سليمان: المقاومة تخطّت الوكالة المُعطاة لها عبر القتال بسوريا

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رأى رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان ان المقاومة تخطت الوكالة المُعطاة لها، بعد قرارها بالتدخل بالأزمة السورية، والذهاب الى القتال في سوريا.

وفي حديث الى صحيفة "الجمهورية"، الجمعة، ردّ سليمان على من يتهمونه بـ"خرق خطاب القسم في ما خص المقاومة"، قائلاً: "هل نسيتم، أنكم تجاوزتم حدود الوكالة التي أعطِيت لكم في موضوع المقاومة، وذهبتم إلى سوريا للقتال هناك؟".

وأوضح "أنا قلت ما قلته لأنني ملتزم خطاب القسم، ولكن تجاوز حدود الوكالة المعطاة للمقاومة، حتّم عليّ أن أصارح الرأي العام وأن أقول ما تفترضه مسؤولياتي، من موقعي الدستوري".

يُذكر أن سليمان وفي خطاب ألقاه في أواخر شباط الفائت، أكد على أن "اعلان بعبدا هو من الثوابت"، داعياً الى "عدم التشبث بمعادلات خشبية" وان "الأرض والشعب والقيم المشتركة هي الثلاثية الدائمة والذهبية".

وكشف الرئيس في حديثه الى "الجمهورية" الى ان "الاختيار في انتقاء التعابير في وصف الثلاثية كان بين كلمة خشبية أو جامدة"، لافتاً الى انه وخلال النقاش في البيان الوزاري، "تخلّى أصحاب الثلاثية عنها، وهذا ما أثبتَ أنّها بالفعل باتت معادلة خشبية، وأنّ الحملات التي شُنّت من أجل معادلة تخلّى أصحابها عنها، سقطت".

وتوجه الى متهميه قائلاً "وافقتم على إعلان بعبدا ثمّ تراجعتم، وهذا الإعلان الذي اتُفق عليه في جلسة الحوار في بعبدا، وُضع لحماية لبنان من الأخطار، فهل بالقتال في سوريا نحمي لبنان؟".

وشدد على ان ما يهمّه أكثر هو "حماية لبنان من خلال إعلان بعبدا"، داعياً حزب الله إلى الانسحاب من سوريا، "لأنّ المشاركة في الحرب السورية، انعكست ضرَراً كبيراً على حزب الله ولبنان، وسأبقى حتى اليوم الأخير أعمل للاتّفاق على الاستراتيجية الدفاعية، وعلى تأمين حصول انتخاب رئيس جديد للجمهورية".

أما عن انتهاء ولايته، فقال "سأسلّم الأمانة وأعود إلى منزلي، فقد قمت بما يمليه عليّ واجبي الوطني وضميري".

كما أعرب عن خشيته من "حصول الفراغ، لكنّ تأليف الحكومة، والاتفاق على البيان الوزاري، وتحديد جلسة للحوار الوطني، كلّ ذلك يساهم في خلق دينامية إيجابية، لحصول الاستحقاق الرئاسي في موعده".

يشار الى أن ولاية سليمان تنتهي في أيار 2014، وهو متمسّك برفض أي تمديد لولايته.

التعليقات 55
Missing ArabDemocrat.com 08:24 ,2014 آذار 21

The Hizb has not only overstepped its authority, it has been trampling on and undermining the authority of the state. It is necessary to disarm Hezbollah. At one point, I believed that it was possible to co-opt it into the state. I no longer believe this to be the case. The Hizb is an agent of and take direct order from a foreign state and it imposes its will on the Lebanese state through force and the threat of using force.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 08:26 ,2014 آذار 21

Waiting for the Assadist and Khamaneist loyalist to come in with their multiple accounts to give themselves thumps up and their opponents thumps down.

Missing helicopter 14:18 ,2014 آذار 21

Who is Suleiman to decide what authority the Resistance has and when the resistancce oversteps its authority. Only the Khameni (AMeer elzaman wal Makan) only the Khameni can decide when the resistance exceeds its authorityt.

Thumb popeye 08:25 ,2014 آذار 21

the terror party overstepped every political, social, and military norm. No one gave authority to a sectarian militia to defend the country. Resistance cannot be limited to one sect and cannot have a foreign agenda.

Missing helicopter 14:21 ,2014 آذار 21

This is self incriminating josephani. THis viddeo is a cheap imitation of many like it produced by HA for HA's propaganda.

Thumb Elemental 22:40 ,2014 آذار 21

JosephIrani, HA is no better. He merely spoke the truth.

Default-user-icon tony (ضيف) 08:27 ,2014 آذار 21

Raw7a bala raj3a, one of the weakest President we ever had,,,else than talking and hoping....he did not deliver anything but could marginalise further the Christians by the simple fact that he monopolised the Presidency against real Leaders.
History wont forget your weakness and lack of any delivery

Thumb popeye 10:25 ,2014 آذار 21

forget him, his name is hussein.

Missing coolmec 11:09 ,2014 آذار 21

Speaking of the strongest president
I select at least 2
Camille Chamoun Fouad Chehab
Nowadays our Presidents are lame since they were stripped of their power

Default-user-icon sempre (ضيف) 13:39 ,2014 آذار 21

That's a bit too harsh. He didn't do much for Christians sure, but at least he didn't make matters worse like most before him. Besides that, he was not too dependent on foreign nations at least in terms of dictating his policies e.g. of non-intervention which any normal Lebanese would support. Too bad he couldn't muster enough mutual support to barricade the borders though.

Default-user-icon sempre (ضيف) 13:39 ,2014 آذار 21

The country's going through a rough phase right now, he didn't do the BEST job but a veritably SATISFACTORY job given the circumstances. If this were any other period in time whether the future or the past, he would have no doubt done much more and you would have seen that he had the country's best at heart. Hopefully his successor will mobilize the army to protect Arsal from Syrian airstrikes and rebel hideouts, curb-stomp car-bombs from abroad and within, take control of Tripoli, and project a strong sense of control and get things under control. What I'd particlarly like to see is an agreed-upon ACTUAL PLAN for integrating HA during the next 6 years.

Thumb ice-man 18:59 ,2014 آذار 21

do you do a lot of selfies?

Thumb ice-man 15:38 ,2014 آذار 21

@Full-Closure: I don't know what it is about you, but you have an aura that reminds me of the legendary JFK.

Thumb ice-man 18:57 ,2014 آذار 21

@Full-Closure: What's your take on George Clooney dating Amal Alameddine, the Lebanese lawyer? Is that good for the resistance?

Thumb general_puppet 08:46 ,2014 آذار 21

“You agreed to adopt the Baabda declaration then backed down"… that is how the Iranian militia operates, only Axis consensus & allegiance mean any thing to them. Any agreements Hizbullah makes with Lebanese blocks even the blocks under their control is lip service and stall tactics.

Default-user-icon Vahe (ضيف) 09:11 ,2014 آذار 21

Little Late, But Still - BRAVO

Missing forces 09:14 ,2014 آذار 21

President Michel Suleiman has said we have been saying for some time and is clearly evident. It isn't a terrorist point of view but that of the lebanese people analysing proceedings objectively. We were not the focus of these filthy terrorists until they were provoked, they clearly stated this from the on set and clearly are only targeting the shiaa population in lebanon. hezb has brought more harm than good to our country and on a purely cost benefit analysis should be dissarmed. God bless the brave and honest leaders prepared to speak out against tyranny and terrorism.

Missing --karim- 09:21 ,2014 آذار 21

Looks like the check from Riyadh cleared just in time.

Thumb cedre 09:33 ,2014 آذار 21

question is ,was ur check to Khamenei cleared or not yet ?
Coz its Nowruz, new farsi year, so u need to pay karimo...

Missing forces 11:30 ,2014 آذار 21

josephani the very fact that you attack cedre but overlook karim's comment voids you of any credibility. both veiws are sectarian however on this occassion it appears cedre was replying to karims post.if you want to at least appear impartial then you should be denouncing karims derogatory insults towards the president. he can challenge the man's point of view but when you start making childish sectarian comments you loose face. a lesson learnt for you friend.

Thumb cedre 11:42 ,2014 آذار 21

'this @ceder is a palestinian extremist, Al-Nusra logistic supporter...'

villager, do u have evidence to back ur attacks or is it just qomi taqiya ?

Thumb cedre 02:24 ,2014 آذار 22

always a pleasure to read u circassian, very sensible...

Thumb Elemental 22:40 ,2014 آذار 21

And yours from Iran my good sir? How was Nowruz?

Default-user-icon Lombazio Frikmann (ضيف) 09:40 ,2014 آذار 21

Has anyone noticed how this good-for-nothing president-by-parachute, in the last 6 months of his 6-lonnnnng-year term and our nightmare, has been transformed into an arreet 7akeh of the lowest level (the guy can't even pronounce proper Arabic!!! haza wa maza wa amsila wa killat soakoafoa... PEOPLE!!!) who puts to shame the Doc of Bull himself, Dr. Arreet 7akeh (aka abou al 3ara2 al mouta3arri, the poet laureate of the zo3ran and arreeteen of pretty much everything Bashir left behind), in his non-stop art 7akeh? It must Lebanon's fate to have corrupt two-faced selfish good-for-nothing unqualified opportunists in positions of authority.

Missing un520 10:04 ,2014 آذار 21

How refreshing to hear president Michel Suleiman speaking out against Hizbollahs breach of previous agreements. I bet this will make the upcoming election for president even harder, knowing that Hizbollah will push for another Iranian/pro-Assad slave in the mould of Lahoud and Hrawi.

Default-user-icon ibnlibnan (ضيف) 10:22 ,2014 آذار 21

"The party said that Baabda Palace has come to require “special care."
You bet it does. A little respect to the President will be a good start. As far as "the check from Riadh", well, it will buy a lot of "bang" for the Lebanese army. But you hate that Karim, don't you? Do you know how much money did Iran spent to arm your "divine" militia? Not to mention the billions they sent in cash to buy and bribe people like you? Sooner or later, the Lebanese army will have what it needs to eradicate the cancer that is spreading like wild fires.

Thumb lebnanfirst 10:36 ,2014 آذار 21

For once I am glad to state that I am PROUD of the President of our republic. It took guts to make that true statement. Some will say he did it only when his term is coming to an end, to those I say though true, it is equally true that by saying what he said he made himself a target for assassination and he knows it but still he was brave enough to state the truth.
Micheal Sullivan, you are going down in history as The best president our country had to date. May God bless you and keep you safe and sound to keep contributing to our nation that is in ddire need of men of your caliber.

Thumb lebnanfirst 10:39 ,2014 آذار 21

Read Suleiman *not* Sullivan. Technology can sometimes be irritating...

Thumb ex-fpm 10:36 ,2014 آذار 21

Great words from the President although I would have hoped he took this position at the beginning of his term and done something about it.

Default-user-icon Hanoun (ضيف) 11:07 ,2014 آذار 21

MR president
enjoy the rest of your mandate and history will judge

Thumb cedre 11:18 ,2014 آذار 21

'I did not know anyone had authority over them.'

Ur supreme leader and wali al faqih Khamenei does...

Default-user-icon Trueself (ضيف) 11:44 ,2014 آذار 21

Suleiman is proving to be a respectable president who cares for his country and its best interests. These qualities had been absent in his predecessor(s) who were all taking sides irrespective of the damage they were inflicting on the country and its basic interests. HA had done good in resisting Israel in the South and had won a withdrawal of the Israelis as a result of their attacks and perseverance. Now that the South is mainly free, the reason for the existence of HA had been forfeited, if not becoming a burden on the entire country as they are the only faction in Lebanon still holding mass weaponry for no reason whatsoever. I know that many members of HA have made sacrifices and should be employed in the armed forces and would be a great assets for the army. All arms of HA should be given to the army while the defense of Lebanon;s borders would be delegated to the army alone. when this happens, Lebanon could hope of becoming a real country.

Default-user-icon tj (ضيف) 12:16 ,2014 آذار 21

Useless president, authority given to it, what a joke. When the resistance and Lebanese in south Lebanon were slaughtered by the zionists and LF no other Lebanese stood by the resistance. Coming now and saying you supported the resistance is just a shame. The resistance don't need anyone permission to fight oppression and protect its people. Thanks god Suleiman is soon just a bitter retired old fool.

Missing cedars 12:27 ,2014 آذار 21

He is basically making very clear that we have witnessed another lie from this party, simply because they are ran b Syrian and Iran so they follow their master to insure the payroll department remains in business.

Thumb FlameCatcher 12:46 ,2014 آذار 21

Thank you Suleiman for clarifying that Hezbollah has by far exceeded its "legal mandate" to resist ISRAELI occupation.

They are illegally :

- using their weapons inside Lebanon
- using Lebanon as a base to attack a foreign country
- using the name of "Lebanese Resistance" wrongly to fight in Syria without the authorisation of the Lebanese people
- using the excuse of fighting "takfiris" to protect Lebanon when NO ONE Asked them to
- blocking roads without authorisation
- illegally transferring and smuggling weapons and mercenaries IN and OUT of Lebanon & Syria

To sum it up. Hezbollah is no longer entitled to claim it's a lebanese resistance. As it states on its flag, it's an "Islamic Resistance in Lebanon" and has lost all credibility and legitimacy and should be dealt with like any other terrorist group ! ELIMINATED !

Default-user-icon Layman (ضيف) 12:57 ,2014 آذار 21

Do you have your lawyer's number? I'd like to file for the revocation of his degree since he doesn't understand law at all, or did you make these judgements of legality yourself?

Thumb FlameCatcher 16:19 ,2014 آذار 21

I'd love to have your lawyer's number as it seems he's a Hezbollah lawyer writing his own laws as they commit crimes while pissing on Lebanese laws...

Please give me 1 lebanese law that grants hezbollah the right to carry weapons, block roads, wage wars on Syria, smuggle weapons without declaring them.

Thumb eli-g 12:58 ,2014 آذار 21

@josephani every Lebanese citizen out there including you should have authority over "them". The country, the laws, the arm forces "should" have authority over "them". They should not be free to do whatever the heck Iran and Syria want to do and decide the Lebanese affairs.

Thumb eli-g 13:01 ,2014 آذار 21

I am very proud of this true Lebanese president and what he has been standing for. I am sure inno dafah elkel ma3o metl all Lebanese.

Default-user-icon Whatsappp (ضيف) 15:15 ,2014 آذار 21

Lebanese Sunni fighters have been fighting in Syria since the first 2 years since the battles began...why don't you report this. Hizbollah only joined last year when the Terrorists from Syria approached the Lebanese living in Syria. The Lebanese in Syria were getting slaughtered and had no protection. The Lebanese government did nothing about it and neither did the Syrians. Luckily the resistance went and conquered.

Thumb Hajjeh.Hayat 15:32 ,2014 آذار 21

President Sleiman is correct, Hezballah's Lebanese mandate was to keep arm to fight Israel and protect Lebanon as they themselves keep claiming, they can spin bull and claim they are doing the very thing by going to Syria Egypt Iraq even Bulgaria, Argentina, Thailand where they were accused of attacking or plotting to attack Israeli interests.. but how were they fighting Israel and defending Lebanon when they went to Bosnia fought side by side with al Qaeda, other Takfiri groups and the Americans and killed Orthodox Christian Serbs? The answer to this riddle is the Hezballah is not a Lebanese Islamic resistance group but Iranian foreign Legionnaires working under the direct command of the Iranian revolutionary guards. Sulaimani and other revolutionary guards generals and Iranian officials alluded to that multiple times.

Missing jeff070 16:10 ,2014 آذار 21

I am all for Hezbollah as a political part of Lebanon, however if you are going to keep your weapons, keep them but stay under the state's authority and do not overstep the boundary regardless if the state is correct or no. Keep your weapons, defend yourselves, provide much needed force in Lebanon and security instead of the opposite.

Hezbollah put themselves in a hole that led to the discussion of taking their arms away. If they would have kep quiet, disassociated themselves from the conflict, enforced security internally through weapons (which I don't mind either, as that's the only way the Lebanese people understand) then they would be in a better situation at the table.

Missing jeff070 16:10 ,2014 آذار 21

From what I have seen from Suleiman, He is an impartial president, included Hezbollah in the discussion and involvement in the political affairs as they play a major part in Lebanon unlike what the March 14 camp states. He also drew a line as the only one who can do that, when Hezbollah jeopardized the security of the state (regardless if the attacks would have been made otherwise even if they weren't involved). Hezbollah's involvement in Syria provides an excuse for international opposition to get involved in our affairs.

Missing agenor 16:24 ,2014 آذار 21

The funny thing is that some fools complain when the US, France, Saudi Arabia donate to the legitimate Lebanese army which is for all Lebanese. Where are the donations to the army from Iran, Syria, North Korea etc that back only terrorists?
You guys can talk all day about your theories, throw accusations all you want, but these are the facts. Theories become fact-like in the minds of the deluded like Hezb and their blind followers.

Missing peace 17:05 ,2014 آذار 21

“You agreed to adopt the Baabda declaration then backed down... It was established to safeguard the country from all dangers.”

he is TOTALLY right... and M8ers follow like sheep and out of fear a party that spits on the lebanese state and pretends to obey it but at the first opportunity they do as they pleased.... pathetic people!

and they hypocritically want a strong state when all they do is undermine its authority....

Missing allouchi 19:39 ,2014 آذار 21

God bless you Mr President.

Missing allouchi 19:50 ,2014 آذار 21

I hate to say this but...Hizb And his blind allies will drag us to a civil war that will surpass the one we had..You cannot simply live in a house where one child had more authority then the father, mother, neighbors of a FAMILY...THAT'S SIMPLY A recipe for DISASTER..hizb MUST BE CONTROLLED BY OUR GOVERNMENT...period NOT IRAN....why People refuse to see that???? Brain washed?!!!

Thumb freedomarch 20:14 ,2014 آذار 21

Agree 100% and I add to anonymetexasusa ... Through Legal means see who among Governmental agencies have loyalty to other that the Lebanese State and show them the door.

Thumb freedomarch 20:14 ,2014 آذار 21

Agree 100% and I add to anonymetexasusa ... Through Legal means see who among Governmental agencies have loyalty to other than the Lebanese State and show them the door.

Thumb Elemental 22:46 ,2014 آذار 21

When I see any M8/HA people show up here, their ONLY card is KSA/Qaeda/Israel as a defense. Psychologically if you're not with them, therefore you are against them and MUST be one of their splitting defense mechanisms, can't break their pavlovian conditioning. Sad that this is their only way of fighting back, when in reality most people don't like HA or Qaeda and their affiliates.

Thumb Elemental 23:53 ,2014 آذار 21

It's called common sense, nobody cares for Israel either. Secondly, you're missing the point completely: it's called growing up and not sticking to one sided arguments going in circles, scary isn't it?

Thumb Elemental 02:46 ,2014 آذار 22

Again, you're wrong. What do HA,Iran, KSA, Israel/Zionists, and Qaeda etc all have in common? They're all right-wing ideologies and none of them are innocent, nor perfect whatsoever. Rarely do you see any moderate, it's always one extreme to the other, each gripping for power and control of various areas. Sure you don't like them, neither do I, but again you miss the big picture: right wing ideologies colliding with eachother solve absolutely nothing. You can whine, argue and use as much propaganda, but it's not going to change the fact that extreme views whether Iranian, KSA, or Zionist aren't solving anything either.

Thumb Elemental 19:01 ,2014 آذار 22

To answer your question: Iran's been invading Lebanon and imposing ever since it came in from the south and began forcing Lebanese Shi'a to conform with their Revolutionary guard beliefs, as well as steal Lebanese family names to attempt to "integrate". Iran is not innocent, so why would you defend them exactly? Their tactics are more behind a cloak, sought through taqiya and manipulation. Same nonsense different methods, therefore not innocent.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 04:36 ,2014 آذار 22

You have our support Mr. President!

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