البحرين تتهم "حزب الله" بالوقوف وراء "هجوم ارهابي" في احدى قرى العاصمة
Read this story in Englishاتهمت الخارجية البحرينية الثلاثاء حزب الله بالوقوف وراء تفجير أدى الى مقتل شرطي في قرية جنوب غرب العاصمة المنامة امس لاثنين.
وكتب وزير الخارجية الشيخ خالد بن احمد ال خليفة في حسابه على موقع تويتر "رجل امن اخر يسقط شهيدا في البحرين، قتلته قنبلة من صنع حزب الله الارهابي".
وقالت وزارة الداخلية في بيان على حسابها على موقع "تويتر" "استشهاد أحد رجال الشرطة مساء اليوم إثر تعرضه لعمل إرهابي أثناء قيامه بأداء الواجب في منطقة دمستان"، من دون مزيد من التفاصيل، مكتفية بالاشارة الى انه جرى فتح تحقيق في الحادث.
وقال سكان في المنطقة ان الشرطة اغلقت المنافذ المؤدية لدمستان واقامت عدة نقاط امنية.
وهي المرة الاولى التي يستهدف فيها هجوم دموي قوات الامن في البحرين منذ الانتخابات التشريعية التي جرت في نهاية تشرين الثاني وقاطعتها المعارضة التي تقودها حركة الوفاق الشيعية.
وسارعت حركة الوفاق التي كانت حذرت من ان الانتخابات التشريعية الاخيرة لن تساعد على اخراج البحرين من ازمتها السياسية، الى ادانة الهجوم في دمستان مؤكدة "رفضها القاطع لاي عمل عنفي".
واكدت في بيان ان "السلمية هي سمة الحراك الشعبي في البحرين" وانها "ترفض رفضا قاطعا اي عمل عنفي واي عمل يستهدف الأرواح والممتلكات".
وترفع الوفاق مع جمعيات معارضة اخرى خصوصا مطلب "الملكية الدستورية" والوصول الى "حكومة منتخبة" من الغالبية البرلمانية. كما تطالب المعارضة في موضوع الانتخابات بقانون انتخابي مع تقسيم للدوائر يضمن "المساواة بين المواطنين".
وفشلت عدة جولات من الحوار الوطني في اخراج البلاد من المازق المسدود.
وزادت وتيرة الهجمات ضد قوات الشرطة في المملكة هذا العام حيث قتل ثلاثة من عناصر الامن، بينهم ضابط اماراتي، في 3 آذار في تفجير عبوة ناسفة في قرية شيعية.
وازاء استمرار الحركة الاحتجاجية شددت السلطات العام الماضي العقوبات على مرتكبي اعمال العنف واعتمدت عقوبات الاعدام والسجن المؤبد في حال وقوقع قتلى او جرحى.
وتشهد هذه المملكة الخليجية الصغيرة اعمال عنف منذ اندلاع حركة احتجاج ضد النظام في مطلع 2011.
terrorists, sectarians, and criminals wherever they live. They are being trained and supplied by the lebanese party of terrorism.
Yesterday one paid houthi said" HA was naturally created as a consequence, as a natural need to protect ourselves."
Yeah, protecting yourselves by meddling in every arab country's affairs and killing innocent people in Bahrain, Yemen, Iraq, and Syria.
As we can see here, Bahrain and their Gulf states U.S coalition, wants to make a popular uprising look like it is armed, because of 1 single police officers death.
Bahrainis has been killed and massacred since 2011, we didn't hear many report from that country, including Naharnet, but as soon as the corrupted government makes a statement, then Naharnet is all on their toes defending these monarchs.
What a bunch of garbage, these oil freaks gets funnier everytime.
If the Resistance were in Bahrain, then that god forsaken monarchy would've been a military zone.
sure so far 200 000 killed in bahrein... a real massacre that is!
oh! by the way do you know why some bahreinis revolt? i guess not, just because they are supported by hezbollah you support them LOL
syrian revolt = they are terrorists, bahreinis revolt: they are resistants! the world seen by hezbollahis!!!
You seem to forget, that the Bahraini uprising are unarmed, and yes I believe thousands of people in Bahrain has died, and that the monarchy are holding those death tolls secret.
About Syria, that started as a call for reform, until the takfiris from the outside world, intervened, and killed both protesters and security forces.
That is the true story. Not your Saudi garbage
1/ i do not have saudi garbage to feed you, you seem to feed yourself easily...
2/ syrian revolt was also unarmed if you remember... your friend bashar radicalized it by not wanting to meet their demands...and to appear the victim he encouraged islamist radicalism but did not expect it to come out of control thus the recourse to hezbollah!
3/ bahrein is also a struggle for civil rights denied by the regime... but you support them but spit on the syrians... double hezbi standards!
4/ bahreinis do not want to oust the regime but to reform it but you hezbis make it a chia sunni struggle which is not the case... their demands are also to be met AS in syria, but you hezbis do not syrians to be free , only bahreinis... pityful you
No peace, this is where you are wrong once again. The Resistance actually supported the reforms for the Syrian people, everything went bad, when the M14 saudi sponsored takfiris from aboard, came into Syria illegally, and started creating chaos & havoc.
Now after 4 years of unrest, the people wants to go back to the way things were. With the reforms included, why else do you think there was a massive line of voters, in Lebanon going to the Syrian embassy to vote for Assad? They still want him in power.
The takfiris however, are getting extremely unpopular.
"The Resistance actually supported the reforms for the Syrian people,"
yes but not the syrians themselves...
millions of libyans also supported their leader ... out of fear...like in any dictatorship: revise your history , it is ALWAYS the same pattern in any dictature: all the people support the leader... out of fear....
And for your M14 sponsored propaganda, i advise you to check and educate yourself in that matter instead of repeating el manar....
and as any hezbi brainwashed fanatic, you still put all the opposing syrians into the bag of takfirism to justify assad and hezbollah massacres : here again educate yourself...
guess you have a lot of homework now LOL
ex-fpm, you people have been largely blind to the Bahraini uprising, why is that?
Your love for monarchies is obvious.