نعيم قاسم: لا ظروف لانتخاب رئيس للجمهورية ولا فائدة للجلسات إن لم تتغير المعطيات

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أعلن نائب الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" الشيخ نعيم قاسم الأربعاء ان الظروف "ليست ظروف انتخاب رئيس" جديد للجمهورية، جازما بعدم وجود فائدة من جلسات انتخاب الرئيس "إذا بقيت المعطيات على ما هي عليه".

وقال قاسم في خلال احتفال أقامته الهيئات النسائية في حزب الله ان "إلتئام الجلسة الأولى للمجلس النيابي كان كافيًا لإعطاء صورة واضحة بعدم توفر المقومات الكافية لانتخاب رئيس للجمهورية".

وشرح قاسم أنه "كان واضحًا أن الجلسة الأولى مسرحية، بيَّنت أن الظروف ليست ظروف انتخاب رئيس، وهذا يعني أن لا فائدة من الجلسة الثانية أو الثالثة أو الرابعة إذا بقيت المعطيات على ما هي عليه، وسواء انعقدت الجلسة أو لم تنعقد فالنتيجة واضحة هي عدم انتخاب رئيس للجمهورية".

والأربعاء، لم تنعقد الدورة الثانية لانتخاب رئيس للجمهورية بسبب تعطيل النصاب من قبل نواب حزب الله والتيار "الوطني الحر" و"القومي السوري" و"البعثي الإشتراكي"، ما دفع رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري إلى تحديد يوم 7 أيار موعدا جديدا للجلسة المقبلة.

وفي هذه النقطة شرح قاسم "نحن فضلنا أن لا تنعقد الجلسة بعدم إكمال النصاب كي لا يُدبر أمرٌ معين في الخفاء، ونُفاجأ بأمور لا تنسجم مع كيفية العمل لإنتاج رئيس جمهورية للبلد".

ولفت قاسم الى ان "الجلسة الأولى كشفت أيضًا أن الترشيح للرئاسة لا يُنظِّف سجلًا، فمن كان له مواصفات سجَّلها التاريخ وحفظتها ذاكرة الناس لا يمكن أن تُمحى بعملية استعراضية اسمها الترشح لرئاسة الجمهورية، بل بالعكس هذا يذكر الناس بالمساوئ".

ويشير قاسم في كلامه إلى رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع الذي تقدم الأربعاء الفائت بحصوله على 48 صوتا مقابل 16 لمنافسه النائب هنري حلو. وصوت نواب قوى الثامن من آذار بـ52 ورقة بيضاء.

عليه شدد نائب السيد حسن نصرالله على ان "مقومات البلد وتشكيل القوى السياسية فيه، وطبيعة الوضع الطائفي لا تسمح بانفراد جماعة لاختيار رئيس منها، خاصة أن التوازن السياسي كبير وحاد في آنٍ معًا".

وفضّل قاسم "لكي يتم انتخاب رئيس هو الوصول إلى اتفاق" قائلا "عادة ما ما تُرسم الاتفاقات بالاتصالات خارج إطار الجلسة وقبل انعقاد الجلسة من أجل الوصول إلى قواعد مشتركة".

وحدد مواصفات الرئيس قائلا "هذا الاتفاق يجب أن يكون على رئيس أولًا يملك حيثية وشعبية وسياسية وأخلاقية، ثانيًا لا يتحدى الآخرين وإنما يحاول أن يبحث عن حلول وقواسم مشتركة، ثالثًا يعمل للمشاركة الوطنية ليشترك الجميع في إدارة البلد، رابعًا يحمي لبنان وقوته ومقاومته من أجل أن نبقى في داخل مجتمعنا قادرين على أن ننقل البلد من حالة إلى حالة إيجابية أفضل".

من جهة أخرى رأى قاسم ان "الفضيحة الكبرى في المحكمة (الدولية الخاصة بلبنان) انكشفت" بعد استدعاء الصحافيين ابراهيم الأمين وكرمى خياط بعد اتهام بـ"تحقيرها".

وذكر قاسم أنه "حصلت تسريبات سابقة من مؤسسات أجنبية مختلفة في ألمانيا وفرنسا ودول أخرى، ولم يحصل أي استدعاء من قبل المحكمة لهؤلاء، وبدل أن يكون المسؤول هو المسرب يريدون تحميل المسؤولية للناقل، وبدل أن يكون المسؤول هو شاهد الزور يحملون المسؤولية للمدعي عليه زورًا".

وكرر أن "هذه المحكمة مسيَّسة وغير عادلة، ولا علاقة لها بالحقيقة، وهم يريدونها سيفًا مسلطًا على جميع من يخالف الخيارات السياسية المرتبطة بأمريكا وإسرائيل، وهي تحاول أن تلعب دور الوصاية والضغط والتحكم بالشعب اللبناني في الوقت الذي يملك الشعب اللبناني كل حريته ليتصرف كما يشاء".


التعليقات 43
Thumb cedre 16:11 ,2014 نيسان 30

No president then, who cares...

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 16:13 ,2014 نيسان 30

shame on all the people who support someone who blatantly keeps the country hostage to get his way.

Thumb beiruti 16:23 ,2014 نيسان 30

When a President must come by way of consensus rather than a majority vote, this gives a minority of even one a veto because consensus cannot be created unless all agree. This is not majority rule, but tyranny by the minority that is willing to use force to block and obstruct the majority. It is Hezbollah's governing philosophy.

Thumb cedre 16:27 ,2014 نيسان 30

HA playing his best cards : pressure through weapons, obstruction, demographics, etc...
What are Christians playing ? Fighting each others and then putting the blame on others...

Missing hajjradwan 16:35 ,2014 نيسان 30

Fine Naiim who needs elections, why don't we let the Ayatollah pick a Lebanese president just like he picks the Leaders of Hezballah. I'm sorry Naiim did I hit a nerve, always the bridesmaid never the bride.

Missing -samy 16:36 ,2014 نيسان 30

or it could be FT...

Missing -samy 16:40 ,2014 نيسان 30

boar, ok, go back to your den.

Missing thatisit 16:45 ,2014 نيسان 30

Lebanese citizenship for sale to the Lowest bidder

Thumb beiruti 16:50 ,2014 نيسان 30

"A person's history cannot be erased through putting on a show by running in the elections." Very true. Aoun too has a history that cannot be erased. Hezbollah is so hypocritical and master of the double standard that their statements seem to be made not to the media, but to the mirror.

Thumb gma-bs-artist. 17:33 ,2014 نيسان 30

"A person's history cannot be erased unless he signs a MOU with the new ruler of Lebanon Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah" Qassem knows that most people forgot all about the many accusations the 1989-2005 Michel Aoun was subjected to by "kouwa al moumana3at wa al tassadi" and the calls for his prosecution for crimes both real and questionable. All of Aoun's "history" was erased overnight when he accepted the Syrian occupation's deal brought to him by Pakradoni and Lahoud Jr a deal that was minted with the famous MOU a year later.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 17:14 ,2014 نيسان 30

FD. I'm all for a direct vote by the people. As long as the Lebanese diaspora can vote as well.

Default-user-icon Ghassan (ضيف) 17:16 ,2014 نيسان 30

Has anyone remarked how 8 empty heads are holding 4,000,000 lives captive their fears and insecurities . Don't you think it is about time that the 99.99 percent wakes up and tears down the The imaginary "Fear Wall" maybe then we will have Real elections where 4,000,000 Free citizen elects a president instead of these 128 Save citizen

Thumb gma-bs-artist. 17:21 ,2014 نيسان 30

Ladies and gentlemen please give a warm welcome and a hardy congratulations to his excellency the new president of Lebanon Fakhamet Al Faragh.

Default-user-icon kazan (ضيف) 17:39 ,2014 نيسان 30

Why the president should be Maronite ? will it be easier if there is no religion restriction? or may be just an atheist president?

Thumb FlameCatcher 17:42 ,2014 نيسان 30

Roar : tell me about Hezbollah's glorious history which seems to be erased from your memory.

They practically invented suicide bombings ! A terrorist will always remain a terrorist !

Thumb Marc 17:44 ,2014 نيسان 30

I am surprised there has not been an uprising within the shiite community against these tyrants. Rise up good people and take back your rightful place in this great country of ours

Thumb falanges 20:22 ,2014 نيسان 30

Southern, oh sorry the US should use your peoples method of execution, stonings or public hangings so people like you can watch and enjoy the death of another human.... sick shia from the stone ages

Thumb FlameCatcher 17:46 ,2014 نيسان 30

Qassem, you're right ! What's the point of democracy after all !

When Hezbollah and M8 fail to present a candidate and hijack the lebanese state and democratic process by blackmailing the people into accepting ultimatums.

Under your rotten Iranian inspired terrorist logic, what's the point of politics at all ! You are effectively killing what was once known as the republic of Lebanon.

Let's divide the country so that you can build your theocrapcy and impose your dictator on your own people.

Let's build up christian and sunni armies to create equality amongst sects.

And let's take democracy to the streets and fight it off with weapons which is what you do best.

Thumb FlameCatcher 17:49 ,2014 نيسان 30

Qassem : a party who was built on terrorist activities has no arguments to make regarding any other person's history.

Hezbollah is an ISLAMIC RESISTANCE which built its reputation on terrorist acts, suicide bombings, drug and weapon smuggling.

Hezbollah is filth and as you say cannot erase its dark and horrible history through a semblance of democracy.

Hezbollah is a cancer which has to be addressed and it will !

Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 18:36 ,2014 نيسان 30

With or without a president, HA does what it likes. It supports Assad, kills the Syrians, obey Iran's cause. Hence, why do we need a president? Without one things will be fine. It's time for the Christians to take over lebanon by returning the unlimited powers of the president which were taken from him through the Taef accord. The Christians, despite all their drawbacks, have proven to be the best people to govern this tiny country and make it safe and economically sound. HA is a party that believes in perpetual wars. I am sure that even if Israel is destroyed, HA will ask for its resistance to remain for reason they will create. We are doomed to have HA on our heads forever, unless and when Syria topples Assad.

Thumb ibinherathreik 18:38 ,2014 نيسان 30

Qassem: No Point in Holding Presidential Election Sessions if Current Conditions Persist

sounds like they are setting stage to kill another march 14 figure

Thumb ex-fpm 19:45 ,2014 نيسان 30

We no longer have an elected president but an appointed one by the shia extremist group called HA.

Thumb ibinherathreik 18:42 ,2014 نيسان 30

“A person's history cannot be erased through putting on a show by running in the elections. On the contrary, his candidacy will only remind the people of his negative aspects,” said the Hizbullah official.

lollll they talk of the past while they are killing in the present!

Thumb ibinherathreik 18:48 ,2014 نيسان 30

“We are therefore better off electing a president through an agreement,” he stressed.

“Such agreements are made through contacts outside of the parliamentary session in order for the foes to reach common ground,” Qassem explained.

lollll those are not elections but appointments!

Missing -samy 18:43 ,2014 نيسان 30

If I just can get the good people out of Lebanon, I will be very much happy to nuke the hell out of this pathetic country and start all over again.

Missing -samy 18:47 ,2014 نيسان 30

and before I do that, I will invite back to Lebanon all the f-d's, the FT's, and companies :)
The world would be better without them :)

Thumb freedomarch 18:57 ,2014 نيسان 30

Agree 100%.
Notice that this person is the real head of the iranian Hizbollah of Lebanon. If you notice his strategic tone versus other hizbos who talk about day by day stff. He is the "Satah" ba3eed el shabah of iran here. THE BRAINS BEHIND ALLTHEIR OPERATIONS.

Thumb freedomarch 18:58 ,2014 نيسان 30


Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 19:27 ,2014 نيسان 30

FD. Just out of curiosity. How do you think that vote would go?

Thumb falanges 20:27 ,2014 نيسان 30

So can sleiman extend his presidency? I know he says he does not want to extend but can he if he decides different?

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 20:31 ,2014 نيسان 30

Wow. That was supposed to be wlak ashraf mi Akbar wa7ad bi m8 and m14.

Thumb shab 23:13 ,2014 نيسان 30

Filthy murdering militia

Thumb Chupachups 23:16 ,2014 نيسان 30

Boar..supporting terrorists all the way from Australia

Thumb falanges 00:31 ,2014 أيار 01

Don't think your HA is strong or your sect is strong, the only reason your people can stop anything is because of the traitor Christians FPM that sold their sect and country to your terror party. But don't worry your days are numbered and FPM will be bought by others. Now comment on Australian news and stay away from our country.

Missing VINCENT 01:40 ,2014 أيار 01

I have the feeling that there are less disagreements between Iran and Israel then what currently exits amongst the divided Lebanese camps.

Missing cedars 03:31 ,2014 أيار 01

And the master told the crowd "whoever is without a sin let him be the first to stone the girl"

Nasrallah recently in 2006 behind 1200 killed citizens with massive state destruction due to his orders of kidnaping IDF.
Thank el izztez for his Amal vs Hizbollah war across Shia territories during civil war as part of the power hunger.
Jumblat and his massacres + destruction of the villages after burning the towns.
Frangieh and his shabiha stole every dime from Cheka Etherneet factory. Harassed, shot with their guns everyone in their way while robbing Batroun and checkka.
Aoun can't sleep at night especially Mondays before the Tuesday press releases of what he did to his own soldiers especially in souk al ghareb, baabda and dahr el wahesh.
Who is without sin during the civil war and there are some post the war who continue to assassinating
politicians who speak against the Syrian hegemony such as the idiot in the picture.

Thumb habib 05:09 ,2014 أيار 01

Ya na3im Allah yen3am 3ala lebnen
Na3am antom aja7im walaysa na3im

Thumb habib 05:15 ,2014 أيار 01

Antom alkhatar all7akiki 3ala lobnan washa3bihi wanorido raesan li7imayatina walaysa lihimayat almokawama

Thumb habib 05:21 ,2014 أيار 01

Ya na3im norido raesan kawiyan yahmi lobnan kol lobnan walaysa raesan ya7mi iran wahezbaha limasla7at nizamon katelon raesan soni3a fi lobnan laysa fi iran ...

Thumb habib 05:29 ,2014 أيار 01

Ya na3im lakom madikom wali jami3 zo3ama2 madi 7afel kolokom ya na3im belhawa sawa esta7o yali mato ya7ayef waya7ayef toridonaha mazra3a walaysa dawla ya na3im antom 3ala khata2 3odo li wataniyyatikom 3odo li roshdikom yakfikon dajall wa nifak yakfi sha3bana mashkel owajeh Allah 3laykom

Thumb beiruti 05:36 ,2014 أيار 01

Mate, I live in the US, a US/Lebanese citizen and watch US news every day. We invented Orwellian here. The USAPATRIOT Act?? Come on, this thing was pure big brother. That's how I know Orwellian when I see it. Ever been out from Down Under?

Default-user-icon Jack (ضيف) 08:41 ,2014 أيار 01

Presidents should not be voted on in parliament.
People should vote for their president.
end of story..

Thumb tareksheen 14:53 ,2014 أيار 01

fee b ra2bet nasralla shabab min el shee3a aktar min kel el 3alam bas m5aba wara sla7o ana shee3ee wa betzakar mnee7 ma3arek amal wa 7ezeb nsaralla walla ento mala2ekee wa ba2yet el nas shayateen