اصابة عنصرين من مكتب مكافحة المخدرات اثر مداهمة في بعلبك

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ادت عملية مداهمة، نفذتها قوة من مكتب مكافحة المخدرات المركزي، في بعلبك، الى اصابة عنصرين من القوة بجروح طفيفة.

وأفادت الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام، أن قوة من مكتب مكافحة المخدرات المركزي دهمت فجر الاحد مطلوبين بجرائم مخدرات في دار الواسعة شمال بعلبك نطاق دير الاحمر.

وادت العملية الى تبادل لاطلاق النار واصابة كل من المعاون اول و.ع.ب والمؤهل ب. خ واصابتهما طفيفة ونقلا الى احد مستشفيات المنطقة للمعالجة.

وبعد ظهر الأحد أصدرت مديرية التوجيه في قيادة الجيش بيانا قالت فيه أنه "صباح اليوم، وخلال قيام قوة من الجيش بمؤازرة دورية تابعة لمكتب مكافحة المخدرات في قوى الامن الداخلي، لتوقيف احد المطلوبين للعدالة في محلة دار الواسعة - بعلبك، تعرضت الدوريةالمذكورة لإطلاق نار من قبل مسلحين".

وأشارت المديرية إلى أن الحادث "أدى الى إصابة عنصرين من قوى الامن وآلية تابعة لها" مضيفة "على الفور فرضت وحدات الجيش طوقا أمنيا حول المنطقة، وباشرت عملية دهم واسعة لأماكن مطلقي النار، حيث أوقفت عددا من الاشخاص المشتبه بهم، كما ضبطت كمية من المخدرات وآلتين حديثتين لتصنيعها، وكمية من الاسلحة والذخائر الحربية، وبعض السيارات غير القانونية".

كما لفت الجيش إلى ان عناصره مستمرون "بملاحقة المعتدين على الدورية، لتوقيفهم وتسليمهم مع المضبوطات الى القضاء المختص".

التعليقات 8
Thumb benzona 01:48 ,2012 تموز 02

Is it worth commenting? Always the same people... those who sell drugs, steal cars and kidnap people. Those people are called Hezbollah partisans. Anyone denying this should go to Colombia and ask who was collaborating with the FARCs, training them and taking their cocaine to Lebanon and other countries to finance their terrorism.

Default-user-icon muhamed (ضيف) 06:36 ,2012 تموز 02

BENZONA your hate to hezbollah is so pure that you do not know how to blame them brother what it need to do colombia FARCS with hiizbullah ba3lbeck OMG my brother your head is so confused

Missing justlebanese 09:46 ,2012 تموز 02

as the egyptians say "manakshe 2addo matsa5anoush"hahah

Default-user-icon A jesus (ضيف) 11:07 ,2012 تموز 02

I think it's about time to legalize drugs in Lebanon and educate people on what it is and how to utilize it! It's been proven that the environment in the Bekaa is most suited for this kind of agriculture, not to mention that it'll be a renewable rare resource bringing money to the country more than the oil reserves anticipated in our sea! Not forgetting the tourism around it, that is supposed to pour money in more than our prostitution market and all the social benefits our citizens will benefit from, instead of spending money on fighting it, burning tires and killing each others like animals! Legalize it, we are not, definitely not as smart as the dutch people! Educate educate educate instead of banning it

Default-user-icon A jesus (ضيف) 11:07 ,2012 تموز 02

I think it's about time to legalize drugs in Lebanon and educate people on what it is and how to utilize it! It's been proven that the environment in the Bekaa is most suited for this kind of agriculture, not to mention that it'll be a renewable rare resource bringing money to the country more than the oil reserves anticipated in our sea! Not forgetting the tourism around it, that is supposed to pour money in more than our prostitution market and all the social benefits our citizens will benefit from, instead of spending money on fighting it, burning tires and killing each others like animals! Legalize it, we are not, definitely not as smart as the dutch people! Educate educate educate instead of banning it

Default-user-icon Darwin (ضيف) 11:28 ,2012 تموز 02

I think it's about time to legalize drugs in Lebanon and educate people on what it is and how to utilize it! It's been proven that the environment in the Bekaa is most suited for this kind of agriculture, not to mention that it'll be a renewable rare resource bringing money to the country more than the oil reserves anticipated in our sea! Not forgetting the tourism around it, that is supposed to pour money in more than our prostitution market and all the social benefits our citizens will benefit from, instead of spending money on fighting it, burning tires and killing each others like animals! Legalize it, we are not, definitely not as smart as the dutch people! Educate educate educate instead of banning it

Default-user-icon Darwin (ضيف) 14:16 ,2012 تموز 02

I think it's about time to legalize drugs in Lebanon and educate people on what it is and how to utilize it! It's been proven that the environment in the Bekaa is most suited for this kind of agriculture, not to mention that it'll be a renewable rare resource bringing money to the country more than the oil reserves anticipated in our sea! Not forgetting the tourism around it, that is supposed to pour money in more than our prostitution market and all the social benefits our citizens will benefit from, instead of spending money on fighting it, burning tires and killing each others like animals! Legalize it, we are not, definitely not as smart as the dutch people! Educate educate educate instead of banning it

Default-user-icon Darwin (ضيف) 09:42 ,2012 تموز 04

I think it's about time to legalize drugs in Lebanon and educate people on what it is and how to utilize it! It's been proven that the environment in the Bekaa is most suited for this kind of agriculture, not to mention that it'll be a renewable rare resource bringing money to the country more than the oil reserves anticipated in our sea! Not forgetting the tourism around it, that is supposed to pour money in more than our prostitution market and all the social benefits our citizens will benefit from, instead of spending money on fighting it, burning tires and killing each others like animals! Legalize it, we are not, definitely not as smart as the dutch people! Educate educate educate instead of banning it