"جزائري تلقى تدريبات عسكرية في جنوب لبنان" فجر حافلة بورغاس

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كشفت صحيفة بلغارية، الاثنين، ان المهاجم الذي فجر حافلة سياح إسرائيليين في بورغاس بشرق بلغاريا وأوقع ستة قتلى في تموز 2012، هو من أصل جزائري وتلقى تدريبات عسكرية في لبنان.

ولفتت صحيفة "بريسا" البلغارية، الى ان المهاجم تدرب في معسكرات في جنوب لبنان ودرس بجامعة في بيروت.

يُشار الى ان الصحيفة عينها كانت قد أفادت ففي منتصف آذار الفائت، انه تم تحديد هوية احد منفذي هجوم بورغاس وان "الإرهابي لبناني"، مستندة الى مصادر في أجهزة الاستخبارات اشارت إلى إنه تم إبلاغ نظرائها في وكالة الاستخبارات المركزية الأميركية والموساد الإسرائيلي بالامر.

وكان المدعي العام البلغاري سوتير تساتاروف أعلن في 20 شباط أن "النيابة العامة اكتشفت وقائع جديدة وحددت هوية شخص شارك بصورة مباشرة لم يكن معروفا".

وفشلت التحقيقات في تفجير بورغاس في تحديد هوية المنفذ المفترض الذي قتل في الانفجار، رغم توافر بصماته وفحوص الحمض النووي العائدة اليه ونشر رسم تقريبي له على موقع الشرطة الدولية (الانتربول).

وكانت وزارة الداخلية البلغارية كشفت في تموز 2013 هويتي شخصين مشتبه بهما من اصل لبناني هما الاسترالي ميلاد فرح (32 عاما) المعروف ايضا باسم حسين حسين، والكندي حسن الحاج حسن (25 عاما)، لافتة الى ارتباطهما بـ"حزب الله".


التعليقات 23
Thumb .mowaten. 13:31 ,2014 نيسان 07

funny how all the accused were not even Lebanese from Lebanon. All came from different countries (canada, australia, algeria) and spent just enough time in Lebanon to be able to pin it on HA.

i dont get it, doesnt HA have agents here? why get them from abroad? and if so, why bring them here? training? for what? carrying a bomb? pressing a trigger? how does that require going to supposed "training camps" in the south?

sounds like a new hollywoodian scenario. all that trouble to get HA blacklisted in europe? they must really be hatin :)

Thumb FlameCatcher 15:22 ,2014 نيسان 07

Anytime Nasrallah makes a speech, we are sure it's a fabrication too !

Thumb FlameCatcher 15:22 ,2014 نيسان 07

Anytime Nasrallah makes a speech, we are sure it's a fabrication too !

Missing rami 15:37 ,2014 نيسان 07

It is not training, but more of a brainwashing session that is required, do it for the good cause.

Thumb .mowaten. 16:19 ,2014 نيسان 07

habibi anonyme, why bother trying to use an algerian, if we know the mossad would the case 27 seconds after the explosion, and their fan club here wouldnt doubt it for a second anyway? :)

check your facts habibi. according to their own investigations, the canadian and australian passport holders came from those respective countries and only spent a few years in lebanon before the bombing.
i repeat, why take people from abroad and bring them to Lebanon? just to establish a supposed link with HA?

Thumb .mowaten. 16:19 ,2014 نيسان 07

solve* the case

Thumb .mowaten. 16:23 ,2014 نيسان 07

also, bulgarian investigators said it looked like the bomber didnt know he was going to blow up. did they use a mule, or whatever one would call that?

how hard is it to get some poor dude and ask him to carry your suitcase into the bus?

Thumb .mowaten. 14:35 ,2014 نيسان 08

as you say anonyme, just because they spent a few years in lebanon does not make them HA members.
and thanks for confirming my point, why make them come through leb, if they could have sent them straight from canada and australia?

Missing un520 14:00 ,2014 نيسان 07

funny how the Hezbollah-linked suspects never show up for the trials if they are so innocent.
The algerian man, did they fool him into some false flag-plot like they did to that Hariri-suicide operation?

Thumb .mowaten. 14:14 ,2014 نيسان 07

funny how people accused by the STL or the US or M14 get jailed for years without trial or evidence being presented.. (remember the 4 generals? and how long has it been in guantanamo for instance?)

doesnt really make you want to throw yourself in their arms, does it?

Thumb .mowaten. 16:14 ,2014 نيسان 07

do you even have a point amatoury? or are you just showing us how retarded you are?

either answer my point, or try to make one. but this irrelevance only makes you look worse than you already.

Thumb cedre 14:24 ,2014 نيسان 07

it's part of the universe conspiration against the resistance and its leaders, Hassoun NasrIran, Doctor Bashar Alwa7ch and billionaire Ali Hussein Khamenei...

Thumb -phoenix1 16:32 ,2014 نيسان 07

Cedre, you know why I dislike American movies nowadays? That's because there's too much sax and violins. Now, let's not start name calling people, please, you can do better. Let Southern express his views without all this, I am sure that you won't like it if someone touched your holy figures. Take me for instance, I never liked the Imam Khomeiny either, but I will keep respect for him because of my Shiite siblings. maybe that's how it should be anyway, right?

Default-user-icon mazen (ضيف) 14:40 ,2014 نيسان 07

what next? When Hizbullah, Syria, issues settled they will suddenly find out that the tyre of the bus exploded (from overheating) and caused the damage.. This is a farce!! Bulgaria is an underdeveloped nation, with rotten institutions, and an administration rife with corruption. That country's as credible as an investigation by the Syrian police!

Default-user-icon the hippie (ضيف) 14:50 ,2014 نيسان 07

tells us enough about Ha penetration into north African terrorist organisations. To answer the questions above, the reasons behind using non lebanese shiaa men is obviously to have the crime blamed on radical sunni (typically north african salafists)terrorist organisations.

Ha is doing well in abusing the sunni salafists deteriorating image and investing in making it worse, hitting two birds in one rock. yet with no doubt his bigger bird is raising more hate and fear from the sunni mindset, the radical and non radical ones.

Missing mhammad 16:14 ,2014 نيسان 07

It didn't say refugee camps. Are you gonna pretend like HA does not have military training camps in the south? Are you gonna pretend like they arent capable of using decoys such as a convert to shiaism or other decoys?

Thumb .mowaten. 16:23 ,2014 نيسان 07

lol what do you call a guy who speaks BS and clearly doesnt know what he's talking about? :)

Thumb .mowaten. 16:25 ,2014 نيسان 07

HA doesnt have training camps in the south, they wouldnt train there because it's too close to israel (no time to see drones or bombers coming, making easy targets for israel is not their favorite hobby)
camps are in the north of the bekaa, in syria and in iran.

Missing helicopter 16:40 ,2014 نيسان 07

Palastenian or HA camps does not matter. Both must be disarmed and disbanded (starting with the Palastenians as they are made of non-Lebanese totally).

Thumb zahle1 19:49 ,2014 نيسان 07

I am not against HA when they vs Israel, but I am now against HA arms in Lebanon, and against HA in Syria. However, I am more against these Sunni Takfiri. In HAs defense, it is ridiculous to think that HA is collaborating with the takfiri extremists that would rather kill a Shiite than a jew. I know 100% that there is no HA collaboration with these Algerians.

Thumb cedre 20:02 ,2014 نيسان 07

nahr barred ? benladen family and other takfiris in iran for many years ?
Escapes from syria and iraqi prisons ? whatever...

Thumb cedre 21:55 ,2014 نيسان 07

FD ya stupido, aren't the yankees judging Abu Ghaith, Osama's son in law that lived for over 10 years in Khamenei's kingdom ?
Wasn't Maliki complaining to UN about Bashar training and arming takfiris in iraq ?
Did u all forget when hafez was training Asala, pkk, pflp, carlos, abu nidal, etc... ?

'That's a Zionist make believe story cover up to allow sir wars on Iraq and Afghanistan and took take over oil and pressure and surround Iran with puppet or American troops. '


Thumb .mowaten. 14:32 ,2014 نيسان 08

"while being handled by fresh recruits under their trainers supervision." lol i like the way you invent stuff as you go