سليمان: لبنان جاهز لاحتضان الكويتيين والسهر على أمنهم
Read this story in Englishقال رئيس الجمهورية ميشال الرئيس سليمان ان "اللبنانيين ينتظرون اخوانهم الكويتيين هذا الصيف بفارغ الصبر ليحسنوا وفادتهم كالعادة في موسم الاصطياف"، مؤكدا ان "لبنان الرسمي والشعبي جاهز لاحتضانهم والسهر على امنهم وحريتهم وكرامتهم".
واشاد سليمان في تصريح خاص لوكالة الانباء الكويتية (كونا) عشية توجهه الى الكويت الأحد في زيارة رسمية، بدولة الكويت اميرا وحكومة وشعبا ووقوفها الدائم الى جانب لبنان ومساعدته في "السراء والضراء".
وقال الرئيس سليمان ان هذه الزيارة "للقاء اخي سمو امير البلاد الشيخ صباح الاحمد الجابر الصباح للبحث معه في قضايا تتصل بالعلاقات الثنائية المميزة والخاصة بين بلدينا وفي القضايا ذات الصلة بالعمل العربي المشترك في خضم التحولات التي تحصل في وطننا العربي".
واضاف انه على يقين بأن سمو امير البلاد الشيخ صباح الاحمد الجابر الصباح "يختزن حبا كبيرا للبنان وهو مستمر بالوقوف الى جانب الشعب اللبناني في السراء والضراء".
واعتبر ان "رعاية سموه للبنان كانت ولا تزال محطة مشرقة في تاريخ علاقاتنا التي يحرص سموه كما نحن على تطويرها وتعزيزها ورفدها بكل ما يقويها ويرسخها ويعمقها".
واشار الى ان سمو الامير الشيخ صباح الاحمد الجابر الصباح "اعطى هذه العلاقات بعدا نموذجيا وهو مدافع صلب عن لبنان في المحافل الدولية والاقليمية ولا ننسى حرصه الدائم على دعم الوفاق الوطني يوم عصفت الحروب والازمات بلبنان ومساهمته في انطلاق مسيرة السلم الاهلي ورعايته ايضا عملية النهوض الاقتصادي فكانت القروض والهبات الكويتية خير مساعد لاطلاق الانماء والمشاريع في عدد من المناطق في لبنان".
واردف قائلا "لن ينسى اللبنانيون وقوف الكويت اميرا وحكومة وشعبا الى جانبهم حيث كانت ابواب الكويت مفتوحة ومشرعة امامهم".
تجدر الإشارة الى أن كل من دولة الامارات والبحرين وقطر والكويت، طلبت من رعاياها عدم التوجه الى لبنان والموجودين فيه الى مغادرته، بسبب توتر الاوضاع الامنية فيه.
وزيارة سليمان الى الكويت تأتي في إطار جولة خليجية يلتقي خلالها المسؤولين "لتعزيز العلاقات الثنائية وتشجيع السياحة في لبنان" وبحث قرارات بعض الدول بمنع رعاياها من التوجه الى لبنان.
It so happens that Lebanon is not the only country which is awaiting the arrival of the Kuwaitis for this Summer season, fact is as far as some top Western cities are also vying for their visit. To the best of my opinion, President Suleiman is doing his best to keep our country viable, which is something that cannot be said for quite a few politicians here (with all due respects to everyone's views). When one looks at the battered state of our dear country and its economy, one can only hope for more actions like those of president Suleiman's.
عذراً منك يا أخ عبدالله هالحكي سامحك الله و تعليقك غير مقبول عفواً الرئيس يعمل لمصلحة وطنك وليس للإستجداء وشكراً
In 2006 _before_ the adventures of Nasrallah began, Beirut was named top 9th city in the world. In 2009 _before_ Hizballah decided to officially run the country NY Times ranked Beirut the #1tourist destination in the world. Today, our president is begging Kuwait to send us tourists... Well done!
You don't need GCC tourists Mr President. Laundering money and dirty Iranian money is pouring in ! Why do you want to put GCC citizens at risk when you can hardly protect yourself from the thugs in your Baabda residence?? You know these days they are not in favour with the basij and their local puppets after Bahrein and KSA have taken steps towards political union. So they might decide to welcome them with their new long range smoking toys should they decide to visit us... The toys they have test tried in me3raab...
It is so amusing watching FlamingTart using three different accounts to attack coincidentally enough both the president and the gulf tourists. And even more amusing watching FloatingTurd with his (so far)three different names quoting Aoun's Qawmi idiot of a tourism minister Hummus Bin Tabbouleh Abboud's data about tourist dollars, data refuted by official economic figures and the governor of the Banque du Liban.
It is a pitty to read what the others are posting in here! Of course we do need every Atab to come and spend money in our country I am pretty sure those posting here has no work and nor interest but to destroy our tourism! And no the lebanese expats are the ones who have their cars and lives in their houses, whereas the Arabs uses our hotels and other services!
I was very shocked to read such comments left for Kuwait. Why such hate ? Do you realize how much Kuwait gave Lebanon in aid ? Do you realize how many Lebanese are respected here in Kuwait and on third generation living liberty and harmony with the locals ?
I as a Kuwaiti citizen have finished studying 6 years in Lebanon and have a great love for that country. Kuwaitis don't come for the women or the booze, we have a big population of sophisticated individuals - do not mix us up with the mass of GCC citizens. We come to Lebanon because we feel home between your people and the hospitality we receive.
Flamthrower ? Why would you leave us without a penny ? Why would you want to take away the Real Estate we gathered in Lebanon ? Do you realize how many shops and establishments are hurt in Lebanon without the hefty GCC tourists on such seasons ?
I'm disappointed with such views
haha what a joke, now they are begging them to come back, when the government was calling them garbage and wahabis....
we are still waiting for iran to export to us their lovely yugo cars so the shiaa could buy them...
FT, as usual useless comments based on the limited thinking space left in your brain. One, the damage is already done, and the season is f----d up. The cowboy movie is back again in the North. Two, there is more booze in Kuwait than in Lebanon, all nicely stacked underground, and sold at 200$ for a regular bottle. Three, there are women available everywhere, even in Riyadh, if you know where to ask.
Suleiman should organize and clean the local mess before begging the Saudis to come this season, no one knows if the black shirts are planning a summer parade or not?
Why is this guy asking camel jockeys and sand nigers to come to Lebanon. We have enough of these types already in Lebanon , no need to bring more.
Aoun just received his cahier de vacance from the Iranian ambassador.
No need for the Kuwaitis and Saudis as some call them Wahabis but the fact of the matter is that this is where the oil is located and most Lebanese are making living out of.