الرئيس الاسد يريد ان يذكر باعتباره "من انقذ بلاده"

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قال الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد في مقابلة نشرها السبت موقع صحيفة "البايس" الاسبانية، انه يريد ان يذكر بعد عشر سنوات باعتباره "من انقذ بلاده" مقرا باهمية المساعدة الروسية والايرانية للجيش السوري.

واوضح الاسد الذي يحكم سوريا منذ عام 2000 "بعد عشر سنوات، اريد ان اكون قد تمكنت من انقاذ سوريا، لكن ذلك لا يعني اني ساكون رئيسا حينها" مضيفا "سوريا ستكون بخير وانا ساكون من انقذ بلاده".

وتابع انه بعد عشر سنوات "اذا اراد الشعب السوري ان اكون في السلطة فساكون فيها، واذا لم يرغب فلن اكون في السلطة".

من جهة اخرى قال الاسد "ان الدعم الروسي والايراني كان بلا شك اساسيا" في تقدم القوات الحكومية.

 واوضح "نحن بحاجة الى هذه المساعدة وذلك ببساطة لان 80 دولة تدعم الارهابيين بطرق مختلفة. بعضهم مباشرة بالمال والدعم اللوجستي والاسلحة والمقاتلين. والبعض الاخر يوفر لهم الدعم السياسي في مختلف المحافل الدولية".

وينفذ الجيش الروسي منذ 30 ايلول 2015 حملة مكثفة من الغارات الجوية ضد "اهداف ارهابية" ما اتاح للجيش السوري تحقيق مكاسب ميدانية.

وقال الاسد الذي كان تحدث في 13 شباط في مقابلة مع فرانس برس عن سعيه لاستعادة كافة المناطق السورية، انه "على استعداد" لوقف اطلاق النار وان كان يفضل الحديث عن "وقف للمعارك" لكن بشروط.

ومن هذه الشروط "منع دول وخصوصا تركيا من ارسال مقاتلين واسلحة او من تقديم اي دعم لوجستي للارهابيين".

التعليقات 22
Thumb marcus 08:44 ,2016 شباط 21

Oh yes you will be remembered alright as the most despicable dictator that ever lived.

Default-user-icon good times (ضيف) 10:03 ,2016 شباط 21

most likely to remembered as the man who destroyed Syria and in the process triggered world war 3.

That's the truth no matter where you stand on march 14 or march 8 divide

Thumb Mystic 10:49 ,2016 شباط 21

God bless President Bashar Al Assad, the man that managed to break the salafi menace and stop their caliphate revolution.
The Resistance made the right call in defending him.
Down with the wahabism

Missing peace 10:53 ,2016 شباط 21

salafi menace he encouraged with the help of hezbis so as to be seen as a victim while setting the fire.... do not forget that pityful braindead miss tic....

remember the syrian in Lebanon.... always pouring fire to come and put it off and be seen as a saviour.... oh! i forgot, your limited brain capacities will not make you remember that....

Thumb Mystic 11:56 ,2016 شباط 21

Lebanons war ended because of Syria, and it was better too back then.

Missing peace 13:27 ,2016 شباط 21

oh! so you forgot how syria backed the christians then when they took the upper hand syria backed the sunnis then.... all so that the war goes on.... very very short memory indeed..... tfeh!

Missing humble 10:39 ,2016 شباط 21

A criminal who has assassinated 300 000 of his own people and expelled 5 millions who are living in indecent conditions

Thumb Mystic 10:51 ,2016 شباط 21

Humble, you mostaqbali ambitions for Syria has failed.
Assad won and his people won too with him.

Missing peace 10:54 ,2016 شباط 21

won? when? where? LOL

Thumb Mystic 11:57 ,2016 شباط 21

He is still sitting in his palace after all these years isn't he not?
Are you a peace protester too?

Missing peace 13:31 ,2016 شباط 21

you said "won" so i guess there is no more war going on in syria....assad controls all syria! or winning means sitting on his throne to you....

you are really the biggest idiot of this site ever....

Thumb Mystic 10:50 ,2016 شباط 21

Your "peaceful" protests were filled with weapons and and bombs from Turkey and the GCC countries.

Missing peace 10:54 ,2016 شباط 21

unless you call putin a liar too, putin warned assad of not repressing the peaceful protests the way he did.... LOL

Thumb Mystic 11:57 ,2016 شباط 21

yes a peace protester like you?

Missing peace 13:29 ,2016 شباط 21

When Putin attempted to persuade Assad to soften his response to the unarmed uprising in Deraa in 2011, the Syrian leader ignored him. Now that the war has become a question of life or death for Assad, his wife and mother, there is little likelihood of that lever working more effectively now, even if we rashly assume that peace is on Putin's agenda.


pityful braindead hezbi....

Missing peace 10:50 ,2016 شباط 21

the man who "saved" syria? after bombing his own cities and citizens? waw! what a nerve does this monster have...

Missing humble 12:14 ,2016 شباط 21

Not only the Butcher is a monster, but those who applaud him...!!!

Missing humble 12:16 ,2016 شباط 21

What they do not see is the Godly judgment which will be very harsh...and for ever...

Thumb shab 11:07 ,2016 شباط 21

loooooool and the butcher of Lebanon

Thumb bronco 12:26 ,2016 شباط 21

"Bashar Assad says he wants to be remembered 10 years from now as the person who saved Syria"

and the opposite is true.

Default-user-icon TITUS (ضيف) 15:13 ,2016 شباط 21

The criminal terrorist corrupt Assad dictatorship will be remembered for robbing and murdering its people and the people of Lebanon among others. Such is the end of every criminal dictatorship under any pretext, a dictator is a failed governor. To the dustbin of history the likes of all criminal despots that have been are and will be...

Default-user-icon Real101 (ضيف) 19:02 ,2016 شباط 21

Assad is delusional and fatally flawed.