مقتل شاب فلسطيني على يد الجيش الاسرائيلي بالضفة الغربية
Read this story in Englishقتل شاب فلسطيني صباح الثلاثاء على يد الجيش الاسرائيلي خلال عملية ضد مخيم جنين للاجئين الفلسطينيين باقصى شمال الضفة الغربية، حسب ما اعلن مصدر امني وطبي فلسطيني.
ويدعى الشاب يوسف ابو زغير ويبلغ من العمر 18 عاما. ولا يبدو ان الحادث على علاقة بالعمليات التي يقوم بها الجيش الاسرائيلي في جنوب الضفة الغربية بعد خطف ومقتل ثلاثة شبان اسرائيليين، حسب ما اوضح المصدر نفسه.
واعلنت اسرائيل الاثنين العثور على جثث الاسرائيليين الثلاثة الذين فقدوا في الضفة الغربية المحتلة منذ 12 حزيران ، واتهمت حركة حماس بخطفهم وقتلهم.
واعلن الجيش الاسرائيلي في بيان "خلال البحث عن ايال يفراح وجلعاد شاعر ونفتالي فرينكيل، عثر الجيش الاسرائيلي على ثلاث جثث قرب الخليل". ولم تتضح حتى الان كيفية وفاتهم.
كما شن الطيران الحربي الاسرائيلي فجر اليوم الثلاثاء عشرات الغارات الجوية على اهداف مختلفة في قطاع غزة بينها مواقع تابعة لحركتي حماس والجهاد الاسلامي.
the revenge that NetanYahoo promised has began. I wonder how many palestinian teenagers will be killed by the Israeli Government in response to the criminal act of kidnapping and killing 3 israeli teenagers?
The best way for Palestinians to resist occupation is peacefully. The Christians Palestiniansanaged that and now are fully integrated in Israel. The Muslims Palestinians have tried again and again to fight violently Israel with the known result allowing Israel to nible day by day their land and inflict violence upon them. I am Not defending the Israelis but it is time for the Palestinians to change strategy. Unfortunately peacefull approach is not in the genes of Islam which only knows the language of violence.
They named the dead youth as Yusuf Abu Zagher, 18, and said the incident appeared unrelated to Israeli operations in the southern part of the territory following the abduction and killing of three Israeli teenagers there.
You maybe living in Australia, but to write what you did after reading the article (or did you just read the heading) proves that your understanding over the English language is minimal.
I understood the article very much... I speak a da good englisa... I oztralia weed speak and writing Englisa at skool.
My question remains... How many Palestinians will be killed by Israel over the next few weeks in retaliation? Let's us add them speak again in two weeks. Yes?
Since the boys were kidnapped, just how many innocent Palestinians have been killed - exactly NONE.
The only ones killed were those who took up arms against the Israeli soldiers, and anyone who does that deserves exactrly what they get.
A good example of the way Israel treats civilians is the way that in 34 aerial attacks overnight in the Gaza Strip, not a single civilian was even wounded (and this according to Hamas)