اتفاق بين الحريري وعون "على عدم التمديد لسليمان"

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اتفق رئيس "تيار المستقبل" سعد الحريري مع رئيس "التيار الوطني الحر" النائب ميشال عون على "عدم تمديد لولاية رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان"، وفق ما كشفته المعلومات الصحافية.

فقد أفادت صحيفة "اللواء" السبت، أن دوائر "حزب الله" كشفت عن الاتفاق الذي تم بين الحريري وعون في لقاء سابق جمعهما في العاصمة الفرنسية باريس.

وأشارت الى ان اللقاء "تناول حصراً الاتفاق على عدم تمديد ولاية الرئيس ميشال سليمان، بالاضافة الى تأمين نصاب الجلسة الاولى للاستحقاق".

يُذكر ان عون كان قد أكد في شباط الفائت، لقائه بالحريري، وذلك في إطار اجراء مشاورات لتشكيل الحكومة آنذاك.

ويُشار الى انه في 25 آذار بدأت المهلة الدستورية لانتخاب رئيس جديد خلفا للرئيس ميشال سليمان الذي تنتهي ولايته في 25 أيار المقبل، الذي يرفض التمديد له.


التعليقات 21
Thumb cityboy 10:49 ,2014 نيسان 12

let me guess, you are a trusting source. ok.

Thumb -phoenix1 17:01 ,2014 نيسان 12

RW, you would have been a happy person if only you were remote controlled. You live in a drawer or closet, and you are taken out only when your owner needs to poke at some people they hate. Despite the flour on your paws, one blow on it easily reveals you. Be honest if you can, I challenge you, and oh, please, for now, leave the sectarian ranting, just be honest....

Thumb -phoenix1 17:26 ,2014 نيسان 12

RW, same song habibi, criminal this, criminal that, it's all mup their, in that thing you need to recognize as brains. In the absence of any substantial argument from you, what do you present? Your Imagination? Or how you see people you don't like in your own fake ways? Say what you will, you will not advance an inch your position in this forum, in fact you are exactly like a few other skeletons in this forum, same approach, rest assured, try as you may, that's your limit, you've run out of ideas. The laughable about you, and those other skeletons, is that we know you now, the more you try, the funnier you look. I am serene, promise you this, use just the one original alias you started off with, the rest? Deactivate them, they're all the same. I wish you well ya Wolf, nothing personal, just that you are overcrowding an already jammed session, that's all.

Thumb -phoenix1 03:05 ,2014 نيسان 13

Bani Maarouf, I write to you, then Ibinhareithrek answers me. Same in the past, I write to Bani Maarouf, then it's Sit Bani Zeinab that replies to me. I mean are you for real? You know my dear, that you use multiple accounts, we know too, all of us, we know too. Then when things don't go well, you bring about your multiple accounts, to thumb down, to attack, to thumb up your other profiles. It's all calculated you see, you try to debase all with the singular aim of getting those you don't like banned. Not long ago, you and your other profiles were screaming all over this forum to get FT, Roar, Karim and Mowaten banned. Well, truly sorry for you, no one hears you.

Thumb -phoenix1 03:16 ,2014 نيسان 13

RW, you're lying, your conscince is not clear and you are far from happy. First, you are lying, this Roaring Wolf thing is just one part of other aliases. You are the very same person, barging onto this forum with 10 or so names. You haven't stopped your ranting of hatred, now you hate Bachir, then you hate Sayed Hassan, then you insult the Christians, thenthe Shiites, you have a love affair with our ungrateful Palestinian guests. You're being downright foolish for not realising that everyone in this forum knows it when under so many profiles. You need a cure, that's being frank with you.

Thumb -phoenix1 16:23 ,2014 نيسان 12

Aoun won't be president, Geagea won't be president, Saad won't be PM, Suleiman stays and so will Salam. Yalla, if it took you guys more than ten months to form a cabinet and God knows what to come up with a policy Statement, would you be expected to find a new president?

Thumb -phoenix1 17:33 ,2014 نيسان 12

RW, your other skeletons have downvoted me now 3 times, walaw ya khaye, hal addeh ma7rou2 minneh? # times, enno shou, le3bet football heydi? Please RW, just do the right thing, tell us the other aliases, if only you have it in you. Wallah, nothing personal, but this is getting too old a game now. I honestly urge you, just use the first profile you created last year, leave the rest, you are only repeating yourself, that's all. Wallahi, believe me, if you can do what I requested of you, then I will be more than happy to debate with you, as usual as I do with others, in the most respectful manner. But for now, you are blurred, too many profiles, same thing.

Thumb ado.australia 20:22 ,2014 نيسان 12

Phoenix1... Geagea won't be president but aoun could be... It's unlikely but it's a very real possibility. If we accept the talk, the strongest Christian figure will be president. Aoun has 22 mps and Geagea and Gemayel have no more than 8. If mustaqbul and hariri are told to accept and deal with aoun than he will be president. This is the only thing standing in his way.

But their are also other strong options and I would applaud general Qahwagie as an option. We need a strong minded president, with the support of the army and respected by Hezbollah because their arms will play a major role in the next presidential term. Someone that is honest and trustworthy enough to integrate the power and strength of the resistance into the LAF.

Thumb liberty 05:04 ,2014 نيسان 13

"...because their arms will play a major role in the next presidential term. "

lol, exactly for someone who claims to live in a civilized country, re -read your comment. Arms will play a major role in a presidential term"???

Thumb -phoenix1 22:31 ,2014 نيسان 12

OK, now we have the other skeleton, who else but our good old Bani Maarouf, aka times 20, call it the cavalry coming to the rescue, lol. RW, you remain another fake, just like Bani, a fake. Same song, same accusations, criminal this, criminal that, killer, ex-convict, I laugh at your kinda rich imagination, just shows you know so little of people. I am here to continue exposing you, till both of you fellwos decide to post according to the threads. Leave people posting, focus on the issue. Put some peace in your hearts, it does a lot of good. Remove those demons that have beset your hearts and minds.

Thumb -phoenix1 22:36 ,2014 نيسان 12

RW and Bani Maarouf. You ra ebeset by demons, they leave you no room to see people except the way you see yourselves. Try whatever you wish, cool ya fellows. Call Bachir by whatever you wish, won't change the fact of things. No matter what people like you may say, and jolly good by me, say whatebver you wish, won't change the fact that both of you are multiple users, Jeez, you use that very same one language. get out off your cages, liberate yourself from your predicament and entrapment, you are suffering a lot. This is not a challenge, simply a debate between healthy minds. Show that you can have that peace in you, debate like real people do, you will see, life will be a lot better. Then rest your tired fingers, the thumbing down game is as old as your lack of new tricks.

Thumb -phoenix1 22:40 ,2014 نيسان 12

RW and Bani Maarouf. Come forward, let us look at any subkect you so wish to discuss, people like me will be more than happy to debate you within all the prerequisites of civilized discussions. I told you, despite all your anger, and don't hide it please, it sticks out like a sore thumb, just calm down, we certainly can't share the same views always, somewhere we will differ, but it shouldn't stop us from chatting. Then please, for the same of earning yourselves some dignity, and yes, it's earned honestly and not by cheating, stay above those kiddy games, come forward, free yourselves and let's just have that good approach. Can you both of you? I am sure you can, just give a small try. By the way BM, you were getting there a couple of days ago, try, try, it works, just a bit of patience and some goodwill. Nothing personal.

Thumb -phoenix1 22:45 ,2014 نيسان 12

Ado, I am against either Geagea or Aoun acceeding to the seat. If at all we can't get decent people like Demianos or Baroud, then certainly Qahwaji will be a great president, and he has dredibility to show for it. It believe that it's time to move on ahead, not in retrospect.

Thumb -phoenix1 22:48 ,2014 نيسان 12

Sure RW, for you it's about wining using any way, it's about humiliating people, again, using any way, OK, fine by me, since this is how you live by, I believe that life will go on, with or without you, but hey, look at how much you could lose in this way. Bani Maarouf, lay to rest your skeletons, please, won't take you forward.

Thumb -phoenix1 03:11 ,2014 نيسان 13

Rear Wolf, you know you are a fake. We all know this. Now stop mumbling, stop pretending, stop spewing your poison, you happen to be the same person, using the very same hate speech, you share the very same character, the same approach. You're truly childish to be honest, you and your other stereotypes just cannot bear the fact that this forum will never be yours to control, so what better than behave in such lows? Believe me, having to use about ten fakes is a sad thing indeed, one would amply suffice, since all of you sound the same. Your hate speech is now an expired product, signed the very same person, I mean, do you think people are blind or what? Shame on you, for being so childish, truly you are an embarassment to yourself or selves.

Thumb geha 16:32 ,2014 نيسان 12

this is purely an abomination, and to be precise: a shia abomination.

wedding to girls of 9 years old shows you how retarded, criminal and extremist are the shia.

Thumb cedre 21:01 ,2014 نيسان 12

lost of heroes are criminals, and vice versa...
World is never white or black, good and bad in all person, even if human nature is manichean prefer to class leaders in heroes/villains...

Thumb -phoenix1 22:43 ,2014 نيسان 12

You see FD, I have been telling them, hatred will take them nowehere, and I hope they'll learn, so FD I say, God forgive them, for they know not what they're talking about. If only they can understand that it is only through a clear conscinece can a person make sense, never from hatred. Leave them FD, God will change them, sooner or later.

Thumb liberty 05:07 ,2014 نيسان 13

It seems you go out of your way to pick a fight and bully posters! I read this thread from top to bottom and did not see any reason for your rants!

Missing people-power 05:24 ,2014 نيسان 13

Liberty.... do not try to understand him, he is a senile old man who is full of himself and a schizophreniac. Just ignore him or he will soon accuse you of having multiple names and conspiring against him.

Thumb liberty 06:24 ,2014 نيسان 13

I could care less about his accusations, but I find him very aggressive and accusatory towards others for no reason. I read some of his comments on other threads and they are the same in content. Strange, as if he is angry about something. For sure he is not someone that seems level headed.