فرنجية ناقش "المبادرة الرئاسية" في دمشق وعاد "مرتاحا جدا" بعد لقائه بالأسد

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عاد رئيس تيار "المردة" النائب سليمان فرنجية "مرتاحا جدا" لنتائج لقائه مع حليفه وصديقه الشخصي الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد يوم الأحد الفائت، والذي تداول خلاله في موضوع المبادرة الرئاسية.

وشكل اللقاء الذي عُقد بين فرنجية والاسد بحسب صحيفة "السفير" "مناسبة لإعادة تقييم المشهد السياسي الإقليمي وخصوصاً السوري واللبناني".

وكشفت الصحيفة أن الأسد وفرنجية اللذين يتواصلان هاتفياً بصورة مستمرة، ناقشا المبادرة الرئاسية والهواجس التي تحيط بها.

كما ناقش الرجلان بحسب الصحيفة "التفويض المطلق المعطى لحلفاء سوريا في لبنان باتخاذ القرار الذي ينسجم ومصلحتهم الوطنية".

ولوحظ وفقا لـ"السفير" أن فرنجية عاد من زيارته السورية "مرتاحاً جداً" لنتائج المباحثات والأجواء التي تخللت الزيارة.

كما لمس رئيس "المردة" مجددا مدى تقدير وثقة القيادة السورية بشخصه وخياراته السياسية، خصوصاً أنه أحد قلة قليلة من السياسيين اللبنانيين الذين وقفوا إلى جانب سوريا والمقاومة في أصعب الظروف.

التعليقات 17
Default-user-icon kazan (ضيف) 08:35 ,2015 كانون الأول 15

Because of the tribe culture in the Middle East foreigners could always determine the policies in this region.A significant majority of the Lebanese community adhere to the tribe/religion culture, as long as this is the case this population will never be a nation, and will always be a prey for foreigners. No doubt a president will be elected, an artificial peace and stability will follow but...for how long?

Default-user-icon kazan (ضيف) 08:36 ,2015 كانون الأول 15

Because of the tribe culture in the Middle East foreigners could always determine the policies in this region.A significant majority of the Lebanese community adhere to the tribe/religion culture, as long as this is the case this population will never be a nation, and will always be a prey for foreigners. No doubt a president will be elected, an artificial peace and stability will follow but...for how long?

Default-user-icon kazan (ضيف) 08:47 ,2015 كانون الأول 15

Satisfied? hum...probably he told him:" son don't worry your land is a province of great Syria , for the time being I have to settle minor domestic issues, I expect to be ready within few weeks , then I'll appoint you as governor of your land.

Missing humble 09:37 ,2015 كانون الأول 15

What a stupid thing to do! The Butcher is No 1 enemy of Lebanon.

Thumb thepatriot 09:41 ,2015 كانون الأول 15

The Lebanese President should be Lebanese... not Syrian!

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:15 ,2015 كانون الأول 15

By that are you trying to say saudis are more lebanese than lebanese?

Default-user-icon mazen (ضيف) 13:44 ,2015 كانون الأول 15

this poor shiite boy cannot read a simple sentence, or does he suffer from the complete lack of comprehension systemic of his bee2a

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:10 ,2015 كانون الأول 15

this poor sectarian troll boy doesn't know what he is talking about. your friend here spends his days licking saudi shoes and supporting saad hariri, a saudi national, born in and living in saudi, and fully owned by the saudi kings. when you support saudi puppets you have no right to open your mouth about other lebanese leaders. people who live in glass houses and all that...

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:10 ,2015 كانون الأول 15

same goes for geagea, whose bankrupt gang would have collapsed long ago if it weren't for saudi monies

Default-user-icon mazen (ضيف) 15:05 ,2015 كانون الأول 15

The Shiite boy's unrelated post speaks ridiculousness on it's own, I rest my case while I lol!

Default-user-icon mazen (ضيف) 15:09 ,2015 كانون الأول 15

PS: it seems that in the Shiite boy's bee2a they shine shoes with their tongues!

Missing alyanko10452 09:53 ,2015 كانون الأول 15

That's another insult to the Lebanese people. We threw the Syrians out in 2005, and he goes kissing up to them again? What a traitor this guy is.
If he is elected, we can say goodbye to Lebanon.

Missing humble 10:14 ,2015 كانون الأول 15

We are fed up with so-called leaders who obey to the outside.

Default-user-icon maradafasawaca (ضيف) 12:42 ,2015 كانون الأول 15

Franjieh Returns 'Very Satisfied

How many baraze2 did he eat?

Default-user-icon Zoned essit (ضيف) 14:58 ,2015 كانون الأول 15

Don't have to be many, some of the big Baraze2 are very satisfying.

Default-user-icon Darwr101 (ضيف) 13:43 ,2015 كانون الأول 15

Assad is trying to save his own skin. Somoene forgot to tell Frangieh that those days of getting Syria's approval are over.

Thumb ado.australia 16:22 ,2015 كانون الأول 15

Big mistake... Last thing a potential Lebanese Presidential candidate needs to do. Why Hariri is backing him is even a bigger question? Why back a "brother" of Assad when Aoun is rejected because he is too close to Syria, even though he fought against Syrian occupation of Lebanon? This only makes people more question Lebanese politics! I dream for a Lebanese military coupe, like General Fouad Chehab government of the 60s! This time, it lasts a little longer so that all the hard work done is not undone by a Franjieh.... Read your history people! President Suliman Franjieh was elected as a protest of the General Fouad Chehab government and policies that rescued Lebanon during the 60s! Again its was a Jumblatt that decided... what a sad broken record Lebanon is!