نصرالله: بعض جمهور 14 آذار يؤيد تدخلنا في سوريا وخطر سقوط النظام انتهى

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أعلن الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله أن "بعض جمهور 14 آذار" يؤيد تدخل الحزب في سوريا، جازما أن خطر التفجيرات في لبنان تراجع وخطر سقوط النظام السوري "انتهى".

وقال نصرالله في حديث إلى صحيفة "السفير" ينشر الجزء الأول منه الإثنين ونشر بيان للعلاقات الإعلامية في حزب الله مقتطفات منه مساء الأحد "نحن لا نواجه مشكلة مع جمهورنا حول مشاركتنا في سوريا، بل على العكس هناك فئة كانت مترددة ولكنها حسمت خيارها معنا".

وأضاف: "أستطيع القول أن بعض جمهور 14 آذار يؤيد تدخلنا في سوريا حماية للبنان من المجموعات التكفيرية الارهابية".

وإذ أعرب عن اعتقاده أن "خطر سقوط النظام السوري قد انتهى، كما تجاوزنا خطر التقسيم"،جزم نصرالله في الوقت عينه ان "الخيار العسكري قد فشل".

وأكد أن "معركة سوريا ليس هدفها صنع ديمقراطية أو عدالة أو مكافحة فساد بل تغيير موقع سوريا وموقفها بدليل العروض التي تلقاها الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد أكثر من مرة".

وأشار نصرالله إلى أن أغلبية الدول تتبنى اليوم الحل السياسي، وتوقع أن يزداد الموقف الروسي تصلباُ في المرحلة المقبلة، وعبر عن اطمئنانه لمجرى الأحداث في جنوب سوريا وعلى حدودها الشمالية أي في كسب ودرعا.

ورأى الأمين العام لـ"المقاومة الإسلامية في لبنان" أن "أحداث سوريا جاءت لتحقق أهم خيارات اسرائيل بعد فشل حرب تموز 2006، لجهة ضرب الحلقة الوسطى، غير أن المجريات الميدانية تزيد قلق الاسرائيليين و"صارت عينهم على الجليل" مشيراً إلى أن القلق الاسرائيلي من ايران "يزداد يوماً بعد يوم".

يذكر أن حزب الله الذي أعلن منذ أكثر من عام رسميا على لسان نصرالله في الحرب السورية، قد خاض معارك استراتيجية مع القوات النظامية أبرزها معركتي القصير والقلمون، في حين تشير أنباء من مصادر معارضة إلى أن عناصر منه تتجه إلى كسب في ظل احتدام معركة الساحل أو ما سمتها المعارضة "معركة الأنفال".

وعمل الجيش بعد معركة القلمون إلى الإنتشار المكثف في جرود عرسال بعد هرب العديد من المسلحين إليها، في حين نفّذ الحزب عبر قوة "كوماندوس" خاصة به على تفجير منزل تعد فيه السيارات المفخخة قبل إرسالها إلى لبنان، فيما ضبط الجيش السوري سيارات أخرى في يبرود ورنكوس.

م. س

التعليقات 94
Thumb Mystic 20:33 ,2014 نيسان 06

God bless Sayed Hassan. Protector of Lebanon wallah

Thumb EagleDawn 20:38 ,2014 نيسان 06

lol lol lol

Thumb popeye 21:07 ,2014 نيسان 06

Amen Amen Amen

Missing hajjradwan 21:35 ,2014 نيسان 06

Mystic ease off of the Peyote and Ayahuasca and listen to 2007 hassin and his take on fighting al qaeda r

2007 hassin does not agree with 2014 hassin, unlike 2014 hassin 2007 hassin was ordered by Iran to stand down

حذر الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله من اي حل عسكري لقضية مجموعة فتح الاسلام، معتبراً ان من شأن هكذا حل ان يهدد مصير الجيش اللبناني ويدخله في "فتنة"

مخيم نهر البارد خط أحمر... استغرب نصر الله من غيرة الولايات المتحدة على الجيش اللبناني وإرسال الذخائر له
بسرعة كبيرة ,"خصوصا وان فتح الاسلام تقر بتقارب ايديولوجيتها مع تنظيم القاعدة التكفيري". وتساءل "هل تريدون تحويل لبنان الى ساحة صراع اميركي- قاعدي؟، محذراً من أن "يأخذنا الاميركيون الى حرب بينهم وبين القاعدة على أرض لبنان". واضاف موجها كلامه للسلطة: "هل تريدون ان نفتح صراعا مع القاعدة في لبنان بحيث نستقطب عناصرها من كل العالم ليخوضوا صراعهم ضد الاميركيين". ة.

Thumb Elemental 01:13 ,2014 نيسان 07

Wow mystic, that loving tone of yours is basically the same as those takfiri's

Missing samy.. 20:34 ,2014 نيسان 06

I am ashamed of him too

Thumb EagleDawn 20:40 ,2014 نيسان 06

nothing to be proud of there. He is a known terrorist who heads an illegal militia of trained sectarian killers.

Thumb Mystic 00:31 ,2014 نيسان 07

Don't cry benzona, count to 10 or take a walk. Or join your brothers in Salafi virgin land.

Thumb .mowaten. 10:48 ,2014 نيسان 07

yep, we knew that jnoubi

Thumb Mystic 20:34 ,2014 نيسان 06

What true voice? Oqab Saqr? He sells weapons to kill Shi3a. Why do you talk about sects? You are not even jnoubi, and if you were you should better keep your mouth shut, next time you go there. Just for your own sake you know, Israeli sympatizers, are not taken lightly down in our south.

Thumb general_puppet 22:19 ,2014 نيسان 06

Assad's #1 Bootlicker has spoken!

Thumb falanges 04:42 ,2014 نيسان 07

and when was the last time you wer in lebanon coward mystic? come here and see for yourself

Thumb Mystic 05:23 ,2014 نيسان 07

Mr. Phalangist, I live in Lebanon.

Thumb Mystic 20:36 ,2014 نيسان 06

Like you supported the Israeli Campaign against the Resistance 2006? You and the other Mostaqbal takfiris

Thumb ex-fpm 20:41 ,2014 نيسان 06

Arrogance and delusion when combined could be a disaster.

Thumb ex-fpm 20:44 ,2014 نيسان 06

March 14 supporters are freedom loving group, democracy advocates and reject all kinds of terror including your hezb. Your leader is trying to manipulate what is a known fact. No march 14 would support HA intervention in Syria but all M14 reject terrorism be it from the so called takfiris or HA.

Thumb liberty 20:55 ,2014 نيسان 06

Interesting to see how you deal with opposing point of view from within your own sect, Southern. It shows how truly tolerant you are:(

Thumb liberty 20:56 ,2014 نيسان 06

lol that is funny indeed!!!

Thumb general_puppet 20:57 ,2014 نيسان 06

What is the cowerdly terrorist ranting about now... "Some March 14 Supporters Back Our Syria Intervention"????

The only one's that support the Iranian militia and its actions in Syria are Assad's puppets. The same one's that Thanked Assad and wanted the Syrian military occupation in Lebanon to continue.

Thumb liberty 20:59 ,2014 نيسان 06

It is a pep talk to his supporters.

Thumb popeye 21:07 ,2014 نيسان 06

hello Liberty:) I met the ice-man yesterday and we had a great time. He really is a true gentleman. I will be joining you soon:) !!

Thumb liberty 21:17 ,2014 نيسان 06

great @popeye, really happy for you! I am also moving to Southern California after the Easter break. Will you be working for ice-man?

Thumb popeye 21:32 ,2014 نيسان 06


Missing coolmec 00:10 ,2014 نيسان 07

Where about in southern California??
I live there
let me know please

Thumb scorpyonn 22:03 ,2014 نيسان 06

Guys, who do you really think is Lebanese? Those who serve Iran and Syria with their evil agendas to dominate Lebanese politics or those who stick by the Lebanese State and want a sovereign independent country free of filthy rats? I am sure that likes of Southern, Mystic, Self Disclosure, and others are being laughed at by the Iranians-- because they are the mules that do all the work for those evil clerics in Tehran and really believe that they are Lebanese patriots!!! Mark my words, we will see who gets the short end of the stick down the road.

Thumb Mystic 20:58 ,2014 نيسان 06

Not tolerant, when it comes to americans like you liberty.

Missing samy.. 21:05 ,2014 نيسان 06

Education to you southern, means believing in wilayet al faqih

Thumb general_puppet 21:07 ,2014 نيسان 06

Southern are you Nasrallah's parrot... I thought that was momo's job?

Wake up Southern nimrod... your terrorist militia are in the service of the Ayatollah's and the Assad clan. They are in Syria Protecting their partner.

Thumb scorpyonn 21:14 ,2014 نيسان 06

You are right on Jnoubi. You are another fellow Southern Lebanese who has the brains t6o see what is really going on in the country!

Missing samy.. 21:21 ,2014 نيسان 06

He does not read English. Only farisi

Thumb sevilla 21:24 ,2014 نيسان 06

mnee7a haydeh;)!

Thumb general_puppet 21:26 ,2014 نيسان 06

The Pajama General is desperate... He will jump into any bed to fulfill his Presidential mania.

The poor Lunatic fantasizes about the Baabda Palace every time he closes his eyes.

Thumb skeletor 21:34 ,2014 نيسان 06

I can assure you he will not make it. He and I agreed to meet very soon.

Missing cedars 21:46 ,2014 نيسان 06

What have you done to strengthen the Lebanese state? Paid respect to your boss in Syria to enable the continuation of the illegal arms? Lied about the disassociation policy due to the boss order? When the Assad boss asks you to jump in the Latany river you will do so immediately but when Baabda asks you to play the fair game and stay out of other countries business such as 2006 and now in Syria! Then you accuse the president of money laundering from KSA and I am sure he will be called American Mossad before his term ends. The facts are that you are lying to the people and dragging the state to assisinations and bombs so that the so called Assir and extremists can rise against the injustice and army.

Thumb shab 22:03 ,2014 نيسان 06

Filthy murdering militia

Missing pitythenation 22:03 ,2014 نيسان 06

I, as a neutral Lebanese citizen, respect all that Hezbollah has done for Lebanon in liberating them from Israeli occupation back in 2000. As a resistance group, I support them 100%, and so should all Lebanese and Arabs against the Israelis. However, their actions in Syria have led to the death of many innocent people and is pinning this country in a sectarian battle and inviting crazy religious extremists to blow themselves up. The last thing this country needs is a battle between sects. Instead of growing up and developing past religion, we're regressing. Pity the Nation.

Thumb scorpyonn 22:09 ,2014 نيسان 06

Right on!

Thumb lebanon_first 22:07 ,2014 نيسان 06


Your posts were always polite and reasonable. Why are you so aggressive against jnoubi? Why is it that HA backers CAN tolerate dissonance with other sects but are VERY aggressive when they find dissonance within their sect?


Thumb ex-fpm 22:11 ,2014 نيسان 06

lol @southern:) So, now you are an atheist like mowaten but support and worship a party that calls itself Hizb Allah headed by a self proclaimed religious man who opens every one of his speeches mentioning the name of God.... Southern, please!!!!!

Thumb general_puppet 22:15 ,2014 نيسان 06

Southern "deduced".... that is tooooo Funny.

Enough with the BS Resistance propaganda, what we are talking about is an Iranian militia directly linked to the IRG. That constantly brags about its allegiance to the so called Axis, is in Syria propping up Assad and threatens to go to war if Iran is attacked.

Thumb Mystic 22:19 ,2014 نيسان 06

To anyone talking about Hezbollahs involvement, you should know, that we owe the Syrian people alot, when our so called politicians (we all know who) in Lebanon, praised Israel in their attacks against Lebanon, The Syrians took our families in, fed them and gave them water. While your leaders told Israel on the phone to finish off the Resistance. We fight on behalf of the Syrians whom are being targeted by Zionist American backed Takfiri salafis.

Thumb Mystic 22:27 ,2014 نيسان 06

Lebanon_first, Traitors are worse than the real enemy. If Jnoubi is everything he claims to be, he is simply a traitor and will be seen as a fellow takfiri or American with rest of you people.

Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 22:27 ,2014 نيسان 06

Let everybody know the following so that we are clear with Nasralah. HA knows that the toppling of Assad would mean the strangulation of its forces in Lebanon while Iraq would be destabilized and hence the hands of Iran would get tied and its desire to overtake the region, if not geographically, at least through its cronies, of whom HA is but a major player. HA has really destabilized Lebanon and ripped its amalgam of religious harmony. HA knows that no matter what he does in Syria, his days are numbered. It's only when this will happen. nasrallah should know that even if Assad survives or even takes over the entire Syrian state, no one in the western world would recognize him, let alone having the ability to rebuild Syria as no Arab state would be willing to help out. The only way of savaging Syria is for this one person to vanish or accept an offer to abscond lest facing the same fate of Saddam.

Thumb Mystic 22:59 ,2014 نيسان 06

First of all, I'm not on a computer, i'm on my phone. Zionist_puppet, your American masters aint doing too good, helping you guys in M14 anymore, they are focused on Russia. Israel doesn't care about you, even if you believe they do. They just embrace when morons such as you, praise them. Or the so called Terrorist for that matter.

Thumb Mystic 23:01 ,2014 نيسان 06

I have been writing the same words, in 3 years now. And you always come back with the same replies. Very funny indeed

Missing peace 23:48 ,2014 نيسان 06

always a good laugh to read iranman's BS!

Missing coolmec 00:17 ,2014 نيسان 07

May I ask where in Southern Calif?? cause I live there

Thumb Elemental 00:21 ,2014 نيسان 07

Taqiya nonsense from Nasrallah's side, everybody knows it.

Thumb Elemental 00:22 ,2014 نيسان 07

Always was lies since they came in from Iran via the south and learned the Lebanese dialect, then began imposing on the Shia's of Lebanon.

Thumb .mowaten. 00:27 ,2014 نيسان 07

LOL jnoubi so you're the true shia voice? hahhaha
please tell us who voted for you :)

Thumb .mowaten. 00:29 ,2014 نيسان 07

lol lf, you really believe jnoubi is jnoubi? and i thought you had a brain.

Thumb Mystic 00:31 ,2014 نيسان 07

So many of his kind, it's impossible to find a difference between these morons. All with their some American propaganda, Iran this "hezbshaitan" that. They all live in Western countries, i am absolutely sure, none of them lives in Lebanon.

Missing coolmec 00:46 ,2014 نيسان 07

what's Pesach?? I should leave Beirut in about 10 days or so

Missing coolmec 08:14 ,2014 نيسان 07

I could care less about pesach

Missing helicopter 01:39 ,2014 نيسان 07

Nasrallah does not give a hoot who supports his intervention in Syria and who does not. It does not matter if the President of the Republic and the Cabinet and half the Lebanese are against it. What matters is that the Supreme Al-Khameni not only approves of the intervention but he wanted it.

Thumb cedar 01:45 ,2014 نيسان 07

① Lebanese want peace not war.
② bringing peace means the president must not be far left nor far right which rules out DrGeagea and GenAoun.
③ the only possible options (who are not too radical) are Gemayel and Franjiyeh. I'd personally choose none of them since we need someone fresh and not so corrupt.

Thumb Mystic 02:29 ,2014 نيسان 07

Mr. American, nice of you to join us. As we both know, your so called "Freedom oriented" salafis, came from all the world, to kill all minorities in Syria aswell as moderate pro government muslims, they are not even Syrian, the people fighting there, they are all implanted by your Government and Turkey etc. Those takfiris are foreign backed, none of them are Syrians. They are all Al Qaeda affiliated.

The so called opposition, is all but barbaric animals, that eats the flesh of their victims. There is nothing else to do, but to free the Syrian people of this American backed evil.

Thumb Mystic 02:32 ,2014 نيسان 07

The Government in Syria along with it's people, invited the Resistance to come and assist them. I know you americans are against that, since your takfiris are being turned, into ashes everywhere now.

Thumb Mystic 02:44 ,2014 نيسان 07

The government promised reform, and the resistance backed that, and also the Syrian people did, but then the Saudi Arabia alongside USA, Turkey etc. Send all takfiris, from whatever corners in the world to go fight in Syria, and issued fatwas in Saudia for all Salafis around the world, to go fight the "evil shia regime" in Syria. You Americans are the worst liars in the world. Everybody knows that

Thumb Mystic 02:53 ,2014 نيسان 07

What about US lies, of weapons of mass destruction? Or the My Lai Massacre or Sabra & Shatilla for that matter? I can keep going on forever with your lies, there is no end to them.

Syrian Government will heal and reform, when the foreign backed takfiris are finished.

Thumb Mystic 03:02 ,2014 نيسان 07

That is up to, the Syrian people to decide what they want. Not the Resistance, and not the Americans for that matter.

Thumb Mystic 03:19 ,2014 نيسان 07

Thats not what he said, but ofcourse you always have some sort of conspiracy comment, to everything anti western-related.

Thumb Mystic 03:44 ,2014 نيسان 07

If you could read for real between the lines, you would notice i wrote, this is another conspiracy theory of yours. Not the first of the kind

Thumb Mystic 04:02 ,2014 نيسان 07

Oh, just like you said 2 years ago, that it was a matter of days before Assads ouster?

Thumb Mystic 04:17 ,2014 نيسان 07

Haha you never said that, I recall you did? Well okay, whatever you say. If it makes you feel better saying so.

Thumb Mystic 04:36 ,2014 نيسان 07

Well Mr. American, things didn't turn out as you wanted. The Axis of Resistance are still intact, and the Americans lost face in Syria, Ukraine etc.

Thumb falanges 04:43 ,2014 نيسان 07

do you think all shia are with Hezterror?? please answer this question instead of crying about other topix

Thumb habib 04:53 ,2014 نيسان 07

Ya sayed l3arfi ya abo hadi khodna bi7elmak shway heda mabibarer wojodak bi janeb alasad lmojrem ma enta sayed l3arfin kenet ma3 libiyin wal masriyin watonisiyi wal ba7raniyyin wal yamaniyyi wal 3iraqiyyin . Limaza annata ded soyriyyin khodna 3ala add 3aelna . Ya same7at sayed walla menhobbak wa bi eyyem kiyedtak lhezeb 3amal botolet 3ala rasna bas bikafina waja3 ras sherek bi bine2a la dawli tkhala 3an dowayeltak se3eta lebneniyi mabyetkhallo 3an lhezeb law eja l3alam kello mabye2daro 3layna mojmo3in mwa7din yad we7di arjok ya sayed khetwi jari2a mennak btonkoz lebnan hajetna bi kafina bi7e2ellna n3ish arjouk koun shoja3 wa kolna rabi7oyn li ya7ya lebnan

Thumb habib 04:56 ,2014 نيسان 07

Ya sayed l3arfi ya abo hadi khodna bi7elmak shway heda mabibarer wojodak bi janeb alasad lmojrem ma enta sayed l3arfin kenet ma3 libiyin wal masriyin watonisiyi wal ba7raniyyin wal yamaniyyi wal 3iraqiyyin . Limaza annata ded soyriyyin khodna 3ala add 3aelna . Ya same7at sayed walla menhobbak wa bi eyyem kiyedtak lhezeb 3amal botolet 3ala rasna bas bikafina waja3 ras sherek bi bine2a la dawli tkhala 3an dowayeltak se3eta lebneniyi mabyetkhallo 3an lhezeb law eja l3alam kello mabye2daro 3layna mojmo3in mwa7din yad we7di arjok ya sayed khetwi jari2a mennak btonkoz lebnan hajetna bi kafina bi7e2ellna n3ish arjouk koun shoja3 wa kolna rabi7oun li ya7ya lebnan

Thumb scorpyonn 05:12 ,2014 نيسان 07

Nasrallah is the Iranian ambassador to Lebanon, guys, and all those jokers like Southern, Mystic and that simpleton Self Disclosure are his assistants who are naive enough to believe that the Hizb is there for the Lebanese. And you know what? The scary thing is that they all really believe they are right... and Iran is using them and will toss them aside once its agendas are achieved. Stupid fools

Thumb Mystic 05:25 ,2014 نيسان 07

Now you are getting hysterical too Mr. Texas cowboy, I get it. Living in the US with your government spying on you, sure must be frustrating.

Thumb liberty 05:36 ,2014 نيسان 07

lol, it seems you don't sleep Mystic!!! posting at 4 in the morning, it seems you have not slept yet. Amazing...

Thumb Mystic 05:41 ,2014 نيسان 07

Actually i did sleep, i'm an early waker. What does this have to do with this article?

Thumb liberty 06:01 ,2014 نيسان 07

actually nothing, except since you started posting a few minutes ago, votes started pouring down voting yourself and your other screen names like rain:))) How shameful.... at least 8 votes up in the last 5 minutes! Shameful

Thumb liberty 06:05 ,2014 نيسان 07

So, you posted 6 hours ago which was 12 pm in Lebanon and 3 hours ago which was 3 in the morning and you are posting now! When did you sleep??!!! I see, you are an early riser...hehe!!! Go vote yourself up and enjoy

Thumb Mystic 06:08 ,2014 نيسان 07

I simply does not have the time, or life to make several accounts, like the rest of you does. If that is what you think, then sure. Whatever makes you feel happy American.

Thumb liberty 06:20 ,2014 نيسان 07

Mystic; you posted 35 minutes ago, 52 minutes ago, 1 hour ago, 2 hours ago, 3 hours ago, 4 hours ago, 6 hours ago, 7 hours ago, and 8 hours ago! When did you sleep??

Thumb Mystic 06:24 ,2014 نيسان 07

well, with president sulaiman here, it does feel like the US tries to take over, but then again i've never been to the US and never will. If i did, i guess the CIA or FBI would've gotten to me by now hmm

Thumb Elemental 06:25 ,2014 نيسان 07

Good morning all, I see someone with fake accounts was busy thumbing down all night...such a sad, sad individual.

Thumb EagleDawn 06:36 ,2014 نيسان 07

it is Mystic aka full-disclosure. Read above how liberty exposed him with conclusive evidence.This character has been voting people down and posting all night long. Despicable

Thumb Elemental 07:02 ,2014 نيسان 07

Thanks for the heads up man, I saw what you mean totally. Of course Mystic will deny as Taqiya would intend to make sure he's "safe".

Thumb EagleDawn 06:47 ,2014 نيسان 07

28 posts he posted! scammer

Thumb EagleDawn 06:30 ,2014 نيسان 07

good job liberty for exposing this fake impostor! He posts under several aliases including Full-Disclosure. You exposed his "fakeness" pretty well.... posting on the hour for 8 consecutive hours and skewing the votes in his favor and his tribe. Disgusting indeed....

Thumb Mystic 06:36 ,2014 نيسان 07

American University of Beirut is the closest thing to America, i can think of i've been. You guys can write it down on your notes if you like. Seems you are really interested in my personal life.

Thumb Mystic 06:40 ,2014 نيسان 07

Oh are you guys trying to solve a mystery here? Keep it going Sherlocks. Personally this is amusing haha. I write a few comments and i gain all this fame for nothing.

Thumb EagleDawn 07:18 ,2014 نيسان 07

Mystic: "I simply does not have the time, or life to make several accounts, like the rest of you does"

but you have the time and life not to sleep and to post 29 posts so far!

Thumb Mystic 15:30 ,2014 نيسان 07

Hey guys. I understand you are sad, that your brothers lost the War in Syria. The takfiris were weak such as you
I warned you a long time ago, that you would loose. So now stop crying like small girls, get some manhood in you.

Thumb Elemental 07:03 ,2014 نيسان 07

Anybody notice even behind Nasrallah, that pour guy standing there looks more Iranian than anything.

Thumb falanges 07:07 ,2014 نيسان 07

yes 100%

Thumb scorpyonn 07:59 ,2014 نيسان 07

You are right. They do not wear ties either- just like that paranoid and schizophrenic creep Ahmadinejad.

Default-user-icon Illusionist (ضيف) 07:44 ,2014 نيسان 07

Its ugly to see all of those who comment be it March 8th or March 14th fans, either not understanding or paid on purpose to insult each other for leaders who could care less of them. Maybe you guys dont understand that they are all in this together in order to dominate us. They are the same faces from the 80s and they will always be if you keep on beeing fools. We didnt have any elections last year does that ring a bell? they extended their mandates on our behalf and there will be no presidential elections. They will keep on marching on our corpses and they will extend till the people will finally see the truth.

Default-user-icon Illusionist (ضيف) 07:48 ,2014 نيسان 07

@ everybody, wake up and stop beeing blind followers of leaders that are using the famous " divide and conquer" scheme in order to subdue us. you want things to change you have to remove all of them and out to the garbage of history. Lebanon has never been in such low estime in other countries eyes and Iran, Syria, Israel, USA dont give a ... about us. Never did and never will. You can either live on your knees or die on your feet. You choose. Revolution or blindness. You , me, the people will be judge for our inactions in front of our next generations. Lebanon is on the verge of non-existance anymore. Wake up and unite in order to bring all those crooks and warlords to justice.

Thumb scorpyonn 07:57 ,2014 نيسان 07

Hear hear!

Thumb ex-fpm 08:03 ,2014 نيسان 07

you seem bitter .cedre. ( Full-Disclosure, Mystic, Josepahni, etc etc etc) and filled with jealousy?