معلومات عن تبلغ الراعي من أوباما "عدم استقباله" بعد مواقفه في فرنسا

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تبلغ البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي أن الرئيس الأميركي باراك أوباما لن يستقبله لا سيما بعد تصريحاته في فرنسا.

وأفادت صحيفة "الديار" أن "الدوائر الفرنسية اتصلت بالدوائر الأميركية وبالتحديد اتصلت دوائر الرئيس الفرنسي نيكولا ساركوزي بالرئيس باراك اوباما ونصحته بعدم استقبال البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة الراعي".

وأوضحت أن الراعي تبلغ أن أوباما لن يستقبله نظراً لتصريحاته بعد زيارته لفرنسا، تماما كما كان يفعل الرئيس الاميركي السابق بيل كلينتون مع البطريرك مار بطرس صفير عندما كان لا يستقبله كي لا تغضب سوريا".

وأضاففت الصحيفة: "لذلك قام البطريرك الراعي بالغاء زيارة واشنطن والقيام بزيارة الجاليات اللبنانية في الولايات المتحدة الاميركية".

وعلمت "الديار" أن "كوادر مسيحية اجتمعت في بكركي وأصرت على البطريرك الراعي أن يزور الولايات المتحدة الأميركية"، رغم أن "اوباما لم يستقبله وأن يتجاهل باستمرار الزيارة الى الولايات المتحدة دون الاكتراث بموقف اوباما".

وكانت الصحيفة عينها ذكرت أن "الادارة الاميركية أبلغت العاملين على خط ترتيب لقاءات بين اوباما ووزيرة خارجيته هيلاري كلينتون البطريرك بشارة الراعي مع تحفظهم عن كلامه في فرنسا والذي يتعارض مع مواقف واشنطن"، وسط حديث عن تأجيل زيارة ترقيته إلى "كاردينال" في الفاتيكان.

ولفتت صحيفة "الديار" إلى أن "مثل هذه المواقف ستكون عائقا في عقد لقاءات بين اوباما وكلينتون مع الراعي، وأن الادارة الاميركية تطلب توضيحات من الراعي حول دوافع مواقفه".

وكانت السفيرة الأميركية في لبنان مورا كونيللي أبلغت الراعي إنزعاج بلادها من التصريحات التي أطلقها في الآونة الاخيرة.

وكان الراعي قد تخوف من فرنسا من تحالف سني في سوريا يهدد الأقليات، مطالبا بإعطاء فرصة للرئيس السوري بشار الأسد للقيام بالإصلاحات كما بانسحاب إسرائيل من الأراضي المحتلة "لنزع الذرائع عن حزب الله".

وكان الراعي أكد فور عودته من العاصمة الفرنسية أن كلامه في فرنسا "اجتزئ وأخرج من اطاره ولذلك فُهِمَ على غير محله أو تم تحويره".

التعليقات 17
Thumb geha 09:05 ,2011 أيلول 25

I would suggest he goes instead to iran and staythere, if he can live there.

Default-user-icon amirmansour (ضيف) 12:36 ,2011 أيلول 25

Geha is back with his jokes

Thumb dasphinx 13:09 ,2011 أيلول 25

Many "Judas" saints in Hezbollah it seems like.

Thumb dasphinx 13:15 ,2011 أيلول 25

The Lebanese Christians has long received their support from the West, most notably France and to a lesser extent the USA. The West has never waged war against the Christians like Syria's Assad did. Now he believes that the existence of the Christians in Lebanon is linked to the existence of the totalitarian regime in Syria. The Batrak has obviously forgotten that Lebanese Christians were pioneers in the freedom and democracy arenas, and they stand to be the biggest winners in the Arab Spring.

Default-user-icon Muhamad (ضيف) 13:22 ,2011 أيلول 25

US blind support to Israel and Turkey are to blame, the Turkish invasion to Cyprus and Israeli occupation to Lebanese land including air space violation.
The hard work of the Lebanese army and UN forces has secured the borders more than many streets in Jerusalim, Baltimore and London.US born chldren from Lebanese christians have been deported from US in violation to the US constitiution and more anti-Lebanese policy world wide as a result of this middle turm oil, Lebanese and Lebanon havepaid a heavy price for this front line religious conflict over power.

Thumb canaanite 13:48 ,2011 أيلول 25

Rahi is on the wrong side of history,.. putting his fate in the hands of a collapsing Shiite militia...

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 14:12 ,2011 أيلول 25

Very well done your Beatitude - They ( the US ) dont deserve your visit , no need to talk to liars that are on the Saudi pay roll , that have a job to deliver to the al Saud family , the islamisation of Lebanon , Syria and the M.E .

Poor americans Christians , giving the priority to their interests , and putting aside their roots their believing end their traditions , will lead them in less than 25 years , to an Islamic Salafi Wahaby state ... like what is happening today , in France and Europe .

Default-user-icon Gebran Sons for Cedar Revolution II in 2013 (ضيف) 15:06 ,2011 أيلول 25

It is fair to say that Rahi is the fourth Useful Idiot on the Lebanese scene. Supporting any tyrant in the Middle-East for short-term political benefit is a kiss of death for Christian survivability in the region. Not to mention that the prosperity and dignity of Lebanese Christians and all minorities are intimately linked to freedom, rule of laws, sovereignty, accountability and transparent democracy. Rahi seems to be mesmerized by media exposure and would say anything to be in spotlight. In his short reign in Bkerke he has managed to directly or indirectly support tyrants, justify HizbIran rockets, insult moderate Sunnis who truly believe in partnership with Christians, and praise Aoun (Khadafi's twin brother). Rahi should remember that first century Christians were thrown to the lions just for refusing to hail the Roman Emperor. The Church should replace Rahi before the damage he causes to Christians will be irreparable.

Default-user-icon GB (ضيف) 15:40 ,2011 أيلول 25

My dear friends, since when did the West -in modern history- look elswhere than fulfilling its own interests that lie in Israel and the oil-rich Gulf states? Does anyone really believes that Western countries (whether Europe or USA) ever achived "democracy, stability and prosperity"? They always left diasaters, ethnic/religious divisions, dismantled countries and poverty.
Wake-up and understand that it's only through unity that we can overcome these dark times.
As for Partiarch Rahi, it's surely better that he doesn't meet the guys from Washington who are biased anyway!

Thumb geha 17:10 ,2011 أيلول 25

to GB:
unity is a must, but not with extremists who have an external agenda to transform our country into something else.
for those of you who still think this is doable, I dare you to go and live in the ghetoes controlled by hizbullah, just for one week.
please stop fooling yourselves, and realize this battle is for our country, our Lebanon, the way we like it.
this patriarch does not have balls, unfortunately: the moment the Syrian regime threatened to kill christians in syria, he caved in. how can any lebanese accept to live under threats of this sort?
we are a free people, and the threat of weapons does not frighten us.

Default-user-icon Trueself (ضيف) 17:15 ,2011 أيلول 25

the Patrak must have some notions as to the way things are moving in the Arab world as well as the western world. His moves from the time he assumed his new position till now has been rather steady and unambiqious. He does support the Syrian regime and their subsidiaries (Hizbullah) in Lebanon. He chose a path object to the one chosen by his predecessor and is forging his way through a fulfledged support of Huzbullah. As a person, I do respect the Patrak's stance even though I disagree with him on it. he could know things that we are oblivious of. Add to that, the Americans had been all talks and no actions since the crisis in Lebanon started. They left harriri high and dry when he desperately needed them. When Jumblat was with Mar 14 he alluded to the verbosity of the American whom he accused as being like an empty drum without real substance. Playing tough with them might be better and could be that the Patrak learned from experience. Let's see where he would take us.

Default-user-icon Sondagio (ضيف) 17:47 ,2011 أيلول 25

Finally, we have a Patriarch who knows how to spell USA: United States of Affkoles, if you know what I mean.

Missing zoro 18:34 ,2011 أيلول 25

Its strange how Al-Rahi changed his views 180 degrees after becoming patriarche he was openly against illegal hizbullah arms...probably something behind the scenes happened in the dark (I mean on the moukhabarat level) with him and there's a rumour going on that syrian and hizbullah secret services have caught him doing something illegal which could not be said here in this forum due to the respect for the position he's occupying, in brief they are threatening him with that thing he did before he was elected and asking him to take such positions or otherwise....
one should never underestimate the secret services factor in politics !!!

Thumb jabalamel 18:58 ,2011 أيلول 25

who would go there, they have full body scanners and pat downs on airports.

only the filthy zionist militia can go through and we never want to be in same level as them

Missing anerares 19:10 ,2011 أيلول 25

I nominate the Patriarch to be the next President of Lebanon.

Thumb mrbrain 19:29 ,2011 أيلول 25

Connelly reportedly told the patriarch that he needed to provide explanations on his statements before setting dates with U.S President Barack Obama and other officials.
Explanations!! no one noticed that!!!
Dear Patriarch Al Rahi your refusal to fulfill the American agenda on the expense of your compatriot in unprecedented ....Your defiance is hindering foreign intervention…..Like i said earlier Mr Al Arhi is the Patriarch of all the Lebanese.....

Missing zoro 23:01 ,2011 أيلول 25

his speech is very superficial and empty comparing to his predecessor Sfeir who was very deep and full of wisdom... I think Al Rahy is of the same caliber of that priest who always show on TV doing shows and theater , he has none of the qualities of a patriarche!!