مالكو العقارات المؤجرة يدعون الى اعتصام على درج المتحف الوطني

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دعا مجلس نقابة مالكي العقارات المؤجرة في لبنان والهيئة الادارية لتجمع مالكي الأبنية المؤجرة الى الاعتصام عصر الأربعاء على درج المتحف الوطني.

وعقد اجتماع مشترك لمجلس نقابة مالكي العقارات والأبنية المؤجرة في لبنان مع الهيئة الإدارية لتجمع مالكي الأبنية المؤجرة، الثلاثاء، لدعوة "جميع المتضررين من الوضع الحالي الاستثنائي للايجارات القديمة" إلى اعتصام جديد عن الساعة الخامسة من بعد ظهر يوم غد الاربعاء على درج المتحف الوطني.

وأعلنت النقابة في بيان انها تضع "جميع التحركات المشبوهة للذين يدعون تمثيل المستأجرين برسم النيابة العامة لاتخاذ التدابير اللازمة في حق المشاركين فيها"، مؤكدة أنها "تحتفظ لنفسها بحق الادعاء الشخصي عليهم، كمحرضين على احتلال البيوت ومصادرتها، وضد المالكين القدامى وعائلاتهم".

واعتبرت ان "هؤلاء بمثابة خارجين على القانون، ومنتحلي صفة الفقر والعوز، فيما هم مجموعة من الميسورين والأغنياء، وبعضهم مهندسون ومحامون معروفون بالإسم، ورؤساء حركات حزبية، وأصحاب مؤسسات لتأجير السيارات في بيروت".

وذكرت النقابة "بالموقف النبيل للمالكين طيلة السنوات الأربعين الماضية الذين رضخوا فيها لقانون الأمر الواقع الاستثنائي للإيجارات، فلم يهاجموا أو يحاصروا دارة نائب أو وزير أو رئيس، ولم يقطعوا طريقا أو ساحة عامة، ولم يعتدوا على كرامات المواطنين من جميع الفئات".

يشار إلى أنه فيما يقول المستأجرون أن القانون غير منصف ويؤدي إلى تهجير عائلات وإلى "فرز ديمغرافي" كبير نظرا لمنع الإختلاط الذي كان قائما بين الناس منذ أعوام، يقول مالكو الأبنية أنه منصف ويفتح باب الحوار مع المستأجرين.

وناشدت هيئة مكتب الاتحاد العمالي العام رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان السبت رد القانون "لان المواطن له الحق بالسكن". ويحق لسليمان قانونيا رد القانون إذا اعتبره غير منصف بعد دراسته.

ويشهد قانون الايجارات الجديدة الذي أقر في البرلمان وأحيل الى رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان، مواجهات بين المستأجرين القدامى الرافضين له والمطالبين سليمان بردّه، والمؤجّرين المؤيدين له والداعين الرئيس الى بتّه.



التعليقات 12
Default-user-icon jack blair (ضيف) 13:43 ,2014 نيسان 15

You report about the protests of the malikeen(mainly real estate speculators bankers and possibly money launderers )and not about the house-renters contrary to the case in other papers such as al-Akhbar,as-Safir and even al-Anwar.Michel Pharaon and his team will not get a single vote in Achrafieh at the coming elections.

Thumb lebanon_first 15:49 ,2014 نيسان 15

what do you want? that people keep on occupying properties which are not theirs, which they have occupied for 40 years? that they keep on occupying them for the next 40 years? are you a commie?

Would you like to lend your car for someone and suddenly it becomes his to use forever?

Get a grip on things. If you wan to use an apartment, you have to pay for it.

Default-user-icon jack blair (ضيف) 17:49 ,2014 نيسان 15

from 1950 till 1980 house owners used to charge 15% of the cost of an appartment as yearly rent.That is why the rents were frozen in the first place.Thus the poor house owners have already now recovered 5 times their investment.From the standpoint of Moslem,Christian and plain honest morality they are no longer entitled to their property.The old rents are not too low--around $750 to $1500 per year for a country whose **real**GDP is not more than $4500 per capita(nobody even the world bank believes the Siniora figures)Get a grip on things yourself the real owners of the old rented houses are the bankers -thru their proxies-the real estate speculators .Most genuine old house owners have already sold their proprties to the speculators and have made a huge profit as the prices of apartments have increased tenfold between 2005 and 2010.Only a few greedy curmudgeons have not yet sold and they have lost their bet because prices have begun to slide.

Thumb gma-bs-artist. 17:58 ,2014 نيسان 15

Jack.. I mean Nicolas Sahnawi don't you have anything better to do than post nonsensical BS, shouldn't you be tending to your unibrow? A little pruning would do it some good you are starting to look like a cyclop.


Missing lappeaudecouille 14:21 ,2014 نيسان 15

Hello Jack Blair. Would you like to expand on your thoughts. What are the renters' concerns?

Default-user-icon jack blair (ضيف) 14:52 ,2014 نيسان 15

the present extended parliament is illegal.It can be tolerated to pass minor urgent laws so that the state does not get paralyzed.It cannot pass a qanoon massiri like the Ijarat.The President must reject it and declare this prolonged (and thus fake) parliament incompetent to pass laws on such important matters.

Default-user-icon Maliha (ضيف) 15:57 ,2014 نيسان 15

The government should provide public housing.
Why should property owners provide housing subsidies?

Default-user-icon Zed (ضيف) 16:28 ,2014 نيسان 15

This is not about socialism and communism, why throw such ridiculous claims. I am for the new law don't get me wrong, but please argue better. Those who cannot afford the new rent should consider moving somewhere where they can afford to move, they have had a good deal for a long time and they should be thankful and not complain. Those who really can't afford to move even to cheaper places should get governmental help one way or another, stay at their home for longer and get the government to pay the landlord a fair sum, BUT those who have taken advantage of the system and of landlords should pay immediately or leave - why wait 6 years, they don't deserve a minute more. Its a very simple and effective proposal.

Missing samy.. 16:44 ,2014 نيسان 15

In the meanwhile, we are still working hard to make these renters more poor, and to swell their numbers.

Missing undefined 08:58 ,2014 نيسان 16

Samy: I frankly couldn't care less about the renters! They've been living in my apartment for FREE for DECADES. I need that apartment for MYSELF! Why should I go and rent @ market prices while others live in mine FOR FREE??!? And WHY do I have to PAY them to leave something that is supposed to be MINE???

Default-user-icon blablabla (ضيف) 17:22 ,2014 نيسان 15

the problem is that there is no more cheap area in Lebanon compared to purchasing power, thanx you to R. Hariri, except in the Palestinian camps and in some lawless places like Arsal.

But no christians nor shia can live with sunni extremists :p

Thumb -phoenix1 13:46 ,2014 نيسان 16

This issue is a timebomb that has been kept in abeyance due to many concerns, one of them, our age old habit of sweeping our dust under the carpet. Problem is that Lebanon is now sitting atop too many different dusts. How long can we sustain this?