"داعش" على مشارف سامراء بعد سيطرته على تكريت وخطف 47 تركيا ً بينهم القنصل
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نجح مقاتلو "الدولة الاسلامية في العراق والشام" في التمدد جنوبا بعدما احكموا قبضتهم على مدينة الموصل في شمال العراق، حيث تمكنوا الاربعاء من السيطرة على مدينة تكريت مركز محافظة صلاح الدين، واضعين وحدة البلاد امام اكبر تحدياتها منذ اجتياح العام 2003.
ولم يتوقف زحف هؤلاء المقاتلين الجهاديين الذي يقدر عددهم بالمئات الا عند اطراف مدينة سامراء التي لا تبعد سوى 110 كلم عن شمال العاصمة بغداد، والتي تحوي مرقدا شيعيا ادى تفجيره عام 2006 الى اندلاع نزاع طائفي قتل فيه الالاف.
وامام هذا الاختراق الامني العسكري غير المسبوق، لم تجد الحكومة التي انهارت دفاعات قواتها بسهولة مفاجئة امام المهاجمين، الا التاكيد مجددا على ضرورة التمسك بوحدة العراق، والتوعد بضرب المتمردين.
وانتشرت منذ ساعات الصباح الاولى في الموصل (350 كلم شمال بغداد) مجموعات من المسلحين الذين ارتدى بعضهم زيا عسكريا فيما ارتدى اخرون ملابس سوداء من دون ان يغطوا وجوههم قرب المصارف والدوائر الحكومية وداخل مقر مجلس محافظة، بحسب ما افاد شهود عيان.
واضاف هؤلاء ان الهدوء سيطر اليوم على شوارع الموصل بعد يوم من سقوطها في ايدي مقاتلي "الدولة الاسلامية"، فيما اغلقت محالها ابوابها، وسط جولات قام بها المقاتلون بسياراتهم دعوا خلالها عبر مكبرات الصوت الموظفين الحكوميين للتوجه الى دوائرهم.
وقال ابو احمد (30 عاما) الذي يملك محلا لبيع المواد الغذائية في وسط الموصل "لم افتح باب المحل منذ الخميس الماضي بسبب الظروف الامنية. كنت قلقا من تدهور الاوضاع، وتبين انني كنت على حق". واضاف "لكنني باق في الموصل. هذه مدينتي على كل حال، وهي مدينة هادئة حاليا".
ولا تزال عشرات العائلات تنزح من الموصل باتجاه اقليم كردستان المجاور لمحافظة نينوى، بحسب ما افاد شهود عيان.
ويتخوف سكان الموصل الذي يبلغ عددهم نحو مليوني شخص من تعرض المدينة لعمليات قصف من قبل الجيش كما يحدث في مدينة الفلوجة (60 كلم غرب بغداد) في الانبار والتي يسيطر عليها ايضا تنظيم "الدولة الاسلامية في العراق والشام" منذ بداية العام، وفقا لما افاد به سكان في المدينة.
وقد اعلنت المنظمة الدولية للهجرة في بيان الاربعاء ان اكثر من 500 الف مدني فروا من المعارك في الموصل ومنطقتها.
وفيما كان العراقيون منشغلين باحداث الموصل ومحافظة نينوى التي اعلنوها ولاية اسلامية، شن المقاتلون الجهاديون هجوما على محافظة صلاح الدين جنوب نينوى لينجحوا وخلال ساعات قليلة في السيطرة على مدينة تكريت (160 كلم شمال بغداد) مركز المحافظة.
وقال ضابط برتبة عقيد في الشرطة لوكالة فرانس برس "كل مدينة تكريت في ايدي المسلحين"، بينما ذكر ضابط برتبة رائد في الشرطة ان المسلحين قاموا بتهريب نحو 300 سجين من السجن المركزي في المدينة.
وواصل المقاتلون زحفهم جنوبا حيث سيطروا على ناحيتي الدور والعوجة جنوب تكريت، وبلغوا مشارف سامراء حيث خاضوا اشتباكات عنيفة مع قوات حكومية لنحو ساعتين لم ينحوا خلالها في دخول المدينة التي تحوي مرقد الامامين العسكريين، الامام العاشر والامام الحادي عشر لدى الشيعة الاثني عشرية.
والى جانب سيطرتهم على محافظة نينوى ومدينة تكريت وبعض المناطق الاخرى في صلاح الدين، احكم المقاتلون ايضا قبضتهم على النواحي والاقضية التي دخولها الثلاثاء في محافظة كركوك الغنية بالنفط والمتنازع عليها بين العرب والاكراد.
واقدم اليوم مقاتلو "الدولة الاسلامية في العراق والشام" على اعدام 15 من عناصر القوات العراقية في هذه المناطق في محافظة كركوك، وفقا لمصدر امني ومسؤولين محليين.
كما قام هؤلاء باختطاف القنصل التركي في الموصل مع العشرات من مساعديه بعدما اقتحموا القنصلية التركية في المدينة، وسط تهديدات تركية ب"رد قاس" في حال تعرض المختطفون للاذى.
وفي تطور بارز، افاد مصدر عسكري في الفرقة الثانية عشر للجيش العراقي اليوم ان مقر الفرقة 12 شمال غرب كركوك جرى تسليمه الى قوات البشمركة الكردية "المنتشرة وبشكل مكثف عند أطراف كركوك لحماية المدينة من الهجمات المسلحة”.
وفي ضوء هذا التدهور الامني، دعا رئيس الوزراء نوري المالكي الذي يسعى للبقاء على راس الحكومة لولاية ثالثة العراقيين الى التمسك بوحدتهم، متوعدا المقاتلين الجهاديين بطردهم من المواقع التي احتلوها.
وتتوجه انظار العراقيين غدا الخميس الى البرلمان الذي من المتوقع ان يعقد جلسة يصوت خلالها على اعلان حالة الطوارئ في البلاد بطلب من الحكومة التي اعلنت الثلاثاء التعبئة العامة وتعهدت بتسليح كل مواطن يتطوع لقتال "الارهاب".
وفي هذا السياق، اقترح الزعيم الشيعي العراقي مقتدى الصدر القائد السابق لميليشيا "جيش المهدي" تشكيل وحدات امنية بالتنسيق مع الحكومة العراقية تحت مسمى "سرايا السلام"، تعمل على حماية المقدسات الاسلامية والمسيحية من "القوى الظلامية".
ويعتبر الصدر الذي اعلن في شباط الماضي اعتزاله الحياة السياسية، من ابرز اوجه النزاع الطائفي السني الشيعي بين عامي 2006 و2008 خلال قيادته لميليشيا "جيش المهدي" التي اتهمت بالوقوف وراء اعمال عنف بحق السنة.
وتبعد مدينة الموصل عاصمة الشمال العراقي بضعة كيلومترات عن الحدود مع سوريا حيث تفصل بينها وبين معبر اليعربية الفاصل بين العراق وسوريا منطقة ربيعة التي تسكنها عائلات سنية لها امتدادات عشائرية وعائلية على الجانب الاخر من الحدود.
ويخشى مراقبون ان تؤدي سيطرة المقاتلين الجهاديين على نينوى الى فتح ممر جديد وترسيخ مناطق نفوذ واسعة لهذه التنظيمات المتطرفة عند الحدود العراقية السورية.
واظهرت صور نشرها تنظيم "الدولة الاسلامية في العراق والشام" على الانترنت مقاتليه وهم يزيلون الحدود بين محافظتي نينوى العراقية والحسكة السورية.
وفي بيان نشرته وكالة الانباء السورية الرسمية (سانا) اعتبرت وزارة الخارجية السورية اليوم ان "الارهاب" الذي يواجهه كل من العراق وسوريا واحد، مبدية استعدادها للتعاون مع العراق "من اجل مواجهة هذا العدو المشترك".
من جانبه، اجرى وزير الخارجية الايراني محمد جواد ظريف اتصالا هاتفيا بنظيره العراقي هوشيار زيباري عارضا دعم طهران "للحكومة والشعب العراقيين في مواجهة الارهاب"، وفق ما نقلت الاربعاء وكالة ارنا الايرانية الرسمية.
ووعدت الولايات المتحدة الاربعاء بتقديم مساعدتها لنصف مليون عراقي يتوقع ان يفروا من هجوم المسلحين الاسلاميين الذين سيطروا على مركزي محافظتي نينوى وصلاح الدين ويتقدمون باتجاه بغداد.
ودعت دول الاتحاد الاوروبي والجامعة العربية الاربعاء القوى الديموقراطية في العراق الى الاتحاد في وجه المتشددين الاسلاميين.
ميدانيا ايضا، قتل 37 شخصا على الاقل واصيب العشرات بجروح في هجمات متفرقة في العراق احدها انتحاري استهدف مجلسا عشائريا شيعيا في بغداد وقتل فيه 15 شخصا، بحسب ما افادت مصادر امنية وكالة فرانس برس.

Iraq under Iran's rule is a mess, never thought iraqis would regret butcher Saddam, but he's way better than Maliki and other farsi poodles...

US doesnt support assad ? LOL
If US and Israel didnt support assad, rebels would be armed like libyan ones and assad would be gone in few weeks. But why would they get rid of the best israeli border guard ? US and Israel support assad coz they know he'll destro syria and create alawitestan...
Iraq isnt under iranian rule ? u should lecture ME geopolitics in AUB...

hey worm... the US supports assad... otherwise he would have gone 3 years ago.... poor idiot

sure syria never fired a single bullet to liberate its lands and protect the golan for the israelis with the blessings of the US!! LOL

haboub, tell us what assads did against israel except destroy the palestinian and leftist resistance ? Please explain me why for 40 years, they didnt attack the occupied golan.
Tell us why in the first place, Hafez left the golan to israelis without fighting ?

Good point habib. Cedre what has Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and all those so called sunnah countries ever done to Israel and to free Palestine? Nothing, only Iran Syria and Hezb ever supported them. So you really are a proven salafi. The fact is you salafis rather want to fight shias, than you even want to look Israels way. Thats why you are the weakest in the region. If you actually fought Israel instead of this garbage you started in Syria. Then we wouls be on the same side, but fact is you like the zionists more than us.

hey miss tic... syria never shot a single bullet to liberate the golan... they protect it for the israelis with the blessings of the US... that is the only reason why bashar is still in power because the israelis and the US want it!! nothing to do with your fake resistance!
LOL at your fake resistance! laughable you all are hezbi lovers....

East Jerusalem, is occupied from Jordan, did you ever hear them complain? You zionist minions are so false, that you accuse others of things, your own leaders does. Hafez Al Assad fought Israel almost alone during the 1973 war, Egypt betrayed him with Sadat making peace with Israel and USA. The true supporters of Zionists are you guys, who helped the Resistance against Israel in 2006? Nobody, just Syria and Iran logistical support. Saudi Arabia, are the guardians of Israel by starting the conflicts, and so is Qatar & Turkey, Jordan etc. And even M14

If you minions wants war against Israel so much, Why are you agains their biggest threat then? Which is the Resistance. Because you are the supporters of Zionists, there is no other reason than that. That is the undeniable proof.

@Mystic : there is no such thing as the "Resistance". And being against Hezbollah doesn't equate to being Zionist. It equates to being Lebanese patriots who want a sovereign state ! Hezbollah is an Iranian entity and has no drop of Lebanese spirit, leadership funding or weapons !

We are not talking about weapons now, You are just like a robot Candle, everytime something is said, you reply and repeat. "Hezbollah Weapons" "Iran Militia" We are talking about Israel now, and all you minions can reply, is how to weaken resistance against them. Who is the real zionist supporters? I will let regular people decide that.

sure, no hezbollah no more threat from israel... israel fights hezbollah not Lebanon...
and let hezbollah integrate the army if they are true patriots! a true patriot obey his state! not a party leader and not a foreign country!
so you see who the traitor is here ... certainly not those against hezbollah!

Real traitor is you, supporting the same zionist state, that murdered thousands of Lebanese not long ago, but ofcourse it was just Shia lives so it doesn't matter right ;)

1- You FAIL to show how the hell I support Israel in any way. Please elaborate or shove your kalashnikov holding god's hand where the sun doesn't shine...
2- You FAIL to demonstrate how Hezbollah liberated Lebanon... a lie !
3- You FAIL to demonstrate Hezbollah's Lebanese identity and origin
4- You FAIL to demonstrate Hezbollah is really resisting Israel when it turned its weapons against Lebanese and Syrian civilians
Hezbollah is a big FAIL and LIE.
Prove any of the above points and maybe you can earn some respect. Until then, a TRAITOR you are for supporting the SYrian Regime and their 30 year occupation of Lebanon !

That is really typical you candle, when you lack of facts. You write off in CAPS and become hysterical, not hard to judge a person that gets aggressive online.

@Mistake : Again, you FAIL. Capslock doesn't mean hysterical... this is what you would like to believe :)
Everything goes down to Hezbollah weapons. There is no problem with Hezbollah other than its weapons and the crimes it conducted using its weapons.
Remove the weapons from the equation and we have a roadmap to peace and rebuilding our country. In fact, remove the weapons from the equation and we have a roadmap to liberating every last inch of land in this country through the only thing that works : dialogue, negociations and politics.
But your plan isn't peace, or stability, or sovereignty is it ? Your only plan is for Lebanon to remain weak so you can act without anyone holding you accountable for you actions and virtually take control of Lebanon.

You also fail to prove any of the points I raised showing you are empty of any arguments demonstrating the "noble" cause of Hezbollah. It's because there is nothing noble about it! Just another damn sectarian terrorist organisation controlled by a foreign country and allied to a dictator which occupied Lebanon and butchered Lebanese for 30 years !

The Resistance, that managed to end the Israeli occupation, and was able to beat back the Zionist attack on Lebanon 2006, while you cowards told Israel not to stop and continue. Yet again you dodge the facts

So you think a peace deal is the solution? Now that is crap. Proofs to me once again that you are a zionist no doubt.

@Mystic : You idiot ! Before we make peace with Israel, we have to make peace with each other. Before you drop your weapons, the "civil war" page is still not closed.

@Mystic : Stop talking about the resistance putting an end to Israeli Occupation : demonstrate to me how Hezbollah forced Israel to leave. I don't see this in the history books. No battle, nothing has led Israel to pack up and leave. And if it wasn't for international pressure, the 2006 war would have gone on until total destruction of our country.

It's amazing how quick you are to give ISIS so much credit. Please just think objectively for a moment. The Iraqi military PULLED OUT, without even a fight. Who does that mean ISIS is with? Even the Iraqi governor of Nineveh where Mosul is located is saying ISIS collaborated with Assad before moving In. And now, Maaliki is conveniently declaring a "state of emergency" and will arm civilians (future shabbiha anyone?) to take over the land back. Since when is a government that has tanks and war planes dependent on civilians with little rifles?? Just think about that without taking sides and thinking Assad and his allies are saints. Maaliki realized how successful Assad was at fooling people with his artificial takfiri scare, and wants a piece of the action to further consolidate his dictatorial powers.

president busch after 9 11 : I will take the war to you and wipe you out ....
and what we see now is one of the last chapters of exterminating the filthiest religious terrorists
god bless democracy

This is obviously Bashar sending some HA men dressed as ISLS on commands from Iran DUHHHH! Everyone knows this Viva the Head Chopping Democratic Rebels!!!

Questions u could help us with :
- how come that for 50 years, nobody ever escaped from abu ghraib but under maliki, takfiris escape by hundreds...
- why did iran give asylum to thousands of 'jihadists'from afghanistan, among them members of BinLaden's family ?
- did syrian mukhabarats help and train takfiris in iraq since 2003 ?

You speak sarcastically, but you've never been closer to the truth. The Iraqi military PULLED OUT, without even a fight. Who does that mean ISIS is with? Even the Iraqi governor of Nineveh where Mosul is located is saying ISIS collaborated with Assad before moving In. And now, Maaliki is conveniently declaring a "state of emergency" and will arm civilians (future shabbiha anyone?) to take over the land back. Since when is a government that has tanks and war planes dependent on civilians with little rifles?? Just think about that without taking sides and thinking Assad and his allies are saints. Maaliki realized how successful Assad was at fooling people with his artificial takfiri scare, and wants a piece of the action to further consolidate his dictatorial powers.

Silence?? Where are those who have been trumpeting democracy and change in Syria?? Hu?? Why all the silence?? This is a taste of the forces of darkness and Evil that would have invaded Lebanon had it not been for our resistance. This is the democracy and freedom promised to the Middle East. Will never happen, we - the enlightened - will prevail! and those butchers from the 9th century will return to their countries in body bags.

Nobody is being silent here. It's amazing how quick you are to give ISIS so much credit. Please just think objectively for a moment. The Iraqi military PULLED OUT, without even a fight. Who does that mean ISIS is with? Even the Iraqi governor of Nineveh where Mosul is located is saying ISIS collaborated with Assad before moving In. And now, Maaliki is conveniently declaring a "state of emergency" and will arm civilians (future shabbiha anyone?) to take over the land back. Since when is a government that has tanks and war planes dependent on civilians with little rifles?? Just think about that without taking sides and thinking Assad and his allies are saints. Maaliki realized how successful Assad was at fooling people with his artificial takfiri scare, and wants a piece of the action to further consolidate his dictatorial powers.

in ur religion, is it ok to rape women, torture people, barrel bomb civilians, starve kids, use scuds and sarin against ur population ?

roar's logic : " I assure you all on the day of Judgement, you will be just as guilty as the people doing the killing."
"I am not God to judge anyone in the next life."
two opposite posts in 10 min! that is one hell of a twisted mind LOL

boar, answer my question, i'll answer urs.
U speak about christian values and judgement day. So is it ok in ur religion to rape women, torture people, barrel bomb civilians, starve kids, use scuds and sarin against ur population ?


god has spoken.... how smart those hezbi lovers! they are experts on everything , know everything even what God thinks! LOL

sure roar, if it makes you feel happy then i support whoever fits your idiotic propaganda ok?
but supporting hezbollah does not make you a supporter of killers or murderers ma heyk? LOL
may those who never sinned cast the first stone lol....

how come? you keep repeating assad won so what are they still doing in Lebanon? LOL

you say it! M8ers keep repeating that assad is winning and has retaken his country! oh! propaganda again? LOL

haboub, explain us why then they dont come back when their region is 'liberated' by assad and shia lebanese, iraqis, afgans ?

ok, so some day it's divine victory, some day it isnt.
Homs is fully liberated, sunnis were not allowed back, that's sect cleansing in order to form alawitestan...

When I look at this picture!!! I say: Assad, forgive us.. may u never leave us.. may you be president for EVER!!! I and over 70 pct of all Syrians!!

Of course of course! Its Bashar HA and Iran all part of our Shia "Takiya" To TAKE OVER THE WORLD!! Muahahahahaha! The plan is nearly complete the last obstacles are the REAL resistance your Nusra/FSA?Qadea backed by the pillars of Freedom and Democracy Wahhabi Arabia.
Have a nice day Dum Dum :)

I find it strange that everything isil does gives bashar more and more fuel to his propaganda fire, then again he freed the isil leaders from his jails so it's not strange at all.

I hope iraq and all the traitors who collaborated with the americans get burned and suffer the same fate of saddam and if worse I dont mind, diseased dogs shouldn't be alive, burn it down

It is their dictatorial ways and their fascistic tendencies that brought all those Takfiris into Syria. It is both Saddam's murderous dictatorship and Maliki's sectarian kleptocracy that brought Iraq to the state it is today.
Yes the US and Israel were plotting, of course they would, they are doing their interests like any nation. But it is our undemocratic Arab rulers that alienate their populations that allow for foreign interference.

Interesting Report: "The Obama Administration has been pursuing a policy of covert support for the Muslim Brotherhood and other insurgent movements in the Middle East since 2010." http://mebriefing.com/?p=789
Fact: Pre-2011: Hezbollah and Assad regime were heros. Israel was the villain.
Fact: Post-2011: Hezbollah and Assad regime are the villain. Israel, What is that?
Hezbollah and the Assad regime accuse "the zionist and the West" of plotting against them. They are probably correct but that does not give them the right to kill 160,000 Syrians and destroy Syria.

For the foreseeable future, chaos will rain. Tens of thousands will die. The murderous instincts of takfiris, baathists and khomeinists will clash in Syria and Iraq (hopefully not in Lebanon) for years to come.
This clash will have the same effect as an atomic bomb on the innocents of those 2 great countries. And it will be self inflicted.
Reconstruction might take years but reconstruction of the culture of hate will take tens of years. So sad.

It's amazing how quick you are to give ISIS so much credit. Please just think objectively for a moment. The Iraqi military PULLED OUT, without even a fight. Who does that mean ISIS is with? Even the Iraqi governor of Nineveh where Mosul is located is saying ISIS collaborated with Assad before moving In. And now, Maaliki is conveniently declaring a "state of emergency" and will arm civilians (future shabbiha anyone?) to take over the land back. Since when is a government that has tanks and war planes dependent on civilians with little rifles?? Just think about that without taking sides and thinking Assad and his allies are saints. Maaliki realized how successful Assad was at fooling people with his artificial takfiri scare, and wants a piece of the action to further consolidate his dictatorial powers.

It's amazing how quick you are to give ISIS so much credit. Please just think objectively for a moment. The Iraqi military PULLED OUT, without even a fight. Who does that mean ISIS is with? Even the Iraqi governor of Nineveh where Mosul is located is saying ISIS collaborated with Assad before moving In. And now, Maaliki is conveniently declaring a "state of emergency" and will arm civilians (future shabbiha anyone?) to take over the land back. Since when is a government that has tanks and war planes dependent on civilians with little rifles?? Just think about that without taking sides and thinking Assad and his allies are saints. Maaliki realized how successful Assad was at fooling people with his artificial takfiri scare, and wants a piece of the action to further consolidate his dictatorial powers.

Unfortunate to see FSA-Al Qaeda jihadist terrorism spreading to Iraq.

dats the saudi fruit it became a devastating monster eating everything watch out isn't iraq at saudi's border?