اشتباكات بين داعش والنصرة تمتد الى عمق جرود عرسال

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تشهد جرود بلدة عرسال البقاعية الحدودية مع سوريا، اشتباكات بين تنظيمي "جبهة النصرة" و"الدولة الاسلامية" (داعش)، وفق ما أفادت "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام".

ولفتت الوكالة، قبل ظهر الاربعاء الى ان اشتباكات عنيفة تدور بين "جيش الفتح"، وركيزته الأساسية جبهة النصرة، مع تنظيم داعش.

ولفتت الى ان الاشتباكات امتدت إلى عمق جرود عرسال ووادي حميد، وعلى بعد حوالي 4 كلم من حاجز الجيش.

وأفادت ان الجيش منع أصحاب الكسارات والمقالع من الوصول إلى وادي حميد خشية على أرواحهم.

وفي وقتٍ لاحق، أفادت الوكالة أن "مسلحين مجهولين أقدموا على مصادرة 1500 ليتر من البنزين من محطة وادي الارنب على طريق وادي الرعيان في عرسال"، مشيرةً الى انه "قيدوا ايضاً العامل فيها".

كذلك، اعلنت الوكالة أن "مجهولين اعترضوا فاطمة نجيب الحجيري في جرود عرسال، وطعنوها بالسكاكين وسلبوها مبلغا من المال".

يُذكر ان المعلومات الصحافية كانت قد افادت، الاسبوع الفائت، عن ان حزب الله سيطر وقوات النظام السوري على بعض التلال في منطقة القلمون السورية، شمال دمشق، حيث يقاتل مجموعة من الكتائب المعارضة بينها جبهة النصرة ذراع تنظيم القاعدة في سوريا، بحسب المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان.

وتوعد الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله بـ"معالجة" الوضع في منطقة القلمون حيث تنتشر مجموعات مقاتلة من المعارضة واخرى متطرفة.

التعليقات 32
Thumb Mystic 11:17 ,2015 أيار 13

Now that is a beautiful event.

Thumb Mystic 13:39 ,2015 أيار 13

Why should they? Let the takfiris have their fun. It is a fight between brothers so why interfeer.

Thumb jaafar.ibn.iblees 13:45 ,2015 أيار 13

is that a dead jihadi iranian terrorist familia in your avatar, god forbid?

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:15 ,2015 أيار 13

They must be arguing over who has the most awful songs in their videos

Thumb Mystic 11:45 ,2015 أيار 13

astah takfiri, the resistance fights against ISIL and Nusra alike, makes no difference to them.

What the real question is, how you seem to differ Between ISIS and Nusra when they are both killing LAF servicemen and civilians.

Thumb Mystic 12:29 ,2015 أيار 13

They've been cornered, when dogs starve they tend to jump on each other.

Thumb Mystic 12:41 ,2015 أيار 13

It's a fact, not the first time Nusra and ISIS turned on each other.

Just happy to see them kill each other. Even if they did join forces against the Resistance in Qalamoun before.

Thumb Mystic 15:52 ,2015 أيار 13

So you deny that Nusra ever killed LAF troops texas? To you Nusra are good guys, but ISIL are bad?

According to March 14, Al Nusra are moderate rebels.

Thumb Mystic 15:56 ,2015 أيار 13

Look at Naharnets desperate attempt to demonize Assad, now they put up pictures of Assad burning.


Thumb Mystic 16:08 ,2015 أيار 13

Then why are you defending Nusra texas? Are they your last hope for moderation in the "Syrian" Opposition?

Thumb Mystic 16:10 ,2015 أيار 13

texas, do you remember when you told me you would watch the slaughter of the takfiris and Hezb? Well now karma is coming, I will enjoy this show now.

While you can whine all day, your plans didn't succeed quite well your beloved moderate takfiris chose to destroy each other aswell.

Thumb Mystic 16:45 ,2015 أيار 13

texas your unrealistic pro western conspiracies, exceeds your already heavily damaged credibility.
It's ISIS and Nusra that are in the same trenches, now killing each other.
Now you claim Assad and ISIS are allies, yet Naharnet just posted this article now. -


Missing peace 13:38 ,2015 أيار 13

so funny!

Thumb Mystic 13:44 ,2015 أيار 13

Real hypocrite ya zalame. All Mostaqbalis are hypocrites.

Thumb lebanon_first 15:33 ,2015 أيار 13


Your hallucinations regarding M14 are becoming beyond ridiculous and bordering senile. Get your act together boy.

Thumb the_roar 15:44 ,2015 أيار 13

Maybe you should refute or at least engage in debate, LF.

otherwise your opinion is seen to be without any merit but extreme bias

Thumb the_roar 15:41 ,2015 أيار 13

This is nothing more than a set up for the media to make a very uncomfortable situation seem, somehow acceptable. how & why?

It is now common knowledge who is arming IS-Nusra etc.
Even an Israeli site published openly who is arming them with heavy gear.

United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.

Our intelligence sources report that the opposition is now armed as never before with such heavy weapons as T-55, T-62, and T-72 tanks, BMP infantry fighting vehicles, rocket launchers, mortars, and vehicle-mounted heavy antiaircraft machine guns (12.7, 14.5, and 23 mm). They now command at least four types of antitank weapons, including RPG-7s, RPG-22s, M79s, and an extra-large supply of thousands of TOW missiles. All the hardware has come with night-vision attachments.

This stunt is nothing more than to appease the feeble minded that Nusra is not part of ISIS etc.

Thumb the_roar 16:07 ,2015 أيار 13

look for yourself its not hard to find...unless of course you are unable to leave Naharnet forum for 5 minutes.

Shameful propagandist who is unable to refute.

Thumb justin 16:28 ,2015 أيار 13

"سكاي نيوز": مقتل 5 عناصر من "حزب الله" في اشتباكات مع الفصائل السورية المسلحة في القلمون.

Thumb the_roar 15:47 ,2015 أيار 13

They are not slaughtering each other...Its a publicity stunt.

Many backers of ISIS-Nusra need to make Nusra seem acceptable & distanced from Isis, otherwise they will look very foolish & evil.

Thumb the_roar 15:49 ,2015 أيار 13

& this is proof of a paid propaganda tool.

Here it is trying to distant Is from Nusra, when its crystal clear they are the one & the same.

Thumb Mystic 15:52 ,2015 أيار 13

texas believe that Al Nusra are good, and ISIL are bad. Even though Al Nusra executed LAF soldiers in cold blood.

Thumb the_roar 15:59 ,2015 أيار 13

So has the people that pay you to post 24/7.

It doesn;t mean its the truth...the world now openly knows who is arming them & with what weapons.

who else lives on a political forum 24/7 but a paid propagandist.

move along tex...even the Israelis are reporting who is arming them

Thumb the_roar 16:12 ,2015 أيار 13

It is not lost on any of the foreign governments arming the Syrian opposition that they are in fact boosting radical Islamist organizations, some of which are close to al Qaeda. But it is not openly admitted. US officials prefer to depict the recipients of those weapons as “moderate” rebels. Israel sources admit that their military assistance reaches the hands of Al Nusra, but claims it is a local group, which operates independently of Al Qaeda.
It is hard to see much good coming out of the Syrian policy pursued these days by the US, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the Gulf emirates and Turkey: If the opposition militias they are arming are victorious, either Al Qaeda-associates will end up swallowing broad regions of Syria; or else they will overthrow the Assad regime, and rule in its stead in Damascus. Syria would then be the first Arab country to fall into Al Qaeda’s hands.

Thumb the_roar 17:03 ,2015 أيار 13

Don;t shoot the messenger, bani...I just forwarded snippets from an Israeli website.

It seems you're not enjoying whats been said..

Truth hurts paid propagandist like you huh,...not much for you to do except try to distort the best you can.

Thumb the_roar 17:13 ,2015 أيار 13

leb patriot is an m14er trying to act like a m8 lowlife.

Best way for m14ers on this site to feel they are not alone huh?

Thumb the_roar 17:27 ,2015 أيار 13

no one on a website can be anyone's nightmare.

Only losers who think its their world believe this.

You don't happen to be one of them by any chance?

Thumb the_roar 17:25 ,2015 أيار 13

According to tex that is...but don;t be too harsh on him..he's paid to say this.

According to any sane person..Is-Nusra are one & the same.

Thumb the_roar 17:49 ,2015 أيار 13

Read the Israeli sources I posted above & see if they paint the same picture you have been lying about.

Clearly Nusra-ISis have been armed ...not the FSA.

their is no FSA...never was..that lie died years ago.

Missing helicopter 18:41 ,2015 أيار 13

Incredible political and military analysis. Mind your Lebanon posters.

Thumb megahabib 23:54 ,2015 أيار 13

HAHAHAH! I hope they both win!

Thumb megahabib 23:55 ,2015 أيار 13

Oh yeah, is that why they bomb Assads forces and treat wounded Salafists?