لقاءات باريسية للبحث في "الاستحقاق الرئاسي": جنبلاط في فرنسا وجعجع يلتقي الحريري

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التقى رئيس حزب القوات اللبنانية سمير جعجع الأحد رئيس تيار المستقبل سعد الحريري في العاصمة الفرنسية، للبحث في ملف الاستحقاق الرئاسي في البلاد.

وفي بيان صدر عن مكتب الحريري جاء فيه أن اللقاء بين الحريري وجعجع جاء في حضور الرئيس فؤاد السنيورة، وتخلله غداء عمل.

وأضاف أن اللقاء "ما يزال اللقاء مستمرا".

وأشار البيان الى أن اللقاء قد تناول الأوضاع العامة في البلاد وخصوصا موضوع الاستحقاق الرئاسي الداهم.

وأضاف أن "وجهات النظر كانت متطابقة على ضرورة إنجاز الاستحقاق الرئاسي في موعده الدستوري، ورفض الفراغ والقيام بكل الجهود والاتصالات اللازمة والممكنة لمنع حدوث الفراغ، مع التشديد على وجوب حضور جميع النواب للمشاركة في جلسات انتخاب رئيس الجمهورية".

ويأتي ذلك بعدما كشفت صحيفة "النهار" أمس السبت، ان جعجع التقى الحريري ليل الجمعة في باريس على ان يجري محادثات مع مسؤولين فرنسيين يتابعون الملف اللبناني.

كما غادر رئيس جبهة النضال الوطني النائب وليد جنبلاط بيروت الاحد متوجها الى باريس يرافقه وزير الصحة وائل أبو فاعور.

وبحسب اذاعة صوت لبنان 93.3، جنبلاط سيلتقي خلال زيارته باريس وزير الخارجية السعودي سعود الفيصل.

ويشهد لبنان في هذه الايام حركة مكوكية للعمل على تأمين الاستحقاق الرئاسي قبل انتهاء ولاية الرئيس الحالي ميشال سليمان في 25 أيار، حيث يسبقها جلسة انتخابية في 22 الشهر الجاري بعد الفشل في تأمين النصاب في الجلسات الثلاثة السابقة.

وجعجع هو اول من رشح نفسه على الانتخابات الرئاسية واعلن عن برنامجه الرئاسي، وسط مطالبته مرار لفريق 8 آذار بالاعلان عن مرشحهم وعدم تعطيل النصاب.

م.ن \ ر.أ.ز

التعليقات 24
Thumb EagleDawn 16:35 ,2014 أيار 18

Rough estimates indicate he emptied the jounieh central bank and gold worth in those days over 100 million dollars.

Thumb ex-fpm 17:05 ,2014 أيار 18

lol flamethrower, so aoun cannot afford to buy a house, hehehe!

Thumb general_puppet 19:46 ,2014 أيار 18

The Lunatic Aoun does not need any "stinking agreement". It say's so in the Memorandum of Understanding.

Thumb amatoury114 20:37 ,2014 أيار 18

renting maheik from sehnaoui who he wants to be minister all the time..is that the arrangement give me ur villa i make u minister ??

Thumb ex-fpm 17:06 ,2014 أيار 18

did either of these two insult you? you are amazing!

Missing people-power 17:07 ,2014 أيار 18

Aoun stole at least $58 million from the Lebanese treasury during his short time in power. He was forced to return $33 million from his local bank accounts, but another $25 million was transferred to overseas accounts, and was not returned to the government.

Here's a tidbit from Christian Science Monitor from 1990:

"Since his overthrow, the (Lebanese) government has confiscated nearly $33 million from Aoun's local bank accounts. It is trying to retrieve a further $25 million of what it says are public funds diverted overseas"


Missing peace 18:23 ,2014 أيار 18

just like your lover boy never used his so-called proofs of corruption by M14 people, never brought them to justice despite the "evidence" he claimed to have... if ever he did so he would also be caught and trialed! ...

good try in defending your pimp but as usual pathetic....

Missing peace 19:01 ,2014 أيار 18

well if his evidence was so irrefutable how come no trials ever occured? LOL no one ever used it! he just wrote a book but does not seem very convinced by it as he hasn't seized the justice when his friends were in power! LOL ...

so FT the frustrated aoun loverboy stop your BS you are just making a fool of yourself as usual...

and my condoleances for the loss of your air defence chief....

Thumb ex-fpm 20:08 ,2014 أيار 18

wasn't the ministry of justice part of aoun's portfolio for the last 3 years?

Missing peace 00:17 ,2014 أيار 19

ya ibn... let that FPM thingie FT rant all he wants to defend his pimp... the fact is aoun barks a lot to fight corruption but when he claims to have evidence he did not even do a thing when his friends were in charge....

he does not seem to fight corruption very hard, just in words so that things like FT believe him and bark... but aoun cannot do a thing it is bad for his business! LOL

Thumb cedre 17:22 ,2014 أيار 18

nice beard saad...

Thumb general_puppet 19:43 ,2014 أيار 18

Maybe the Rat king can join them in Parris, I think the French sewer system would be a nice change of scenery for Nasrallah. I forgot the French do not give entry visa's to terrorist.

Missing moonsear 20:07 ,2014 أيار 18

By reading this article I'm under the impression that Paris and Riyadh are two of Beirut's suburbs

Thumb EagleDawn 20:16 ,2014 أيار 18

comment of the month!

Thumb cedre 00:29 ,2014 أيار 19

southern, have some manners and leave people's parents in peace...
Btw afghans have more honour and courage than u...

Thumb cedre 00:32 ,2014 أيار 19

but u tell all the time he's a wahabi and takfiri, so he needs a beard, mou heik ?

Missing ghassen 02:27 ,2014 أيار 19

I hope he is becoming religious but you guys have been saying all along that he is a wahhabi so what do you mean "becoming" religious? If he was wahhabi then he would already have been religious. Just a proof of how your accusations are lies and you know them to be lies while uttering them. Taqiya soldiers.

Thumb freedomarch 03:29 ,2014 أيار 19


Default-user-icon Taleb (ضيف) 02:32 ,2014 أيار 19

It is about time that a non "Maronite" Christian be elected and open the seat to all Christians to become president.

If the Maronite community can not get their 'house' in order and continue to quarrel over petty issues that are NOT in the interest of a greater Lebanon, then time has come to elect a stand-alone Christian!

Thumb popeye 12:11 ,2014 أيار 19

I await the day when I will read ONE meaningful post, ONE counter argument, ONE credible or mature info from you, -...flamethrower...- , but alas!

Thumb freedomarch 03:05 ,2014 أيار 19

Just like a crush, Mahdoum.

Thumb freedomarch 03:23 ,2014 أيار 19

I think abou ali
One for abou ali

Missing peace 14:39 ,2014 أيار 19

that is the typical comment of a failed brain... believing you are above the others... well then go and post on elmanar the site of the divine people!

poor thing...always playing the victim like a poor frustrated girl you are...

Thumb popeye 14:48 ,2014 أيار 19

I await the day when I will read ONE meaningful post, ONE counter argument, ONE credible or mature info from you, flamethrower-- , but alas!