واشنطن "تتوعد" بتجفيف مصادر التمويل ومنع شحنات الاسلحة الى سوريا

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توعدت وزيرة الخارجية الاميركية هيلاري كلينتون الاحد، بتشديد العقوبات الحالية المفروضة على النظام السوري والسعي لفرض عقوبات اخرى تجفف مصادر التمويل وواردات الاسلحة لسوريا.

وصرحت كلينتون للصحافيين في صوفيا:"سنعمل على فرض عقوبات اقليمية وقومية ضد سوريا وعلى تشديد العقوبات المفروضة حاليا، وستطبق هذه العقوبات بشكل تام من اجل تجفيف مصادر التمويل وشحنات الاسلحة التي تبقي على استمرار الة حرب النظام".

وقالت: "سنعمل على كشف هؤلاء الذين يواصلون تمويل النظام ويرسلون له الاسلحة التي تستخدم ضد السوريين العزل ومن بينهم النساء والاطفال".

وأعربت كلينتون عن أسفها لفشل التصويت في مجلس الامن على قرار يدين سوريا السبت، واصفة الأمر بالـ"مهزلة".

التعليقات 13
Default-user-icon Tanto Venutto (ضيف) 18:38 ,2012 شباط 05

The end result, though, is the same: the Arabs of Israel, the US and the West got the long-deserved shaft. From now on, all they can do is weep and scream of pain.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 18:47 ,2012 شباط 05

the crisis in syria is internationalized so.....very long.
the sunni and alawis will be exhausted to the bone...no other comments.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 18:56 ,2012 شباط 05

Better late than never. When Syria was pounding Lebanese cities and towns with artillary in 1978 (Ashrafieh) and 1981 (Zahle), there was not the same kind of US concern. In fact, there was none.

But let us not curse the Americans for finally seeing the light. It would be similar to the Aounists who cannot forget that Jumblatt and Hariri were once with the Syrians and so refused to acknowledge them in the Lebanese nationalist camp, even as the Aounists joined the hegemonic Syrian camp.

Missing hmorsel 19:34 ,2012 شباط 05

YOu know we and every arab in the middle east is so good of blaming the US and isreal for everything when something goes bad or when we need the US to do something to help us. empty promises, they should intervene, they this they that, we need to start retlying on ourselves to help us. where are our religious and community leaders to call on the syrian army to defy the orders of Assad, they cannot be all alawiites, there are christians, sunnis, druze and others that should immediatly defect. but we all know how cawordly are the arab armies, espacially the biggest is the Syrian army, we all remember how they all sold their uniforms when Isreal invaded Lebanon. but they dont have to fight, they simply need to just leave, run and hide, or just turn your guns on your other cowardly soldiers than kill innocent kids

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 20:13 ,2012 شباط 05

@Cookie_kid: I agree the war will be long after the last shipment from Russia to the terrorist regime, BUT you have been doomed by 13 members against 2. So it is a matter of time before the two agree with the 13. end of story and get with the program with your lost Identity.

Missing peace 20:58 ,2012 شباط 05

it isn t worse than assad s justice!...

Missing jimbei 21:47 ,2012 شباط 05

@Flamethrower "They will be implemented to the fullest to dry up the sources of funding and the arms shipments that are keeping the regime's war machine going"

read the article before you comment.

@Mfawaz i agree that what was done in bahrain is shameful however you cannot compare the atrocities that are being committed in syria with what happened in bahrain.

that being said the americans are total hypocrites especially since they veto all the UNSC resolutions against israel...

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 00:32 ,2012 شباط 06

When Israel was commiting massacres in Lebanon and Palestine, the West were supporting Israel. Israeli aggression can not exist without the support of the blood thirsty hypocritical West. ALL ARAB REGIMES, not just the SYRIAN regime must be overthrown ESPECIALLY those that are puppet TYRANTS of America/Israel. This is the third time I have written my comments in the last 24 hours and you refused to print it. If you censure some comments for political reasons, please let me know so I and many Lebanese leftist friends will no longer read ANY of your articles!

Thumb shab 00:46 ,2012 شباط 06

Air drop heavy weapons, and Assad's miltia will fall

Thumb jabalamel 03:14 ,2012 شباط 06

the filthy zionist information war department has a cunning plan how to bring down assad regime. they say us should drop heavy weapons to salafi groups in syria.

but they forget that retarded people, like salafis, don't know how to use heavy weapons.

also, they are hoping that "americans have seen the light".

lol hillarious

Default-user-icon marco (ضيف) 06:33 ,2012 شباط 06

we will see who will get the last laugh habal

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 03:32 ,2012 شباط 06

@Habal: When the zionist planes destroyed the infrastructure in 2006 what did the rat say on TV? I will remind you: Had we known the amount of causalities and destruction done by the kidnapping we would not have done it.
You are forcing with your one way street mindset (Iran/Syria's way or the highway-lying reforms) for the others in the Arab world and Western nations to jointly destroy the infrastructure in Syria, then you call them zionist. For years we say disarm or join the Army and keep the weapons organized in the Army ranks, you refuse and Israel is your enemy only but not the rest of people who lost lives during your 2006 war.

Thumb rover98 07:56 ,2012 شباط 06

After Assads downfall will lebanon be able to escape from chronic corruption and degradation.