نواب بيروت يطالبون باستقالة ميقاتي: الحكومة تسهل عودة الحرب الأهلية

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حمّل نواب بيروت الحكومة "المسؤولية الكاملة" للإشتباكات التي حصلت في بيروت مساء أمس الأحد مطالبين رئيسها نجيب ميقاتي بالإستقالة لأن الحكومة "تسهل عودة الحرب الأهلية إلى لبنان".

وأشار بيان للنواب بعد اجتماع استثنائي لهم في "بيت الوسط" الإثنين إلى استنكارهم لما "تعرضت له بعض مناطق العاصمة وتحديدا منطقة الطريق الجديدة من أعمال عسكرية من قبل أشخاص مرتبطين بأجهزة النظام السوري وحلفائه في لبنان".

وقد حصلت اشتباكات أمس الأحد على خلفية إشعال الإطارات وقطع الطرقات بين أنصار "تيار المستقبل" و"التيار العربي" بقيادة شاكر البرجاوي مما أدى إلى مقتل شخصين وجرح 18 شخصا.

كما أسف النواب "لتعريض أمن العاصمة للخطر مرة أخرى وترويع أهلها بإطلاق النار من مختلف أنواع الأسلحة في إطار مخطط مكشوف لنقل أزمة النظام من سوريا إلى طرابلس والشمال ثم إلى العاصمة بيروت".

ودان المجتمعون "صدور أمر العمليات في الرسالة التي تقدم بها سفير النظام السوري إلى مجلس الأمن والتي اتهم فيها المملكة العربية السعودية ودولة قطر وتيار المستقبل باحتضان الإرهاب وهي اتهامات مفبركة جملة وتفصيلا".

وحمل النواب الحكومة "المسؤولية الكاملة عن كل ما تعرضت له بعض مناطق العاصمة وتحديدا في منطقة الطريق الجديدة، من محاولات لإشعال الفتنة والإخلال بالوضع الأمني، وكل ما حصل من قبل في طرابلس وعكار، كونها غابت تماما عن القيام بمسؤولياتها الحكومية".

كما اتهم نواب بيروت الحكومة بتغطية "تحركات الجهات الميليشيوية التابعة لأجهزة المخابرات السورية وتوابعها، لإعادة تأجيج الاقتتال الداخلي وإشعال الفتنة المذهبية، خدمة للنظام السوري وسعيا لتخفيف ضغوط انتفاضة الشعب السوري عنه، وفتح باب الابتزاز العربي والدولي أمامه".

وعليه طالب النواب "باستقالة رئيس الحكومة التي زعم أنها حكومة الاستقرار، فإذا بها تتحول إلى حكومة تسهيل عودة الحرب الأهلية إلى لبنان، بعيدا عن الحفاظ على أمن المواطنين وسلمهم الأهلي، بعدما أمعنت في ضرب معيشتهم وعلاقاتهم العربية الحيوية".

وطالب نواب بيروت الأهالي "بضبط النفس والوعي تجاه ما يحاك لمدينتهم وللوطن ككل من مؤامرات ومحاولات مشبوهة لإشعال نار الاقتتال الداخلي وعدم الانجرار لأي استفزازات تحت أي شعار كان".

وكانت كلمة لرئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري عبر "سكايب" خلال اللإجتماع أكد فيها "إن موقفنا كان منذ البداية واضحا وصريحا مما يجري في سوريا" متابعا "ها هو نظام الأسد يحاول نقل الشرارات الأمنية من منطقة إلى أخرى في لبنان".

وشدد الحريري على أن "المسؤولية الثقيلة ملقاة على عاتقنا وعاتق أهل بيروت للتصرف بهدوء ومسؤولية لإفشال هذا المخطط الخبيث".

التعليقات 17
Thumb geha 19:01 ,2012 أيار 21

tthis is the least mikati can do: resign.

Missing reformist 23:24 ,2012 أيار 21

Deep thought geha! Keep it up :)

Thumb jcamerican 19:14 ,2012 أيار 21

Took you forever to form one, now when everything is heading in the civil war direction, you feel better off without it. Personally, I would resign and get the hell out. If God came on earth, he couldn't fix Lebanon.

Thumb beiruti 19:16 ,2012 أيار 21

Resignation is the wrong medicine. Who would replace him right now? And where is the momentum to form a new government under current dynamics. Hezbollah would love not to have a formal government right now. From the Serail, Mikati can do more for the country than he could sulking in Tripoli. Leave him be.
Now the rest of the communique is spot on. Maximum restraint is the order of the day to all of those whom Hezbollah is attempting to incite.

Lebanon is not Syria when it comes to this sectarian war. Lebanon has already done that, spent 30 years of the nation's life on it. This is something new to the Syrians. Meaning, the Lebanese know better than to pass through this hell again, regardless of the Hezbollah inspired incitements, present and future until Assad finally falls.
Dear resident Lebanese, the best fight against Hezbollah is not to bend to their will. Do not take up your weapons to fight your fellow citizens.

Thumb Bandoul 22:04 ,2012 أيار 21

Very well put. Thanks.

Thumb beiruti 19:23 ,2012 أيار 21

The real harm to Beirut is contained in the companion story of Kuwait putting out a travel ban on Lebanon due to the unrest created in Tripoli and now in Beirut between the sects. The tourist season, the hotels, restaurants and the rest that depend on Gulf Tourism will take a hit. And I believe I heard that several thousand Lebanese working in the Gulf are being sent home due to some Hezbollah activity out there. More lost revenues in the form of foreign remittances lost to the Lebanese. All thanks to Hezbollah, clawing and scratching trying to hold its place in Lebanon as it is going down the drain with Assad.
Dear Lebanese, let Hezbollah fall, better than participating with Hezbollah in taking Lebanon down to hell with it.

Missing peace 21:40 ,2012 أيار 21

totally right as usual!

Thumb shab 20:37 ,2012 أيار 21

The filthy Persian wannbe militia will love if the Mickey Mouse goverment resigned

Missing reformist 23:25 ,2012 أيار 21

in your dreams. We are there to stay and we will continue despite all your failed tries:)

Missing peace 21:40 ,2012 أيار 21

better than your empty analysis...and illiterate writing

Missing reformist 23:26 ,2012 أيار 21

bravo peace! Leading by example! You wear so well your name ;)

Thumb Bandoul 22:08 ,2012 أيار 21

@ mfawaz F U and UR Dishonorable band of Murdering Terrorists. We're up to here with your inglorious and dishonorable IRAN bought and paid for mercenaries. D7ashon where the sun don't shine.

Missing reformist 23:27 ,2012 أيار 21

Bandoulito de mi corazon calmate amigo! Take a deep breath and lookup the definition of terrorists :) Is geagea for instance a terrorist for having EXTERMINATED so many innocents in camps? answer simply : yes? no?
Then we can talk.

Thumb Bandoul 03:46 ,2012 أيار 22

@reformist, if you want to live in the past, and talk about the past like a broken record that is your business. Like all the warlords of his era, they all murdered in cold blood. The difference being Geagea sat in a jail cell for 11 years and thought about all the murdering he did. The rest of them did not. Let's talk about what your party has done in recent history and is doing now to take Lebanon to the abyss and then you may graduate to being someone I can debate

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 07:57 ,2012 أيار 22

@Bandoul , do not answer reformist, he is but a supporter of a cockroach that always was an SSNP and that was playing cards in Baabda during the war. Then when it got hot, he ran away not even in pyjamas but in his underwear to save his pathetic senile life. What a hero this general is. Not to forget also the 15 million he took with him and disappeared afterwards. he was living la vida loca in france everybody knows that. and his return to Lebanon was facilatated by no other than the son of Emile Lahoud another bootlicker. oh well, guess the FPM supporters forget a lot. Its ok, we forgive but do not forget idiots.
@Mfawaz, yes , such a glorious resistance, serving the zionists by protecting its northern border from extremists palestinians. Also glorious for having destroyed Lebanon and put up 10 billion $ debts in one month and still complainng about hariri 40 billion in 15 years ( with the syrians, lebanese prosyrians and construction of downtown and airport )

Thumb Bandoul 19:12 ,2012 أيار 24

@Skyfall, good point but if you don't step on cockroaches they multiple. FlameThrower, mfawaz and reformist, are relics of an era past. They may even be the same person. They have to be reminded that their filth will not be tolerated.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 08:03 ,2012 أيار 22

@mfawaz and reformist, one can never get enough from people like you, you are hilariously killing every brain cell left in your weak,pathetic, microscopic brains of yours. I love how you repeat urselves and never answer questions but only repeat like sheeps what both your masters ( well lets say One master cause anyway Aoun is but a servant for nasrallah) . patriotism surely didnt come from FPM or hezbollah, it came from people who resisted for 15 years under heavy bombardement, in Zahle, Ain-el RUmmaneh, Ashrafieh, Tel el zaatar, wen kentou lama kena ne7na ya watyin wou jebana. rou7o ndabo instead of uniting againt the syrian conspiracy ahead, all you do is put all of this against your fellow lebanese citizens who some are helping people defend themselves in Syria... I wonder when your people in the south got bombarded and came over to christians and sunnites area, didnt we welcome them ? tfeh 3aleykom moustawekon men el zenar wou nezel.