:11 ,2012 أيلول 21

Islam need it's own version of the reformation to take it out of the hands of the lunatics.

Thumb phoenician 20:55 ,2012 أيلول 21


Precisely,that is the old testament and the people in those events had 450years to quit debauchery but never listened to God and that includes Sidon and Tyre.
You show me one violent event in the Holy Gospel which is the teaching and the life of Jesus Christ completes the promise of God of the Messiah who brings peace and love to the world.

Love thy neighbour.
Love your enemy.
Do you know how POWERFUL these two commandments which are so difficult to acheieve.

Missing gcb1 00:53 ,2012 أيلول 22

How about the Crusades in which the Church used Christianity to justify its holy war and went on to kill many civilians? I say this to tell you that religious radicals could take any passage to justify violence, whether in Islam or Christianity.

You, evident by your picture, seem to fit into the category of a Christian radical and you don't even realize it, hence deeming you just as low as the Muslim radicals you criticize.

Thumb Chupachups 03:44 ,2012 أيلول 22

gcb1... -.-

muslim radicals are much worse

Default-user-icon Floridalebanese (ضيف) 20:55 ,2012 أيلول 21

Oh yeah. I want to coexist with these savages, sure!

Thumb shab 20:55 ,2012 أيلول 21

religion is posion

Thumb phoenician 20:59 ,2012 أيلول 21


Please Sir stop wasting your time with assumption and sentiments filled comments,get busy reading then you are welcome to bebate the issue because its crystal clear you dont know what you are talking about just bullet points with no indepth knowledge.

Missing gcb1 00:55 ,2012 أيلول 22

You have no arguments, and thus you revert to insults and accusations. I doubt I'm the one that lacks in depth knowledge.

Truly educated men could never be racist. Unfortunately, your racism is simply incompatible with your self-regard "knowledge" you believe yourself to have.

Default-user-icon Downwithreligion (ضيف) 22:43 ,2012 أيلول 21

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from a religious conviction". Pascal

Default-user-icon Golid Ayoubi (ضيف) 23:46 ,2012 أيلول 21

If we Muslims took the streets a year ago in such fashion and passion and demonstrated in front of the offices of Hezbollah, the Embassies of Syria, Iran, Russia, and China, we might have spared the lives of thousands of our brothers and sisters. Do our Arab brothers seriously consider a movie or some cartoons more insulting and more of crime than the killing of our own people? I have no hope left for our people. I never thought I would live to feel this shame...

Missing roger 00:24 ,2012 أيلول 22

Hey guys I live in the states and did not hear about this movie until the demonstration started, it's stupid movie and nobody here cares about it.

Missing gcb1 00:51 ,2012 أيلول 22

No, Christians follow the whole Bible. If the Old Testament should not have been followed, the Council of Nacea would have not included it in the compilation of the Bible, just as it rejected hundreds of other gospels.

Further, here is the quote from the Gospel of Matthew:
"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil." (Matthew 5:17). The Law means the law established by previous prophets, and thus the Old Testament.

Thumb phoenician 01:07 ,2012 أيلول 22


And a partridge up your pair tree,you're not making sence again.

Default-user-icon the shinning light (ضيف) 01:10 ,2012 أيلول 22

New testament was created because it was too hard for Christians to live their lives based on the bible, as an example eye for an eye tooth for a tooth. So with the coming of our lord Jesus Christ the new testament was created. Now for the holy Quran, some of the teaching is not scalable to our era, it is a great religion and we should all respect our beliefs/religion/God as long as we do not use it as a pretext to kill each other. No matter want the reasons are , right or wrong, there is never a reason to kill or entice killing and taking someone's life. We live on the 21 century , there are laws to protect killing and taking matter in your own hands. Do not kill or take revenge based on religion. You have moderate muslims, moderate Christians, moderate in all religions. The extremists destroy us from within.
My 2 cents worth.

Missing shark15 01:51 ,2012 أيلول 22

How about the Sunnis and Shiites stop killing eachother first ,euongh is enough,there are people being killed everyday in Syria,what are the Muslims doing to stop this. I`m sure the Prophet Mohammed would be more than happy to see his people live in peace and respect eachother.

Default-user-icon Lebanese (ضيف) 01:57 ,2012 أيلول 22

Phoenician go read the same Quran that has an entire chapter called "Mary" or the Quran that mentions Jesus' name over 144 times while it mentions Mohamad less than 20. You fundamentalists are an interesting bunch, and the biggest irony is you probably support the same leaders in Lebanon who are the political allies of these Salafi/Wahabi scumbags.

And FYI, if you want to play the quote game, I can get many verses from the Bible that are far from friendly, beginning with what Paul said to do to women he didn't cover. Spare us your right-wing bs.

Thumb Sanelebanese 03:35 ,2012 أيلول 22

It is amazing to see Sunni and Shiite Muslims together. It took a stupid movie to unify those who never condemed religious killings. GOD can speak for himself, otherwise he is not god .

Missing galopse 04:55 ,2012 أيلول 22

"Clerics called "a day of rage" against insults to the Prophet Mohammed but urged followers to contain their anger". What a great way to encourage violence while staying politically correct.

Thumb Chupachups 05:17 ,2012 أيلول 22

What a beautiful day of rage it shall be to show the world the " peaceful" religion

Thumb Sanelebanese 06:16 ,2012 أيلول 22

you are totally correct LoveToBang, no one ever insults any religion more than its own religious figures. How can they believe in the almighty, yet he needs their might.

Default-user-icon Elie (ضيف) 12:38 ,2012 أيلول 22

The only thing I felt when I saw the movie trailer was embarrassment for the people who made it, and acted in it. These guys better have a burger flipping career plan. The thing is. It's 2012 and internet happens. Get over it. You can't let any moron with a videocam and ghastly post processing skills (I mean really? No drop shadow?) prove that whatever crap he has to say is right.
Anyways, we're all the same flesh and blood.

Missing redleb 12:47 ,2012 أيلول 22

this matter has pushed me from a tolerant atheist to completely anti-theist.
all that religions have done is to slow down social progress (in all cultures) and propagate hate and wars.
religion is the ugliest thing man has created. and i do not tolerate it anymore.
but saying this in the middle east is like throwing a lit match in a pond

Missing forces 17:04 ,2012 أيلول 22

hope they leave krispy cremes alone.. Yumm

Missing forces 17:07 ,2012 أيلول 22

who the hell calls for death over a movie? b grade one at that.. very insecure , very backward , very sad..