الراعي أمام وفد من حزب الله: لبناء دولة مدنية تفصل بين الدين والدولة

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أكد البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي أمام وفد من "حزب الله" الاثنين، أنه "علينا بناء دولة مدنية ديمقراطية تفصل بين الدين والدولة".

وقال الراعي أمام وفد "حزب الله"، برئاسة الشيخ محمد عمرو، "ينبغي على لبنان أن يقول لكل أبناء هذا الشرق، مسلمون ومسيحيون، نستطيع أن نعيش في التنوع، والمساواة بالحقوق والواجبات، وأن نبني دولة مدنية ديموقراطية تفصل بين الدين والدولة".

وأضاف أنه "يجب أن يعيش مسلمون ومسيحيون معا لبناء هذه الدولة المدنية على أساس من المواطنة، الاحترام المتبادل، بالحوار الدائم".

أما الغرب فاعتبر الراعي أنه "ذهب بعيدا في الدولة المدنية، لأنه لم يفصل فقط بين الدين والدولة بل فصل بين الدولة والله".

وصرح الراعي "نحن نتطلع الى المسؤولين في لبنان، السياسيين المسؤولين ومختلف الأطياف، وهي مناسبة لندعوهم اليوم لأن يجلسوا على طاولة الحوار، لأنه إن لم نجلس الى طاولة الحوار نبقى على ما نحن".

التعليقات 23
Default-user-icon Minx (ضيف) 14:43 ,2012 كانون الثاني 02

Brave my Patriarch, wish you luck, this is an imperative step to sort our country,,, But you will have a lot of opposing religious figures that depends on their fenatic loyalists to stay in power and in control of the people in using religion for their narrow purposes

Missing youssefhaddad 15:20 ,2012 كانون الثاني 02

Hezbollah, being based on a sectarian ideology, is the wrong interlocutor in the discussion about secularism of the state.

Default-user-icon cinema (ضيف) 15:48 ,2012 كانون الثاني 02

you're talking to the wrong audience

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 16:24 ,2012 كانون الثاني 02

@youssefhaddad, though I generally agree with your usual well thought out comments on this site which are very good, I disagree that Hezbollah is based on a sectarian ideology. It is based rather on raw military power through its weapons and the sectarian ideology is the rationalization rather than the basis of the exercise of its power.
Remove the secular rationalization from Hezbollah and you remove its cover, its claim to legitimacy and its ability to survive in an otherwise civil society.
So rather than a basis, sectarianism is a cover for Hezbollah, but as a cover, sectarianism remains an essential element to the existence of Hezbollah as a political power.
So in the end, I do agree, Hezbollah is the wrong party to be discussing secularism in Lebanon. It does have a distinct vested interest in the continuance of sectarianism.

Thumb jabalamel 17:31 ,2012 كانون الثاني 02

the filthy zionist information war department wanted to say something but they didn't know what so they said something retarded. it is how you can distinguish them from lebanese.

Default-user-icon Indian (ضيف) 18:12 ,2012 كانون الثاني 02

Then how come the political posts in Lebanon are divided on sectarian basis ? This goes against the logic of separation of religion and politics !

Thumb www.jabalamel.fanclub.com 18:54 ,2012 كانون الثاني 02

I totally agree with my hero! I missed you btw

Missing applesandoranges 18:55 ,2012 كانون الثاني 02

The Patriarch was crystal clear " The state must separate between religion and politics ...", Hezbollah's answer was - as usual - to pussyfoot around the issue.

Missing peace 19:11 ,2012 كانون الثاني 02

bravo jabalamel: you still are giving a great image of yourself and your party! still depth in your analysis and undeniable facts to support your comments! we only have to agree with such truth you are enlightening us with!
no doubt you have a fan! you are a PROPHET!!!!

Missing peace 19:21 ,2012 كانون الثاني 02

"“The state must separate between religion and politics … but not separate politics from God.”"

his sentence means nothing! if the state doesn t do politics then what does it do and its purpose??
but the state is politics and is elected normally on this basis so in the logic of el rahi not separate politics from god means not separate the state from god!!!
so he simply means nothing and that the state shall continue to mix god and politics!

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 19:41 ,2012 كانون الثاني 02

@@peace, you've missed Rahi's subtle point. In the States we have a long tradition of "separation of church and state", but we hope that our political leaders have a sense of God in their lives.
The church, that is organized religion, is an institution built around a certain way to understand and worship God or the diety. It is the institution of the church, the religion, that should not infect the state, as such. The religion teamed with the state can become the most repressive form of oppression. Just look at Medival Europe.
It is the institutions of religion that must stay outside of the councils of state, but those persons who do occupy positions of civil authority should have a moral compus, hopefully driven by the idea that good moral conduct in this world is rewarded in the next and vice versa.
The Arab world is still in its medival state. The West has progressed from that state, the Middle East has not begun the process.

Default-user-icon Fuad (ضيف) 20:15 ,2012 كانون الثاني 02

This is all talk from the middle ages. This is what happens when conservative elements in a society try to keep their interests in the face of progress. Let them look around a little bit and they notice that they the country is a backyard of the European Union and must follow the rest of the countries of the mediterranean area, which is forward and progress and not religious monopoly over history.

Default-user-icon mfawaz (ضيف) 20:15 ,2012 كانون الثاني 02

“The state must separate between religion and politics” shut up Raii, Sayyed Hassan said that an Islamic government is the only way to bring stability to a society

Default-user-icon mfawaz (ضيف) 20:15 ,2012 كانون الثاني 02

“The state must separate between religion and politics” shut up Raii, Sayyed Hassan said that an Islamic government is the only way to bring stability to a society

Missing startrip 20:19 ,2012 كانون الثاني 02

Yes, Hezbollah is the wrong interlocutor in a discussion about the separation between religion and politics for obvious reasons (the least of which is their foundation, which is based on the merging of the two). But so are the Maronite church, the Sunni Fatwa House, the Orthodox church, the Vatican, Jewish synagogues and so on. All these institutions are sectarian and their success is enabled by followers who are brainwashed into suspending reason and into believing in old fables that were made up centuries ago when ignorant people didn't know any better. As Raii says, and as the leaders of these institutions continuously remind us, they will not want to separate "god" (code for religion), from politics... and the mess will continue. Religious institutions are incapable of genuinely leading, or brokering discussions about separating religion from politics. (contd)

Missing startrip 20:20 ,2012 كانون الثاني 02

(contd from above)
So can we assume that the Lebanese will ditch their sectarian institutions, which are bred into their DNA? I say fat chance. Not in the near term anyway.

By the way, Mr. Raii, let's not over-inflate the church ego. The "successful" west is successful despite the influence of the church. Religion may have given us an initial attempt at explaining the natural world in both Islamic and Christian areas, which started progress. But, if we were to listen to the heavenly inspired words of the Catholic church, we would have retained the belief that the earth is flat, or later it was the center of the universe. Just look at poverty stricken Latin American countries, or Christian African areas, or snake handlers in the Southern U.S. states. In many ways, the success of the west was achieved by keeping the harmful effects of religiosity in a box.

Thumb jabalamel 22:45 ,2012 كانون الثاني 02

the filthy zionist information war department has made an essay about the religion in west europe in order to show how hezb'allah is damaging to lebanon.


and other stupidities, but not worth of commenting

Default-user-icon lex (ضيف) 23:09 ,2012 كانون الثاني 02

Bring peace to Lebanon. Get rid of Hezballah. They do not mean well and are happy to get anyo9ne killed when it is convenient to them.

Thumb jabalamel 23:11 ,2012 كانون الثاني 02

the very fact that al rahi is constantly meeting with the top leaders of party hezb'allah is important by itself. it shows that maronite religious leaders care more about "living together" and "respecting others" than most of political leaders.

Thumb jabalamel 23:11 ,2012 كانون الثاني 02

this is what lady gaga fans don't understand.

Missing th21 23:12 ,2012 كانون الثاني 02

HAhahahahaha, Jabalamel, love your posts :p

Im starting to grow fond of your predictability.

And on second thought... nice user photo !

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 23:38 ,2012 كانون الثاني 02

rahi when he talks, the first 50 pct of the speach is meaningful, then the second 50 pct contradicts the first....please tell me what god has to do with politics?????????so god has a hizb?????

Thumb www.jabalamel.fanclub.com 10:05 ,2012 كانون الثاني 03

I agree with jabal, everything he says is true, especially about lady gaegae