الافراج عن شقيق مراسل الـLBCI

Read this story in English W460

أفراج فجر الاربعاء، عن المواطت خضر درويش، بعد خطفه الاسبوع الفائت في بعلبك، بمسعى من المدير العام للامن العام اللواء عباس ابراهيم.

وكان دوريش قد خطف منذ ستة ايام في بلدة الطيبة فيما كان بطريقه الى بعلبك، مطالبين بفدية 135 الف دولار.

وأفادت "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام"، انه تم الافراج عنه بدون اي فدية مالية وبمسعى من اللواء ابراهيم.

ولفتت الى ان الامن العام تسلم درويش في منزل الشيخ رضا المصري في بلدة حورتعلا البقاعية.

يُشار الى ان درويش يبلغ من العمر 30 عاماً وهو شقيق مراسل الـLBCI في زحلة نايف درويش.


التعليقات 4
Thumb EagleDawn 08:19 ,2014 تشرين الأول 01

"It was not clear if a ransom was paid but reports said Darwish was set free after coming under pressure by certain political parties."

I wonder which political party supports these abductors and can apply political pressure on them. Let me see: Al Taybeh in eastern Baalbeck, Sheikh Rida Al Masri in the town of Hawr Taala, and the General Security was involved in the release. I can only conclude it is hezbollah and its "environment".

Strange though the kidnappers are able to hand over the hostages as always but are never caught. We are afraid of ISIL but we have a worse enemy among us.

Thumb ex-fpm 09:19 ,2014 تشرين الأول 01

If hezbullah really cares about the state and supports the military and security agencies, it should hand over those criminals among its ranks without further delay. Typically, these criminals are members of HA and enjoy political and paramilitary cover.

Thumb barrymore 10:24 ,2014 تشرين الأول 01

These criminals remain free and enjoy HA support and will continue to carry out abductions. When you have weapons you can do what you please.

Thumb shoo-yaba 23:54 ,2014 تشرين الأول 01

Have you all noticed none of HA supports had made a comment or defended them here? aklo hawa this time - HAHAHA LOL