وفد فصائل المعارضة السورية يعلن عدم مشاركته في محادثات استانا

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قررت فصائل المعارضة السورية عدم المشاركة في الجولة الثالثة من محادثات استانا مع الحكومة السورية، والتي دعت اليها كازاخستان في 14 و15 من الشهر الحالي، وفق ما اكد ناطق باسم الوفد لوكالة فرانس برس الاثنين.

وقال ناطق باسم وفد الفصائل أسامة أبو زيد "قررت الفصائل عدم المشاركة في محادثات استانا" معدداً من بين الاسباب "عدم تنفيذ اي من التعهدات الخاصة بوقف اطلاق النار" الذي تم التوصل اليه برعاية روسية تركية في 30 كانون الاول.

التعليقات 13
Thumb _mowaten_ 15:11 ,2017 آذار 13

"The regime and the militias are continuing to bomb, displace, and besiege" yea baby, and expect some more violence coming your way now that you have closed the door on a negotiated settlement.

Thumb Mystic 16:04 ,2017 آذار 13

Not to mention their attack on Sayeda zeinab, it only pleasures me that there will be no peace, then our Resistance can continue to slaughter those salafis.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 16:38 ,2017 آذار 13

That show both of you as cowardly warmongers. If you are that reckless with other people lives, perhaps you should stop typing nonsense here and and go and fight. You are both sick. Rather than promoting a peaceful end , you demand more war and killing. You have no shame and no honor

Thumb Mystic 16:47 ,2017 آذار 13

Salafidemocrat, you are the coward salafi here.
You act all peaceful here, but in reality you support regime change through violent means, so then you cry wolf when you get met with violence in return.

Also you were all happy the other day, typing garbage about the pilgrims killed at Sayeda zeinab were all shia militia men.

Don't play victim with me, and don't judge when you are the most dishonorable around here.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 16:48 ,2017 آذار 13

Sleezethrower ... Perhaps you think that everyone thinks like a fascist such as yourself. The only solution that people of conscience should demand is a process that will lead to a Democratic pluralistic Syria with rule of law and respect for human rights. That may be too much for your side to understand since they only believe in the application of power and terror to rule over a population

Thumb Mystic 16:49 ,2017 آذار 13

Not all of us have the pleasure to seek refuge inside western countries, so sometimes fighting is all we can do in the end "democrat" especially when our homelands are threatened by something devilish as salafism and zionism.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 16:54 ,2017 آذار 13

Liar Mystic ... Yet I condemned the attack on the site. And yes, their were many militiamen who were killed. You have never condemned the almost daily massacres by your side of civilians. And you are full of it. I supported regime change from day 1 through a process that leads to democracy. It was the regime that militarized the conflict and led to the collapse of much of the state. On the other hand, you supported this monstrous regime from day 1.

Thumb Mystic 17:02 ,2017 آذار 13

Democratic pluralistic Syria Al Nusra front, Ahrar Al Sham, ISIS, Jaysh Al "Islam"?
They are your main opposition force in Syria, they must be very democratic indeed.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 17:12 ,2017 آذار 13

When the revolution started and when your Hizb entered the fray, these were tiny players. But yes, unfortunately the radical elements (except Ahar Al Sham that is becoming more moderate) have become stronger due to several factors (1) regime focusing on destroying moderate oppoaition (2) Isis and Nusra focusing on destroying moderate opposition (3) Lack of adequate support and (4) failure to unify their ranks.

You forgot that the Southern front (a major rebel coalition) signed documents pledging support for a pluralistic Democratic Syria. So did the Army of Islam (the major rebel group in Ghouta and Kalamoun), all of the FSA groups. Ahrar Al Sham has stated that they will support any agreement that is agreeable to the Syrian people.

From day 1 and till today, the regime and its supporters oppose a process that will lead to democracy and respect for human rights

Thumb Mystic 17:25 ,2017 آذار 13

Sounds like Salafi propaganda to gain sympathy from the West.
You are a real propagandist too, for your wahabi masters.

I support Assads right to destroy violent uprisings in his country, especially a salafi revolution, that is everything except democratic and peace loving.

Thumb Mystic 17:29 ,2017 آذار 13

None of the opposition groups that carries arms are moderate, to mention that they exist, is the same as saying that dogs can fly.

Propaganda and lies, you have no proof that you are moderate on the field. No minorities lives inside Salafi held areas in Syria, neither the Nusra held Idlib or ISIS held Raqqa.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 20:44 ,2017 آذار 13

FT ... You showed on multiple occasion who the fascist is and it is you - a person very willing to spout hatred that has been banned on multiple occasions from this forum. And you may not believe in democracy and human rights but others do. And you can live in the make up believe world of yours all you want and attribute non-existing beliefs into others, it does not change the fact that you are a lying fascist who believe in autocratic governance.

Thumb gigahabib 16:03 ,2017 آذار 13

Their loss.