جنبلاط: عذابٌ تحمُّل المواطنين "النقاشات الوزارية" و"احتجازهم لساعات على الطرقات"

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رأى رئيس "الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي" النائب وليد جنبلاط أنه "عذاب" ان يتحمل اللبنانيون "النقاشات الوزارية" وأن "يُسجنوا" لساعات في سياراتهم على الطرقات.

وفي موقفه الاسبوعي لـ"الانباء"، الاثنين، قال جنبلاط: "هل نذكر تلك الليلة الليلاء، ليلة الحشر، حشر الحكومة لنفسها في الساعات الأخيرة ﻻستيلاد البيان الوزاري".

وأضاف ان في الليلة ذاتها "حشر المواطنون في سياراتهم لساعات وساعات بسبب اﻻجراءات اﻷمنية التي رافقت مهرجان الشعر والبلاغة (في اشارة الى احتفال 14 آذار في البيال) حيث ألقيت أبدع الخطب وأرق الكلمات وأعذبها مع المطوﻻت الرنانة الطنانة التي قلما إكترث لها المواطنون المعتقلون على الطرقات بإنتظار الفرج"

واعتبر أن "عذاب الدنيا أن نتحمل مع اللبنانيين تلك النقاشات السفسطائية الوزارية وأن يسجن المواطنون على الطرقات والشوارع".

وأضاف "المهم أن الحشر واقع والعرض متواصل".

يُذكر ان الحكومة أقرت بيانها الوزاري مساء الجمعة، خلص إلى "واجب الدولة" في تحرير الأراضي المحتلة مع حق "المواطنين اللبنانيين في مقاومة الإحتلال"، في حين سُجّل تحفظ وزراء حزب "الكتائب اللبنانية" ووزير العدل أشرف ريفي.

ويوم الجمعة الفائت، أحيت قوى 14 آذار ذكرى انطلاقتها في "البيال"، أدى الى قطع السير وتحويله الى طرقات أخرى ما تسبب بحبس المواطنين في سياراتهم لساعات عدة، ويوم السبت، أصدرت هذه القوى بيان، اعتذرت فيه من المواطنين على زحمة السير، معتبرة انه كان من واجب القوى الامنية توجيه المواطنين وتنبيههم الى الطرقات التي تم تحويل السير اليها.

وتوجه جنبلاط في موقفه الى كل الذين استذكروا والده كمال جنبلاط في ذكراه في السادس عشر من آذار، واعتبر ان هذا الامر "يعبر عن وفاء ووﻻء قل نظيرهما، وهو يعكس اقتناعهم بالمبادىء والعناوين التي طرحها وأبرزها الحرية والعدالة الاجتماعية والديمقراطية وتمسكهم بمسيرته السياسية والنضالية والفكرية، فلهم على ذلك كل التقدير واﻻمتنان".

التعليقات 18
Default-user-icon Disgusted (ضيف) 14:25 ,2014 آذار 17

No what are you stating?

Jumblatt is a Lebanese Hero!

Thumb beiruti 15:20 ,2014 آذار 17

Despite the fact that he is beginning to look more and more like Muppets character, Jumblatt's age has given him perspective. He thinks of his father Kamal much. He knows that he is not half the man that his father Kamal was who stood up for Lebanese Nationalism only to have been murdered for the act, as was Bacher Gamayel, Rafiq Hariri, Gebran Tueini, Musa Sadr and many others. What we have left of a political class are those wise enough to abandon Lebanese Nationalism as a motivation for their involvement in politics.

Thumb beiruti 15:22 ,2014 آذار 17

Politics left to the current political class is politics placed into the hands of businessmen who seek only to increase private gains by their activities in the Lebanese political system. A ministry is valued, not for what services it can provide to the people, but for the amount of patronage jobs it gives the Ziam who wins the portfolio, or the amount of money that can be milked by his party.
Jumblatt, thinking of his father is repelled by what he has become, being a member of this class. Geagea too, on principle has declined to participate in the profit taking that is the formation of this latest "government".

Default-user-icon kazan (ضيف) 16:34 ,2014 آذار 17

That's another key problem of Lebanon and the Lebanese: it is considered completely normal that key political positions are attributed by inheritance.....

Thumb -phoenix1 16:53 ,2014 آذار 17

FT, same goes for old man Aoun, why did he ally himself to Hezbollah whom he used to vehemently accuse of being terrorists. And what about the Syrians, the territory is littered with footage of Aoun accusing both. That's why I call them all politicians as Mafia, that simple.

Thumb ado.australia 17:16 ,2014 آذار 17

"The Land and the Book" written by W.M. Thomson, Protestant Minister, published in London in 1870.

"Lebanon has about 400,000 inhabitants, gathered into more than six hundred towns, villages and hamlets.

The various religions and sects live together, and practice their conflicting superstitions in close proximity, but the people do not coalesce into one homogeneous community, nor do they regard each other with fraternal feelings. The Sunnites excommunicate the Shiites; both hate the Druse, and all three detest the Nusairiyeh. The Maronites have no particular love for anybody and, in turn,are disliked by all. The Greek Orthodox cannot endure the Greek Catholics - all despise the Jews. "

Thumb ado.australia 17:17 ,2014 آذار 17

"No other country in the world, I presume, has such a multiplicity of antagonistic races ; and herein lies the greatest obstacle to any general and permanent amelioration and improvement of their condition, character, and prospects. They can never form one united people , never combine for any important religious or political purpose ; and will therefore remain weak, incapable of self-government, and exposed to the invasions and oppressions of foreigners. Thus it has been, is now, and must long continue to be a people divided, meted out, and trodden down."

Missing coolmec 18:53 ,2014 آذار 17

@ terrorist
junblatt to retire? great but why put his son? do you support the sad reality that parliamentary seats are strictly hereditary??

Missing coolmec 18:54 ,2014 آذار 17

thank you ibinharethreik
well said no more hereditary seats in the parliament

Thumb -phoenix1 19:21 ,2014 آذار 17

Gabby, I love you bro, real good post, sad to say, but some here refuse to accept that Walid Jumblatt made it public some years back that it was the Syrians under Hafez Al Assad that killed his old man.

Thumb lebanesenationalist 20:10 ,2014 آذار 17

My grandfather was a supporter (though not an official member) of the PSP and a close friend of Kamal Jumblatt. My grandfather was a maronite, so it's true that the party had a considerable Christian following back then. Back when it at least appeared to be an ideological party, and not a front for the sectarian organization that it truly is.

I will tell you this: Kamal Jumblatt was the original traitor in Lebanon. If it were not for this man, maybe the war would not have started, or at least wouldn't have lasted for long. And what was the outcome of the war? Fair distribution of power? Sure, why not but what did it lead to? A fair distribution of power in a country that is no longer worth it. They ruined Lebanon for more power..

Thumb lebanesenationalist 20:36 ,2014 آذار 17

Thanks phoenix1, we can only say the truth in hopes that at least some will listen.

Thumb lebanesenationalist 20:38 ,2014 آذار 17

@flamethrower: haha 3anjad. I once said this to a friend who is a PSP supporter, and he made all kinds of excuses. Love the guy, he's my pal, but honestly critical thinking is not required (nor encouraged) in Lebanon.

Missing coolmec 20:37 ,2014 آذار 17

Not to change subject but I just read your reply on Beiteddine. I visited it like 1 year ago and I was shocked to see the inside is totally empty as opposed to a few years ago it was full of Lebanese antiquities. So I asked someone inside who told me Junblatt packed all the stuff and sold it to Brazilians and various latin American entities

Thumb -phoenix1 20:52 ,2014 آذار 17

Forget him FT, drop her off khaye, let's move on.

Missing -karim- 00:14 ,2014 آذار 18

“The people were left stranded in their vehicles for hours and hours due to the security measures that accompanied the poetry festival.”

Ouch. That's a pretty hard blow to the Februrary 14 Saudi-Khaliji coalition.

Thumb thepatriot 12:12 ,2014 آذار 18

@Full Disclosure.... Are you for real??
"HA doesn't care about the money"!!??
"HA only cares about fighting Israel"...
OMG... On what planet are you living...

Thumb thepatriot 12:13 ,2014 آذار 18

Jumblat supports everyone and no one depending on the wind...