حزب الله: الحزب لم يتدخل في مجريات ما حصل ويحصل في منطقة عرسال‎

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نفى حزب الله الثلاثاء أي تدخل له في الإشتباكات الجارية في منطقة عرسال بين الجيش والمسلحين، مشيدا بموقف الحكومة الحازم بمواجهة "الإرهاب التكفيري".

وأثنى الحزب في بيان عصر الثلاثاء على "الموقف الحازم الذي اتخذته الحكومة اللبنانية في اجتماعها أمس من الأحداث التي تشهدها منطقة عرسال".

وكان قد أعلن سلام الإثنين "لا مهادنة مع الإرهابيين" أو أي تساهل معهم، مشيرا إلى عدم وجود حل إلا بانسحابهم من البلدة الحدودية.

ورأى الحزب في بيانه الثلاثاء ان هذا هو "الموقف الذي يؤكد الإجماع الوطني في الوقوف خلف الجيش اللبناني في مواجهته للإرهاب التكفيري وتصديه لمحاولات تهديد السلم الأهلي وانتهاك السيادة اللبنانية من قبل المسلحين الغرباء".

كما أشاد "بالموقف الذي اتخذته وسائل الإعلام في وقوفها وراء الجيش اللبناني وتقديم كل الدعم الإعلامي له والامتناع عن بث ونشر كل ما يسيء إليه ويؤدي إلى توهين موقفه أو خدمة الإرهابيين الذين يواجهون قواته".

وأكد الحزب مجددا أن "ما يجري ميدانيا من معالجة للوضع العسكري وحماية الأهالي والتصدي لجماعات المسلحين الإرهابيين هو حصرا من مسؤولية الجيش اللبناني، وأن حزب الله لم يتدخل في مجريات ما حصل ويحصل في منطقة عرسال".

يذكر أنه سقط 16 شهيدا للجيش في هذه المعارك المستمرة. ويقاتل حزب الله منذ فترة في القلمون وفي السلسلة الشرقية قرب لبنان إلى جانب القوات السورية ضد المجموعات المسلحة المعارضة.

التعليقات 14
Missing lebalways 18:24 ,2014 آب 05

"Exclusively the responsibility of the Lebanese Army"...
Of course, only when it's convenient for Hezbollah.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 22:37 ,2014 آب 05

Institute national draft and a national reserve and spend the money to have a real army. Disarm all militias including the Hizb that brought us the disaster we have been living in.

Thumb Tony.Farris 00:34 ,2014 آب 06

Yeah they're too busy killing Syrian children's

Thumb iamymasterscard 18:44 ,2014 آب 05

Yeah god forbids they die while performing their Jihadi duty here in Lebanon when they're just too busy dying to perform their Jihadi duty over in Syria, Iraq, Bulgaria...

Thumb EagleDawn 18:50 ,2014 آب 05

HA is not intervening in the fighting in Arsal?? You mean like the documented photos and videos showing HA terrorists actively involved in Abra incident. There are confirmed reports that HA is firing all kinds of artillery and rockets from its positions in Labweh towards Arsal.

Thumb ex-fpm 18:54 ,2014 آب 05

"What is happening on ground, like dealing with the military situation, protecting citizens and confronting terrorist armed groups is exclusively the responsibility of the Lebanese army,” Hizbullah said in a statement released on Tuesday afternoon."

Great, so why are you in Syria claiming to fight terrorism. Withdraw and implement the statement you just issued; hand over everything to the LAF, go home and enjoy your families.

Missing helicopter 20:29 ,2014 آب 05

Hizbullah: Our Fighters Have Not Intervened in the Arsal Clashes........
Maybe, maybe not. But for sure HA's actions in Syria paved the way for these sickos to move from Qalamoun region to inside the Lebanese territory. HA's way of forcing cooperation with the LAF to seem like it is the better of the two choices (them vs. Nusra).... I will oppose both and say NO to both. We need a sovereign Lebanon for the Lebanese only protected by the LAF only.

Missing helicopter 20:33 ,2014 آب 05

"What is happening on ground, like dealing with the military situation, protecting citizens and confronting terrorist armed groups is exclusively the responsibility of the Lebanese army,” Hizbullah said in a statement released on Tuesday afternoon. .............
But ignoring the Baabda Declaration, dictating the President selection, and decision of war and Peace and war with Israel are exclusively the responsibility of HA....... Hypocrites and traitors.

Thumb galaxy 20:48 ,2014 آب 05

and a third generation australian would know that, right?

Thumb theresistance4.0 21:02 ,2014 آب 05

#Respect @Roar a true Patriot! Love you brother God Bless you and all like minded Lebanese #Unity!

Missing helicopter 04:09 ,2014 آب 06

When a chess game is played I want Lebanon to win and not HA or Salafists. I want moderation, institutions and freedom to be the outcome.

Default-user-icon James (ضيف) 21:42 ,2014 آب 05

Check this video which documents hizb involvement i Arsal

Default-user-icon Ballindo Kojmar (ضيف) 21:55 ,2014 آب 05

We cannot wait for Hizbullah to intervene and grind the Sanni scum as they did very well in Syria. Why the delay? WHY? Every decent Lebanese must go and help our glorious army, EVERY DECENT LEBANESE SHOULD.

Thumb makhaleh 21:49 ,2014 آب 06

Another israeli terror group fighting us.....proud of the LAF stepping up their game and fighting them but funny how HA isnt involved in the fighting when they should be...its because of them these terrorists showed up