"الوطني الحر" و"حزب الله" ينسحبان من جلسة الحكومة: الغاء المناقصات ومطمر في عكار

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قررت الحكومة في جلستها الطارئة الثلاثاء و المخصصة لموضوع النفايات إلغاء المناقصات التي تم اعلانها امس الاثنين، معلنة في هذا الاطار توافقها على تقديم دعم مالي لانماء عكار على أن تنقل النفايات الى إحدى بلداتها.

وخلال انعقاد الجلسة انسحب وزراء التيار "الوطني الحر" و "حزب الله" منها فيما أكملت هي بحثها مع باقي الوزراء حول الملف.

وقال وزير الخارجية جبران باسيل "انسحبنا من الجلسة اعتراضا على مسرحية تجري لحل مشكلة النفايات وساتحدث اليوم بعد اجتماع تكتل التغيير والاصلاح".

أما وزير الزراعة حسين الحاج حسن فأوضح انسحابه من الجلسة بقوله أن "الكثير من الفرقاء مصرون على عدم الاستعماع لمطلب الشراكة الحقيقية".

وأضاف "هناك 70 مرسوما موقعا والأمور تسير باتجاه النشر دون توقيعنا".

وبعد كشف وزير الداخلية عن محاولة التوافق على تأمين تمويل لعكار لتستقبل مطمرا للنفايات، أعرب وزير التربية الياس بو صعب عن رفضه قائلا "هذا الامر غير مقبول ومجلس الوزراء لم يبحث بعد بملف المناقصة".

وكان وزير العدل أشرف ريفي لفت الى أن "أول من طعن بالشراكة هما التيار الوطني الحر وحزب الله، معترضا على على انشاء مطمر في عكار مطالبا بخطة انمائية للمنطقة.

لاحقا، تلا وزير الاعلام رمزي جريج عن مقررات الحكومة، معلنا أن رئيس الحكومة تمام سلام اقترح بتخصيص منطقة عكار بقيمة 100 مليون دولار مقسمة على ثلاث سنوات بغية تنفيذ مشاريع انمائية لتعزيزها.

كما قرر مجلس الوزراء بحسب جريج الغاء المناقصات لارتفاع أسعارها و اعادة ملف النفايات الى اللجنة الوزارية.

وامس الاثنين اعلن وزير البيئة محمد المشنوق عن الشركات التي فازت بالمناقصات في ملف النفايات في كافة المناطق، الا أنها لاقت اعتراضا من رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري وكذلك من سبان "طلعت ريحتكم".


التعليقات 23
Missing humble 08:55 ,2015 آب 25

Caporal has paralyzed the Government by forcing to discuss first a mechanism of operation and stopping any decision-making.

Missing humble 13:05 ,2015 آب 25

FPM = Family Protected Mazra3a

Thumb justin 13:16 ,2015 آب 25

yes sure that is why rifi said today:
10:22 ريفي من السراي: نتائج المناقصات بملف النفايات لن تمر ولن أوقع.

Thumb ex-fpm 14:47 ,2015 آب 25

bou saab rejected the proposal not because he cares about the Akkar people but because the proposal was tied with development projects for Akkar.;)

Thumb barrymore 09:14 ,2015 آب 25

It would not surprise me a bit hahaha!!

Missing humble 09:19 ,2015 آب 25

Excellent...as usual. Thank you for telling everyone.

Missing humble 09:54 ,2015 آب 25

True and sad.

Thumb mobious125 10:13 ,2015 آب 25

The people should set the agenda and demand a solution within a time frame. If they fail then the people force the resignation of ALL of them, and new candidates sort and chosen by the people. You are the people, you are the mob, you are the power.

Missing ysurais 10:29 ,2015 آب 25

Lebanon will remain-
Constitution should be preserved-
Politicians without exception should be dumped!

Missing humble 14:17 ,2015 آب 25

Zero intellectuals among you. As long as you will produce quantity over quality, you will continue claiming that you are Ma7rumeen.
Ma7rumeen of what? Not of sex and fornication...!!!

Thumb ex-fpm 14:43 ,2015 آب 25

good job @norma exposing those cheaters;))!!

Thumb Hayek.Feghali.Abdelatif 14:55 ,2015 آب 25

real partnership?

real hypocrisy!

Thumb beiruti 14:58 ,2015 آب 25

They are doing as expected. The garbage crisis for the people is seen as opportunity for profit by the political class. That they fight is not over the rights of the people, but over whether their partisans are getting a fair share of the "golden egg" that is the acceptance of the tender to dispose of the garbage.
It is well known in Lebanon that a $2.0 million project must bid out at $50.0 million so as to build the project, maybe, but to be sure to pay off the political class.

Thumb Hayek.Feghali.Abdelatif 15:03 ,2015 آب 25

real result of a farce


Thumb ex-fpm 15:20 ,2015 آب 25

here is a classic:
Aoun's Flip Flop - 5 minute Contradiction

Thumb marcus 16:32 ,2015 آب 25

priceless video;)!!!!

Default-user-icon nynua (ضيف) 15:17 ,2015 آب 25

maybe coporal and imbecil will talk the hizb into haveing a landfill in dahyieh

Thumb EagleDawn 16:24 ,2015 آب 25

complete and utter incompetence by a government born dead. God bless you hakim for saying from the onset this government of contradictions will not be effective.

Thumb marcus 16:34 ,2015 آب 25

norma, did you find an account for nassrallah? I am sure he has one ;)

Default-user-icon Mazen_M (ضيف) 16:51 ,2015 آب 25

And I'm assuming all the other ministers and politicians are angels!! It looks like you are just against the FPM, but I hate them all (March 8 and 14). They are all losers!

Thumb ado.australia 18:09 ,2015 آب 25

Why shouldn't the PM Salam resign? Who cares about the constitution and government of Lebanon? They have clearly shown that they don't care, by repeatedly breaching it and extending their own terms while providing nothing to the Lebanese people. Let them all resign and let the Lebanese Armed Forces declare a Coup! Organise a new electoral law based on the Boutros commission, and fix other issues that are sectarian hostage like the oil and gas exploration, electricity and water, and then declare a new election in 4-5 years time! Impose strict media conditions that allow for real civil action against lies or defamation and for equal media time for all official parties on all channels and papers!

Finnally, send all Palestinians and Syrians on chartered boats to turkey and saudi arabia or iran! Let them deal with their refugees!

Default-user-icon john kouri (ضيف) 19:02 ,2015 آب 25

Ado brilliant ya genius, and that's how the usual suspects can complete the coup by attacking general Qahwagi when they don't get their way and calling for his resignation because "his term was illegally extended". Keep nursing that Vegemite sandwich and enough with the foolish suggestions, thank you.

Thumb Marc 20:23 ,2015 آب 25

I guess there is no such thing as conflict of interest in Lebanon for Politicians and Government Employees! in the west an entire government falls for one act of kick back or misappropriate use of funds!

It is the fault of Lebanese people who continuously support their leaders, their sects and go along with the corruption. Next election you should remember that your vote is your say.... Vote wisely