رسالة من كيري الى باسيل والحريري يكثف مشاوراته الباريسية لبحث الملف الرئاسي

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يستمر الحراك السياسي لبحث ملف الرئاسة الأولى، حيث عقد وزير الخارجية جبران باسيل سلسلة لقاءات في الرياض و أخرى في بيروت تسلم خلالها رسالة من نظيره الاميركي، فيما يعمد رئيس تيار "المستقبل" سعد الحريري الى تكثيف لقاءاته في فرنسا لبحث الملف عينه.

ففي قصر يسترس، التقى وزير الخارحية بعد ظهر الأربعاء السفير الأميركي دايفيد هيل، بعد ان كانت الزيارة مقررة ظهرا وأجلت لأسباب امنية بحسب الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام.

وتسلم باسيل خلال اللقاء مع هيل الذي استمر بحسب الوكالة أربعين دقيقة، رسالة من نظيره الاميركي جون كيري.

وكانت مصادر مواكبة قالت لصحيفة "النهار" الأربعاء، أن باسيل عقد لقاء مع نظيره السعودي سعود الفيصل في الرياض وبحث معه في ملف الاستحقاق الرئاسي طويلا.

كما كشفت "النهار" أن الحريري سيكثف في الايام المقبلة لقاءاته الباريسية سعيا الى تجنب الفراغ.

من جهته، لفت رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري في أحاديث صحافية نشرت الأربعاء الى أن المفاوضات مستمرة بين الحريري ورئيس تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" النائب ميشال عون.

وأضاف أن "ما أسمعه من فريق عون هو انّ التفاوض الى تقدّم، ولا اسمع في المقابل ما يعكس ذلك من تيار "المستقبل"، الى ان يتمّ التوصّل الى شيء ملموس"، مستبعدا أن "يكتمل النصاب القانوني لجلسة الانتخاب".

ولاحظ بري انّ "البعض يحاول تقطيع الوقت حتى ما بعد 25 ايار الجاري"، حيث تنتهي المهلة الدستورية لانتخاب رئيس جمهورية ميشال سليمان، وذلك من اجل استدراج التدخل الخارجي في الاستحقاق الرئاسي.

يُذكر ان احاديث كثيرة تم التداول بها هذا الاسبوع حول التمديد لسليمان، الا أن الاخير شدد في أكثر من مناسبة على رفضه تمديد ولايته، مؤكداً انه سيكون في منزله في 25 أيار.

وطغى ذلك في ظل ارتفاع أسهم الفراغ في سدة الرئاسة، خصوصا أن النواب لم يتمكنوا وبعد ثلاث جلسات انتخابية من اختيار رئيس جديد للجمهورية.

ر.أ.ب/ م.ن.

التعليقات 23
Missing karim_ 08:06 ,2014 أيار 14

Why do we have to take Saudi Arabia's input into account in trying to elect our President? What does the modern-day founder of terrorism know about democracy? Why should we be asking these barbaric terrorists for advice?

Thumb -phoenix1 13:49 ,2014 أيار 14

Ya Karim, ya habibi, ya khayye, our procedure to elect a President is being delayed and delayed again because we have decided to keep it a Lebanese affair. I wrote yesterday replying to your post, that if you don't want the candidate that is chosen by M14, then tell us whom you want but please, not the old man Aoun. So for God's sake, it would help a lot if you for once dropped that same old chant about someone outside of Iran is trying to meddle, the very fact that Hezbollah is dragging its feet over this matter is ample meddling by those mentors of it. But if in case no consensus is reached soo, then you will have yourselves another soldier taking over the one who is expected to leave soon, and the new guy thinks exactly as his predecessor.

Missing cedars 14:25 ,2014 أيار 14

The difference is very simple, Saudi Arabia sends money to the Lebanese army but the Iranian send it to the militia via Syria to ensure the latter has a cut in the deals so that the militia can't divorce the Syrian regime.

Thumb FlameCatcher 16:29 ,2014 أيار 14

@Karim : The modern day founder of terrorism is Hezbollah who invented Suicide bombings and the arab explosive car...

Thumb amatoury114 21:11 ,2014 أيار 14

ya karkour ya karim i think in wikipedia when you look up idiot u come up as an example...i feel sorry for you.what do u call HA peaceful backgammon club?

Missing cedars 04:26 ,2014 أيار 15

Thumb down from me because you are a bone head. The candidate that gets the most votes in the parliament gets to become the president. Not 1/3 or 2/3 simply more voted candidate. Why wait a week or meet with all ambassadors, call a daily session and do your job otherwise you represent no citizens.

Default-user-icon Vahe (ضيف) 08:20 ,2014 أيار 14

Why not extend SLEIMAN'S term?

Thumb amatoury114 21:13 ,2014 أيار 14

the only chair aoun should see is the electric one

Thumb general_puppet 09:10 ,2014 أيار 14

This is all part of the soap opera... the militia wants a vacuum, so they can freely do their Jihadist duty without a Lebanese Presidential interfering.

Default-user-icon Hanoun (ضيف) 09:12 ,2014 أيار 14

popular vote for presidency is the only solution to curb outside interferences and sterile political quarrels and nothing is needed to do it except a date no parliament sessions, no officials racing against time ,....
god bless real democracy

Missing politik_buro 12:03 ,2014 أيار 14

I doubt presidential interference would make much difference, there has to be something more to it, there has to be a bigger picture we can't see. It's very obvious that there are some major regional changes about to happen, and I think in the next few days we will see some surprising developments in the alliances. I fear for Lebanon, it looks like for some the country is the last thing that matters.

Default-user-icon Zeus (ضيف) 14:38 ,2014 أيار 14

1988 Aoun was appointed prime minister who's only duty was to urgently secure the ekection of a president. Instead he decided he was "Président et six Ministres" illegally moved into the presidential palace, started and lost two wars then ran away. It was him or nobody and was willing to destroy the country to become president, here we go again.

Thumb gma-bs-artist. 20:24 ,2014 أيار 14

No, the real story is this. The heroic General Aoun was true to his word and as he promised, when everyone else fled the Baabda Palace the bravest of the braves General Aoun stayed behind alone defending his command post. When he ran out of ammo he used the kitchen utensils and was able to down thirteen and a half Syrian special forces commandos with a spatula and a whisk before he was overwhelmed and was martyred. But he surprised all the doubters and the nonbeliever when he was resurrected three hours later and appeared in the French embassy on the right of Alla, Rene Alla the French ambassador, it was a miracle... and that's the rest of the story.

Missing helicopter 15:13 ,2014 أيار 14

The constitutional amendment should read:
If Parliament fails to elect a new President on time, the Parliament must be declared resigned (their pay and benefits ceased) and new Parliamentary elections held.
Parliament must be held accountable for all the mess we are in.

Missing politik_buro 15:18 ,2014 أيار 14

And that my friend is the answer to the question I've been asking all along, this is the aim of one of the parties, to ensure they have favorable majority, by any means, of the parliamentary votes. This is why it is crucial to avoid this and elect a president, because as long as there is a military power on the ground that can overwhelm the national army, parliamentary elections can not be held democratically. You have just hit the nail on its head!!!

Thumb beiruti 15:18 ,2014 أيار 14

Lebanon needs to change the way it elects its president. This deal with the Parliament and the ability of pretenders to boycott sessions and thus frustrate succession in the office of the Presidency is a joke.
The country needs to move to popular election. Still with a Maronite President, but let the people go to the polls and vote caza by caza with their vote determining the vote of the caza delegation, much as the electoral college elects the US President.

Thumb beiruti 15:19 ,2014 أيار 14

It would therefore still require 65 votes of Parliament to be elected, but the people, the citizens of Lebanon would vote and their vote would determine how the Deputies cast their votes. Rather than Berri or Aoun or Nasrallah deciding, or KSA or Tehran, or Paris or Washington deciding, the Lebanese should be the source of the vote with their personal votes cast for their President.

Missing politik_buro 15:31 ,2014 أيار 14

As horrible as the following question might sound, it is the reality of Lebanon. Why would you let the top Christian post in Lebanon be decided by non Christians? I think due to the ugly sectarian system every sect should elect their top post

Thumb beiruti 16:19 ,2014 أيار 14

My friend, non-Christians already elect the top Christian post in Lebanon. This is nothing new. And remember the top post in Lebanon, the Head of State is reserved for the Christian Maronite sect. But he or she is representative of the whole country. It is good for confessional integration that non-Christians should have a hand in voting for a Christian just as Christians should have a hand in electing non-Christians to office. All sects, Christian and non-Christian, Muslim and non-Muslim are nevertheless all Lebanese.

Missing politik_buro 15:23 ,2014 أيار 14

The next parliamentary elections have to be held without the effect of arms, only then you would know what Lebanese actually want. This president to be elected is so feared by someone because they know he has a very small constitutional right that could render chaos into their plans. The minute this parliament loses the power vote favorable to them, they will loose all legitimacy, whether they care about that or not, it does not matter, but it will at last expose to many of their or their allies followers their true intentions and their priorities, which most definitely do not include the best interest of Lebanon as an independent entity

Thumb beiruti 16:24 ,2014 أيار 14

In a society such as Lebanon that is politically segregated by Confessional Identity the person with the greatest national credibility is the one who can secure cross confessional support. The Uber-Maronite may be the Maronite's ultimate candidate, but what credibility does he or she have nationally, even among the non-Maronite Christians? Very little. The Maronite President must be Maronite, of course, but he or she must arise above the parochialism of his sect, from which he came, to see the whole country and serve all of her people.

Default-user-icon Machich (ضيف) 17:53 ,2014 أيار 14

Only the smart person will know why there is no foreign intervention. C'mon guys, let's see who amongst you is of literacy, wisdom and knowledge.

Default-user-icon George (ضيف) 10:31 ,2014 أيار 15

i think it is high time the constitution is changed, and we remove from the deputees their role in selecting a president. I would propose we elect the president by popular vote. The candidates have to convince us the voters, and not a party or another, nor some other country(ies).