حكومة سلام ستتولى "تصريف مهام رئيس الجمهورية" بانتظار "توافق دولي"
Read this story in Englishمع اقتراب الاستحقاق الرئاسي وعدم وضوح الصورة حول مصير "الكرسي"، كشفت مصادر صحافية، ان حكومة الرئيس تمام سلام ستقوم بـ"أعمال تصريف مهام رئيس الجمهورية"، في انتظار "توافق اقليمي ودولي".
فقد نقلت صحيفة "الانباء" الكويتية، الاحد عن مصادر ديباوماسية قولها، ان النقاش حول الاستحقاق الرئاسي لا يزال "داخل الأروقة الإقليمية والدولية"، لافتة الى انه من المفترض ان يُنقل الى مرحلة النقاش "المحلي اللبناني" في بداية أيار المقبل.
وأشارت الى انه في حال لم يتم ذلك، "فهذا يعني أنه لا رئيس مقبل للبنان".
في 25 آذار بدأت المهلة الدستورية لانتخاب رئيس جديد خلفا للرئيس ميشال سليمان الذي تنتهي ولايته في 25 أيار المقبل، الذي يرفض التمديد له.
الى ذلك، شددت مصادر "الانباء" على انه "بات من شبه المؤكد أن تقوم الحكومة السلامية بأعمال تصريف مهام رئيس الجمهورية".
واذ أشارت الى أن الوضع الإقليمي والدولي يبدو "غير ناضج لتسوية تنتج رئيساً"، مردفة انه "لا تكفي الرغبة المحلية وحدها، في حسم الملف الرئاسي والكلام عن استقلالية القرار في عملية انتخاب الرئيس لا يعدو كونه نوعا من الأوهام".
وكان سلام وفي حديث الى اذاعة "مونت كارلو"، السبت قد أكد " لسنا حكومة ملء الفراغ، ولا نريد أن نكون كذلك، ولا نريد أن نشجع احدا على ذلك"، محذراً من أنه إذا " لم يتم انتخاب رئيس للجمهورية ودخلنا في واقع الفراغ، فهذه الحكومة أو حتى أي حكومة أخرى لن تكون في وضع مريح".
يُذكر ان الهيئة التنفيذية في حزب "القوات اللبنانية"، قررت يوم الجمعة الفائت بالاجماع ترشيح رئيس الحزب سمير جعجع لانتخابات رئاسة الجمهورية. في حين أن قوى 14 آذار لم تجمع حتى الآن على مرشح واحد من فريقها.
وكان قد أكد المسؤول الاعلامي في الصرح البطريركي وليد غيّاض، اثر اجتماع للاقطاب الموارنة نهاية آذار الفائت ان الاربعة مرشحون للرئاسة (أي جعجع ورئيس "حزب الكتائب امين الجميل"، ورئيس "التيار الوطني الحر" النائب ميشال عون ورئيس "تيار المردة" سليمان فرنجية").
The terror party and its regional sponsor will not allow the Presidential elections to take place. They have used the force of weapons in the past and will not hesitate to use it again to disrupt the democratic process. President Suleiman is perhaps the most neutral and transparent President we have ever had. Yet, he is being attacked on a daily basis and branded as anti the terror party. This devilish party does not understand dialogue or partnership. Their arrogance can only be cut to size by military means...
What a lovely state of affairs... Foreigners appoint our governments and Lebanese politicians are all too happy to play the game.
Those same politicians, every single one of them, do such a rotten job that one of the highest aspirations of young educated Lebanese is "to get a visa to somewhere".
Yalla! Cheer for M14! They are you saviors!
Cheer for Hezbollah! They are you liberators!
Poor fools....
It is obvious that many of the posters here are either kids or mentally challenged stooges
5 minutes ago Civil Defense volunteers staged a sit-in in al-Minieh in protest against the failure to approve a draft-law on granting them full-time employment.
"volunteers" demanding full-time employment, the irony;-)
We have southern and FT protecting Lebanon from outside interference. Not to worry guys.
the only way to prevent outsiders (usa, france , Israel,iran,ksa,..)
to decide who is our president is a popular vote for presidency
outsiders can buy our politicians or they can pressure them butits impossible to buy all Lebanese people
god bless democracy (power to the people )
"The presidential elections are unlikely to be held in Lebanon given the situations on the regional and international scenes, reported the Kuwaiti al-Anba daily on Sunday."
This report in itself and reprint by Naharnet are part and parcel of international interference. While leading against elections they wanted to blame M14 for any derailment. Now they resort to this "red herring" obfuscation to cover their true intentions.
Keep the OLD men with BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS out of the presidency. That will be the salvation of this wonderful country!!
Honorable PM, you take care of your post and Suleiman will be mandated for another 3 years to continue heading this country. If a jester like Emile Lahoud was given such a mandate, why can't one of the very best president ever be given the same. There will be NO vacuum, there will be no clowns like Aoun, there will be no warlords like Geagea, Suleiman, our president will stay if in case we Lebanese will not use common sense. Only Suleiman is keeping this country from auto-destroying. Suleiman, for another 3 years, 6 years, 10 years, till Lebanon finds back its brains.
I see nothing wrong in Jnoubi's above comment. On the contrary I praise him for that
There is nothing wrong with what Jnoubi is saying at all. I share the same feelings. If you are Shia, it should NOT imply that you are this or that. I actually completely agree with Jnoubi.
I have agreed with Phoenix for so long but I don't agree to praise Bashir and say Geagea is a warlord. I thing both of them in addition, to everyone of these 4 who the Church is approving to run for president are warlords. I dont believe that the Church is NOT approving of former Interior Minister Ziad xxxx. I thought he is clean from all the killings that were caused by these 4 warlords, plus HA, Amal, Jewblatt, Berri, .......
Diplomatic sources told the daily that the government of Prime Minister Tammam Salam is likely to assume a caretaker role and take over the duties of the president should the elections be postponed........
That should be unacceptable to the Citizens in general and to the Christians in particular. When Parliamentary elections could not be held, extension was given. The Presidency is no different. If elections can not be held, then extension to the current president must be granted.
However, elections should have been held on time for the Parliament because only a legitimate Parliament can vote for a new President.